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张祁胜 《山西水利》2007,23(3):11-12
晋城市通过制定优惠政策,完善法律法规,支持社会力量开发治理"四荒"资源,引进了民营企业、个体大户、公司加农户、农民联户开发治理等多种形式,吸引社会资金投入开发"四荒"资源,治理水土流失,为实现水土保持跨越式发展探索出了一条有益途径。  相似文献   

李军 《河北水利》2011,(3):29-29
遵化境内"三山两川",总面积1521km~2,有"四荒"面积31.31万亩,占总面积的13.7%。遵化市通过采取政策带动,加强引导、服务到位、强力推广等措施,促进了全市"四荒"资源的治理与开发。截至目前,全市以各种形式开发利用"四荒"面积22.2万亩,吸引治理开发资金3000多万元。  相似文献   

临淄区现有“四荒”面积2440hm~2,利用率低,开发潜力大。为促进“四荒”资源的开发利用,临淄区制定出台了一系列优惠政策,调动了农民开发“四荒”的积极性,现已呈现出了个体、股份制等多渠道投资,因地制宜多种形式搞“四荒”开发的可喜局面,不但加快了“四荒”资源的开发利用,而且收到了良好的经济、社会效益,成为农村经济新的增长点。 一是利用废坑塘建蓄水工程。临淄区中西部工矿企业  相似文献   

文章具体分析了豫西湖滨区水土流失的主要原因和危害,阐述了本区"四荒"与水土流失的关系和治理"四荒"现状、存在问题,总结了湖滨区通过治理开发"四荒"防止水土流失的管理措施和具体意见和建议。  相似文献   

李新华 《山东水利》2005,(11):16-17
山东省农村集体组织所有的各类荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩(简称“四荒”),既是宝贵的土地资源,又是水土流失的策源地之一。搞好广大农村的四荒治理开发工作,对于加快全省水土流失治理步伐,改善农村生态环境和繁荣农村经济都具有十分重要的意义,是对正在进行的生态省和农村小康社会建设的有力促进。据调查,山东省共有各类四荒资源约150万公顷。近年来,全省各地认真贯彻国家有关加强四荒治理开发工作的一系列政策规定,强化政策引导,着力搞好管理服务,充分调动了广大农民和社会各界治理开发四荒资源的积极性,取得了显著成效。截至目前,全省已累计…  相似文献   

文登市荒山、荒沟、荒丘、荒滩等农村“四荒”资源比较丰富,过去,由于管理机构不健全,农村“四荒”资源没有得到有序合理的开发。1999年10月,文登市制定下发了《治理开发农村“四荒”资源管理规定》,对农村“四荒”资源实行科学管理,确定文登市水利局为主管单  相似文献   

<正>保定市满城区位于太行山东麓,山区面积342.84km2,水土流失面积197.88km2,有宜林荒山33万亩,山场资源丰富,"四荒"资源治理开发对确保全区经济可持续发展起着决定性的作用。自1997年以来,满城区在"四荒"资源的开发上,打破以往单一依靠行政命令、资金平均使用的治理模式,推广四种组织发动方法,并实施新的资金投入机制,多年来共营造生态防护林4.5万  相似文献   

9月23日至24日,河北省“四荒”治理开发现场经验交流会在元氏县召开。会上,水利厅副厅长李清林作了题为《总结经验加大力度进一步加快“四荒”资源治理开发》的讲话,总结了全省近年“四荒”治理开发的经验和做法,并对今后全省“四荒”治理开发工作进行了部署。与会代表参观了元氏县庄园式治理开发现场,元氏县在“四荒”治理开发中,以庄园式开发为主,多种治理形式并存,取得了显著的经济、生态和社会效益,他们的经验值得借鉴学习;唐山市山区自1997年被省政府列为全省水土流失重点防治区后,通过拍卖、租赁、股份合作、承包等形式,开发利用“四荒”面积1626万亩,占全市“四荒”总面积的66%,其成功经验引起有关领导和与会代表的关注。现摘要编发。  相似文献   

介绍了莒南县"四荒"治理情况,开发利用模式,存在的问题,提出了新时期做好莒南农村"四荒"资源治理开发工作的思路。  相似文献   

近年,随着水土保持工作的不断深化,“四荒”作为一种资源在全省范围内进行治理、开发、利用,成效日现。作为“四荒”面积占全市水土流失面积79%的邢台市,近年在“四荒”治理开发方面力度大、效果好,他们在政府支持、政策引导、统一规划、科学治理的基础上,针对全市“四荒”治理开发经费不足的实际,在开发经营方面放开搞活,取得了显著成绩。  相似文献   

鄂东南崩岗土体特性分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
崩岗是鄂东南花岗岩地区普遍存在的土壤侵蚀现象。对通城县五里镇2个典型崩岗后壁的4层土体进行了野外测定与室内理化分析。结果表明:土体第1层和第2层的黏粒、有机质、游离氧化铁等胶结物质较多,结构稳定性较强,土壤凝聚力较大,有较强的抗剪强度和抗冲抗蚀性;土体第3和第4层性质相反;一旦土体第1层和第2层被破坏,第3和第4层暴露,在瀑流作用下,很容易被水侵蚀而形成崩岗。这一结果可为崩岗侵蚀机理研究及崩岗治理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

本文分别采用标准k-e模型、重整化数群k-e模型(RNG k - e )和雷诺应力模型(RSM)对 二维单山包和多山包绕流进行了数值模拟,并将单山包和多山包绕流计算模拟结果与实验结果做对比 分析。结果表明:(1)三种模型计算结果与实验数据基本吻合。对于单山包和多山包绕流数值模拟, 三种模型是适用的。(2)不论平均速度,湍流动能还是回流区长度,k-e两方程模型计算结果都略好 于二阶矩模型(RSM)o (3)在充分发展湍流条件下数值模拟山包绕流,标准k-e模型计算模拟结果 比RNG k一e模型略好。  相似文献   

江淮丘陵及下游平原区水保分区防治途径探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水土保持区划是全国水土保持规划的基础。江淮丘陵及下游平原区是全国水土保持区划中太湖流域任务片的重要二级区,在已有的全国水土保持一级、二级区划基础上,依据江淮丘陵及下游平原区自然、社会经济、水土流失概况,进一步提出了该区水土保持三级分区。分析了各三级区的基本情况,指出了各区存在的水土保持方面的主要问题以及水土流失防治途径。研究成果可为平原区水土保持工作提供科学依据。  相似文献   

As an important constituent of hydrological cycle, estimation of Reference Evapotranspiration (ETo) is essential for planning of projects related to water resources. This article compares the results obtained from the available pan evaporation based equations to estimate ETo from pan evaporation (Ep) and proposes a new simplified methodology for estimation of ETo, which needs only the data of relative humidity (H). The resulting model is based upon the collected meteorological data of a selected study area i.e. Nagpur District in Maharashtra State, which lies in western plateau and hills region of India. In the proposed methodology, Ep rates are adjusted to the values expected for 50 % relative humidity. Then, the relationship between ETo and the adjusted Ep is established. The validation of the proposed new model has been carried out by comparing its results with the results obtained by the pan evaporation method, for the study area as well as for the data set of another area. This new model is found to be reasonably accurate for estimation of reference evapotranspiration for the study area and as such, is expected to be applicable to the river basins located in the regions having climatic conditions similar to that of the study area. Although, if the conditions are different then another site specific model can be developed by adopting the methodology proposed in this article.  相似文献   

In this paper, experimental and numerical studies are presented to understand why some trees close to the shoreline survived the 25 October 2010 Mentawai tsunami, while trees further inland before a steep coastal hill were all destroyed. A set of experiments were performed in a wave flume to measure the flow depths and forces acting on tree models, and the experimental results were used to verify our numerical model. Cross-shore distribution of the flow depth and the flow-induced bending moment acting on tree trunks were studied using our numerical model. Our results show that the presence of the steep hill increased both the flow depth and the bending moment acting on trees close to the steep hill, and might be an important mechanism responsible for the destruction of coastal trees.  相似文献   

基于长江中游四大家鱼发江量历次调查数据,采用宜昌站作为长江中游水文情势变化分析的控制站,基于其1900~2004年共105年的日径流资料,采用每年5~6月涨水过程数、总涨水日数、平均每次涨水过程日数等3项生态水文指标,分析了四大家鱼发江量与3项生态水文因子的变化关系,认为产卵场所处江段每年5~6月的总涨水日数是决定家鱼苗发江量多寡的一个重要环境因子。根据IHA方法,对宜昌站105年来的生态水文指标分析表明,长江宜昌站生态水文过程的改变并不明显,5~6月总涨水日数变化趋势不显著,显示长江中游影响四大家鱼苗发江量的生态流量过程改变不明显,与前人得出的葛洲坝枢纽修建后四大家鱼的产卵条件和卵苗江汛规律没有变化这一认识一致。但是,随着三峡水库的运行,下游河道的生态环境流量过程会有较大改变,本文建议三峡水库的调控以保障长江中游每年5~6月的总涨水日数维持在22.1±7.2范围内为生态水文目标,即可从生态环境流量过程方面补偿水利工程对中游四大家鱼鱼苗发江量的影响。  相似文献   


In Europe the implementation of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) will have major implications for water resources management. Part of the Directive requires Member States to implement a comprehensive system of controls (licences) on the allocation and abstraction (withdrawal) of surface and groundwater resources. This paper describes the development of a procedure to help assess and set abstraction licences for agricultural irrigation. The methodology is described with reference to Scotland, a country with limited abstraction control previously and where irrigation is supplemental to rainfall. The methodology combines spatial climatic information using a Geographical Information System (GIS) with data derived from a water balance computer model. The procedure enables the volumetric irrigation demand in a ‘design’ dry year for a given site to be estimated, taking into account local variations in climate, soil type, land use and irrigation practices. The approach provides a scientifically robust framework to allow the regulatory authority to assess the ‘reasonable’ water requirements of individual irrigators and hence develop allocations to satisfy the range of competing demands (e.g. agriculture, industry, and environment) on water resources. The methodology is applicable in other temperate countries where water abstraction controls are required and where appropriate datasets are available. The application of the procedure and its methodological limitations are described.  相似文献   

There is currently debate within the international hydrological community on whether hydrological science should give priority to providing measurements, knowledge, and understanding pre-determined as being needed by stakeholders, or priority to more basic enquiry-driven science that will stimulate the continued health and growth of hydrology as an important Earth science discipline. Two recent major international initiatives in hydrology reflect these two perspectives. One, the Hydrology for the Environment, Life, and Policy (HELP) program, is primarily fostered by UNESCO-IHP and is focused on stimulating the stakeholder-driven hydrological science required in specific catchments that have become members of a global network. The second, the decade on Prediction in Ungauged Basins (PUB), which is appropriately managed by IAHS, is primarily driven by scientific enquiry and is focused on creating new scientific methods and understanding, albeit with practical application ultimately in mind. This paper summarizes the nature, origins, growth, and progress of these two international programs but also describes the subtly different approach that has been adopted by the U.S. National Science Foundation's (NSF's) Center for Sustainability of semi-Arid Hydrology and Riparian Areas (SAHRA). NSF is a federal agency whose primary goal is to ‘enable the future’ by stimulating novel science. Because SAHRA is a federally-funded entity supported by an agency with this goal, the Center clearly cannot operate in stakeholder-driven, response mode in competition with the already effective private U.S. consultancy industry. Nonetheless, SAHRA's mission is to create knowledge and build understanding that will enhance the prospects of sustainable water management in semi-arid regions, especially the southwestern U.S. To resolve this apparent conflict, SAHRA looks ahead to future stakeholder needs and builds its research agenda around selected critical stakeholder-relevant questions that require substantial and sustained investment in basic, multidisciplinary, enquiry-driven science. This paper describes SAHRA's approach and reports on associated research and outreach activities.  相似文献   

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