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Sorption of 85Sr, 137Cs, 22Na, and 152Eu on solid mixed potassium neodymium ferrocyanide KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O from neutral, acidic, and alkaline media and also coprecipitation of these radionuclides with KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O in its formation from a homogeneous solution were studied. It was found that 85Sr and 22Na do not noticeably coprecipitate with solid KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O and are not sorbed by this substance. In aqueous medium, depending on the cesium concentration in solution, from 80 to 98% of 137Cs coprecipitates with solid KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O. In this case, the distribution coefficient Kd depends on both the cesium concentration in solution and solution pH. Within 30 min of contact of the solid and liquid phases, the degree of recovery of 137Cs from aqueous solution with KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O is approximately 95.0% of the initial amount. 152Eu coprecipitates with solid KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O during its formation from a homogeneous solution to 98–99.9%. The degree of recovery of 152Eu from aqueous solution with KNd[Fe(CN)6]·4H2O precipitate within 60 min of contact of the solid and liquid phases is 70.3% of the initial amount.  相似文献   

Ultraviolet photo-excited luminescence from Cu-doped halosulphate phosphors has been investigated. The intense emission of the spectrum is assigned to electronic transitions 3d94s1 → 3d10 in Cu+ ions. Increase in photoluminescence (PL) peak intensity suggesting that Cu plays an important role in PL emission in the present matrix. However, limited hosts with Cu+ as luminescence center were studied due to difficulties in incorporating it in a luminescence form. Cu-doped halosulphate phosphors were synthesized by wet chemical method. X-ray diffraction and PL characterization of phosphors has been reported in this article. The article discusses the luminescence of Cu+ and the simple method of incorporation in various new hosts.  相似文献   

Barium hexagonal ferrites (BaNd x Fe12?x O 19) have been synthesized by initial high-energy milling of the precursors and calcining subsequently. The as-prepared samples are characterized by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and vibrating sample magnetometry (VSM). XRD and SEM examinations reveal that a high-crystallized hexagonal BaNd x Fe12?x O 19 with lamellar morphology is obtained when the precursor is calcined at 1200°C in air for 3 h. The hexagonal crystalline structure of BaFe12 O 19 is not changed after doping Nd3+ ions in BaFe12 O 19. However, lattice parameters a and b values increase with an increase in Nd content at first, then decrease. Nd substitution may improve the magnetic properties of BaNd x Fe12?x O 19. BaNd0.1Fe11.9 O 19, obtained at 1050°C, has the highest specific saturation magnetization value (80.81 emu/g) and magnetic moment (16.21 μ B); BaNd0.2Fe11.8 O 19, obtained at 950°C, has the highest coercivity value, 4075.19 Oe.  相似文献   

The influence of low energy nitrogen ions on the surface hardness of polycarbonate has been studied by implanting some of these specimens with 100 keV N+ ions at a beam current of 1 μA/cm2 in the dose range of 1 × 1015 to 1 × 1017 ions cm?2. Knoop microhardness has been found to be increased nearly 24 times at a load of 9.8 mN, for the dose of 1 × 1017 ions cm?2. The structural changes occurred in implanted specimens were studied by Raman analysis, UV–Visible spectroscopy, and X-ray diffraction techniques. Raman studies point toward the formation of a structure resembling hydrogenated amorphous carbon. Disordering in the surface structure (I D/I G ratio) has also been found to increase with ion fluence using Raman technique. UV–Visible spectroscopic analysis shows a clear enhancement in Urbach energy (disorder parameter) from a value of 0.61 eV (virgin sample) to 1.72 eV (at a fluence of 1 × 1017 N+ cm?2) with increasing ion dose. The increase in Urbach energy has been found to be correlated linearly with the increase in Knoop microhardness number. Results of X-ray diffraction analysis also indicate disordering in implanted layers as a result of implantation. In the present work, the possible mechanism behind the formation of harder surfaces due to implantation has been discussed in detail.  相似文献   

An induced optical anisotropy is observed as a result of interaction of a high-power CW Ar+ laser beam, with silver-ion-exchanged glasses. We have shown that the absorption of the beam by the thin layer of Ag+ produces a temperature gradient resulting in a radial stress on the surface of the sample. The induced anisotropy makes the sample behave as a thin uniaxial optical medium with axis along the direction of the beam propagation. For the polarized light, the induced anisotropy restricts the application of micro-lenses, which are made by this method. The average refraction index of the interaction area is measured.  相似文献   

Lithium ion conductivity has been investigated in a boro-tellurite glass system, LiCl.LiBO2.TeO2. In the absence of LiCl, the conductivity increases with increasing non-bridging oxygen (NBO) concentration. LiCl addition has little influence on total conductivity although the observed barriers are low. Formation of LiCl clusters appears evident. In the a.c. conductivity and dielectric studies, it is observed that the conductivity mechanism remains the same in all compositions and at all temperatures. A suggestion is made that Li+ ion transport may be driven by bridging oxygen ↔r non-bridging oxygen (BO ↔r NBO) switching, which is why the two different types of Li+ ions in the clusters and in the neighbourhood of NBOs, do not manifest in the conductivity studies.  相似文献   

A comparative study of sorption of 90Sr2+ and 90Y3+ cations from aqueous solutions saturated with respect to calcium carbonate on the metastable CaCO3 modifications (aragonite and vaterite) and also on the stable CaCO3 modification (calcite) was carried out at 20°C. The sorption of these radionuclides from the solutions containing Sr(NO3)2 carrier and without it was studied. Aragonite shows the highest sorption capacity for 90Sr2+, and these parameters are the lowest for calcite. All the CaCO3 metastable modifications irreversibly sorb 90Sr2+ and 90Y3+ cations and therefore show promise for sorptive decontamination of water from 90Sr.  相似文献   

When the depth profile of chemical composition is studied with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), the Ar+ ion sputtering method is generally adopted. However, in the case of polymers, chemical composition is destroyed, and so it is impossible to obtain accurate depth profile on polymers. In this research, the depth profile XPS analysis of aliphatic polymers, aromatic polymers, fluorine containing polymers, and natural polymers were conducted with the sputtering source being C60 + ion, and the degree of damage was examined while comparing the results with the case of conventional Ar+ ion. It was found that Ar+ ion induces significant carbonization in all the polymers above-mentioned. Meanwhile, it turned out that C60 + ion causes little damage to most polymers. However, in the case of the non-aromatic polymers containing halogen, hydroxyl, carboxyl, and ether groups in their backbones, the following three damage modes were found: (1) the functional group ratio changes by over ±10%; (2) new functional groups are formed; (3) the above (1) and (2) phenomena occur simultaneously.  相似文献   

Sorption of uranyl ions from 0.09 M aqueous KCl on aluminosilicate gels washed to remove intermicellar liquid was studied. The aluminosilicate gels are efficient sorbents with respect to uranyl ions, and their sorption power increases with decreasing acidity. Although uranyl cations form strong carbonate complexes, carbonate anions do not affect noticeably the uranyl sorption. Owing to strong sorption of uranyl ions on aluminosilicate gels, these materials can be used for building artificial geochemical barriers to prevent uranium penetration into underground water.  相似文献   

The spectral characteristics of thermostimulated luminescence, steady-state roentgenoluminescence and photostimulated luminescence (PSL) buildup and decay kinetics, and the effect of IR irradiation on the roentgenoluminescence yield and glow curves of CaI2:Eu2+, CaI2:Gd2+, CaI2:Tl+, CaI2:Pb2+, CaI2:Mn2+, and CaI2: Pb2+, Mn2+ crystals grown by the Bridgman-Stockbarger method have been studied in the temperature range 90–295 K. Coupled with earlier data, the present results on the influence of oxygen and hydrogen impurities on the spectral characteristics of CaI2 indicate that the activation of calcium iodide with Eu2+, Gd2+, Tl+, Pb2+, and Mn2+ leads to the formation of cation impurity-native defect complexes, which act as carrier traps and are responsible for the thermostimulated luminescence in the range 150–295 K. IR exposure after 90-K x-ray excitation gives rise to flash PSL and influences the thermostimulated luminescence light sum. The nature of the emission and trapping centers involved and the mechanisms of recombination luminescence excitation in the crystals are discussed.  相似文献   

Procedures for isolation of 58Co, 54Mn, and 86Rb from 89Sr production wastes are described. The production of 89Sr was based on irradiation of natural Y in the form of oxide, placed in 1Cr18Ni10Ti stainless steel ampules, on a BR-10 fast reactor. 58Co and 54Mn were isolated from the casings of stainless steel ampules, and 86Rb, from the tail solution after the isolation of 89Sr.  相似文献   

Sorption of 131I and 137Cs from a solution simulating NPP trap waters on various inorganic and organic sorbents was studied. The highest degree of 131I recovery (>99%) can be attained with Fizkhimin granulated sorbents based on coarsely porous silica gel containing Ag and Ni in 1: 4 ratio, with K d for 131I exceeding 105 ml g−1 at V/m = 103 ml g−1 and contract time of the solid and liquid phases of 120 min. Elevation of the solution temperature to 40°C does not affect the degree of 131I and 137Cs recovery. The degree of 137Cs recovery in all the experiments did not exceed 35%. The degree of 131I recovery by coprecipitation with AgCl and Ag4[Fe(CN)6] was about ∼96% and only 65%, respectively.  相似文献   

Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) and Electrical Resistivity Measurements (ERM) were used to investigate the mixing of Au/Ge bilayer deposited onto glass substrate induced by Ar ions. Mixing was initiated by bombarding the sample with 400 keV 40Ar+ beam with a fluence up to 1.2 × 1017 ions/cm2 at a constant flux of 0.25 μA/cm2. To assist the evaluation of the experimental results, all spectra were simulated using “RUMP” computer code. RBS results indicated that ion beam mixing led to a formation of AuGe2 compound. The mixed region was noticed to increase with the gradual increase of Ar+ fluence. Results were also compared with current theoretical models used to describe the mixing process. The Bφrgesen thermal spike model was found to accurately predict the diffusion in Au/Ge interface. An increase in the electrical resistivity of the film was detected during Ar+ irradiation.  相似文献   

The distribution of N+ centers in synthetic diamond grown by the temperature-gradient method in a nickel-containing metal-carbon system has been studied using FTIR mapping. The results clearly demonstrate that the distribution has a complex nature and is directly related to the sectorial structure of the crystal and linear growth rate, whose effects are analyzed with consideration for literature data. The aggregation rate of N+ single nitrogen is slower than that of neutral substitutional nitrogen (C centers).  相似文献   

We have developed a procedure for thermally stimulated synthesis of a cesium strontium metavanadate, Cs2Sr(VO3)4:Mn2+ (0.01, 0.50, 1.00, 5.00 at % Mn2+), using MnO-containing starting mixtures. The EPR spectrum of the material containing 0.01 at % Mn2+ shows a hyperfine structure due to the incorporation of a small amount of manganese into the diamagnetic double metavanadate host. The luminescent and optical properties of Cs2Sr(VO3)4:Mn2+ depend on manganese content. In contrast to higher doping levels, doping with 0.01 at % Mn2+ increases the integrated emission intensity of the vanadate by 10% and improves its chromaticity characteristics (approaching them to those of white light). We assume that this is due to the reduction in the density of vacancy-type growth defects, such as oxygen vacancies.  相似文献   

The effect of H+ ion implantation on surface morphology of the titanium alloy, Ti-6Al-4V, was studied, following H+ ion implantation of 150 keV and 250 keV energy to fluence of 2·6 × 1018 cm−2 and 2·5 × 1019 cm−2, respectively at ambient temperature. No detectable change was observed in surface features of either of the above specimen immediately after the implantation. However, vein like features (VLF) were observed to appear on the surface of the sample, implanted at 150 keV to a fluence of 2·6 × 1018 cm−2, following natural ageing at room temperature for 150 days. Subsequent annealing of the above naturally aged sample, at 423 K for 150 min under vacuum (10−3 torr), led to development of a macroblister.  相似文献   

A systematic study of geopolymers by 29Si and 27Al MAS NMR has been carried out in an attempt to understand polymer structural details. 27Al MAS NMR data shows that transient aluminium species are formed during the reaction of metakaolin with NaOH. Interaction of silicate anions with the aluminium sites of metakaolin was evident during the synthesis of geopolymers as observed from low field shift of 29Si MAS NMR resonance lines of silicate centres. As the reaction progresses, the coordination of aluminium (IV, V and VI) in metakaolin changes almost completely to IV. 29Si MAS NMR of selected compositions of the ternary system of sodium silicate, metakaolin and aqueous alkali reveals that geopolymerisation occurs in a distinct compositional region. At high alkalinity [> 30% (mol/mol) overall Na2O content], connectivity of silicate anions is reduced, consistent with poor polymerisation. At low alkalinity [<10% (mol/mol) overall Na2O content], a clear 29Si NMR resonance line due to unconverted metakaolin is observed. NMR spectra were recorded from a series of samples with a fixed Na2O content (20 mol%) and varied SiO2/Al2O3 ratio to observe aluminium substitution in the cross-linked silicon tetrahedra of polymer network. Aluminium insertion into the silicate network is confirmed from the observed 29Si NMR shift as a function of Si/Al ratio. The identification of the presence or absence of metakaolin in the cured geopolymer product is not possible even by 29Si NMR as the signal from metakaolin is indistinguishable from a broad 29Si NMR peak consisting of many resonance lines from the network of cross-linked silicon/aluminium tetrahedra. In an attempt to identify metakaolin signal, we prepared geopolymers with higher SiO2/Al2O3 molar ratios. Since aluminium substitutions in the silicate tetrahedral network are decreased, this results in better-resolved 29Si NMR lines. The 29Si NMR signal due to metakaolin is then distinguishable in the spectra of cured products in a series of samples with 3 to 11 mol% metakaolin. These results indicate that a geopolymer structure is a network of silicon/aluminium tetrahedra with some presence of unreacted metakaolin. The silicon/aluminium tetrahedra might have connectivity ranging from 1 to 4.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and sorption properties of sandy-argillaceous rocks proposed as a material of protecting barriers in near-surface repositories of nuclear wastes were studied. Different sorption behavior with respect to Np(V), U(VI), and 137Cs is caused by formation of iron-containing films on the particle surface of coarse (>0.25 mm) and fine (<0.01 mm) rock fractions. The presence of Fe in the compositions of different minerals contained in the rock (chlorite, illite, montmorillonite, and hematite) was determined by scanning electron microscopy with X-ray probe microanalysis (SEM-XPMA), transmitting electron microscopy with electron energy loss spectroscopy (TEM-EELS), and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Hematite is present in the form of both separate particles and films on quartz grains. The Fe fraction in these formations was estimated.  相似文献   

Sorption treatment of radioactively contaminated natural waters to remove 90Sr and 137Cs using an alumina production waste, red bauxite slimes, is considered. In radiostrontium sorption, they surpass both the initial bauxite ore (Boksitogorsk deposit) and adjoin rocks (limestone, dolomite, bentonite clay), and owing to porous structure they act as efficient filtering material.  相似文献   

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