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ABSTRACT:  Existing methodologies for estimating hydration properties in pulses (a potential indicator of cooking time) can be misleading and few measure both maximum hydration and the rate of hydration. Therefore, a new method, based on the Mitscherlich equation, was proposed and compared to existing methodologies. It was shown to be a superior estimator of both maximum hydration and hydration rate in desi and kabuli chickpeas. The new method was also superior for estimating maximum swelling and the rate of swelling in desi and kabuli chickpeas. Hydration and swelling data for 6 desi and 4 kabuli chickpea genotypes were compared using the new method and showed large genotypic differences. Use of the new method is recommended for estimating the hydration parameters of desi and kabuli chickpea for industry purposes and for selection of genotypes in breeding programs.  相似文献   

Impact of genotype on quality, agronomic characteristics and their interrelationship in Kabuli‐type chickpea was investigated to provide significant feedback to breeder for selection/evolution of the most suitable varieties. Seven genotypes were studied for seventeen physical, chemical and agronomic characteristics. The effect of Kabuli‐type chickpea genotype on the physicochemical parameters, cooking time and agronomic characteristics were significant. Maximum seed size and volume were recorded for CC98/99 (0.32 g and 0.26 mL seed?1, respectively), density and swelling index for the genotype FLIP97‐179C (having minimum seed size and volume), while the rest of the genotypes were statistically the same. Weight, volume after hydration, hydration capacity and swelling capacity followed the same pattern. Maximum moisture, protein and mineral concentration were noted in CC98/99. Seed protein concentration for the remaining genotypes was statistically non‐significant from one another. Longer period was taken by CM 2000 for flowering and maturity (130 and 181 days, respectively). Minimum time to flowering and maturity was taken by CC98/99. Genotype CC 98/99 outyielded all other genotypes (2107 kg ha?1). Seed size and seed volume were strongly and positively correlated with protein content, weight after hydration, volume after hydration, hydration and swelling capacities (r = 0.83–1.0). Strong correlation was also noted among different agronomic characters.  相似文献   

Composition and properties of seeds and starches from five Virginia‐grown kabuli chickpea cultivars were investigated. The seeds had the average weight of 4.48 g per 10 g and volume of 641.2 mm3, and were rich in carbohydrate with starch as a principal constituent (59.2–70.9%). Resistant starch accounted for 7.7–10.4% of the total starch content. The composition and properties of the starches among the five cultivars were significantly different (≤ 0.05). All starches had a C‐type crystalline structure. The degree of crystallinity ranged from 21.1% to 27.4%, gelatinisation temperature from 7.97 to 11.2 °C and gelatinisation enthalpies from 2.18 to 3.76 J g?1, and water absorption capacities from 90.7% to 117.5%. Different shapes and granule sizes were observed. Molecular weight of amylopectin was in the range of 6.35 × 108–11.6 × 108 Da. Cultivar ‘HB‐14’ was superior to the other cultivars, when combining larger seed size, higher resistant starch level and better properties.  相似文献   

肖俊松  吴华  张亚歌 《食品科学》2011,32(23):134-138
鹰嘴豆在22℃萌发1~6d,研究其在萌发过程中淀粉、可溶性糖、蛋白质、各种氨基酸以及作为抗营养因子的总酚和植酸含量的变化规律。结果表明:鹰嘴豆萌发过程中淀粉含量不断下降,由初始42.60%下降到第6天的30.45%;可溶性糖含量由初始的11.56%急剧降到了第2天的6.06%,之后又缓慢增加,第6天增加至7.80%;蛋白质含量由最初的20.92%增加到第6天的25.71%。鹰嘴豆氨基酸组成以天冬氨酸、谷氨酸、精氨酸为主,含硫氨基酸(蛋氨酸和半胱氨酸)含量比较低。萌发过程中,天冬氨酸、苯丙氨酸和酪氨酸含量有显著增加,而两种含硫氨基酸含量显著降低。总酚含量由初始的0.78‰降低至第6天的0.55‰,植酸含量从最初的1.29%降至第6天的0.67%。萌发过程中鹰嘴豆各营养成分和植酸的含量发生了较显著的变化,其中植酸和总酚的含量下降,增加了鹰嘴豆的生物可利用度。  相似文献   

Proteins play an important role in imparting functional attributes like texture and shape, which determine the sensory quality of the foods. Boondi, a deep fried product from chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) flour dispersion, is a popular snack food in India. Chickpea dhal (splits) or flour was subjected to various processing conditions like steaming and toasting, to determine their effect on the chickpea flour protein characteristics and on the product quality. Dhal and flour subjected to different heat treatments showed differences in their odor profiles. The SDS-PAGE of sodium phosphate buffer extracts of steamed dhal or flour showed that the high molecular weight (HMW) proteins of 66 to 100 kDa that were present in the untreated dhal were found to be absent in steamed dhal extracts. However, SDS buffer extracts on SDS-PAGE of these steamed samples did not show any difference between untreated and thermally treated dhal samples. Phosphate buffer extracts of the thermally treated flours were subjected to gel filtration chromatography and the results indicated that the HMW protein fraction content decreased significantly in the treated dhal or flour samples compared to control. Boondi prepared from the thermally treated dhal samples resulted in the loss of spherical shape of boondi. Thus, the results indicate that thermal treatment of chickpea dhal and flour influence changes in protein characteristics, the sensory profile and quality of boondi.  相似文献   

为研究热风、微波及其联合干燥对蒜片品质的影响,以大蒜片为原料,以干燥速率、硫代亚磺酸酯含量、感官评分、色泽L值、复水比和综合得分为指标,比较不同热风温度和微波功率对蒜片干燥特性和品质的影响,并以热风温度、转换点干基含水量、微波功率为实验因素,设计L9(33)正交实验对热风微波联合干燥蒜片的工艺条件进行优化。结果表明:60 ℃热风干燥和550 W微波干燥所得蒜片干品的综合得分较高,分别为83.64和80.74分。热风温度和微波功率对联合干燥蒜片的综合得分影响极显著(p<0.01);转换点干基含水量对综合得分影响显著(p<0.05)。热风微波联合干燥蒜片的最佳工艺条件为前期热风65 ℃干燥至转换点干基含水量1.00 g/g,后期采用功率550 W微波干燥至干基含水量0.18 g/g。在此条件下,联合干燥制备脱水蒜片的干燥速率最快,硫代亚磺酸酯含量最高为1.7739 mmol/100 g,综合得分最高为92.21分,感官品质较好。因此,热风微波联合干燥技术是适合蒜片干燥的较好方法。  相似文献   

Pulses are processed in diverse ways prior to consumption. Soaking and germination are among the most common traditional, household-level food processing strategies. This study was carried out to determine the effects of soaking, germination, cooking and their combinations on the contents of selected nutrients and anti-nutrients of red dry bean and chickpea. In addition, the effects of pre-treatment on cooking time and the acceptability of dishes prepared from red dry bean and chickpea were determined. The nutrient compositions (zinc, iron and calcium) of most soaked-cooked and germinated-cooked red dry bean and chickpea samples were not significantly different than those of respective controls. However, soaking and germination pre-treatments significantly lowered the phytate and tannin contents of the red dry bean and chickpea samples, with a few exceptions, and overall, polyphenol contents were lower after soaking-cooking than after germination-cooking. Most scores for sensory attributes of bean-based and chickpea-based dishes prepared from soaked or germinated samples were not significantly different than those of the controls. For most red dry bean and chickpea samples, longer germination times yielded superior results in terms of reductions in cooking time, tannin content, and phytate:zinc and phytate:iron molar ratio.  相似文献   

为了解决养心菜干燥生产过程中干燥时间长、能耗高、干燥效率低等问题,本文研究了不同预处理方式(切段、压扁、压扁+切段)、温度(60、70、80 ℃)对养心菜热风干燥特性的影响,以及全株、茎、叶干燥特性的差异,建立干燥过程数学模型,并分析不同预处理方式、热风温度对养心菜品质的影响。结果表明:提高热风温度以及进行压扁、压扁+切段预处理可以显著提高干燥速率(P<0.05),压扁+切段处理下热风温度80 ℃干燥时间仅为70 ℃、60 ℃的47%、21%;热风温度80 ℃下压扁、压扁+切段处理干燥时间仅为未处理组的40%、35%;另外压扁+切段预处理可以大幅降低茎秆干燥时间,提高茎叶干燥均匀性。Weibull干燥模型与试验数据的拟合度均高于0.99。提高热风温度以及进行预处理有利于减少全株养心菜可溶性蛋白质损失,但会造成VC含量的下降。在热风温度80 ℃、压扁+切段预处理下可溶性蛋白含量最高,达到6.577 gprot/L;而VC含量在热风温度80 ℃、切段预处理下最高,达到8.503 mg/100 g。在相同干燥条件下,茎、叶单独干燥后可溶性蛋白含量均高于整株。热风温度80 ℃与压扁+切段预处理为养心菜最合适的干燥工艺。本研究的结果可以为养心菜干燥工艺的优化提供理论基础,有利于提高其干燥加工的效益。  相似文献   

通过研究不同预处理对大果沙棘热风干燥微观结构、干燥特性及品质的影响,以期为筛选适宜大果沙棘热风干燥的预处理方式提供理论依据和技术参数。以新鲜大果沙棘为原料,采用不同预处理(蒸馏水(对照)、70℃烫漂、150 W超声、2%Na_2CO_3、2%促干剂和2%NaHCO_3)对大果沙棘预处理后进行热风干燥,分析不同预处理对大果沙棘干燥前表皮微观结构、干燥过程中的干燥特性及干燥后品质指标的影响。结果表明,不同预处理对大果沙棘果实表皮微观结构均有不同程度的影响,2%Na_2CO_3预处理对其蜡质溶解和气孔结构破坏最为明显;70℃烫漂、2%Na_2CO_3、2%促干剂和2%NaHCO_3预处理均可显著缩短大果沙棘热风干燥时间,其中2%Na_2CO_3预处理效果最显著,仅需44 h,与对照(118 h)相比,缩短了62.71%;经2%Na_2CO_3预处理后,大果沙棘热风干燥品质较优,其中Vc含量为351.90 mg/100 g DW、总黄酮含量为12.86 mg RE/g DW、总酚含量为7.50 mg GAE/g DW,且色泽最接近于新鲜果实。可见,2%Na_2CO_3浸泡1 min为热风干燥较佳的预处理方式,可在生产中进行应用和推广。  相似文献   

热风与远红外干燥温度对苦瓜全粉品质的影响   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
本研究以新鲜苦瓜为原料,分别采用热风与远红外两种干燥方法在不同温度条件下(40℃、50℃、60℃、70℃、80℃)制备苦瓜全粉,比较了两种不同干燥方法对苦瓜的干燥特性、色泽、Vc含量及保留率、皂苷含量等品质指标的影响。结果表明:热风干燥与远红外干燥的苦瓜全粉品质随温度的改变而呈规律性变化,随温度的升高,干基含水量下降速度加快,干燥时长缩短;与新鲜苦瓜相比,制得的苦瓜全粉色泽随温度升高L值(明度)与b值(+黄,-蓝)变小,a值(+红,-绿)变大;Vc含量及保留率也随温度的升高而呈现先升后降的趋势,并在60℃达到峰值;皂苷含量随温度升高而降低。同一温度条件下,热风干燥效果明显优于远红外干燥。综合比较,热风干燥60℃条件下,干燥时间短,能耗损失低,苦瓜全粉色泽呈现好;Vc含量为63.42 mg/100 g,且保留率高达69.31%,皂苷含量为1.74%。  相似文献   

Chili flesh pretreated with or without osmotic dehydration (OD) was dried in the hot‐air drying (AD) oven at 50–80 °C or in the microwave drying (MD) oven at 60–180 W. Results showed that the samples osmotically treated in mixed solution (10% salt + 50% sucrose) had the best dehydration effect as compared with single salt or sugar solutions. During the drying process, osmotically treated samples had one falling‐rate period and their effective moisture diffusivities (Deff) showed a rapidly linear increase with the decrease in moisture content, while directly drying samples showed a three‐phase falling‐rate period and their Deff increased gradually at the initial period and then rapidly at the final period. When the moisture content decreased, the activation energy increased gradually; however, for AD after OD, it decreased. Among all the processes, MD at 60 W after OD presented the largest vitamin C retention rate and the best colour difference, needing less drying time.  相似文献   

系统地研究了一定输出功率下 ,微波辐射法和常规外加热法对植物油品质影响的差异。发现在微波辐射下 ,植物油的PV值及TBA值随处理时间而增大的幅度均略高于常规外加热方法 ,但对植物油中α—VE 含量的减少幅度则略低于常规外加热方法。  相似文献   

本文以野生荠菜为材料,研究不同微波干燥工艺对野生荠菜品质和挥发性物质的影响。采用120 W、240 W、360 W、480W、600 W和700 W微波功率干燥野生荠菜,利用顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱-质谱联用技术分别对不同微波干燥功率的荠菜样品进行挥发性物质分析。结果表明:微波干燥导致荠菜鲜样中的特征醇类化合物如叶醇、反式-2-己烯-1-醇、2,6-二甲基环己醇等的含量大大降低,醛类化合物种类和含量总体略有下降,但异戊醛、(E)-2-戊烯醛、正辛醛和苯乙醛含量增加;亚硝酸异戊酯和2-甲基-戊酸乙酯的含量增加;新增酸类如:3-甲基丁酸、2-甲基丁酸、己酸、辛酸等,苯乙烯、环十四烷等烃类化合物消失。品质试验表明,480W干燥条件下荠菜干制品感官品质较好,叶绿素和Vc的保留率分别高达67.14%和71.20%,挥发性芳香化合物种类最多,挥发性物质保留率高达93.68%,其中醇类和醛类物质的保留率均较高,β-紫罗兰酮的保留率高达84.21%,  相似文献   

甘蔗不同基因型幼苗对干旱胁迫及复水的反应差异研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在盆栽条件下研究了甘蔗6个不同基因型于正常供水、干旱胁迫和复水等状况下其幼苗性状的差异。结果表明,以干旱胁迫敏感指数(IDR)为苗期综合抗旱指标,苗根萌发数、根系活性表面积和根/冠比在干旱迫期间的增幅,与IDR有极显著的相关关系,而根系过氧化酶和脯氨酸的变化与IDR的相关未达显著水平。本研究提出以复水敏感指数(IRH)作为衡量复水后生长恢复差异的指标,并讨论了IRH在甘蔗抗旱育种实践中的意义。  相似文献   

采用微波蒸馏法提取孜然精油,考察微波溶剂提取和无溶剂提取孜然精油工艺中微波提取时间、微波功率、粒度和液料比等因素对孜然精油提取率的影响。同时以枯茗醛含量作为精油品质的评价指标,并通过GC对孜然精油进行分析。研究结果表明,微波溶剂提取孜然精油的最佳工艺条件为:液料比6:1、微波提取时间90min、微波功率300W,此条件下精油提取率为3.501%,精油中枯茗醛含量为19.121%。微波无溶剂提取孜然精油的最佳工艺条件为:浸泡时间30min、微波提取时间45min、微波功率200W,此条件下精油提取率为2.461%,精油中枯茗醛含量为23.910%。  相似文献   

To evaluate the use of lixiviate roselle calyxes as an alternative source of bioactive compounds, they were subjected to dehydration in a vibrofluidised bed dryer after which some chemical parameters such as the retention of monomeric anthocyanins (MA), phenolic compounds, polymeric colour and antioxidant activity were determined. Drying curves showed both a constant drying period and a decreasing falling rate period. The different drying conditions showed significant differences in the chemical parameters. Using the dry residue with the best bioactive compounds content, it was possible to develop a dairy beverage (yogurt). The results confirmed that lixiviated roselle calyxes could be a competitive alternative for traditional products, such as grapes or bilberries, in terms on their antioxidant activity and stability when it is added as a source of bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate selected physico-chemical properties, ascorbic acid, and capsaicinoid (capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, norhydrocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, and total capsaicinoid) quantities of red hot pepper populations (Capsicum annum L.) grown in the South-Eastern Anatolia Region. Fresh and sun-dried red hot peppers and red hot pepper seed samples were collected from Kahramanmara?, pepper of Kahramanmara?; Gaziantep, pepper of Gaziantep; Kilis, pepper of Kilis; Diyarbak?r, pepper of Diyarbak?r; and ?anl?urfa, pepper of ?anl?urfa in the months of September through October 2010. The collected samples were analyzed in terms of certain quality parameters and capsaicinoid contents, while ascorbic acid amounts were determined only in fresh samples. All of the examined prameters were found to be significant statistically (P < 0.05). From the obtained results, it might be considered that these red hot pepper samples were suitable for cultivation due to their high-nutritional quality.  相似文献   

The influences of different osmotic solution pretreatments (sucrose, glucose and maltose with concentration of 45%) on the volatile compounds, phenolic compounds and other physicochemical parameters in frozen mangoes were studied. Volatile and phenolic compounds were measured using SPME/GC‐MS and HPLC method, respectively. The results revealed that compared with untreated frozen mango, some volatile compounds (e.g. alcohols, aldehydes and some terpenes and esters) increased significantly and there were more compounds identified in osmo‐dehydrofrozen samples. These changes positively affected mango aroma and resulted in higher sensory scores for osmo‐dehydrofrozen samples. In addition, data on phenolic compounds showed that dehydrofrozen samples pretreated in glucose and sucrose had higher ρ‐hydroxybenzoic acid and quercetin contents, respectively, while samples pretreated in maltose showed higher ρ‐coumaric acid and sinapic acid contents compared with untreated frozen samples. The current work indicates that osmo‐dehydrofreezing can improve the retention of phenolic and aromatic compounds in frozen mango.  相似文献   

绿芦笋木质化过程中细胞壁多糖与酚类物质变化研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以绿芦笋栽培品种Mary Washington 500为试验材料,采用HPLC分析方法,研究了常温贮藏条件下,绿芦笋细胞壁多糖、酚类物质和木质素含量的变化。结果表明,随贮藏时间延长,绿芦笋细胞壁半纤维素的主要降解物木糖、岩藻糖残基增加了211.2%,纤维素的主要降解物葡萄糖残基增加了329.3%,木质素含量增加了280.3%。木质素合成前体物中,香豆酸含量最高,其次为咖啡酸和阿魏酸,三者的含量变化与木质素合成密切相关。  相似文献   

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