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The paper considers the influence of operating conditions of high-current triggered vacuum switches with six-gap rod electrode systems on the breakdown strength of their internal insulation. Studies were performed in two switching regimes. In the first regime, the erosion of electrodes occurs mainly in the vapor phase, when the electrodes' surfaces remained fairly smooth after switching. In the second regime, the erosion in the drop phase prevails, and the electrodes' surfaces were appreciably damaged. Statistical processing of the experimental data shows that the distribution of the voltages of the first breakdown follows the Weibull law. The effect of the interelectrode gap and the material of the electrodes on the breakdown strength of the devices is considered. The maximum operating voltage of an -43 triggered vacuum discharge switch is determined.  相似文献   

The dielectric strength of triggered vacuum switches (TVSs) was studied using two measuring techniques. In the first of these, the voltage of the first TVS breakdown was measured at every slow increase in the voltage of the commercial frequency. In the second, a constant preset voltage was applied to a TVS several times until the gap was broken down. In this case, the number of successful experiments before TVS breakdown was recorded. It is shown that the results from processing the data obtained by different methods of measurement are in satisfactory agreement. The practical importance of the second measuring technique for determining the region corresponding to low breakdown probabilities in the TVS-breakdown probability distribution curve is demonstrated.  相似文献   

A high-voltage switch that consists of two -43 triggered vacuum spark gaps connected in series has been manufactured and tested. The switch is intended for use at a voltage of up to 80 kV. The maximum current switched is 200 kA. The breakdown strength of the switch has been theoretically and experimentally investigated. Experimental and theoretical breakdown-voltage distribution functions have been obtained for the gaps and the switch. Based on the empirical breakdown-voltage distributions for both of the gaps, the breakdown-voltage distribution for the switch has been calculated and found to be in satisfactory agreement with the measurement results.  相似文献   

Theoretical and experimental results on the development and testing of a system of high-voltage vacuum accelerating gaps with electrode areas of several tens of square meters are presented. The energies stored in individual gaps may reach several tens of joules. The work is carried out as part of a program aimed at the development of a tandem electrostatic accelerator with vacuum insulation designed for a proton energy of 2.5 MeV and current of several tens of milliamperes. Optimization of the high-voltage part of the tandem with respect to the overvoltage arising in high-voltage elements of the tandem during its full or partial breakdown and to the energy stored in capacitors formed by the vacuum accelerating gaps and related elements of the tandem is considered. Experimental data on the electric strength of a 45-mm vacuum gap for different energies released in the breakdown are presented. For an electric field intensity of several tens of kilovolts per centimeter, the value of the field-emission current in a high-voltage gap with electrodes of a large area is estimated.  相似文献   

阐述了剩余电流保护器的作用、分类及选型原则,并指出了人们对剩余电流保护器在家庭用电中的错误认识。  相似文献   

Two versions of a switch circuit based on an assembly of reverse switch-on dynistors (RSDs) with a 25-kV operating voltage connected in series are described. Their main feature is a decrease in the device dimensions as a result of introducing two successively triggered low-power dynistor units into the control circuit and assembling several RSD structures in a common ceramic housing. The first circuit version is used in the discharge circuit of the capacitive energy storage in the operation into a mismatched load and can switch alternating pulses with a 750-s duration with amplitudes of the first pulses of the forward and reverse currents of 130 and 15 kA, respectively. The second version employs the crowbar regime and makes it possible to form unipolar current pulses with a 190-kA amplitude and a 500-s duration in the load circuit.  相似文献   

介绍了带式输送机输送带打滑的机理及其监测与打滑保护装置的基本原理,采用这种监测方法可以避免输送机在起机过程的输送带损坏,保证了带式输送机的正常运行.  相似文献   

一种新型真空吸附装置的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种具有振动分离功能的新型真空吸附装置,这种装置的优点是通过高频振动装置能够实现圆片(薄片)在高速起边和搬运过程中彻底分离。对装置的工作原理、结构进行了介绍,并对真空吸附装置的吸附力及高频振动装置的振动力进行了计算分析并列举了应用实例。  相似文献   

Instruments and Experimental Techniques - A driver has been developed to control a solid-state high-voltage switch for a half-bridge switching circuit, which is used as part of high-voltage pulse...  相似文献   

就某型电子管烘干设备的主要技术特点、结构组成作了阐述,并针对研制过程中所遇到的若干问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

Instruments and Experimental Techniques - Two modes (synchronous and asynchronous) of operation of a high-voltage pulse generator, which is based on parallel-connected high-voltage switches (HVSs)...  相似文献   

Instruments and Experimental Techniques - Monounit and modular switches of high-power current pulses with an operating voltage of 12 kV, made on the basis of series-connected shock ionized...  相似文献   

通过利用压气式原理对射网防暴器的引发与充气机构进行优化改进.针对射网防暴器发射等待时间过长的问题进行研究,利用UG对改进后机构进行三维建模,并对机构发射所需的时间和可以达到的压力进行分析计算,从而论证了改进后的机构是合理的.这为射网防暴器的设计提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

对电气设备高电压试验保护装置的相关问题进行了探讨。分析了电力设施保护管理中存在的问题,提出了对其规范化管理的措施。重点介绍了光纤纵差保护装置的特点及其推广应用。  相似文献   

徐乐 《机械管理开发》2021,36(2):137-138,162
为更好地防治矿井综采工作面粉尘,基于矿井运输现状与特点,分析粉尘的产生、危害以及刮板输送机的机械危害,提出全封闭防尘,防护装置在刮板输送机中的应用策略.通过应用该装置,不仅刮板输送机扬尘量大幅减少,而且可减轻工人的清煤工作量,同时更好地保障了安全生产,具有一定的经济效益与社会效益.  相似文献   

对IEC61850标准中的SGCB、Control模型的服务、控制机制进行了详细的分析,将SGCB应用至继电保护装置的定值读写、定值区切换服务,将Control模型的增强安全的操作前选择控制、常规安全的直接控制模式分别应用至继电保护装置的软压板投退控制、信号复归服务,将IEC61850标准的控制模型映射至常用的继电保护装置控制功能。在此基础上,设计了继电保护装置控制功能的应用模式,并在广州电网成功应用。  相似文献   

为使植物纤维真空模压成型过程中树脂流动处于最佳工艺状态,在传统成型设备的基础上增加自动控温装置。该装置由DS182B20温度传感器实时采集模具温度数据,利用STC89C51单片机控制模具温度恒定,从而使充模过程中树脂受热粘度降低,加快在纤维束间的流动,缩短充模时间,提高成型效率。  相似文献   

陶琳 《机电工程技术》2002,31(Z1):149-150
介绍了ZW1-12型户外高压真空断路器箱体内绝缘的无油化设计改造,采用硅橡胶包封和SMC模压制件替代了变压器油,使产品实现了无油化。  相似文献   

介绍梧州市锻压机床厂先后采用过的两种气动液压过载保护装置及其优缺点。  相似文献   

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