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李锋  王恩江 《城建档案》2004,(4):19-20,42
住房公积金贷款(目前主要是指个人住房贷款)是解决城镇居民住房问题的一个重要手段,也是住房公积金实现住房保障功能的主要形式。据统计,全国已有270多万户城镇职工家庭通过住房公积金贷款购建住房,改善了居住条件,住房公积金正发挥着越来越重要的作用。随着住房公积金贷款的不  相似文献   

从4月10日起,浙江省直属单位住房公积金贷款政策大幅收紧,职工个人最高贷款额度为50万元、夫妻最高贷款额度为80万元的政策并无改变,但是对应的月缴存额度与此前相比,提高了1倍多。很多人的公积金最高贷款额度大幅缩水。  相似文献   

石浩  章劲 《山西建筑》2006,32(18):229-230
针对住房公积金贷款的应用状况,介绍了住房公积金管理中心不能满足提款要求的风险,分析了利用现金分布的期望和方差来控制这种风险事件发生的概率的方法,从而确定最大的贷款比例。  相似文献   

申请住房公积金贷款,应当提供担保.这是<住房公积金管理条例>所作的规定.担保形式一般有抵押、质押和保证,而目前大部分住房公积金个人住房贷款主要是沿用商业银行住房贷款模式--住房抵押贷款,质押和保证担保模式较少.其实,充分利用住房公积金缴存特点,可以大力开展住房公积金联名保证来发放住房公积金个人住房贷款.  相似文献   

住房公积金制度及其管理运作   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
住房公积金制度是深化城镇住房制度改革的重要步骤和措施,我国自1 991年建立住房公积金制度以来,到2003全国已有6700万职工建立了住房公积金账户,公积金累计归集总额达到4011亿元,归集余额2840亿元,发放个人住房委托贷款余额1125亿元,占归集余额的40%.由此可见,住房公积金制度切实提高了职工解决自身住房问题的能力.增加住房有效需求,促进经济发展和人民群众住房条件的不断改善.因此,进一步完善公积金制度,加强公积金管理具有十分重要的意义.  相似文献   

住房公积金制度把住房改革和住房发展紧密地结合起来,解决了长期困扰我国的住房机制转换问题和筹集政策性住房融资问题。但由于我国住房公积金贷款尚处在起始阶段,住房公积金贷款在制度还存在缺陷,住房公积金贷款作为住房保障的一项重要制度需要进一步完善。  相似文献   

蓝相吉 《城乡建设》2010,(10):65-67
住房和城乡建设部等七部门联合发出的《关于利用住房公积金贷款支持保障性住房建设试点工作的实施意见》中明确,北京、天津、重庆、唐山等28个城市,成为首批利用公积金贷款支持保障性住房建设的试点城市;  相似文献   

自1991年上海率先试行住房公积金制度 ,到1994年住房公积金制度开始在全国范围内推广 ,时光荏苒 ,已历8载。伴随着住房改革的不断深化 ,住房公积金制度取得了令人瞩目的成绩 ,正在发挥着越来越重要的作用 ,然而现行的住房公积金制度也逐渐暴露出不少弱点。在借鉴新加坡中央公积金制度和德国住房储蓄制度成功经验的基础上 ,针对现行住房公积金制度存在的主要问题 ,结合社会不同收入阶层的不同情况 ,本文提出了住房公积金制度合理可行的改革思路  相似文献   

朱力  朱晓 《城乡建设》2011,(4):61-62,5
住房公积金制度的建立,在推进我国住房制度改革,提高职工住房消费支付能力,培育住房金融业发展,促进住房保障体系建设和拉动地方经济增长等诸多方面都发挥了重要作用,国家及地方各级政府也越来越重视住房公积金的管理工作。  相似文献   

以晋煤集团公积金中心装修改造工程为例,从室内外装修系统、消防系统、空调系统、强弱电系统、监测监控系统五个方面对其设计方案进行了分析,为类似工程方案的设计积累了经验.  相似文献   

拓展融资渠道,确保公积金安全   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一、我国保障性住房建设的融资问题 (一)政府财政支持有限,且没有形成常态.我国于1998年依据<国务院关于进一步深化城镇住房制度改革加快住房建设的通知>开始建立廉租房制度.依据国发[2007]24号文,廉租住房是政府公共品服务的重要职责,政府是责任主体,也应是出资主体.  相似文献   

Construction of low-income housing projects is a recurring process and is associated with uncertainties that arise from the unavailability of resources. This paper presents a case study that discusses how computer simulation and optimisation are used to aid government agencies and/or contractors in planning of such projects. It illustrates the optimisation of project objectives, taking into consideration the interaction amongst involved resources. As such, total duration and the associated total costs, including direct and indirect costs, can be estimated and optimised. One Youth Habitation project that is executed in 6th of October City in Egypt is analysed in a step-by-step procedure to demonstrate the capability of proposed computer simulation and optimisation prototype (named LIHouse{_}Sim) in the modelling construction of low-income housing projects using bearing block walls with hollow core technique. The presented tool proves its practicality to contractors in estimating the time and costs of the recurring process of low-income housing construction, considering complex interdependencies between construction resources and the uncertainties associated with construction activities. The LIHouse{_}Sim prototype is used to perform a wide analysis for the alternative of the effective optimisation criteria in the bearing block walls/hollow core technique and for the genetic algorithm optimisation approach elements.  相似文献   

建设项目往往具有不同的还款方式,基于资金等值时,其偿还的结果是一样的,但仍然要对还款方式进行选择,因为必须考虑项目的投资收益率、银行的贷款利息率以及实际市场上的通货膨胀因素等的影响。本文作者对建设项目的几种常见还款方式进行了详细分析,并结合应用实例进行了说明,从而有利于项目决策者选择合适的债务偿还方式,提高建设项目本身的经济效益。  相似文献   

以祁县紫金花园为例,总结了保障房规划布局及平面布局的特点,通过精细化、适用化设计提高居住品质,并提出了保障性住房设计规划的发展途径,从而促进保障性住房的建设。  相似文献   

Despite the importance of housing, it hasgenerally received very low priority in India'spublic policy and investment program, which haschanged frequently since independence in 1947. Although the government has embarked on avariety of innovative housing programs andpolicies, especially for the lower-incomesegments of the population in urban areas, thecoverage of these programs and schemes ismarginal as compared to the overall housingrequirements of the urban population. Aconcerted effort by the public and privatesectors has not been able to keep pace with thegrowing demand for urban housing, especiallythat market segment accessible to the urbanpoor. The most visible manifestations of stateand market failure are the numerousunauthorized housing settlements scattered inand around the large cities of India. Thispaper reviews the role of the state, the marketand non-governmental organizations (NGOs) inthe provision of housing for low-income groups.It is found that formal housing agencies inboth the public and the private sector areneither building fast enough to meet demand norcheaply enough to reach the poor. As aconsequence, an informal sector has emerged inalmost all cities in India.  相似文献   

一、村镇住宅建设在南通    村镇住宅,是指过去传统意义上的农民在村镇集体土地上所建设的、供自己居住的房屋。村镇住宅是农村居民居住的主要来源,也是部分城市(镇)人群居住房屋的辅助来源。    南通是一个有七百八十五万人口的城市,2003年全市城市化水平达到42%。随着南通市社会经济的不断发展,村镇住宅建设的速度也不断加快,村镇住宅的结构和质量不断改善。“十五”前四年,全市共增加村镇住宅面积两千五百八十七万多平方米,秦砖汉瓦取代了草坯土墙,楼房渐次代替了平房,别墅的建设也势头强劲,村镇住宅建设已成为拉动农村…  相似文献   

This paper aims to contribute to the debate in comparative housing studies about the significance of national housing policies by considering what can be learnt from analysing the consequences of different policy paths. In particular, the paper looks at the evidence of the long-run impacts of different housing strategies adopted to assist lower-income households in Australia and the Netherlands, using housing affordability as a measure of their impact. Australia is an example of a country that has promoted mass home ownership across the income distribution supplemented by a very small public housing system. In contrast, the Netherlands has relied more on a large and diversified social housing sector. The comparative analysis shows that there are many similarities in the patterns of affordability among low-income households in the two countries despite the use of different policy means. In the past, both countries had good success providing secure and affordable housing for poorer households. Now, lower-income households are experiencing greater affordability problems that are linked to societal changes and the retrenchment of government housing assistance in both cases. However, the study also finds that affordability problems among lower-income households are worse in Australia because of the greater reliance on private housing in that country.  相似文献   

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