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Let S and T be two finite sets of points on the real line with |S|+|T|=n and |S|>|T|. The restriction scaffold assignment problem in computational biology assigns each point of S to a point of T such that the sum of all the assignment costs is minimized, with the constraint that every element of T must be assigned at least one element of S. The cost of assigning an element si of S to an element tj of T is |sitj|, i.e., the distance between si and tj. In 2003 Ben-Dor, Karp, Schwikowski and Shamir [J. Comput. Biol. 10 (2) (2003) 385] published an O(nlogn) time algorithm for this problem. Here we provide a counterexample to their algorithm and present a new algorithm that runs in O(n2) time, improving the best previous complexity of O(n3).  相似文献   

A special class of map labeling problem is studied. Let P={p1,p2,…,pn} be a set of point sites distributed on a 2D map. A label associated with each point pi is an axis-parallel rectangle ri of specified width. The height of all are same. The placement of ri must contain pi at its top-left or bottom-left corner, and it does not obscure any other point in P. The objective is to label the maximum number of points on the map so that the placed labels are mutually non-overlapping. We first consider a simple model for this problem. Here, for each point pi, the corner specification (i.e., whether the point pi would appear at the top-left or bottom-left corner of the label) is known a priori. We show that the time complexity of this problem is , and then propose an algorithm for this problem which runs in O(nlogn) time. If the corner specifications of the points in P are not known, our algorithm is a 2-approximation algorithm. Here we propose an efficient heuristic algorithm that is easy to implement. Experimental evidences show that it produces optimal solutions for most of the randomly generated instances and for all the standard benchmarks available in http://www.math-inf.uni-greifswald.de/map-labeling/.  相似文献   

This Letter first defines an aspect ratio of a triangle by the ratio of the longest side over the minimal height. Given a set of line segments, any point p in the plane is associated with the worst aspect ratio for all the triangles defined by the point and the line segments. When a line segment si gives the worst ratio, we say that p is dominated by si. Now, an aspect-ratio Voronoi diagram for a set of line segments is a partition of the plane by this dominance relation. We first give a formal definition of the Voronoi diagram and give O(n2+ε) upper bound and Ω(n2) lower bound on the complexity, where ε is any small positive number. The Voronoi diagram is interesting in itself, and it also has an application to a problem of finding an optimal point to insert into a simple polygon to have a triangulation that is optimal in the sense of the aspect ratio.  相似文献   

An algorithm is presented for finding a maximum-weight spanning tree of a set ofn points in the Euclidean plane, where the weight of an edge (p i ,p j ) equals the Euclidean distance between the pointsp i andp j . The algorithm runs inO(n logh) time and requiresO(n) space;h denotes the number of points on the convex hull of the given set. If the points are vertices of a convex polygon (given in order along the boundary), then our algorithm requires only a linear amount of time and space. These bounds are the best possible in the algebraic computation-tree model. We also establish various properties of maximum spanning trees that can be exploited to solve other geometric problems.  相似文献   

We give a simple O(nlogn) algorithm to compute the convex hull of the (possibly Θ(n2)) intersection points in an arrangement of n line segments in the plane. We also show an arrangement of dn hyperplanes in d-dimensions whose arrangement has Θ(nd−1) intersection points on the convex hull.  相似文献   

Given a set S of line segments in the plane, its visibility graph GS is the undirected graph which has the endpoints of the line segments in S as nodes and in which two nodes (points) are adjacent whenever they ‘see’ each other (the line segments in S are regarded as nontransparent obstacles). It is shown that GS can be constructed in O(n2) time and space for a set S of n nonintersecting line segments. As an immediate implication, the shortest path between two points in the plane avoiding a set of n nonintersecting line segments can be computed in O(n2) time and space  相似文献   

We consider the following circle placement problem: given a set of pointsp i ,i=1,2, ...,n, each of weightw i , in the plane, and a fixed disk of radiusr, find a location to place the disk such that the total weight of the points covered by the disk is maximized. The problem is equivalent to the so-called maximum weighted clique problem for circle intersection graphs. That is, given a setS ofn circles,D i ,i=1,2, ...,n, of the same radiusr, each of weightw i , find a subset ofS whose common intersection is nonempty and whose total weight is maximum. AnO (n 2) algorithm is presented for the maximum clique problem. The algorithm is better than a previously known algorithm which is based on sorting and runs inO (n 2 logn) time.  相似文献   

We present a randomized parallel list ranking algorithm for distributed memory multiprocessors, using a BSP type model. We first describe a simple version which requires, with high probability, log(3p)+log ln(n)=Õ(logp+log logn) communication rounds (h-relations withh=Õ(n/p)) andÕ(n/p)) local computation. We then outline an improved version that requires high probability, onlyr?(4k+6) log(2/3p)+8=Õ(k logp) communication rounds wherek=min{i?0 |ln(i+1)n?(2/3p)2i+1}. Notekn) is an extremely small number. Forn andp?4, the value ofk is at most 2. Hence, for a given number of processors,p, the number of communication rounds required is, for all practical purposes, independent ofn. Forn?1, 500,000 and 4?p?2048, the number of communication rounds in our algorithm is bounded, with high probability, by 78, but the actual number of communication rounds observed so far is 25 in the worst case. Forn?10010100 and 4?p?2048, the number of communication rounds in our algorithm is bounded, with high probability, by 118; and we conjecture that the actual number of communication rounds required will not exceed 50. Our algorithm has a considerably smaller member of communication rounds than the list ranking algorithm used in Reid-Miller’s empirical study of parallel list ranking on the Cray C-90.(1) To our knowledge, Reid-Miller’s algorithm(1) was the fastest list ranking implementation so far. Therefore, we expect that our result will have considerable practical relevance.  相似文献   

A 1-corner corridor through a set S of points is an open subset of CH(S) containing no points from S and bounded by a pair of parallel polygonal lines each of which contains two segments. Given a set of n points in the plane, we consider the problem of computing a widest empty 1-corner corridor. We describe an algorithm that solves the problem in O(n4logn) time and O(n) space. We also present an approximation algorithm that computes in time a solution with width at least a fraction (1−ε) of the optimal, for any small enough ε>0.  相似文献   

Given a set S of n disjoint convex polygons {Pi∣1?i?n} in a plane, each with ki vertices, the transversal problem is to find, if there exists one, a straight line that goes through every polygon in S. We show that the transversal problem can be solved in O(N+nlogn) time, where N=∑i=1nki is the total number of vertices of the polygons.  相似文献   

Let S={s1,…,sn} be a set of points in the plane. The Oja depth of a query point θ with respect to S is the sum of the areas of all triangles (θ,si,sj). This depth may be computed in O(nlogn) time in the RAM model of computation. We show that a matching lower bound holds in the algebraic decision tree model. This bound also applies to the computation of the Oja gradient, the Oja sign test, and to the problem of computing the sum of pairwise distances among points on a line.  相似文献   

Finding the maximum independent set in the intersection graph of n axis-parallel rectangles is NP-hard. We re-examine two known approximation results for this problem. For the case of rectangles of unit height, Agarwal, van Kreveld and Suri [Comput. Geom. Theory Appl. 11 (1998) 209-218] gave a (1+1/k)-factor algorithm with an O(nlogn+n2k−1) time bound for any integer constant k?1; we describe a similar algorithm running in only O(nlogn+k−1) time, where Δ?n denotes the maximum number of rectangles a point can be in. For the general case, Berman, DasGupta, Muthukrishnan and Ramaswami [J. Algorithms 41 (2001) 443-470] gave a ⌈logkn⌉-factor algorithm with an O(nk+1) time bound for any integer constant k?2; we describe similar algorithms running in O(nlogn+k−2) and nO(k/logk) time.  相似文献   

We consider the following geometric pattern matching problem: Given two sets of points in the plane, P and Q, and some (arbitrary) δ>0, find a similarity transformation T (translation, rotation and scale) such that h(T(P),Q)<δ, where h(⋅,⋅) is the directional Hausdorff distance with L as the underlying metric; or report that none exists. We are only interested in the decision problem, not in minimizing the Hausdorff distance, since in the real world, where our applications come from, δ is determined by the practical uncertainty in the position of the points (pixels). Similarity transformations have not been dealt with in the context of the Hausdorff distance and we fill the gap here. We present efficient algorithms for this problem imposing a reasonable separation restriction on the points in the set Q. If the L distance between every pair of points in Q is at least 8δ, then the problem can be solved in O(mn2logn) time, where m and n are the numbers of points in P and Q respectively. If the L distance between every pair of points in Q is at least , for some c, 0<c<1, we present a randomized approximate solution with expected runtime O(n2c−4ε−8log4mn), where ε>0 controls the approximation. Our approximation is on the size of the subset, BP, such that h(T(B),Q)<δ and |B|>(1−ε)|P| with high probability.  相似文献   

Kirkpatrick and Seidel [13,14] recently proposed an algorithm for computing the convex hull of n points in the plane that runs in O(n log h) worst case time, where h denotes the number of points on the convex hull of the set. Here a modification of their algorithm is proposed that is believed to run in O(n) expected time for many reasonable distributions of points. The above O(n log h) algorithmsare experimentally compared to the O(n log n) ‘throw-away’ algorithms of Akl, Devroye and Toussaint [2, 8, 20]. The results suggest that although the O(n Log h) algorithms may be the ‘ultimate’ ones in theory, they are of little practical value from the point of view of running time.  相似文献   

A king in a tournament is a player who beats any other player directly or indirectly. According to the existence of a king in every tournament, Wu and Sheng [Inform. Process. Lett. 79 (2001) 297-299] recently presented an algorithm for finding a sorted sequence of kings in a tournament of size n, i.e., a sequence of players u1,u2,…,un such that uiui+1 (ui beats ui+1) and ui is a king in the sub-tournament induced by {ui,ui+1,…,un} for each i=1,2,…,n−1. With each pair u,v of players in a tournament, let b(u,v) denote the number of third players used for u to beat v indirectly. Then, a king u is called a strong king if the following condition is fulfilled: if vu then b(u,v)>b(v,u). In the sequel, we will show that the algorithm proposed by Wu and Sheng indeed generates a sorted sequence of strong kings, which is more restricted than the previous one.  相似文献   

Computing euclidean maximum spanning trees   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An algorithm is presented for finding a maximum-weight spanning tree of a set ofn points in the Euclidean plane, where the weight of an edge (p i ,p j ) equals the Euclidean distance between the pointsp i andp j . The algorithm runs inO(n logh) time and requiresO(n) space;h denotes the number of points on the convex hull of the given set. If the points are vertices of a convex polygon (given in order along the boundary), then our algorithm requires only a linear amount of time and space. These bounds are the best possible in the algebraic computation-tree model. We also establish various properties of maximum spanning trees that can be exploited to solve other geometric problems.  相似文献   

Let S be a set of n?3 points arranged in convex position in the plane and suppose that all points of S are labeled from 1 to n in clockwise direction. A planar path P on S is a path whose edges connect all points of S with straight line segments such that no two edges of P cross. Flipping an edge on P means that a new path P is obtained from P by a single edge replacement. In this paper, we provide efficient algorithms to generate all planar paths. With the help of a loopless algorithm to produce a set of 2-way binary-reflected Gray codes, the proposed algorithms generate the next planar path by means of a flip and such that the number of position changes for points in the path has a constant amortized upper bound.  相似文献   

Here we propose an efficient algorithm for computing the smallest enclosing circle whose center is constrained to lie on a query line segment. Our algorithm preprocesses a given set of n points P={p1,p2,…,pn} such that for any query line or line segment L, it efficiently locates a point c on L that minimizes the maximum distance among the points in P from c. Roy et al. [S. Roy, A. Karmakar, S. Das, S.C. Nandy, Constrained minimum enclosing circle with center on a query line segment, in: Proc. of the 31st Mathematical Foundation of Computer Science, 2006, pp. 765-776] have proposed an algorithm that solves the query problem in O(log2n) time using O(nlogn) preprocessing time and O(n) space. Our algorithm improves the query time to O(logn); but the preprocessing time and space complexities are both O(n2).  相似文献   

Andersson and Nilsson have already shown that the average depth Dn of random LC-tries is only Θ(logn) when the keys are produced by a symmetric memoryless process, and that Dn=O(loglogn) when the process is asymmetric. In this paper we refine the second estimate by showing that asymptotically (with n→∞): , where n is the number of keys inserted in a trie, η=−log(1−h/h−∞), h=−plogpqlogq is the entropy of a binary memoryless source with probabilities p, q=1−p (pq), and h−∞=−logmin(p,q).  相似文献   

Given an edge-weighted rooted tree T and a positive integer p (?n), where n is the number of vertices in T, we cover all vertices in T by a set of p subtrees each of which contains the root r of T. The minmax rooted-tree cover problem asks to find such a set of p subtrees so as to minimize the maximum weight of the subtrees in the set. In this paper, we propose an O(n) time (2+ε)-approximation algorithm to the problem, where ε>0 is a prescribed constant.  相似文献   

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