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何洁冰 《广东化工》2005,32(5):22-24
本文介绍了立德粉光致变色的原因和影响因素,论述了钴盐、表面处理等对提高立德粉耐光性的作用,并对高耐光性立德粉的研制进行了探讨。  相似文献   

张勤 《江苏化工》1994,22(1):51-52
介绍了改进的中铬黄合成工艺和对颜料表面处理的方法,提高了颜料的耐光性。  相似文献   

绪论 钼铬红颜料是红色无机颜料中较为鲜艳、具有较好着色力、且有一定耐热,耐光性的品种。 近几年,涂料及塑料、油墨行业对颜料的耐光性要求越来越高,对它的耐候性、耐酸、耐碱和耐二氧化硫的性能也有一定要求。因此,颜料颗粒用金属氧化物薄层包膜显得十分重要,即在颜料的外层形成一种不影响其使用性能的保护膜,如二氧化锡、二氧化硅、二氧化  相似文献   

综述了7种含钴原料生产电池级硫酸钴的工艺技术。含钴原料不同,生产电池级硫酸钴的工艺技术也有较大差别。根据含钴原料特性将含钴原料细分为7种:含钴氧化矿、含钴硫化矿、副产钴渣、含钴合金废料、废钴催化剂、钴中间品、含钴电池废料。以含钴原料为出发点,对各种含钴原料生产电池级硫酸钴的工艺进行了综述。详细介绍和总结了浸出和精炼工艺的进展,并展望了电池级硫酸钴生产工艺的发展方向。  相似文献   

在装饰材料的生产过程中,钛白粉是重要的生产原料之一。钛白粉在装饰纸体系中具有重要的耐光性作用,将其应用在装饰原纸中会体现出较强的遮盖作用,对颜色以及耐光保色也会产生很大的影响。钛白粉具有高亮白以及高遮盖的特点,在装饰纸生产中被广泛的利用,不仅拓展了装饰纸的色彩空间,还会有效延长装饰纸制品的使用寿命。  相似文献   

本文阐述了耐光钼铬红颜料的基本原理和制备方法,列出了颜料性能和漆用性能检验结果,讨论了溶液浓度、反应温度、加料时间、酸化pH值、晶型转变时间、处理剂加量等因素对产品性能的影响。研制的耐光钼铬红性能优良,主要技术指标已基本达到国外同类产品先进水平,是一种很有发展前途的颜料。  相似文献   

韩德红 《河北化工》2011,34(12):64-65,79
采用配位滴定法分析了硫酸钴试剂中七水合硫酸钴的含量,提出了在分析硫酸钴含量过程中应注意的几个问题和关键操作。  相似文献   

改善云母钛珠光颜料耐光性的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以改善云母钛珠光颜料耐光性为目标,用Al2O3对其表面进行包覆。研究了形成均匀膜层的最佳工艺参数,探讨了改性机理。  相似文献   

崔吉洋 《粘接》2022,(9):58-61
木塑复合材料有着绿色环保、延展性强、硬度高等优势,可运用于室外篮球架的材料制作,任何材料都存在老化、氧化的问题,影响篮球架的适用范围。以木粉/聚丙烯复合材料为例,研究了木粉组分和亚磷酸三酯(抗氧化剂168)2个因素对木塑复合材料耐光老化性能的影响,阐述了木塑复合高分子材料耐光老化性保护对篮球架的作用。实验表明:木质素有助于复合材料的力学性能保持,纤维素可促进复合材料光老化过程中的颜色稳定性;当VE质量分数为0.2%、抗氧化剂168质量分数为l. 0%时,复合材料的耐光老化性能最佳。复合材料耐光老化性能的改善有助于进一步扩大材料的其他性能优势。  相似文献   

Poly(ethylene terephthalate) films having different morphologies have been coloured with some azo dyes. Isotropic and anisotropic films showed an inversion in dyeing behaviour as well as in light fastness, always at crystallinity β=0.5. We have interpreted the phenomenon in terms of a different localisation of the dye in going from a structure of PET corresponding to a free-volume model to a structure corresponding to a pore model. It was found that polymer morphology strongly affected dye photofading whilst the thermal cis-trans isomerisation of azo dyes in the PET matrix depended only on the amorphous region; below the glass transition temperature isomerisation proceeded in a way that was determined by the effects of restrictions in the mobility of the photochrome itself.  相似文献   

Cationic compounds are frequently used in direct dyeing processes and in ink-jet printing as dyefixing agents. In some cases, however, they can reduce the light fastness of dyes used. This report deals with the effect of a polycationic compound, Polyfix 601, on the light fastness of CI Acid Red 249, an anionic 2-phenylazo-1-naphthol dye, in aqueous solutions and in PVA films. As a comparison, the much smaller ammonium cation was used, which had no observable effect on hue or dye light fastness. However, some changes to the dye's physical properties were observed. The effect of the polycation is explained as a consequence of dye aggregation, facilitated by presence of polycation. Self-sensitised singlet oxygen seemed to play no part in dye photofading, but other oxygen species could participate in the process.  相似文献   

Improving light fastness of natural dyes on cotton yarn   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
The objectives of this study were to evaluate the light fastness of selected natural dyes (madder, weld and woad) and the effect of some commonly used antioxidants and UV absorbers on the light fastness of these dyes.

The photofading rate curves of madder and weld fixed on cotton correspond to type II fading rate curves described by Giles. These results are in concordance with those of Cox-Crews. The woad presents a type III fading rate curve, similar to the indigo fading rate curve presented by Cox-Crews.

A poor light fastness of the three natural dyes in comparison with synthetic ones is established beyond question. Nevertheless, the use of some additives can improve this default of natural dyes. In all the cases, the use of UV absorbers or antioxidants improved the light fastness of dyed fabrics. The most effectives were the vitamin C and the gallic acid.  相似文献   

Four sulfate resisting binder types have been examined by immersing mortar specimens (40*40*160 mm, sand/binder ratio = 3.0), in magnesium sulfate solutions. Strength, mass and length changes have been recorded over a period of 2 years. Differences in performance between SRPC and mixer combinations PC/blastfurnace slag, PC/fly ash and PC/silica fume binders have been vonfirmed, and the general conclusion of the study is that the sulfate resisting Portland cements behaved significantly better than these other binders under the conditions of exposure adopted.  相似文献   

Various nickel arylsulphonates were synthesised and their protecting effects on the photofading of CI Basic Violet 3, CI Acid Red 94, CI Acid Red 87 and CI Acid Blue 74 examined on nylon fabric. The rates of photofading of the dyes were remarkably suppressed in the presence of nickel salts, while the addition of ultraviolet absorbers and conventional stabilisers afforded little retardation of the rate of fading. The antimicrobial activity against two species bacteria of nickel salts was also examined. This aftertreatment technique was shown to be safe for the environment and human health.  相似文献   

The stabilising effect of dithiolato nickel complexes on the photofading of thin layers of a cyanine dyes in a sunlight simulator has been studied. It was found that the neutral nickel complex with a total of twelve methoxy substituents was the most effective in inhibiting the photofading of the dye.  相似文献   

Colour formers are important as functional dyes for imaging and data recording systems. Metal complexes of substituted arylsulphonic acids or arylcarboxylic acids have been synthesised to prolong the life of coloured species derived from crystal violet lactone. The suppressing effect of these compounds towards photofading was investigated on cellulose. It was found that zinc and nickel salts of 2,6-dihydroxybenzoic acid and its derivatives can be applied as effective stabilisers against the fading of crystal violet lactone. The protecting effect of phenyl esters against fading was also examined.  相似文献   

陈秀娟 《中国橡胶》2007,23(13):36-38
橡胶与金属骨架材料高强度粘合所用的粘合剂主要为钴盐型粘合增进剂,其质量对橡胶制品的质量有很大的影响。目前,国内钴盐粘合剂生产方法,根据碱式碳酸钴状态的不同,分为湿法生产和干法生产两种。本文将分别就钴源的状态及钴粉的质量和水平对钴盐粘合剂制造过程和对产品质量的影响进行探讨。  相似文献   

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