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ETM+和ASTER数据在遥感信息提取中的对比研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
遥感蚀变信息提取是找矿的一个重要技术手段。本文选择位于秘鲁南部阿雷基帕(AREQUIPA)省境内的萨卡纳(CERCANA)和伊卡(ICA)省境内的Moarcona铁矿区作为本文的两个研究区,从分析地物光谱出发,利用ETM+和ASTER卫星影像数据,通过主成份分析法和比值分析法分别对两个研究区进行泥化蚀变信息提取和铁染蚀变信息提取,并对两者的提取结果进行对比分析。最后结果表明,相较于ETM+数据,ASTER数据在矿化蚀变信息的提取方面具有更大的优势。  相似文献   

Comparing MODIS and ETM+ data for regional and global land classification   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Nearly simultaneous reflectance data sets from the Landsat 7 Enhanced Thematic Mapper Plus (ETM+), at 30-m resolution, and the Terra satellite instrument MODIS, at 500-m resolution, are compared for their ability to map fractional coverage of surface types over large areas. Lower spatial resolution MODIS classification results are generally comparable those of ETM+, with discrepancies for some regions with mixed surface types. Analysis of laboratory and field spectra suggests an ambiguity, the “brightness ambiguity”, which can prevent accurate area estimation of pixels having two or more surface types. This ambiguity, plus general mathematical inversion issues, can account for the discrepancy. Thus, occasional high-resolution measurements, as from Landsat 7, are necessary to refine estimations of large area surface types from MODIS and similar lower spatial resolution instruments.  相似文献   

利用ASTER数据评价ETM+遥感数据自身融合效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ETM+自身融合后的遥感影像折中了全色波段的高空间分辨率和多光谱波段的光谱分辨能力。通过同一季相和同一地区的ASTER影像和ETM+自身融合后影像的极限放大进行对比分析,发现ETM+自身融合后的彩色合成影像的空间分辨力达不到15 m,但能保证到17.3 m;通过ASTER影像和ETM+融合后影像的NDVI植被指数的对比分析,发现ETM+自身融合后的彩色合成影像的综合光谱分辨能力仍能保持ETM+彩色合成影像的73%以上。ETM+自身融合效果的好坏与融合算法优劣也具有一定的关系。  相似文献   

基于小波变换的MODIS与ETM数据融合研究   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
余钧辉  张万昌  乐通潮 《遥感信息》2004,(4):39-42,F003
遥感影像融合方法多样,但针对空间分辨率相差十倍、甚至十几倍的不同数据源影像进行融合的研究很有限。有效算法也较少。MODIS影像高光谱数据具有36个相互配准的光谱波段信息,然而其0.25km~1km的低空间分辨率,却限制了其应用潜力。本文基于小波变换的算法思想提出了一种MODIS与Landsat ETM(空间分辨率30m)数据融合的方法,能够有效的将MODIS的光谱信息和ETM的空间几何信息结合起来,并在此基础上分析了地形阴影对融合的影响,为MODIS数据用于制作较大比例尺的土地利用现状图等提供了可能。  相似文献   

A lack of spatially and thematically accurate vegetation maps complicates conservation and management planning, as well as ecological research, in tropical rain forests. Remote sensing has considerable potential to provide such maps, but classification accuracy within primary rain forests has generally been inadequate for practical applications. Here we test how accurately floristically defined forest types in lowland tropical rain forests in Peruvian Amazonia can be recognized using remote sensing data (Landsat ETM+ satellite image and STRM elevation model). Floristic data and a vegetation classification with four forest classes were available for eight line transects, each 8 km long, located in an area of ca 800 km2. We compared two sampling unit sizes (line transect subunits of 200 and 500 m) and several image feature combinations to analyze their suitability for image classification. Mantel tests were used to quantify how well the patterns in elevation and in the digital numbers of the satellite image correlated with the floristic patterns observed in the field. Most Mantel correlations were positive and highly significant. Linear discriminant analysis was used first to build a function that discriminates between forest classes in the eight field-verified transects on the basis of remotely sensed data, and then to classify those parts of the line transects and the satellite image that had not been visited in the field. Classification accuracy was quantified by 8-fold crossvalidation. Two of the tierra firme (non-inundated) forest types were combined because they were too often misclassified. The remaining three forest types (inundated forest, terrace forest and Pebas formation/intermediate tierra firme forest) could be separated using the 500-m sampling units with an overall classification accuracy of 85% and a Kappa coefficient of 0.62. For the 200-m sampling units, the classification accuracy was clearly lower (71%, Kappa 0.35). The forest classification will be used as habitat data to study wildlife habitat use in the same area. Our results show that remotely sensed data and relatively simple classification methods can be used to produce reasonably accurate forest type classifications, even in structurally homogeneous primary rain forests.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) and emissivity are key parameters in estimating the land surface radiation budget, a major controlling factor of global climate and environmental change. In this study, Terra Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and Aqua MODerate resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) Collection 5 LST and emissivity products are evaluated using long-term ground-based longwave radiation observations collected at six Surface Radiation Budget Network (SURFRAD) sites from 2000 to 2007. LSTs at a spatial resolution of 90 m from 197 ASTER images during 2000-2007 are directly compared to ground observations at the six SURFRAD sites. For nighttime data, ASTER LST has an average bias of 0.1 °C and the average bias is 0.3 °C during daytime. Aqua MODIS LST at 1 km resolution during nighttime retrieved from a split-window algorithm is evaluated from 2002 to 2007. MODIS LST has an average bias of − 0.2 °C. LST heterogeneity (defined as the Standard Deviation, STD, of ASTER LSTs in 1 × 1 km2 region, 11 × 11 pixel in total) and instrument calibration error of pyrgeometer are key factors impacting the ASTER and MODIS LST evaluation using ground-based radiation measurements. The heterogeneity of nighttime ASTER LST is 1.2 °C, which accounts for 71% of the STD of the comparison, while the heterogeneity of the daytime LST is 2.4 °C, which accounts for 60% of the STD. Collection 5 broadband emissivity is 0.01 larger than that of MODIS Collection 4 products and ASTER emissivity. It is essential to filter out the abnormal low values of ASTER daily emissivity data in summer time before its application.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in pixel-wise LST. Spatial scaling may account for the uncertainty, however, different approaches lead to differences in scaled values. Satellite-retrieved LST may be representative of the pixel-wise LST and useful for scaling analysis, but the limited accuracy of retrieved values adds uncertainty into the scaled values. Based on the Stefan-Boltzmann (S-B) law, this study proposed scaling approaches for LST over flat and relief areas to explore the combined uncertainties in scaling using satellite-retrieved data. To take advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from these two sensors were examined for part of the Loess Plateau in China. 90-m ASTER LST data were scaled up to 1 km using the proposed approaches, and variation in the LST was generally reduced after scaling. Amongst the sources of uncertainties, surface heterogeneity (emissivity) and different scaling approaches resulted in very minor differences, with a maximum difference of 0.2 K for the upscaled LST. Terrain features, taken as an areal weighting factor, had negligible effects on the upscaled value. Limited accuracy of the retrieved LST was the major uncertainty. The overall LST increased 0.6 K on average with correction for terrain-induced angular effect and 0.4 K for both angular and adjacency effects over the study area. Accounting for terrain correction in scaling is necessary for rugged areas. With terrain correction, the upscaled ASTER LST achieved an agreement of − 0.1 ± 1.87 K and a root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.87 K overall with the 1-km MODIS LST rectified by Wan et al.'s approach [Wan, Z., Zhang, Y., Zhang Q., Li, Z.-L. (2002b), Validation of the land-surface temperature products retrieved from Terra Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 83, 163-180]. Refining the rectification approach resulted in a better agreement of − 0.2 ± 1.57 K and a RMSE of 1.58 K.  相似文献   

Traditional fire detection algorithms mainly rely on hot spot detection using thermal infrared (TIR) channels with fixed or contextual thresholds. Three solar reflectance channels (0.65 μm, 0.86 μm, and 2.1 μm) were recently adopted into the MODIS version 4 contextual algorithm to improve the active fire detection. In the southeastern United States, where most fires are small and relatively cool, the MODIS version 4 contextual algorithm can be adjusted and improved for more accurate regional fire detection. Based on the MODIS version 4 contextual algorithm and a smoke detection algorithm, an improved algorithm using four TIR channels and seven solar reflectance channels is described. This approach is presented with fire events in the southeastern United States. The study reveals that the T22 of most small, cool fires undetected by the MODIS version 4 contextual algorithm is lower than 310 K. The improved algorithm is more sensitive to small, cool fires in the southeast especially for fires detected at large scan angles.  相似文献   

The MODIS land science team produces a number of standard products, including land cover and leaf area index (LAI). Critical to the success of MODIS and other sensor products is an independent evaluation of product quality. In that context, we describe a study using field data and Landsat ETM+ to map land cover and LAI at four 49-km2 sites in North America containing agricultural cropland (AGRO), prairie grassland (KONZ), boreal needleleaf forest, and temperate mixed forest. The purpose was to: (1) develop accurate maps of land cover, based on the MODIS IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Programme) land cover classification scheme; (2) derive continuous surfaces of LAI that capture the mean and variability of the LAI field measurements; and (3) conduct initial MODIS validation exercises to assess the quality of early (i.e., provisional) MODIS products. ETM+ land cover maps varied in overall accuracy from 81% to 95%. The boreal forest was the most spatially complex, had the greatest number of classes, and the lowest accuracy. The intensive agricultural cropland had the simplest spatial structure, the least number of classes, and the highest overall accuracy. At each site, mapped LAI patterns generally followed patterns of land cover across the site. Predicted versus observed LAI indicated a high degree of correspondence between field-based measures and ETM+ predictions of LAI. Direct comparisons of ETM+ land cover maps with Collection 3 MODIS cover maps revealed several important distinctions and similarities. One obvious difference was associated with image/map resolution. ETM+ captured much of the spatial complexity of land cover at the sites. In contrast, the relatively coarse resolution of MODIS did not allow for that level of spatial detail. Over the extent of all sites, the greatest difference was an overprediction by MODIS of evergreen needleleaf forest cover at the boreal forest site, which consisted largely of open shrubland, woody savanna, and savanna. At the agricultural, temperate mixed forest, and prairie grassland sites, ETM+ and MODIS cover estimates were similar. Collection 3 MODIS-based LAI estimates were considerably higher (up to 4 m2 m−2) than those based on ETM+ LAI at each site. There are numerous probable reasons for this, the most important being the algorithms' sensitivity to MODIS reflectance calibration, its use of a prelaunch AVHRR-based land cover map, and its apparent reliance on mainly red and near-IR reflectance. Samples of Collection 4 LAI products were examined and found to consist of significantly improved LAI predictions for KONZ, and to some extent for AGRO, but not for the other two sites. In this study, we demonstrate that MODIS reflectance data are highly correlated with LAI across three study sites, with relationships increasing in strength from 500 to 1000 m spatial resolution, when shortwave-infrared bands are included.  相似文献   

Vegetation fires are a key global terrestrial disturbance factor and a major source of atmospheric trace gases and aerosols. Therefore, many earth-system science and operational monitoring applications require access to repetitive, frequent and well-characterized information on fire emissions source strengths. Geostationary imagers offer important temporal advantages when studying rapidly changing phenomena such as vegetation fires. Here we present a new algorithm for detecting and characterising active fires burning within the imager footprints of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES), including consideration of cloud-cover and calculation of fire radiative power (FRP), a metric shown to be strongly related to fuel consumption and smoke emission rates. The approach is based on a set of algorithms now delivering near real time (NRT) operational FRP products from the Meteosat Spinning Enhanced Visible and Infra-Red Imager (SEVIRI) imager (available from http://landsaf.meteo.pt/), and the GOES processing chain presented here is designed to deliver a compatible fire product to complete geostationary coverage of the Western hemisphere. Results from the two GOES imagers are intercompared, and are independently verified against the well regarded MODIS cloud mask and active fire products. We find that the detection of cloud and active fires from GOES matches that of MODIS very well for fire pixels having FRP > 30 MW, when the GOES omission error falls to less than 10%. The FRP of fire clusters detected near simultaneously by both GOES and MODIS have a bias of only 22 MW, and a similar bias is found when comparing near-simultaneous GOES East and GOES West FRP observations. However, many fire pixels having FRP < 30 MW remain undetected by GOES, probably unavoidably since it has a much coarser spatial resolution than MODIS. Adjustment using data from the less frequent but more accurate views obtained from high spatial resolution polar orbiting imagers could be used to bias correct regional FRP totals. Temporal integration of the GOES FRP record indicates that during the summer months, biomass burning combusts thousands of millions of tonnes of fuel daily across the Americas. Comparison of these results to those of the Global Fire Emissions Database (GFEDv2) indicate strong linear relationships (r² > 0.9), suggesting that the timely FRP data available from a GOES real-time data feed is likely to be a suitable fire emissions source strength term for inclusion in schemes aiming to forecast the concentrations of atmospheric constituents affected by biomass burning.  相似文献   

Empirical models are important tools for relating field-measured biophysical variables to remote sensing data. Regression analysis has been a popular empirical method of linking these two types of data to provide continuous estimates for variables such as biomass, percent woody canopy cover, and leaf area index (LAI). Traditional methods of regression are not sufficient when resulting biophysical surfaces derived from remote sensing are subsequently used to drive ecosystem process models. Most regression analyses in remote sensing rely on a single spectral vegetation index (SVI) based on red and near-infrared reflectance from a single date of imagery. There are compelling reasons for utilizing greater spectral dimensionality, and for including SVIs from multiple dates in a regression analysis. Moreover, when including multiple SVIs and/or dates, it is useful to integrate these into a single index for regression modeling. Selection of an appropriate regression model, use of multiple SVIs from multiple dates of imagery as predictor variables, and employment of canonical correlation analysis (CCA) to integrate these multiple indices into a single index represent a significant strategic improvement over existing uses of regression analysis in remote sensing.To demonstrate this improved strategy, we compared three different types of regression models to predict LAI for an agro-ecosystem and live tree canopy cover for a needleleaf evergreen boreal forest: traditional (Y on X) ordinary least squares (OLS) regression, inverse (X on Y) OLS regression, and an orthogonal regression method called reduced major axis (RMA). Each model incorporated multiple SVIs from multiple dates and CCA was used to integrate these. For a given dataset, the three regression-modeling approaches produced identical coefficients of determination and intercepts, but different slopes, giving rise to divergent predictive characteristics. The traditional approach yielded the lowest root mean square error (RMSE), but the variance in the predictions was lower than the variance in the observed dataset. The inverse method had the highest RMSE and the variance was inflated relative to the variance of the observed dataset. RMA provided an intermediate set of predictions in terms of the RMSE, and the variance in the observations was preserved in the predictions. These results are predictable from regression theory, but that theory has been essentially ignored within the discipline of remote sensing.  相似文献   

We present an automated fire detection algorithm for the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) sensor capable of mapping actively burning fires at 30-m spatial resolution. For daytime scenes, our approach uses near infrared and short-wave infrared reflectance imagery. For nighttime scenes a simple short wave infrared radiance threshold is applied. Based on a statistical analysis of 100 ASTER scenes, we established omission and commission error rates for nine different regions. In most regions the probability of detection was between 0.8 and 0.9. Probabilities of false alarm varied between 9 × 10− 8 (India) and 2 × 10− 5 (USA/Canada). In most cases, the majority of false fire pixels were linked to clusters of true fire pixels, suggesting that most false fire pixels occur along ambiguous fire boundaries. We next consider fire characterization, and formulate an empirical method for estimating fire radiative power (FRP), a measure of fire intensity, using three ASTER thermal infrared channels. We performed a preliminary evaluation of our retrieval approach using four prescribed fires which were active at the time of the Terra overpass for which limited ground-truth data were collected. Retrieved FRP was accurate to within 20%, with the exception of one fire partially obscured by heavy soot.  相似文献   

Much of Russia north of the treeline is grazed by reindeer, and this grazing has materially altered the vegetation cover in many places. Monitoring vegetation change in these remote but ecologically sensitive regions is an important task for which satellite remote sensing is well suited. Further difficulties are imposed by the highly dynamic nature of arctic phenology, and by the difficulty of obtaining accurate official data on land cover in arctic Russia even where such data exist. We have approached the problem in a novel fashion by combining a conventional multispectral analysis of satellite imagery with data on current and historical land use gathered by the techniques of social anthropology, using a study site in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug (NAO). A Landsat-7 ETM+ image from the year 2000 was used to generate a current land cover classification. A Landsat-5 TM image was used to generate a land-cover classification for 1988, taking due account of phenological differences and between the two dates. A cautious comparison of these two classifications, again taking account of possible effects of phenological differences, shows that much of the study area has already undergone a notable transformation to grass-dominated tundra, almost certainly as a result of heavy grazing by reindeer. The grazing pattern is quite heterogeneous, and may have reached unsustainable levels in some areas. Finally, we suggest that this situation is unlikely to be unique to our study area and may well be widespread throughout the Eurasian tundra zone, particularly in the west.  相似文献   

Mapping northern land cover fractions using Landsat ETM+   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The goal of fractional mapping is to obtain land cover fraction estimates within each pixel over a region. Using field, Ikonos and Landsat data at three sites in northern Canada, we evaluate a physical unmixing method against two modeling approaches to map five land cover fractions that include bare, grass, deciduous shrub, conifer, and water along an 1100 km north-south transect crossing the tree-line of northern Canada. Error analyses are presented to assess factors that affect fractional mapping results, including modeling method (linear least squares inversion (LLSI) vs. linear regression vs. regression trees), number of Landsat spectral bands (3 vs. 5), local and distant fraction estimation using locally and globally calibrated models, and spatial resolution (30 m vs. 90 m). The ultimate purpose of this study is to determine if reliable land cover fractions can be obtained for biophysical modeling over northern Canada from a three band, resampled 90 m Landsat ETM+ mosaic north of the tree-line. Of the three modeling methods tested, linear regression and regression trees with five spectral bands produced the best local fraction estimates, while LLSI produced comparable results when unmixing was sufficiently determined. However, distant fraction estimation using both locally and globally calibrated models was most accurate using the three spectral bands available in the Landsat mosaic of northern Canada at 30 m resolution, and only slightly worse at 90 m resolution. While local calibrations produced more accurate fractions than global calibrations, application of local calibration models requires stratification of areas where local endmembers and models are representative. In the absence of such information, globally calibrated linear regression and regression trees to estimate separate fractions is an acceptable alternative, producing similar root mean square error, and an average absolute bias of less than 2%.  相似文献   

With rapid urban growth in recent years, understanding urban biophysical composition and dynamics becomes an important research topic. Remote sensing technologies introduce a potentially scientific basis for examining urban composition and monitoring its changes over time. The vegetation-impervious surface-soil (V-I-S) model, in particular, provides a foundation for describing urban/suburban environments and a basis for further urban analyses including urban growth modeling, environmental impact analysis, and socioeconomic factor estimation. This paper develops a normalized spectral mixture analysis (NSMA) method to examine urban composition in Columbus Ohio using Landsat ETM+ data. In particular, a brightness normalization method is applied to reduce brightness variation. Through this normalization, brightness variability within each V-I-S component is reduced or eliminated, thus allowing a single endmember representing each component. Further, with the normalized image, three endmembers, vegetation, impervious surface, and soil, are chosen to model heterogeneous urban composition using a constrained spectral mixture analysis (SMA) model. The accuracy of impervious surface estimation is assessed and compared with two other existing models. Results indicate that the proposed model is a better alternative to existing models, with a root mean square error (RMSE) of 10.1% for impervious surface estimation in the study area.  相似文献   

在植被指数相同的条件下,地面肤面温度可用于对土壤旱情的监测。通过植被指数——地面肤面温度特征空间分析了利用遥感进行旱情监测的原理,将传感器温度作为地面肤面温度,对干旱指数的计算进行了详细论述。利用栾城县的Landsat7 ETM+卫星数据进行了旱情监测与分析。  相似文献   

The validation of aerosol products derived from ocean color missions is required for the assessment of their uncertainties and as a diagnostic for the atmospheric correction schemes used for determining the ocean apparent optical properties. A comprehensive validation of the aerosol products obtained from the ocean color missions SeaWiFS and MODIS is presented; it relies on the field observations collected at 85 AERONET sites and is completed by preliminary results obtained with the data of the maritime AERONET component. A robust match-up selection protocol yields approximately 7000 match-ups for each sensor. The median absolute relative difference for the aerosol optical thickness τa increases from 20-22% at 443 nm to 45-48% in the near-infrared. The validation statistics are comparable for both sensors but MODIS results appear degraded particularly for sites located on isolated islands. The median absolute difference is approximately 0.03 at all wavelengths. Results are further analyzed for specific geographic regions or groups of sites selected to represent oceanic, continental, or desert dust conditions. Importantly, the match-up sets appear generally representative of the regional natural variability in τa amplitude and spectral shape, with the notable exception of high τa conditions that are excluded. An important finding is the underestimate by the atmospheric correction of the Ångström exponent α, with a median bias of − 0.52. This underestimate is apparent even at low α values and regularly increases with α. This discrepancy in τa spectral shape might result from an inappropriate set of candidate aerosol models and/or uncertainties in the calibration at the near-infrared bands. As the validation data base is expanded and updated in relation to new versions of the processing chains, this work provides a benchmark for the assessment of the aerosol products derived from the SeaWiFS and MODIS ocean color missions.  相似文献   

Land surface temperature (LST) is a key parameter in numerous environmental studies. Surface heterogeneity induces uncertainty in estimating subpixel temperature. To take an advantage of simultaneous, multi-resolution observations at coincident nadirs by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) and the MODerate-resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), LST products from the two sensors were examined for a portion of suburb area in Beijing, China. We selected Soil-Adjusted Vegetation Index (SAVI), Normalized Multi-band Drought Index (NMDI), Normalized Difference Built-up Index (NDBI) and Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI) as representative remote sensing indices for four land cover types (vegetation, bare soil, impervious and water area), respectively. By using support vector machines, the overall classification accuracy of the four land cover types with inputs of the four remote sensing indices, extracted from ASTER visible near infrared (VNIR) bands and shortwave infrared (SWIR) bands, reached 97.66%, and Kappa coefficient was 0.9632. In order to lower the subpixel temperature estimation error caused by re-sampling of remote sensing data, a disaggregation method for subpixel temperature using the remote sensing endmember index based technique (DisEMI) was established in this study. Firstly, the area ratios and statistical information of endmember remote sensing indices were calculated from ASTER VNIR/SWIR data at 990 m and 90 m resolutions, respectively. Secondly, the relationship between the 990 m resolution MODIS LST and the corresponding input parameters (area ratios and endmember indices at the 990 m resolution) was trained by a genetic algorithm and self-organizing feature map artificial neural network (GA-SOFM-ANN). Finally, the trained models were employed to estimate the 90 m resolution subpixel temperature with inputs of area ratios and endmember indices at the 90 m resolution. ASTER LST product was used for verifying the estimated subpixel temperature, and the verified results indicate that the estimated temperature distribution was basically consistent with that of ASTER LST product. A better agreement was found between temperatures derived by our proposed method (DisEMI) and the ASTER 90 m data (R2 = 0.709 and RMSE = 2.702 K).  相似文献   

Quality assessment of Landsat surface reflectance products using MODIS data   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Surface reflectance adjusted for atmospheric effects is a primary input for land cover change detection and for developing many higher level surface geophysical parameters. With the development of automated atmospheric correction algorithms, it is now feasible to produce large quantities of surface reflectance products using Landsat images. Validation of these products requires in situ measurements, which either do not exist or are difficult to obtain for most Landsat images. The surface reflectance products derived using data acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS), however, have been validated more comprehensively. Because the MODIS on the Terra platform and the Landsat 7 are only half an hour apart following the same orbit, and each of the 6 Landsat spectral bands overlaps with a MODIS band, good agreements between MODIS and Landsat surface reflectance values can be considered indicators of the reliability of the Landsat products, while disagreements may suggest potential quality problems that need to be further investigated. Here we develop a system called Landsat-MODIS Consistency Checking System (LMCCS). This system automatically matches Landsat data with MODIS observations acquired on the same date over the same locations and uses them to calculate a set of agreement metrics. To maximize its portability, Java and open-source libraries were used in developing this system, and object-oriented programming (OOP) principles were followed to make it more flexible for future expansion. As a highly automated system designed to run as a stand-alone package or as a component of other Landsat data processing systems, this system can be used to assess the quality of essentially every Landsat surface reflectance image where spatially and temporally matching MODIS data are available. The effectiveness of this system was demonstrated using it to assess preliminary surface reflectance products derived using the Global Land Survey (GLS) Landsat images for the 2000 epoch. As surface reflectance likely will be a standard product for future Landsat missions, the approach developed in this study can be adapted as an operational quality assessment system for those missions.  相似文献   

An approach to generate a 250-meter Canada wide Leaf Area Index (LAI) map using 250-meter MODIS data is described. The full processing chain is introduced. The approach is based on intercalibration of Landsat and MODIS vegetation indices (VI's) combined with LAI-VI's empirical relationships. Preliminary validation over two sites where field work was carried out shows promising results. Intercalibration of MODIS VI's before deriving LAI maps provides up to 65% improvement of the LAI overall accuracy.  相似文献   

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