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The detection equipment of the DANSS setup includes 2500 silicon photomultipliers and approximately 100 photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The system of data acquisition from these photosensors is based on waveform digitization, with which it is possible to simultaneously obtain both amplitude and timing information. The modules of waveform digitizers (WFDs) are made to the VME standard and allow parallel digitization of 64 differential signals at a frequency of 125 MHz with a 12-bit amplitude resolution. The programmable logic of the WFDs provides production of the system trigger based on the analysis of the PMT signals and its propagation without any additional hardware. Owing to the extremely low analog noise, it is possible to use the full dynamic range of the digitization. These WFD modules are superior to other similar modules in the throughput and may find wide application to perform similar tasks of waveform digitization.  相似文献   

The characteristics and structural features of a prototype neutron detector based on an -331 boron-containing molded scintillator manufactured at the Institute for High-Energy Physics are described. Owing to the use of this scintillator, the neutron detector is capable of operating at high counting rates with a relatively low level of background events. The detectors developed are applicable to neutron flux measurements in extensive air showers.  相似文献   

基于光散射原理的尘埃粒子检测仪   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
介绍了一种自行研制的尘埃粒子检测仪的测量原理和工作系统,该仪器用于检测洁净室中空气的尘埃粒子数和监测洁净度级别。尘埃粒子检测仪基于光散射原理,工作系统主要分为传感器、电路、气路和中央控制四部分。选用了直角散射光学传感器接收信号光,经光电转换和电路处理,可获得环境的尘埃粒子数目和尺寸信息。气路部分中采用了先进的微桥气流质量传感器,能够精确控制气体的采样量,通过单片机反馈控制,进一步提高了仪器的稳定性和精度。试验数据证实了该尘埃粒子检测仪具有市场上同类检测仪器的检测能力。  相似文献   

基于光阻法原理的智能微粒检测仪   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
介绍了光阻法原理检测注射液中的不溶性微粒,设计了光机电一体的智能微粒检测仪,它包括光阻法传感器、取样系统和电子测控系统。通过和美国HIAC粒子计数器比对,测试结果相互吻合。目前该仪器已经应用于注射液中的微粒检测。  相似文献   

半导体制冷控温酶反应检测仪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了一种适合进行酶反应动力学分析的仪器。仪器主要由微控制器、仪器放大器、模块电源、半导体制冷器、单色器、可动比色皿架和光电倍增管等组成。活动比色皿架的温度可以调节并恒定在所需要的温度,温度的控制范围为5℃-60℃,在恒温状态温度的波动范围为0.1K。仪器可按设置的时间间隔自动存储检测数据。  相似文献   

本文从等效波片的观点出发,详细介绍了等效波于片的弯曲单模光纤圈,以及由几个这样的光纤圈的组合,通过简单的扭转装置来控制单模光纤中传输光偏振态的自调节原理与技术。实验证明,采用本文设计的调节系统完全可以取代经典波片,从而实现单模光纤中传输光束偏振态的自调效果。  相似文献   

A setup has been developed for studying ultralow 14C concentrations in liquid scintillator samples for a large neutrino detector. The setup is located at the low-background underground laboratory of the Baksan Neutrino Observatory (Institute for Nuclear Research, Russian Academy of Sciences) at a depth of 4900 m of water equivalent. The 14C concentrations in a liquid scintillator based on linear alkyl benzene, the background counting rates, and the spectra of particle energies deposited in the technological scintillator sample have been measured. The ratio 14C/12C = (1.41 ± 0.12) × 10–16 has been obtained. A model of the γ-ray background has been developed, with which it is possible to extract the energy spectrum of 14C and reduce the systematic uncertainty of measurements.  相似文献   

The nonuniformity of margin removal is investigated in superfinishing.  相似文献   

半导体固体光源诱导荧光检测系统的研制   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
采用共聚焦光学结构、半导体激光和发光二极管固体光源为激发光源,研制了一种便携式荧光检测系统.整机采用模块化结构,利用分立的检测池模块,可满足微流量分析及常规分析的需要.采用毛细管电泳技术评价了该检测体系,浓度检测限为0-7~10-9M,线性范围为102~103.  相似文献   

该文介绍了内燃机车柴油机汽缸冷却水内漏检测方法、内漏检测仪功能及系统组成。内漏检测仪已研制成功并运用于实际的内漏检测中,效果良好。  相似文献   

针对国内对车床尾座的校准普遍采用传统的手工操作的问题,在分析尾座故障的基础上,探讨尾座偏角及位置偏移的求解算法,并提出一种基于位置敏感探测器(PSD)的高精度检测的解决方法.试验表明:基于PSD的检测仪位置偏差小于0.01 mm,偏角偏差小于0.01°.  相似文献   

Instruments and Experimental Techniques - The results of measurements of the light yield and light collection inhomogeneity of prototypes of scintillator detectors with transverse dimensions of 75...  相似文献   

Russian Engineering Research - Existing drive transmissions are analyzed. A toothed belt transmission with a driven pulley that includes an elastic rubber bush is proposed. Formulas are presented...  相似文献   

对大面积脉冲激光光场均匀性检测的方法进行了比较。针对步进扫描法检测光场均匀性中探测器尺寸对检测精度的影响做出分析,为合理选择探测器尺寸,提高检测精度和检测结果的可信度提供理论依据。通过计算机模拟和实验证明,选择尺寸合适的探测器可以显著提高光场均匀性检测精度。  相似文献   

差厚拼焊管胀形减薄率不均匀性分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
结合有限元数值模拟和试验,研究差厚拼焊管胀形减薄率分布规律,并从应变状态和应变历史角度分析减薄率不均匀性产生的原因,进而研究厚度比、长度比及硬化指数n对减薄率分布的影响。结果表明差厚拼焊管胀形时薄、厚管不同部位始终处于不同的轴向应变状态,导致在发生相同的环向应变时,厚向应变分布不均。厚管愈靠近焊缝区域减薄率愈小,薄管愈靠近焊缝减薄率愈大。厚度比和硬化指数n对壁厚分布影响明显,厚度比越大、n值越低,胀形后薄、厚管的壁厚差越大;但厚度比影响主要集中在焊缝附近,n值影响整个胀形区的壁厚分布。  相似文献   

Errors arising in the process of studying the magnetic and resistive properties of materials with the use of pulsed induction magnetometers as a result of a local nonuniformity of the magnetometer sensitivity are considered. It is shown that significant nonuniformity leads to distorted current–voltage characteristics of conducting samples and to errors in determining the critical currents of superconductors, which are not eliminated by the standard calibration procedure of magnetometers. Various designs of pickup probes for magnetometers are analyzed from the point of view of the spatial uniformity of their sensitivity, and some recommendations are given for their improvement.  相似文献   

利用UHP冷光源功率大和寿命长的优点,将传统投影设备的应用转移到舞台灯光领域,采用精确的反光碗设计,使多数光线传播方向上形成焦点,在焦点处采用光线均匀化技术形成镜面反射,生成多个次级光源像,从而使投射光斑变的均匀。关键部分的光斑切割成像系统与CMY染色混合系统形成独创特点,可以形成任意形状的光斑,CMY片能实现很好的渐变效果。并采用多重散热和隔热技术,使系统内部保持适当温度,开发出体积小、发光效率高电脑摇头灯产品,通过试验和使用,效果良好。  相似文献   

Results of calculations of the magnetizing system for a flaw detector are presented. The device is intended to determine longitudinal stress-corrosion cracks in pipes in underground trunk pipelines. The calculation results are compared to the experimental data obtained with a special model of the magnetizing device. The optimum parameters of magnetizing elements, as well as their mutual location that ensures the magnitude and direction of the magnetic flux in a pipeline's wall that are required for reliable identification of longitudinal defects, are determined. The obtained results were used as a basis for designing the magnetizing system's module, which is the main unit in each in-tube flaw detector.  相似文献   

Instruments and Experimental Techniques - The results of modeling and optimization of a composite scintillator for recording thermal neutrons are presented. The interaction of thermal neutrons and...  相似文献   

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