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在新疆石河子地区,在滴灌、种植密度和田间配置方式相同的条件下,比较了春播与复播油葵品种新葵20号产量形成及群体生理参数。结果表明,春播条件下,生育期、生物产量、籽实产量、收获指数分别为97d、9271.9kg/hm^2、4349.Okg,/hm^2、0.47,复播条件下则分别为94d、14413.5kg/hm^2、4106.4kg/hm^2、0.35。春播和复播的最大叶面积指数(LAImax)分别为4.54和5.52。每公顷春播的光合势(LAD)为93.25m。d,开花后占77.6%;复播则为94.12m。d,开花后占82.9%。春、复播全生育期平均净同化率(NAR)分别为3.67、5.26g/(m^2·d)。采用更早熟的品种,提早播种,使灌浆提前,加之使用植物生长调节剂以增强光合产物向籽实转移,有望进一步提高复播油葵产量。  相似文献   

群体配置对菜用大豆产量及生理指标的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
不同群体配置方式对菜用大豆的植株性状,青荚产量,叶面积指数,干物质积累量,干物质积累速度和各器官光合产的的分配均有不同程度的影响。每穴1株,2株比3株种植法青荚产量明显提高,单株干物质累积量增加,累积速度加快,光合产物在荚粒中的分配量分别增加1.11g和0.89g。  相似文献   

吉林省向日葵列当生理小种鉴定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
使用5份由西班牙提供的向日葵列国际鉴别寄主,通过人工接种方法,对吉林省向阳葵主产区3个点的向日葵列当群体进行了生理小种鉴定,结果表明,3个列群体接种在向日葵列当国际鉴别寄主上反应完全一致,根据已知向日葵列当生理小种在鉴别寄主上的寄生性,该向日葵产区向日葵列当的生理小种定名为A小种。  相似文献   

稀土溶液浸种对向日葵生长及生理活性的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用盆栽法研究稀土溶液浸种对向日葵生长及生理活性的影响。试验结果表明,适宜浓度(0.3%)的稀土溶液能够促进向日葵的生长,增加株高,扩大叶面积,刺激根系发育,有利于干物质积累。同时,稀土对叶片中各种光合色素的含量和某些生理生化特性有提高和促进作用。  相似文献   

利用田间自然抗虫鉴定法连续3年在内蒙古巴彦淖尔市对56个向日葵品种进行了抗向日葵螟鉴定,结果表明,17个油葵品种中除P50表现为中抗(籽粒被害率为6.7%)外,其余品种全部表现为高抗,籽粒被害率均在0~2.5%;而39个食葵品种中仅新食葵7号表现为高抗(籽粒被害率为1.9%),其余多表现为感虫或高感,籽粒被害率在5.8%~54.1%。进一步利用黑色素鉴定法对所有品种进行了室内检测,其结果与田间抗虫鉴定结果基本吻合。由此认为:在进行田间自然抗虫鉴定时,宜根据田间向日葵螟成虫种群动态选择适宜的播期,使向日葵的开花期与向日葵螟成虫发生盛期尽量吻合,以提高害虫对向日葵的选择压力和鉴定结果的科学性,同时避免出现播期避害现象,干扰鉴定结果的准确性。  相似文献   

不同花生品种高产生理参数研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以远杂9102和国内生产上种植面积较大的两个小果型品种白沙1016、鲁花12号及两个大果型品种海花1号、豫花15号为材料,考查叶绿素含量、叶面积指数、叶片可溶性糖含量、经济系数等重要生理参数。结果表明,远杂9102功能叶叶绿素含量在小果品种中最高,叶片叶绿素含量在生长后期减少的速度慢于同类型其它品种;叶面积指数位于最适叶面积范围之内;叶片可溶性糖含量在成熟期还保持增长趋势;是参试品种中经济系数最高的品种。由此说明,远杂9102具有高产的生理基础。  相似文献   

甜菜群体光合速率日变化与生理生态因子关系的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
甜菜群体光合速率日变化属于中午降低型,其中午降低是受多种生理生态因子相互作用的结果,但主要来自中午大气相对湿度的降低和叶片气孔阻力的增加所造成的不利作用。  相似文献   

向日葵人工脱叶防治黑斑病及其对产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
三年田间试验结果表明:向日葵人工脱叶可防治黑斑病并可挽回病造成的产量损失。在病情指数相同的条件下,脱掉16、20片叶平均挽回产量损失44.67%、脱掉16、20、24片叶平均降低病情指数33.51%。对人工脱叶防治病害和挽回产量损失的原因进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   

粮食储藏生理性变质研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
粮食是人类赖以生存的物质基础,粮食储藏变质对农业生产及食品加工影响巨大。粮食生理劣变是一个复杂、渐进的物理、化学与生物学过程,与其籽粒的生理活动密切相关。研究表明,粮食籽粒酶活性降低,呼吸作用下降,生命力减弱等是其生理变质的外在表现,储粮生理活动是引发其生理劣变的本质要素。深入了解粮食籽粒在储藏过程中生理活动及其变化规律对揭示储藏生理变质机理具有重要意义。本文主要介绍了粮食籽粒储藏衰老过程中种胚微观结构、营养物质转化、线粒体呼吸作用、细胞抗氧化系统、遗传物质变异等的研究现状,并对粮食储藏保鲜原理进行讨论,以期为提出延缓和预测粮食储藏劣变的方法提供参考。  相似文献   

采用大田试验对芳香型、中性型、吃味型3种不同质量类型香料烟品种成熟叶的生理生化特性进行了对比。结果表明:类胡萝卜素含量、比叶重、硝酸还原酶活性、脯氨酸含量等,芳香型品种明显高于中性型品种,且上部叶高于中部叶,说明芳香型品种在云南保山的适性较强,特别是云香巴斯玛1号表现更好。吃味型品种脯氨酸含量较低、丙二醛含量及多酚氧化酶活性较高,说明其抗逆性较弱。   相似文献   

利用两种不同的培养基培养核盘菌,用离体叶片接种方法对40个不同向日葵品种进行室内抗性鉴定,结果表明:在Minimal medium培养基上生长的核盘菌和PDA培养基相比,菌丝的生长速度大大降低。菌株经PDA培养基培养接种向日葵叶片后,不同向日葵品种之间抗性水平没有显著差异;而用Minimal medium培养基培养的菌株接种供试的向日葵不同品种叶片后,品种间表现出一定的抗性水平差异。依据接种后不同品种抗性水平的差异将供试向日葵品种划分为三组,即:抗病品种如食葵765、油葵KS7等,共3份;耐病品种如3146、新葵杂5号等,共9份;感病品种如LD1093、新葵杂6号等,共28份。  相似文献   

The present study was carried out to investigate the effect of the moisture content of the seeds on engineering properties of sunflower hybrids with different structural characteristics. The properties were evaluated at seven levels of moisture from 2.0% to 20.1% (dry basis) for three selected sunflower hybrids. For both black-hull oilseed hybrid and confectionary hybrid, the variation in moisture content showed a statistically significant effect on dehulling ability, percentage of fines (broken grains with a diameter smaller than 2 mm) and all the physical properties studied (size, true density, bulk density, porosity, volume and weight, volumetric expansion coefficient, equivalent diameter and sphericity), except seed length in the confectionary hybrid and seed length and thickness in the black-hull oilseed hybrid. For the striped-hull oilseed hybrid, moisture content showed a significant effect only on dehulling ability, percentage of fines, seed width and thickness, bulk density and porosity. Of the oilseed hybrids, the striped hull genotype (higher hull content and both lower oil content and seed size) presented a higher dehulling ability. Nevertheless, the black hull hybrid resulted more sensitive to seed moisture changes. Although the confectionary hybrid showed a higher seed size, hull thickness and hull content, and lower oil content than the oilseed hybrids, the dehulling ability resulted fairly similar in the striped hull sunflower hybrids. The results suggest that sunflower seeds with different structural characteristics need to be conditioned with different moisture content before being subjected to the dehulling process.  相似文献   

Oil extraction from confectionery, oilseed and wild sunflower seeds with n-hexane was investigated by laboratory tests carried out in a stirred batch extractor at several temperatures (40, 50 and 60 °C). The rates of extraction were determined from ground sunflower seeds (particle sizes between 0.420 and 1.000 mm). The oil yield in the extract increased with higher contact time and extraction temperature in all the cases. Equilibrium constants at 50 °C for different solvent-ground seed ratios are reported. A mathematical model of oil extraction from seeds of sunflowers, based on a modified diffusive process in spherical geometry of particles, was proposed. The analysis of significance of the coefficient of fitting regression models showed significant differences between temperatures for each genotype and between genotypes at each temperature. The resulting diffusion coefficient ranged from 1.34 × 10−12 to 1.87 × 10−12 m2/s for confectionery, 2.06 × 10−12 to 5.03 × 10−12 m2/s for oilseed, and 9.06 × 10−13 to 1.18 × 10−12 m2/s for wild sunflower. The temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficient was represented by an Arrhenius-type equation for each sunflower seed studied. Activation energy values of 13.74, 33.95 and 11.32 kJ/mol were obtained for confectionery, oilseed and wild sunflower, respectively.  相似文献   

该文对高油酸葵花籽油和普通葵花籽油的脂肪酸组成及含量、碘值、VE、氧化诱导期进行了对比研究。结果表明:高油酸葵花籽油与普通葵花籽油相比,油酸含量增加3倍多;碘值明显降低;α–VE含量明显减少;氧化诱导期增长近10 h。总体来讲,高油酸葵花籽油具有更好的氧化稳定性和更高的营养价值,是一种具有市场潜力和竞争力的优质食用油。  相似文献   

The cell biological properties of collagen, gelatin and collagen hydrolysate (<15 000 Da) were studied using murine keratinocytes. Keratinocyte culture experiments demonstrated that only collagen had significant effects on cell attachment and proliferation, but the results of cells cultured on gelatin and collagen hydrolysate showed the rates of adhesion and proliferation were similar to those of cells cultured on plastic as a control. It is concluded that collagen has better physiological effects than those of gelatin and collagen hydrolysate as skin-care cosmetic materials.  相似文献   

The contents of total and individual tocopherols of sunflower oils at different stages of industrial chemical and physical refining processes were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). According to the results, total and individual tocopherol contents gradually decreased until the end of the refining processes. The average losses of total tocopherol content during the chemical and physical refining processes were found to be 30.2% and 35.5%, respectively. The steam distillation stage of the physical refining process caused greatest overall reduction (average 24.6%) in total tocopherol content. In contrast to the physical refining process, the degumming-neutralizing stage in the chemical refining process caused greatest overall reduction (average 14.7%) in total tocopherol content. An additional average loss of 11.0% occurred during deodorizing in the chemical refining process. In both chemical and physical refining, the bleaching stage caused similar effects. The physical refining process caused higher loss in the total and individual tocopherol contents when compared with the chemical refining process. The conditions of the refining processes should be carefully evaluated to reduce the loss of tocopherols.  相似文献   

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