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Cold rolled, polycrystalline niobium samples were irradiated at room temperature with 4He+ ions sequentially at 14 different energies over an energy range from 3–500 keV. The dose for each energy was chosen to give an approximately uniform concentration of helium between the implant depths corresponding to 3 keV and 500 keV. In one set of experiments the irradiations were started at the Kurchatov Institute with 3-keV 4He+ ions and extended up to 80 keV in several steps. Subsequently, the same target area was irradiated with 4 He+ ions at Argonne National Laboratory (ANL) starting at 100 keV and increased to 500 keV in steps of 50 keV. Another set of irradiations was started at ANL with 500-keV 4 He+ ions and continued with ion energies decreasing to 100 keV. Subsequently, the same area was irradiated at the Kurchatov Institut starting at 80 keV and continued with ion energies decreasing to 3 keV. Both sets of irradiations were completed for two different total doses, 0.5 C cm?2 and 1.0 C cm?2.  相似文献   

The effects of transmutation produced -particles and the thermal behaviour of the incorporated helium is simulated by 900 keV 3He ion implantations at 2 μm depth in (100) surface oriented single crystals and in polycrystalline samples. Thermal Helium Desorption Spectrometry (THDS) and Neutron Depth Profiling (NDP) have been applied to study the release rate of helium and changes in the depth profile, respectively, during isothermal annealing. Release of the helium took place in at least two stages in a wide temperature interval ranging from 600 to 1600 K. For polycrystalline spinel an additional high temperature release stage at T> 1300 K was ascribed to trapping in pores. For the high dose implanted single crystals mainly helium release in bursts was observed due to thermally induced flaking.  相似文献   

Conclusions It has been established that maximal erosion of vanadium and its alloys is observed at 700–900°K, the corresponding range for niobium alloys being 900–1100°K. The maximal value of the erosion coefficients of alloys for vanadium and alloys V+25% Zr+C, Nb+4.2% Mo+Zr, and Nb+1.1% Zr+C is 1.5±0.7, 0.6±0.3, 0.4±0.2, and 0.15±0.07, respectively.Translated from Atomnaya Énergiya, Vol. 42, No. 1, pp. 13–15, January, 1977.  相似文献   

Surface erosion in pyrolytic graphite by 100 keV 4He+ and 200 keV H+2 ion bombardment has been observed by scanning electron microscopy. The particle fluence ranged from 1 × 1017 to 5 × 1018 particles/cm2. Although the surface is eroded at 1 × 1017 particles/cm2 in helium bombardment, it is not eroded so heavily even at 5 × 1017 particles/cm2 in hydrogen bombardment. In helium bombardment flaking is significantly observed at 1 × 1018 particles/cm2, and a cone structure appears at 5 × 1018 particles/cm2, which is produced after the first cover flakes off completely. In hydrogen bombardment at 1 × 1018 particles/cm2, many circular blisters are formed which are sputtered off at 5 × 1018 particles/cm2. The surface roughness of the target also affects the erosion.  相似文献   

Silicon samples were implanted with helium and analyzed by atomic force microscopy (AFM) and Raman spectroscopy before and after annealing in the range of 523-1273 K. After annealing at 523 K, the amorphous area induced by He-ion implantation at room temperature was partially recovered and grain sizes became larger. The surface morphology was analyzed through AFM measurements and it was observed that root mean square of the surface roughness alters upwards and then downwards with annealing temperature.  相似文献   

The penetration depth and concentration distribution of implanted ions have been studied for low energy heavy ions implanted in the dry seeds of plant,such as peanut,mung bean,sunflower,wheat and radish seeds,etc.by SEM EDS.The results show that the maximum penetration depth is about 12μm for V^ with an energy 200keV implanted in cotyledon of the peanut,18μm,15μm,20μm for V^2 with 90keV implanted in sunflower,wheat,radish seeds,respectively.The penetration depth of implanted Cu^2 with 80keV is about 90μm in the remainder funicle derivative of the mung bean seeds.The experimental result of the maximum penetration depth of implanted V^ in the peanut seeds was compared with the calculated value of the TRIM95.  相似文献   

SiC epilayers grown on 4H-SiC single crystals were implanted with 850 keV Ni+ ions with fluences in the 0.5-9 × 1016 Ni+/cm2 range. Most of the samples were implanted at 450 °C, but for comparison some implantations were performed at room temperature (RT). In addition, a post-implantation annealing was performed in N2 at 1100 °C in order to recover the implantation-induced structural damage. The disorder produced by the implantation at 450 °C and the effect of the post-implantation annealing on the recrystallization of the substrates have been studied as a function of the fluence by Backscattering Spectrometry in channeling geometry (BS/C) with a 3.45 MeV He2+ beam. RT as-implanted samples showed a completely amorphous region which extends until the surface when irradiated with the highest dose, whereas in the case of 450 °C implantation amorphization does not occur. In general, partial recovery of the crystal lattice quality was found for the less damaged samples, and the dynamic recovery of the crystalline structure increases with the irradiation temperature.  相似文献   

The present paper deals with the emission of atomic and molecular ions from elemental molybdenum surface under Cs+ bombardment to explore the MCs+ formation mechanism with changing Cs surface coverage. Integrated count of MoCs+ shows a monotonic increase with increasing primary ion energy (1-5 keV). Change in MoCs+ intensity is attributed to the variation of surface work function ? and cesium surface concentration cCs due to varying impact energies. Variation of cCs has been obtained from the expression, cCs ∝ 1/(1 + Y) where Y is the elemental sputtering yield estimated from TRIM calculations. Systematic study of the energy distributions of all species emerging from Mo target has been done to measure the changes in surface work function. Changing slopes of the leading parts of Cs+ energy distributions suggest a substantial depletion in surface work function ? with decreasing primary ion energies. Δ? shows a linear dependence on cCs. The maximum reduction in surface work function Δ?max = 0.69 eV corresponds to the highest value of cCs = 0.5. A phenomenological model, based on the linear dependence of ? on cCs, has been employed to explain the MoCs+ data.  相似文献   

Sputtering processes of protons from a polycrystalline Al surface interacting with Arq+ (q = 3-14) ions at a grazing incidence angle (∼0.5°) were investigated. The intensity of protons (IH) detected in coincidence with scattered Ar atoms was measured as a function of q. IH saturated at q ? 10, although it increased rapidly with q at 3 ? q ? 8. The angular distribution of protons with low kinetic energy (?2 eV) began to deviate from the cosine distribution and assumed a rather flat equidistribution as q increased. To analyze the sputtering processes of protons at the grazing incidence angle, a modified model of the “above-surface potential sputtering model” was proposed by considering image acceleration of projectile ions.  相似文献   

Platelets of helium in molybdenum have been observed to collapse into several small helium bubbles rather than into a single bubble [10]. We show that the driving force for collapse into n bubbles increases as n decreases. However, kinetic factors associated with the nucleation of ledges on the flat faces of the platelets ensure that the frequency of nucleation of several small bubbles far exceeds that for a single bubble. The temperature at which this collapse is expected correlates well with the observed platelet behaviour.  相似文献   

This study deals with the behaviour of helium in a molybdenum liner dedicated to the retention of fission products. More precisely this work contributes to evaluate the release of implanted helium when the gas has precipitated into nanometric bubbles close to the free surface. A simple model dedicated to calculate the helium release in such a condition is presented. The specificity of this model lays on the assumption that the gas is in equilibrium with a simple distribution of growing bubbles. This effort is encouraging since the calculated helium release fits an experimental dataset with a set of parameters in good agreement with the literature.  相似文献   

研究了<0001<和<1210>晶向蓝宝石(α-Al2O3单晶)在注入360keV.1×10 ̄16cm ̄-2或100keV、6×10 ̄16cm ̄-2的In ̄+后产生的损伤、注入层的性能变化和退火行为。实验结果表明,退火过程中损伤的恢复和In的分布与退火气氛有关:在100keV、6×10 ̄16cm ̄-2的In ̄+注入时,注入层电阻率降低了10个量级,大小为6.8×10 ̄3·cm,表面损伤层的显微硬度提高了92%;在360keV,1×10 ̄16cm ̄-2的In+注入时,其表面损伤层的显微硬度提高了45%,在空气中不同温度下退火后,其显微硬度的变化和损伤的变化具有相同的规律。  相似文献   

Studies have been conducted to find materials with microstructures which minimize the formation of blisters. A promising class of materials appears to be sintered metal powder with small average grain sizes and low atomic number Z. Studies of the surface erosion of sintered aluminum powder (SAP 895) and of aluminum held at 400°C due to blistering by 100-keV helium ions have been conducted, and the results are compared to those obtained earlier for room temperature irradiation. A significant reduction of the erosion rate in SAP 895 in comparison to annealed aluminum and SAP 930 is observed. In addition results of the blistering of sintered beryllium powder irradiated at room temperature and 600°C by 100-keV helium ions are given. These results show a reduction in erosion rate in both types of sintered beryllium as compared to the erosion rate in vacuum-cast beryllium for both room temperature and 600°C.  相似文献   

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