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Genetic traceability of livestock products: A review   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Traceability is the ability to maintain the identification of animal, or animal products, all along the production chain. It represents an essential tool to safeguard public and animal health and to valorize typical production systems. European food legislation is particularly strict and traceability systems, based on product labeling, have become mandatory in all European countries. However, the implementation of this system does not ensure consumers against fraud. Paper documents can be counterfeit so researchers have focused on the study of genetic traceability systems based on products identification through DNA analysis. In fact DNA is inalterable, detectable in every cell, resistant to heat treatments, and allows for individual, breed or species identification. Even if results are promising, these techniques are too expensive to be converted in routine tests but they could be a trusted tool for verification of suspected fraud. The present review proposes a synthesis of the major advances made in individual, breed, and species genetic identification in the last years, focusing on advantages and disadvantages and on their real future applications for animal productions.  相似文献   

Intensive cattle production is one of the primary causes of biodiversity loss. Pasture-based animal husbandry has the potential to reverse this negative trend. Pasture-raised livestock products represent a premium niche with an extra value through a cleaner environmental footprint and care for animal welfare, including wildlife. This review focuses on recent scientific findings in consumer behavior regarding pasture-raised products. A systematic literature search was conducted in online databases using a fixed search term. Thirty-nine relevant consumer studies published between 2000 and 2019 in the English language were selected for the review. The Alphabet Theory was applied as a theoretical framework to analyze the findings.Consumer behavior regarding pasture-raised products is largely defined through health and environmental attitudes and depends substantially on the context of a purchase decision. There are a variety of consumer groups willing to pay a premium for a pasture-raised attribute even on top of an organic price premium. Consumer knowledge of the subject is rather low and confusion exists regarding the terminology: consumers often mistake the production system behind pasture-raised products for organic or conventional. This calls for communication of the environmental and social benefits of pasture-based production and the importance of individual food choices. This article is the first to review scientific consumer studies on perceptions, preferences, behavior regarding and willingness to pay for pasture-raised products. Further research, especially research based on real market data, is recommended to explore the effect of specific environmental attributes, social and personal norms, informational content, and product types on consumer preferences and willingness to pay for pasture-raised products.  相似文献   

基于农产品无损检测的产地溯源技术的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着经济的发展,越来越多的食品安全问题出现,食品造假掺假现象发生频繁,建立完整的食品追溯链条和有效的检测手段是消费者在消费过程中安全正确地选择食品的保证,同时也可有效控制食品安全事故的发生。除了一般的溯源技术的使用,越来越多的研究倾向于利用食品的无损检测进行原产地溯源。本文主要综述几种溯源技术的基本原理及应用现状,对原产地溯源技术在实际生活中的快速无损检测技术的应用进行探讨。   相似文献   

综述了畜产品可追溯体系的构成要素及标识技术的研究进展,分析了目前畜产品追溯体系存在的问题,并对其发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

畜禽及产品可追溯技术研究进展及应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了确保畜禽动物健康及其产品的质量安全,可追溯体系已被众多国家和企业应用到了畜禽动物及产品的全程供应链当中,而实现高效、精确地追溯需要不同技术的联合运用.本文在阐述可追溯基本信息的同时,重点介绍了畜禽追溯中所用的标识技术、编码技术、大型动物个体鉴别技术和产地溯源技术的原理和应用,最后对畜禽追溯技术的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

Milk and dairy products continue to raise concerns with regard to contamination with mycotoxins, most of which have a likely or confirmed carcinogenic status. Such concerns are more serious for certain cheeses due to their frequent contamination with high concentrations of mycotoxins from various sources, including the milk used as a raw material and moulds found as contaminants or purposely added for ripening. Different control measures have been suggested to prevent the formation or to remove mycotoxins in dairy products once formed therein. However, these methods either provide an insufficient degree of protection or are onerous to implement. This review surveys the main mycotoxins associated with dairy products and discusses their health significance. Attention is drawn to the lack of knowledge on the emerging and masked mycotoxins with relevance to dairy products. Known control measures are discussed from the perspective of their application while presenting their strengths and weaknesses.  相似文献   

Oilseed proteins and modified or processed oilseed proteins can be incorporated into foods to impart nutritive value and functional properties. Processing of vegetable protein involves physico-chemical and thermal treatments, affecting the nutritional value of the final products, and also the functional properties. Conversely, functional properties (solubility, water and oil retention capacity, foaming capacity and stability, emulsion capacity and stability, viscosity, gelation) influence protein behaviour during processing and storage. These properties can be modified by chemical and enzymatic treatment. Data corresponding to diverse oilseeds and from different deffating and extraction processes have been complied and grouped according to the protein content into meals, concentrates, and isolates. Three groups of technological properties of interest for the formulation of proteinic food products from oilseeds were considered: (i) properties related to hydration mechanisms, (ii) properties related to protein structure and rheology and (iii) properties related to protein surface.  相似文献   

为了保证畜产品的安全性,通过动物实验研究了高铜的危害性,根据对某市铜超标情况的调查,运用风险评估软件@RISK4.5建立畜产品中铜的风险评估模型,最终给出日允许摄入量ADI值,以对畜产品中铜超标的风险进行全面评估。为促进畜产品安全,保护消费者健康及有关部门进行食品安全的风险管理提供依据。  相似文献   

目的完善我国畜肉食品可追溯监管体系,保障动物性食品安全。方法分析制约我国畜肉食品可追溯监管体系建设的因素。结果针对法规标准缺失、监管力度弱、追溯计划不完善、追溯技术落后、人员素质偏低等问题提出相应的建议。结论我国畜肉食品可追溯监管体系存在一定的不足,需进一步完善。  相似文献   

近年来,有机砷制剂常作为畜禽促生长剂应用于饲养业和饲料加工行业,由此产生的药物残留已备受关注.为评价其在动物性食品中的暴露程度,本实验运用风险评估原理,结合某市动物性食品中总砷抽样检验结果,并使用风险评估软件@Risk4.5建立了动物性食品中总砷含量的暴露评估模型,并由此推断出某市大型超市和农贸市场的动物性食品中总砷超标概率,为规范有机砷的使用提供依据.  相似文献   

特色农产品存在产地造假、以次充好等现象,亟需建立有效的产地溯源技术。本文首先论述了质谱、光谱和分子生物学等技术对不同种类农产品进行产地判别的基本原理。在分析各种溯源技术应用现状的基础上,对不同产地溯源技术的优缺点进行了分析比较,并对不同溯源技术联用来提高特色农产品产地溯源判别准确度的应用进行了探究。最后对产地溯源技术的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为产地溯源技术的发展提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Vertical product information flow is important with regard to consumers’ perceptions of the meat which they buy. When research and analysis of traceability is carried out it is often found that critical points where information is systematically lost are encountered in the transformations of the resources. This study describes how lamb meat can be both tracked and traced through a lamb meat producer (company A). At company A 60% of the resource transformations were shown to be additions, mixing and splitting, these are considered to be those which produce the most critical traceability points. After an analysis of the current traceability system at company A suggested improvements were made. With regard to granularity of traceability they cannot trace individual animals during production, but rather a set of animals. The smallest traceable resource unit (TRU) company A can trace back to be a set of (identifiable) animals from one specific farm.  相似文献   

Cultured cream, produced by fermentation, has several culinary uses requiring different properties, and this may necessitate using different production technologies. Products with reduced fat content are increasingly popular, but compromised sensory properties are not desired. Here, the technology for the production of cultured cream and the influence of various parameters on its properties are reviewed; the effect of homogenisation on cream of varying fat content and the subsequent fermentation of this cream is given special focus. The structure of low fat (10–15%) cultured cream is dominated by a milk protein acid gel; high fat (≥30%) cultured cream is dominated by a gel structure consisting of coagulated protein-covered fat globules. Cultured cream with approximately 20% fat has neither a dense protein acid gel nor a high density of coagulated protein-covered fat globules. Quality challenges presented by the latter products may be mitigated by addition of milk protein.  相似文献   

食品产地溯源技术是国家有效推广实施食品原产地追溯、保护名优特产品的重要技术手段,为保护食品在市场上的独特性和真实性,维护市场秩序、保护生产者和消费者的合法利益,亟需对食品产地溯源提供快速无损检测。相比较其它检测技术,光谱技术作为极具有工业化应用前景的检测技术之一因其应用范围广、分析速度快、操作简单、非破坏性、无污染和可进行在线分析,而被广泛应用于产地溯源。本文介绍了近红外光谱技术(Near infrared spectroscopy,NIR)、中红外光谱技术(Mid Infrared Spectroscopy,MIR)和拉曼光谱技术(Raman spectroscopy,RS)这三种常见光谱技术的原理及其在植物源和动物源食品产地溯源中的应用现状,并对三种光谱技术相比较,同时系统论述了多光谱数据融合在食品产地鉴别中的应用,并对未来的发展趋势进行了展望,以期为光谱技术在食品产地溯源中的应用提供一定技术的参考。  相似文献   

Klebsiella species have been at the center of attention over the recent years due to its role in the evolution of antimicrobial resistance and is not only associated with nosocomial but also with food related infections worldwide. In this study, out of 336 samples of animal intestinal and foods of animal origin screened, 99 samples were found to harbor Klebsiella spp. Out of 99 isolates, 89 were Klebsiella pneumoniae and 10 were found to be Klebsiella oxytoca by mPCR. The isolates were subjected to antibiotic sensitivity test including ESBL detection by genotypic (PCR) and phenotypic (disc diffusion) methods. β-Lactamase genes were identified in 32 isolates of K. pneumoniae and an isolate of K. oxytoca, blaSHV being the predominant gene detected (31) followed by blaTEM, blaCTX-M1, and blaCTX-M9 (one each), whereas single K. oxytoca isolate harbored blaCTX-M2 gene. Genetic fingerprinting of β-lactamase producing K. pneumoniae using ERIC-PCR and REP-PCR differentiated all the 32 strains with discriminatory power of 1.  相似文献   

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in 1980 clarified the position regarding the medical acceptability of irradiated foods when it said‘…no health hazard results from consuming any food irradiated up to a dose of one megarad (1 Mrad)’. This resulted in renewed interest in irradiation as a cost-effective alternative to traditional preservation methods such as canning and freezing. Thus, radurisation (the application of ionising radiation at a dose level which substantially reduces the microbial population) increases the shelf life of poultry, comminuted meat and meat dishes significantly. Low dose irradiation, or radicidation, eliminates parasites such as Trichinae and cysticerci in pork and, very importantly, salmonella organisms in poultry and red meat. Therefore, irradiation has an important rôle to play in public health protection. High dose irradiation, or radappertisation (‘cold sterilisation’), uses doses in excess of 1 Mrad and is analogous to retorting as understood in the canning industry. However, it can adversely affect quality in producing ‘free radicals’ in high protein foods such as meat. To prevent this, special precautions are necessary, e.g. irradiation is conducted at very low temperatures and the product is usually vacuum packed.A further potential use of irradiation is its ability to reduce the quantity of nitrite necessary in cured meats. This may become of practical significance if legislation further reduces the amount of nitrite permitted in these products.  相似文献   

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