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The isolated spinal cord of the neonatal mouse spontaneously generates two different motor patterns of continuous rhythmic bursting: one in lumbar ventral roots in earliest postnatal preparations (P0-2) and another at the sacral level at later postnatal times (P3-5). Lumbar rhythmic motor discharges clearly alternate on contralateral roots and are in a frequency range (approximately 1 Hz) usually described for locomotor-like activity, while sacral motor sequences include mixed synchrony and irregular bilateral alternation that differ from typical locomotor-like activity. A significant decrease in the frequency and increase in the duration of spontaneous rhythmic bursts occur between lumbar and sacral motor patterns. In quiescent preparations from both postnatal periods, perfusion with Mg(2+)-free medium systematically induces a rhythmic activity at both lumbar and sacral level. Temporal characteristics of motor patterns under Mg(2+)-free medium are similar to spontaneous rhythms. Activating NMDA receptor channels by diminishing their Mg2+ block appears to be an efficient way of decreasing the threshold for genesis of the spinal rhythm in mouse. Bath application of NMDA and non-NMDA receptor antagonists blocks Mg(2+)-free-induced rhythmic activities in an irreversible or reversible manner, respectively. The effects of Mg(2+)-free medium and of glutamate antagonists provide evidence for the excitatory amino acid (EAA) dependence of both rhythmic motor patterns. Finally, the possibility that the recording of two different motor patterns may reflect a rostrocaudal developmental process is discussed.  相似文献   

We have examined the morphology and longitudinal axon projections of a population of spinal commissural interneurons in young Xenopus tadpoles. We aimed to define how the distribution of axons of the whole population constrains the longitudinal distribution of the inhibition they mediate. Forty-three neurons at different positions were filled intracellularly with biocytin and processed with avidin-conjugated horseradish peroxidase. Soma size did not vary longitudinally and only one ipsilateral axon was found. Contralateral axons ascended, descended, or usually branched to do both. Total axon length and the extent of dendritic arborisation decreased caudally. The distributions of ascending and descending axon lengths were different; there were more long ascending (mean 737 +/- standard deviation 365 microm) than long descending (447 +/- 431 microm) axons. We used the axon length distribution data with existing data on the distribution of commissural interneuron somata to calculate the overall longitudinal density of these inhibitory axons. Axon numbers showed a clear rostrocaudal gradient. Axon length distributions were then incorporated into a simple spatiotemporal model of the forms of inhibition during swimming and struggling motor patterns. The model predicts that the peak of inhibition on each cycle will decrease from head to tail in both motor patterns, a feature already confirmed physiologically for swimming. It also supports a previous proposal that ascending inhibition during struggling shortens cycle period by shortening rostral motor bursts, whereas descending inhibition could delay subsequent burst onset.  相似文献   

1. Extracellular application of ATP (1 mM), a substance co-stored and co-released with acetylcholine in peripheral nervous systems, potentiated the spontaneous secretion of acetylcholine (ACh) but had no effect on the amplitude and decay time constant of miniature endplate potentials (m.e.p.ps) at neuromuscular synapses in Xenopus tadpoles. 2. alpha,beta-Methylene ATP (0.3 mM) and GTP (1 mM) were also effective in increasing m.e.p.p. frequency. On the other hand, ADP, AMP and adenosine (all at 1 mM) decreased m.e.p.p. frequency. 3. Unlike the transient effect of ATP analogue and GTP on m.e.p.p. frequency, the phorbol ester TPA (2 microM) which is a protein kinase C activator, increased m.e.p.p. frequency consistently and the effects lasted as long as the presence of TPA. 4. Staurosporine (0.5 microM) and H-7 (10 microM), which are protein kinase C inhibitors, each decreased the basal level of m.e.p.p. frequency and markedly inhibited the effects of both ATP and TPA. 5. These results suggest that there is a basal activity of cytosolic protein kinases in the nerve terminals of Xenopus tadpoles and the effect of ATP is probably mediated by the binding of membrane surface purinoceptors which in turn activates cytosolic protein kinases and increases ACh release.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effect of a mental content of presented stimuli, normal aging and individual differences in cognitive abilities on temporal limits of an integration mechanism. Younger and older subject grouped together the beats generated by a metronome. Subjects were asked to listen to the beats of a metronome and to accentuate mentally every second, third, fourth...etc. beat, to create a subjective rhythm. This rhythm exists, in fact, only in subjects' mind and not objectively. Subjects reported verbally how many clicks they were able to integrate into a perceptual unit. On this basis, the time interval during which subjects were able to integrate temporally separated stimuli was calculated (number of beats reported as being integrated x time distance between beats) for different metronome frequencies. The results show, firstly, that the length of integration periods significantly depends on the frequency of presented metronome beats. When the frequency of metronome beats is high, the time interval during which the subjects integrate beats into a single perceptual unit is shorter. Secondly, older adults integrate information during a longer time interval than younger ones. Thirdly, the length of an integration period is related to a subjects' level of cognitive ability. These results suggest that the length of an integration period is not a constant, stable feature, but varies across the life span depending on the mental content of the information presented and individual factors.  相似文献   

Surface electrogastrography was performed in 18 patients with esophageal atresia (EA) and 10 normal controls to investigate the possible role of a congenital enteric nerve defect as a cause of gastroesophageal reflux (GER), which is common after repair of EA. The means of the dominant frequencies and ranges of the frequency distribution were compared. The dominant frequencies (0.047+/-0.007 Hz) in the EA group did not differ significantly from those of the controls (0.050+/-0.007 Hz, P >0.1), although 2 patients had bradygastria and 2 had tachygastria in the EA group. The range of the frequency distribution was significantly wider in the EA group compared with normal children (P = 0.002). The wide frequency distribution in children with EA suggests disturbed electrical activity of the stomach, which could be associated with poor electromechanical coupling and, hence abnormal gastric contraction.  相似文献   

We report epidermal growth factor (EGF)-like and epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-like immunoreactivity in the buccopharyngeal mucous glands of Xenopus laevis larvae. EGF-like immunostaining was heaviest at the apices of the secretory cells of these glands. Immunostaining for EGFR-like protein was also observed in the mucosal lining of the alimentary tract. This staining was heaviest in cells lining the foregut but was almost absent in cells from the hindgut. A potential role for an orally secreted EGF homologue in anuran amphibians is discussed. Wassersug (1986) hypothesized the existence of a metamorphic inhibitory agent, produced by larval buccopharyngeal mucous glands, which could indirectly link food ingestion to the endocrine control of metamorphosis. The presence of EGF-like immunoreactivity in the oral mucous glands of X. laevis larvae, as well as the presence of EGFR-like immunoreactivity in the gut wall of this tadpole, satisfies many of the criteria for Wassersug's regulatory agent. It remains to be shown that EGF (or an anuran EGF homologue) has a direct inhibitory effect on anuran metamorphosis when administered via an orogastric route.  相似文献   

1. Measurements of the aspartate-isolated PIII component of the electroretinogram (ERG) were used to estimate photoreceptor threshold in dark-adapted tadpoles of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis raised on a normal diet. Spectral sensitivity functions established that the rod mechanism governed absolute dark thresholds from stage 40 to the end of premetamorphic development. 2. Parallel measures of rod outer-segment dimensions and visual pigment levels demonstrated a) that visual pigment concentration remained constant at all tadpole stages, and b) that the fall in threshold over the course of premetamorphic development depended exclusively on the increased probability of quantal absorption that accompanied the growth of the rod outer segments. 3. When tadpoles were obtained from vitamin A-deficient females and raised subsequently on a vitamin A-free diet, the first appearance of the ERG was delayed and its absolute threshold raised, with respect to controls. 4. Histological examination of vitamin A-deprived retinas indicated that rod outer segments retained their structural integrity in spite of up to a 75% loss of visual pigment. 5. The threshold rise which accompanied a fall in visual pigment levels, whether effected by dietary deficiency or by bleaching, was greater than could be attributed solely to a reduction in the probability of quantal absorption.  相似文献   

One of the genes that is up-regulated by thyroid hormone (TH) during Xenopus laevis metamorphosis encodes a type III deiodinase (D3) that inactivates TH. Transgenic X. laevis tadpoles overexpressing a GFP-D3 fusion protein were produced. These transgenic tadpoles had high levels of deiodinase activity and were resistant to exogenous TH added 1 week after fertilization. They developed normally throughout embryogenesis and premetamorphic stages but became retarded in their development late in prometamorphosis when endogenous TH reaches its highest level. Gill and tail resorption were delayed and most of the animals arrested and died. One tadpole completed its metamorphosis without resorbing its tail. These results demonstrate that D3 can modulate the action of TH in vivo, and document the value of the new transgenic method for functional analysis of genes involved in metamorphosis.  相似文献   

Surface electromyograms (EMG) and force were recorded during repeated involuntary spasms of paralyzed triceps surae muscles of four men with chronic cervical spinal cord injury. The firing rates of 78 medial gastrocnemius (MG) motor units also were recorded intramuscularly with tungsten microelectrodes. Spasms typically involved a relatively rapid rise, then a more gradual fall in triceps surae EMG and torque. Motor unit firing rates either increased and then decreased with the spasm intensity (54%) or were relatively constant (26%), firing mainly at 2-10 Hz. The remaining units (20%) produced trains that included one or several doublets. Mean peak spasm firing rates were 18 +/- 9 Hz (mean +/- SD) for rate modulated units and 11 +/- 10 Hz for units with little or no rate modulation. Some motor units fired at rates comparable with those recorded previously during maximum voluntary contractions performed by intact subjects. Others fired at rates below the minimum usually seen when normal units are first recruited (< 6 Hz). Doublets (interspike interval < 10 ms) often repeated every 123-333 ms, or were interspersed in trains firing at low steady rates (< 11 Hz). This study shows that rate coding for many motor units appears to be similar whether descending motor input is intact or whether it has been reduced severely by spinal cord injury. In contrast, rate modulation in other units appears to depend mainly on voluntary motor commands.  相似文献   

Development of neural circuits generating fetal oral-motor activity was characterized in an in vitro isolated brainstem block preparation. Rhythmical trigeminal activity (RTA) at E20-E21 resembled either the pattern or rhythm of neonatal RTA. Conversely, at E18-E19, RTA displayed a different pattern of discharge from neonatal RTA, and output was not regular but intermittent with another slow rhythm.  相似文献   

Bistable behavior in spinal motoneurons consists of self-sustained firing evoked by a brief period of input. However, not all motoneurons possess an equal capacity for bistable behavior. In the companion paper, we found that self-sustained firing was persistent for long periods only in motoneurons with low rheobases and slow axonal conduction velocities. High rheobase, fast conduction velocity motoneurons tend to be only partially bistable in that self-sustained firing lasts at most 1-2 s. The mechanisms underlying these differences between fully and partially bistable motoneurons were investigated by measuring their current voltage (I-V) relationships in the decerebrate cat preparation after administration of the noradrenergic alpha1 agonist methoxamine. Slow (8 mV/s) triangular voltage commands were applied using the discontinuous single-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Both fully and partially bistable cells exhibited a region of negative I-V slope due to activation of a strong, persistent inward current. The peak amplitude of the total persistent inward current (IPIC) was equally large in fully and partially bistable cells, but there were substantial differences in how IPIC was activated and deactivated. In fully bistable cells, the offset of IPIC on the descending phase of the triangular voltage command occurred at a substantially more hyperpolarized voltage then its onset on the rising phase. Thus the I-V function of fully bistable cells exhibited marked hysteresis. Partially bistable cells had significantly less hysteresis. The lack of hysteresis in partially bistable cells was due to a greater decay of IPIC with time than that seen in fully bistable cells. Furthermore, the range over which activation and deactivation of IPIC occurred was more depolarized in partially than in fully bistable cells. The I-V functions were compared with frequency-current (F-I) functions from the same cells, the characteristics of which were presented in the companion paper. The strong onset-offset difference in IPIC in fully bistable cells corresponded to a similarly large hysteresis for the thresholds of their F-I functions. The reduced onset-offset difference for IPIC in partially bistable cells corresponded to a lack of hysteresis in F-I thresholds. Thus the properties of IPIC accounted for the main differences in the F-I behavior seen between fully and partially bistable cells.  相似文献   

A stationary excitation focus produced in rabbit cortex by rhythmical electrodermal paw stimulation was revealed by presentation of testing sound stimuli, which were earlier indifferent for an animal. The multiunit activity in the sensorimotor cortex was recorded. The neuronal pairs were detected with correlated discharges. Analysis of discharges in such pairs revealed the dominant incidence of conjugated impulses with the interval equal or close to 2 s, if the focus had been created by stimulation with the rhythmic interval 2 s. The dominant interval between discharges in a conjugated pair of neurons was equal of close to 3 s, if the rhythmic stimuli positions had been spaced 3 s. It was shown that the rhythmical nature of the dominant focus was maintained at the level of neuronal interactions, i.e., was of a systemic character. The acquired rhythm in conjugated cell activity was observed not only during summation in the moment of excitation transmission to the effector (i.e., when the dominant realized itself in the motor reaction), but within the periods between the testing stimuli.  相似文献   

A cDNA clone encoding the membrane form of guanylyl cyclase was isolated from a Hemicentrotus pulcherrimus testis cDNA library and its nucleotide sequence was determined. The cDNA was 4123 bp long and an open reading frame predicted a protein of 1125 amino acids including an apparent signal peptide of 21 residues; a single transmembrane domain of 25 amino acids which divides the mature protein into an amino-terminal, extracellular domain of 485 amino acids and a carboxyl-terminal, intracellular domain of 594 amino acids. Three potential N-linked glycosylation sites were present in the extracellular domain. Northern blot analysis of poly(A)+RNA from testes, ovaries, eggs and embryos at various developmental stages showed that the cDNA encoding guanylyl cyclase hybridized to a mRNA of 4.4 kb from the testes. We developed a large scale purification method of the phosphorylated (131 kDa) and dephosphorylated (128 kDa) forms of the membrane-bound guanylyl cyclase from H. pulcherrimus spermatozoa. The purified 131 kDa and 128 kDa forms of the guanylyl cyclase contained 26.0 +/- 1.3 and 4.3 +/- 0.7 moles of phosphate per mol protein (mean +/- S.D.; n = 6), respectively. The amino-terminal amino acids of both the 131 kDa and 128 kDa forms of the guanylyl cyclase could not be detected, suggesting that they were blocked.  相似文献   

Nine athletes (seven football offensive linemen, one defensive lineman, and one lacrosse player) were found at arthroscopy to have posterior labral detachment from the glenoid. In our series, this lesion is specific to contact athletes who engage their opponents with arms in front of the body. All patients had pain with bench pressing and while participating in their sport, diminishing their ability to play effectively. Conservative measures were ineffective in relieving their symptoms. Examination under anesthesia revealed symmetric glenohumeral translation bilaterally, without evidence of posterior instability. Treatment consisted of glenoid rim abradement and posterior labral repair with a bioabsorbable tack. All patients returned to complete at least one full season of contact sports and weightlifting without pain (minimum follow-up, > or = 2 years). Although many injuries leading to subluxation of the glenohumeral joint occur when an unanticipated force is applied, contact athletes ready their shoulder muscles in anticipation of impact with opponents. This leads to a compressive force at the glenohumeral joint. We hypothesize that, in combination with a posteriorly directed force at impact, the resultant vector is a shearing force to the posterior labrum and articular surface. Repeated exposure leads to posterior labral detachment without capsular injury. Posterior labral reattachment provides consistently good results, allowing the athlete to return to competition.  相似文献   

A mathematical model of transformation of the electrical signals in the peripheral neuromuscular junction, and a method of analysing the experimental data obtained in experiments on the muscle and muscle fibers of rat diaphragm in indirect rhythmic stimulation is described. The parameters characterizing the muscle by frequency potentiation and depression properties were determined as a result of the EMG analysis.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate a set of factors that may influence the perceived rate of an auditory event. In a paired-comparison task, subjects were presented with a set of music-like patterns that differed in their relative number of contour changes and in the magnitude of pitch skips (Experiment 1) as well as in the compatibility of rhythmic accent structure with the arrangement of pitch relations (Experiment 2) Results indicated that, relative to their standard referents, comparison melodies were judged to unfold more slowly when they displayed more changes in pitch direction, greater pitch distances, and an incompatible rhythmic accent structure. These findings are suggested to stem from an imputed velocity hypothesis, in which people overgeneralize certain invariant relations that typically occur between melodic and temporal accent structure within Western music.  相似文献   

Inhibition of return (IOR) refers to slowed reaction times (RTs) when a target appears in the same rather than a different location as a preceding stimulus. The present study tested the hypothesis that IOR reflects a motor bias rather than a perceptual deficit. Two signals (S1 and S2) were presented on each trial. These signals were peripheral onsets or central arrows. The responses required to S1 and S2 were, respectively, no response–manual, manual–manual, saccadic–manual, no response–saccadic, manual–saccadic, and saccadic–saccadic. Uniting perceptual and motor bias views of IOR, the results demonstrated inhibition for responding to (a) peripheral signals when the eyes remained fixed (slowed visual processing) and (b) both peripheral and central signals when the eyes moved (slowed motor production). However, the results also emphasized that the nature of IOR depends fundamentally on the response modality used to reveal its influence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The temporal patterns of BDNF and trkB expression in the developing Xenopus laevis tadpole, and the responsiveness of retinal ganglion cells to BDNF, both in culture and in vivo, suggest significant roles for this neurotrophin during visual system development (Cohen-Cory and Fraser, Neuron 12, 747-761, 1994; Nature 378, 192-196, 1995). To examine the potential roles of this neurotrophin within the developing retina and in its target tissue, the optic tectum, we studied the cellular sites of BDNF expression by in situ hybridization. In the developing optic tectum, discrete groups of cells juxtaposed to the tectal neuropil where retinal axons arborize expressed BDNF, supporting the target-derived role commonly proposed for this neurotrophin. In the retina, retinal ganglion cells, ciliary margin cells, and a subset of cells in the inner nuclear layer expressed the BDNF gene. The expression of BDNF coincided with specific trkB expression by both retinal ganglion cells and amacrine cells, as well as with the localization of functional BDNF binding sites within the developing retina, as shown by in situ hybridization and BDNF cross-linking studies. To test for a possible role of endogenous retinal BDNF during development, we studied the effects of neutralizing antibodies to BDNF on the survival of retinal ganglion cells in culture. Exogenously administered BDNF increased survival, whereas neutralizing antibodies to BDNF significantly reduced baseline retinal ganglion cell survival and differentiation. This suggests the presence of an endogenous retinal source of neurotrophic support and that this is most likely BDNF itself. The retinal cellular patterns of BDNF and trkB expression as well as the effects of neutralizing antibodies to this neurotrophin suggest that, in addition to a target-derived role, BDNF plays both autocrine and/or paracrine roles during visual system development.  相似文献   

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