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太阳能吸收式空调及供热系统的设计和性能   总被引:42,自引:6,他引:42  
一套太阳能吸收式空调及供热综合系统已在山东省乳山市建成。该系统由热管式真空管集热器、溴化锂吸收式制冷机、储水箱、循环、冷却塔、空调箱、辅助燃油锅炉和自动控制系统等内部分组成,具有夏季制冷、冬季供热和全年提供生活用热水等功能。太阳能集热器总采光面积540m∧2,制冷、供热功率100kW,空调、采暖建筑面积1000m∧2供生活用热水量32m∧3/d。文中着重介绍了系统的设计特点和测试性能。  相似文献   

平板太阳能集热器可利用太阳的热能来产生热水。它结构简单,制作容易,使用方便,是人们容易认识并乐于采用的一种太阳能利用设备。平板集热器生产热水,还必须设置一个贮热水箱,于是,平板集热器、贮热水箱及连接这两者的管道、阀门、水泵、控温器等就组成了一个完整的太阳能热水系统。其中,平板集热器的作用为采集热能,并把热能传递给水。贮水箱的作用则是贮存采集到的热能(表现为热水)。由于贮水箱与集热器是分开的两个设备,因而其间的连接管道及管道上的阀门就是必不可少的了。至于是否采用水泵和控温器可视需要而定。太阳能热水系统类型较多,现仅介绍几种采用平板型集热器的热水系统及其运行方式。一、强迫循环太阳能热水系统强迫循环太阳能热水系统主要由集热器、贮水箱、水泵、控温器与管道组成(图1)。水从贮水箱底部流  相似文献   

在夏季典型工况下,对一个小型太阳能吸收式空调系统进行了试验研究.试验系统主要包括:96 m2的真空管集热器、额定制冷量为8 kW的吸收式制冷机、容量为3t的热水储水箱、500 L蓄冷水箱以及50 m2冷辐射吊顶.试验结果显示吸收式制冷机的制冷量平均为3.9 kW,每天达到的平均制冷时间为10 h.分析了室内的热舒适情况...  相似文献   

将能够同时制冷和制热的太阳能吸附制冷管组装成单元,再将8组单元组成一个太阳能空调系统,利用该太阳能空调系统与一个坡型屋顶办公建筑结合,通过该太阳能空调系统向房间提供冷量和生活热水.对该太阳能空调与住宅建筑的能量耦合进行试验研究,得到以下结论:在太阳能辐射量为21~23MJ·m-2之间时,该太阳能空调系统可以向房间提供冷量约27MJ,最大送回风温差约为7℃,最大制冷功率约为1.1kW,同时该系统还可以向房间提供45℃热水约450kg,整体系统的COP约为0.15.该太阳能空调系统与建筑结合减少空调电力消耗约3kWh/d,减少热水耗用标准煤2.7kg/d,可以降低建筑对电力的消耗和依赖,实现构造绿色节能建筑的理念.  相似文献   

强制循环式太阳能热水系统的优化杨汇涛,顾海燕,杨延柱家用太阳能热水器通常采用自然循环式,而对于集体用大规模太阳能热水系统,则需采用定温放水直流式或强制循环式,以便于安排庞大的贮热水箱和降低成本。一般强制循环式太阳能热水系统采用图1所示的图1强制循环式...  相似文献   

李玉洁 《节能技术》2009,27(5):441-444
针对一个特定的对象,进行了太阳能吸收式空调系统寿命周期内的模拟计算及影响因素的分析,结果表明:(1)单纯太阳能空调(无采暖与热水供应)的经济性很差,太阳能空调与供热的复合系统的经济性要优于单纯的太阳能空调系统;(2)太阳能采暖与空调的复合系统,采暖与供冷的负荷比对系统的经济性有很大影响,即使在最佳的负荷比时仍无法和常规的系统竞争;(3)太阳能与生活热水系统的负荷系统中,热水负荷所占比重越大,经济性越好,当太阳能空调使用生活热水系统夏季多余的热量时,太阳能空调系统经济上可以和天然气锅炉+电动制冷机竞争,并具有很好的节能性和环境效益。  相似文献   

首座实用大型太阳能空调热水系统在我国研制成功刘启扬广西区农村能源办公室龚粹珍利用清洁、永恒的太阳能作能源,发展太阳能空调热水系统,具有一定的社会和经济效益。国家“九五”重点科技攻关项目——我国首座实用性大型太阳能空调热水系统由中国科学院广州能源研究所研制成功。该系统利用太阳能集热器产生热水,用热水作能源推动吸收式制冷机制冷;同时,孩系统也可以全年提供生活用热水,该系统包括500m’的太阳能平板集热器、两级吸收式制冷机等组成部分,制冷的热源温度为65℃左右,并完全进行自动控制。该系统具有热效率高、节能、…  相似文献   

中国科学院广州能源研究所1998年6月1日宣布,该所成功研制出我国首座实用性大型太阳能空调热水系统。 该系统利用500平方米太阳能平板集热器产生65C左右的热水作为热源,推动国际首创的两级吸收式制冷机制冷,全自动控制,能为600平方米整层楼房进行空调和全年提供热水,  相似文献   

这座太阳能浴池的热水系统是由辽宁省能源研究所设计、辽河油田汕建一公司组织施工建成的。采用辽宁省能源研究所研制的一百台PYZ1.80型太阳能集热器,组成集热器系统,总集热面积为200m~2,配有容量为20m~2的保温贮水箱,使用水  相似文献   

由江苏辉煌太阳能有限公司研制的我国第一台太阳能“热水/空调”一体机,1999年7月10日在江苏淮阴问世,并投入使用。该机充分利用了太阳能和地下水等无公害能源,集洗浴、空调为一体,被专家称为新一代绿色环保产品。该机首批500台投放市场,被购一空。太阳能“热水/空调”一体机问世@张晔  相似文献   

变频控制热泵式VRV空调机组运行特性与节能性能实验研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
本文对变频控制热泵式VRV空调系统冬夏季运行特性和节能性能作了一系列实验研究,分析了影响室内机制冷(热)量、机组功率的因素,得到了VRV空调系统的部分负荷运转特性,并在节能性能方面与普通风冷热泵冷热水机组作了比较,证明该空调机组比普通风冷热泵冷热水机组节能。  相似文献   

The building sector accounts for more than 40% of the global energy consumption. This consumption may be lowered by reducing building energy requirements and using renewable energy in building energy supply systems. Solar air-conditioning systems(SACS) are a promising solution for the reduction of conventional energy in buildings. The storage, especially the cold storage, plays an important role in SACS for unstable solar irradiation. In this paper, we took the absorption refrigerating unit as an example, and the solar air-conditioning system of an office building in Beijing was simulated. The accuracy of this model was verified by comparing with the SACS operation data. Moreover, based on the simulation data, the cold storage capacity of the solar air-conditioning system in different climatic regions was studied. The cold storage capacities of SACS in 20 cities distributed in different climate regions were studied systematically. The results simulated by our proposed model will be beneficial to the SACS design, and will enlarge the application of SACS.  相似文献   

黄璞洁  许伊那 《节能技术》2011,29(4):357-363
通过深入分析空调负荷与热水负荷的耦合关系,提出了一种充分利用制冷机组回收的废热提供生活热水的设计方法,并把这种突破性做法与传统的空调和热水供应系统进行比较,探讨利用酒店的空调冷凝热回收技术制备生活热水,以寻求一个技术可行、低能耗和无污染的空调和热水供应系统方案.  相似文献   

李谟胜  周东一  肖洁  罗新芳 《节能》2012,31(8):67-69
在传统电冰箱的基础上,另独立设置2个保温箱贮存冷热饮用水。冷水制取是在冷水箱中设置蒸发器,将冷水箱中的水制冷。热水制取是在热水箱中设置逆流套管式冷凝器,利用制冷系统的排热量将饮水机中的水加热到一定温度,如温度不够则再通过电加热器,可将饮用水加热至沸腾,冷凝管通热水箱后可采用风冷式和水冷却两种方式相结合。根据设计和理论计算,多功能电冰箱的冷凝器可将饮用水加热到65℃左右,再用电加热器,可将饮用水加热至沸腾,比市场上纯粹用电加热的饮水机可节电22.31W;利用制冷系统将冷水箱中的水制冷,每产生4℃冷饮用水2L比市场上一般的压缩式制冷饮水机可节约大约2.3×105J的能量。  相似文献   

以大连市某小型居民建筑为对象,采用DeST软件,得到该建筑的冷、热、电及生活热水负荷。通过确定建筑在工作日、周末的逐时内、外热扰,计算建筑夏、冬季典型日逐时负荷。以年总费用和年CO2、NO2排放量为目标函数,以负荷间的能流平衡、设备的性能为约束,得到系统设备容量配置的Pareto最优解集。通过TOPSIS优选法得到最优容量配置。最后与传统分供系统对比,系统最优方案解集具有运行节能和环保优势。  相似文献   

In the last decade, technological innovations have resulted in considering distributed generation with heat recovery capability in addition to centralised generation. This work aims to develop a comprehensive model analysing techno-economic parameters of energy supply in an office building. The energy model is developed on the basis of the reference energy system with the linear programming technique. The objective function is the annual value of total costs of the energy supply system. The results of the model for the building of Sharif Energy Research Institute indicate that the most appropriate generation technology is an internal combustion engine of 461 kW and a water boiler of 152 kW. In addition to supplying the final service demand, hot water feeds an absorption chiller of 507 kW to produce cold water. Furthermore, storage systems of hot and cold water are required in order to achieve high load factors in the system.  相似文献   

In this paper, a solar hybrid desiccant air conditioning system, which combines the technologies of two-stage desiccant cooling (TSDC) and air-source vapor compression air-conditioning (VAC) together, has been configured, experimentally investigated and theoretically analyzed. The system mainly includes a TSDC unit with design cooling capacity for 10 kW, an air-source VAC unit with 20 kW in nominal cooling capacity, a flat plate solar collector array for 90 m2, a hot water storage tank and a cooling tower. Performance model of the system has been created in TRNSYS simulation studio. The objective of this paper is to report the test result of the solar hybrid air conditioning system and evaluate the energy saving potential, thereby providing useful data for practical application. Experimental results show that, under typical weather condition, the solar driven desiccant cooling unit can achieve an average cooling capacity of 10.9 kW, which contributes 35.7% of the cooling capacity provided by the hybrid system. Corresponding average thermal COP is over 1.0, electric COP is up to 11.48. Under Beijing (temperate), Shanghai (humid) and Hong Kong (extreme humid) weather conditions, the solar TSDC unit can remove about 57%, 69% and 55% of the seasonal moisture load, thereby reducing electric power consumption by about 31%, 34% and 22%, respectively. These suggest that the solar hybrid system is feasible for a wide range of operating conditions.  相似文献   

中央空调水系统的节能改造技术与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合既有建筑的中央空调水系统的设计与运行状况,分析与讨论了水系统的节能改造技术,以及所产生的节能效益、经济效益、系统运行的可靠性与安全性,得出了既有中央空调水系统的节能改造技术有:主机变频、空调泵变频、水蓄冷等;非线性、大滞后的中央空调水系统适合采用智能控制算法。多项工程节能改造表明:中央空调水系统的各项节能率为20.5%~31%,不到2~4年可以回收节能投资,而且空调系统运行正常,室内温湿度满足要求。  相似文献   

In the present paper, design and economics of the novel type of thermal control system for datacenter using heat pipe based cold energy storage has been proposed and discussed. Two types of cold energy storage system namely: ice storage system and cold water storage system are explained and sized for datacenter with heat output capacity of 8800 kW. Basically, the cold energy storage will help to reduce the chiller running time that will save electricity related cost and decrease greenhouse gas emissions resulting from the electricity generation from non-renewable sources. The proposed cold energy storage system can be retrofit or connected in the existing datacenter facilities without major design changes. Out of the two proposed systems, ice based cold energy storage system is mainly recommended for datacenters which are located in very cold locations and therefore can offer long term seasonal storage of cold energy within reasonable cost. One of the potential application domains for ice based cold energy storage system using heat pipes is the emergency backup system for datacenter. Water based cold energy storage system provides more compact size with short term storage (hours to days) and is potential for datacenters located in areas with yearly average temperature below the permissible cooling water temperature (∼25 °C). The aforesaid cold energy storage systems were sized on the basis of metrological conditions in Poughkeepsie, New York. As an outcome of the thermal and cost analysis, water based cold energy storage system with cooling capability to handle 60% of datacenter yearly heat load will provide an optimum system size with minimum payback period of 3.5 years. Water based cold energy storage system using heat pipes can be essentially used as precooler for chiller. Preliminary results obtained from the experimental system to test the capability of heat pipe based cold energy storage system have provided satisfactory outcomes and validated the proposed system concept.  相似文献   

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