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培养采矿工程专业一流人才,教学和科研一体化是关键。针对采矿工程专业目前实践教学环节的特点和现状,分析了教学科研一体化在培养人才方面的重要性。重点从创新性实践教师团队建设、教学科研基础条件和教学科研一体化实践教学模式3方面探究西部采矿工程专业实践教学体系。结合采矿工程专业现有资源条件,构建教学科研一体化实践教学模式框架,提出相应的措施。充分发挥教学科研相得益彰的源流关系,以期实现西部采矿工程专业"一高一强"培养目标。  相似文献   

为了提高煤矿开采技术专业学生的职业能力,适应海西经济区煤矿行业的发展,坚持与福建煤监局合作办学,实行校企合作订单培养的煤矿开采技术专业建设机制,实现专业与产业对接、教学工程与生产过程对接、课程内容与职业标准对接、学历证书与职业资格证书对接,形成"校企交替、工学交替"的工学结合人才培养模式,确保培养模式符合区域发展与煤矿行业的需求,为培养从事煤矿开采专业提供现代理论知识和实践技能,培养适应煤矿开采一线技术管理工作的高素质技术技能型专门人才。主要介绍校企合作、"订单培养"的意义,重点探讨高等职业院校如何建立校企合作人才培养机制,实践"订单培养"。  相似文献   

目前在财经类新技术复合型专业的人才培养模式上存在诸多问题,本文首先对问题进行了分析,然后从专业设置、课程模式、教材编写、教学设计、教育方法、师资队伍组成、培养途径与特色、实践教学等构成要素对高职财经类复合型专业人才柔性培养模式构建进行了探讨。  相似文献   

新能源是一种既能减少环境污染又能缓解能源危机的绿色环保可再生能源,被认为是未来世界经济发展中最具有决定性影响的技术领域之一。新能源的转化、储存和利用关键依赖于新能源材料与器件、储能科学等技术的发展。在当前国家能源规划和双碳战略实施背景下,社会经济及新能源产业发展对我国高等学校新能源材料与器件专业人才培养提出了新的要求。南京航空航天大学的新能源材料与器件专业自2019年获批以来已进行了4年的建设,目前在读本科生共计124名。本文从特色培养目标的设定、跨学科交叉课程体系的构建和系统性实践能力的培养等3个方面展开论述,详细分析了致力于高级综合型技术人才培养,兼具航空航天传统优势与特色体现及紧密结合新能源产业需求与技术发展特征的专业培养目标,展现了基础扎实、融合交叉、方向多样、重视实践等特点的系统课程体系和由基础实践、创新实践、综合实践联合构建的校内外基地相互配合协调的完整实践能力培养体系,尝试探索符合社会经济及新能源产业发展需求的新的人才培养模式,为新能源材料与器件专业更好地发展提供借鉴和参考。  相似文献   

正随着风电产业的迅猛发展,国内对风电专业人才的需求逐渐增大。根据能源领域的发展趋势和国民经济发展需要,河北工业大学于2008年设立风能与动力工程专业,培养在新能源领域从事相关工程技术领域的开发研究、工程设计、优化运行及生产管理工作的跨学科复合型高级工程技术人才和具有较强工程实践和创新能力的专门人才。本专业现已有两届毕业生,为风电相关领域输送优秀专业人员,成为培养风电专业人才的重要基地。  相似文献   

文章结合21世纪当下的教育体制改革以及大学生当下严峻的就业困难问题,客观的分析了建筑环境与能源应用工程专业的发展前景以及在这个专业大学生如何就业等问题。现阶段的主要问题是如何在教学中提高实践化教程,注重培养学生的工程实践能力,以及强化学生的动手能力,以成为合格的专业技术人才。  相似文献   

通信工程专业是我校新开专业,几年来,根据专业建设的需要,我们对其专业基础课“程控交换原理”从教学内容、教学方法和实践教学等多个方面进行了改革与实践,取得了较为显著的成效,并对今后课程的发展提出了建设性的意见和设想。  相似文献   

将行业需要作为目标引领对独立院校建筑环境与能源应用工程专业培养模式的探究。从培养目标、课程体系、教学方法、师资队伍等多方面紧密衔接行业需求,将行业标准明确和细化至每个环节。基于我院"面向应用、能力为重、全面发展、个性彰显"的人才培养理念,从模块化课程设置、立体化实践教学构建以及校企合作等角度对培养模式进行改革创新,着力培养"基础宽、能力强"的高水平应用型人才。  相似文献   

【摘要】 目的 探讨建立适应现代医学发展的介入放射学专业研究生培养模式。方法 对目前介入放射学研究生培养现状和存在问题进行探讨和分析。结果 介入放射学专业研究生培养要根据专业特点制订培训大纲、根据生源特点制订培训计划,根据研究生性质制订培养目标。同时合理设置课程、完善考核制度、并建立导师组培养制度,严格研究生管理。结论 建立合理的介入放射学专业研究生培养模式是培养合格介入放射学专业研究生的重要保证。


基于工程教育认证要求下对环境工程专业创新创业教育模式的改革,将课堂教学与实践教学、课内和课外活动相结合。基础课、专业课、选修课内容围绕工程项目实践统筹规划。发挥第二课堂作用,与专业教学实践密切结合,充分利用寒暑假、学术会议、讲座等形式开展创业创新相关培训,激发学生参加创新创业的热情,从而达到将环境工程的专业教育与创新创业教育有机结合起来的目的。  相似文献   

针对柴油机缸盖振动信号的非平稳时变特点,提出应用小波包能量法提取故障特征向量,并将提取的特征向量作为BP神经网络的输入向量进行学习训练。训练后的神经网络可以利用测量的振动信号判断柴油机的气阀机构故障状况。实践证明该方法在柴油机振动诊断中是有效可行的,对其他设备的故障诊断也具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

The Murdoch University Environmental Technology Centre is an operational site where renewable energy systems are integrated into the overall functioning of the Centre within the broader context of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs). Research and training programmes in renewable energies, energy efficiency strategies and energy conservation, and how they integrate with ESTs have been developed. They have been applied through a range of low-cost short courses, undergraduate teaching, industry training initiatives, international and institutional programmes.  相似文献   

The percent of energy consumed by plug load equipment in commercial buildings is on the rise. Research conducted in the past has included surveying plug load equipment, measuring plug load electricity consumption and equipment operating patterns, and studying plug load reduction solutions in office buildings, but plug load energy use across other building types is poorly understood. A university campus, which houses many building types, presents a unique opportunity to understand plug load profiles across building types. In this study, an equipment inventory was performed in 220 buildings on Stanford University’s campus, totaling 8,901,911 ft2 of building space and encompassing lab buildings, office buildings, recreation facilities, public space, and service buildings. Within these buildings, 110,529 pieces of plug load equipment were recorded. Energy consumption estimates were developed from published values and used to evaluate the aggregate plug load energy consumption of this equipment by equipment type and by building type. In total, it is estimated that the plug loads from these buildings consume nearly 50 million kWh per year and comprise 32% of the electricity consumption of the buildings surveyed. This data can be used to better target energy conservation efforts throughout multiple sectors.  相似文献   

One goal of NASA's Ames Research Center is to extend the presence of humans in space. Biomedical research, human performance, and life-support systems form the core of the Ames program. Major questions highlight how the effects of microgravity on living systems are modified by exercise, artificial gravity, autogenic feedback training, and nutrition. Bioengineering and life science studies include humans, animals, and plants. Ames investigators collaborate extensively with outside university and commercial scientists, both within the United States and internationally.  相似文献   

A broad demonstration process of photovoltaic solar technology for the powering of rural areas lacking power and water supply is currently being developed in Brazil. Due to the severe and problematic drought that now impacts an extensive area of Brazil, particularly the northeast region, compromising agriculture and with a more serious consequence affecting water supply for human and animal consumption, emergency actions to mitigate these conditions are being undertaken. For this purpose, the Program for Energy Development in States and Municipalities (PRODEEM) aims to install approximately 800 photovoltaic water pumping systems, of which approximately 236 by mid 1999. The massive process of installation and maintenance of these systems, requires skilled technical staff. In order to accomplish such a broad program, the universities play a key role: the training of human resources. The Group of Research on Alternative Sources of Energy of the Federal University of Pernambuco (FAE/UFPE Group) has a long tradition on human resource training on solar energy, and it was invited to participate in this process by teaching training courses to several groups of middle-level technicians. Some 145 technicians, coming from several states of the northeast involved in the program were trained in only three weeks, after which they installed approximately 86% of the expected systems (225). The systems are now running in the communities. This paper provides a detailed report on the training process, on the course evaluation accomplished by the students, the difficulties and the logistic problems found, and the lessons learned.  相似文献   

基于人工智能的热模型可以有效地提升数据中心制冷能效比.受到机房实际采集数据的数量不足和覆盖范围不足的影响,使用实际采集数据集训练的热模型常常在准确度和泛化能力上存在不足.文章介绍了一种基于计算流体力学(Computational Fluid Dynamics,CFD)的人工合成数据增强技术,采用增强数据源对人工智能热模...  相似文献   

In this study, an artificial neural network (ANN) model as a machine learning method has been employed to investigate the exergy value of syngas, where the hydrogen content in syngas reached maximum in bubbling fluidized bed gasifier which is developed in Aspen Plus® and validated from experimental data in literature. Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm has been used to train ANN model, where oxygen, hydrogen and carbon contents of sixteen different biomass, gasification temperature, steam and fuel flow rates were selected as input parameters of the model. Moreover, four different biomass samples, which hadn't been used in training and testing, have been used to create second validation. The hydrogen mole fraction of syngas was also evaluated at the different steam to fuel ratio and gasification temperature and the exergy value of syngas at the point where the hydrogen content in syngas reached maximum were estimated with low relative error value.  相似文献   


Application of the concept of interfacial compliance in analytical thermal stress modeling in electronics and photonics engineering is addressed. The review is based mostly on the author’s research conducted during his tenure with Bell Labs (Basic Research, Area 11, Murray Hill, NJ), University of California (Santa Cruz, CA), Portland State University (Portland, OR), and Small-Business-Innovative-Research (SBIR) ERS Co. The emphasis is on practically important, but often non-obvious and sometime even paradoxical situations.  相似文献   

Specialized training in industrial uses of geothermal energy is available in Iceland. The Geothermal Training Programme of the United Nations University (UNU) has operated in Iceland since 1979 with six months' annual courses for professionals in either Geological Exploration, Borehole Geology, Geophysical Exploration, Borehole Geophysics, Reservoir Engineering, Chemistry of Thermal Fluids, Geothermal Utilization, or Drilling Technology. The trademark of the training is to give university graduates with some practical experience in geothermal work, intensive on-the-job training in their specialization. Industrial applications of geothermal resources is one of the options open to participants in the Geothermal Utilization course. Participants selecting this option have mainly been trained in drying processes and how to adapt the design of conventional steam or hot water/air drying systems to the specific characteristics of the geothermal fluids. One participant studied food drying using low-temperature geothermal energy, and two dealt with heat exchanger selection for geothermal applications and the merits of the combined use of geothermal resources for electricity production and industrial utilization. Of other options directly relevant to industrial applications can be mentioned the selection, installation, and operation of downhole pumps in geothermal wells, the prediction of calcite scaling, and materials selection.  相似文献   

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