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水泥工厂中,物料的粉磨量很大,每生产一吨水泥大约有三吨物料(包括原料,燃料和熟料等)需要粉磨,而粉磨需要的电耗约占水泥生产总电耗的60~70%,因此选择合理的粉磨工艺,对提高产量、质量,降低能耗是具有重要的意义。干法生料磨,对入磨物料水份非常敏感,当水份>2%时,由于磨内水汽增多,  相似文献   

在水泥生产过程中传统的方法是水泥熟料直接进入球磨机,在旋转的筒体中受到钢球的冲击和磨削而被粉碎。粉磨系统约损耗了水泥生产总能耗的70%左右,有效功只有5%左右。长期以来,水泥界的科技人员一直在寻求新的粉磨途径以解决这一状况。70年代联邦德国的克修纳特教授对料间粉碎理论的研究,取得了重大突破,并对能大幅度降低粉磨能耗的全新粉磨方法,申请了辊压粉磨专利。1985年世界上第一台辊压机在德国茉门水泥厂投产后,其高效节能的成果,立即引起水泥行业的关注。迄今为止,世界上还只有德国、美国、丹麦三个国家  相似文献   

1.前言 在水泥生产过程中,每生产1t水泥需要粉磨各种物料3—3.5t,而粉磨所消耗的电量占整个水泥生产总耗电量的60%一70%,如何来有效地降低粉磨电耗,一直是国内外学者研究的重要课题。在粉磨领域,无论国内还是国外都离不开开路和闭路两种粉磨工艺,在我国开路粉磨占80%,闭路粉磨占20%。开路粉磨被广泛采用主要是具有流程简单、设备少、投资省、运转效率高、适应能力强、便于操作管理,但物料必须全部达到产品细度要求才能出磨,难免会出现过粉磨观象,粉磨效率降低,电耗高,产量低。而闭路粉磨与开路相比,恰好相反,粉磨效率高,单位产品电耗低,台时产量高,比开路提高15%—25%,但系统流程复杂,设备多,投资大,系统设备利用率低,不便操作和维护管理。开流高产磨技术正是利用开路  相似文献   

一、前 言 百余年来,水泥生产过程中的粉磨作业绝大多数都是由球磨机来完成的,而球磨机是一种能量利用率很低的粉磨设备,其用于粉磨的有效功仅占提供给磨机运转总能量的2%左右。如何改进占水泥生产总耗电量60%~70%的粉磨作业,以降低水泥生产的能耗,是国内外学者和科技人员长期为之奋斗的重要目标。 1985年,西德研制出第一台工业规模的挤压粉碎机(亦称挤压机)及其粉磨工艺系统,其节能增产的显著效果立即引起国际水泥界的极大兴趣和关注。这是水泥工业继窑外分解技术之后的又一重大节能新技术,是80年代科技进步的重要成果。从这以后,西德、美国、丹麦等国家有关公司相继推出了自己的产品。在西方世界水泥工业连年不景气的情况下,挤压粉碎机却得到了迅猛的发展,充分说明挤压粉磨工艺具有明显的经济效益和技术发展潜力。挤压粉碎机的出现,给粉碎技术带来了一场重大变革,挤压粉碎系统大有在不久的将来取代球磨粉磨系统之势。  相似文献   

在水泥生产中,物料的粉磨量很大,每生产一吨水泥需粉磨各种物料3.5吨左右,粉磨作业电耗约占水泥总电耗的60~70%.降低粉磨作业电耗对水泥节能具有很重要的意义. 本文重点论述磨机的节电技术改造、应用的技术、新工艺和新材料.  相似文献   

付克明  朱虹 《节能》2006,25(12):29-30
通过对主要粉磨系统的分析和粉碎理论的研究,得出采用细碎机预破碎粉磨系统或辊压粉磨系统能大幅度增加粉磨产量,降低粉磨电耗,是较理想的粉磨系统。在降低入磨物料粒度的基础上,通过调整选粉机、衬板、磨内钢球级配、磨内通风、尽快使细粉出磨、消除过粉磨现象等方式,可达到更好的增产降耗的效果。  相似文献   

黄锴 《广西节能》2010,(4):25-26
将粒化高炉矿渣、粉煤灰、沸腾炉渣和磷石膏按65∶10∶20∶5配比烘干后磨至400㎡/kg的矿渣微粉,所配制水泥各种性能指标满足GB175-2007《通用硅酸盐水泥》的技术要求,可以作为混合材应用于水泥生产中。  相似文献   

国家确定的水泥回转窑五级旋风预热器技术改造南方示范点日前在常熟通过验收。常熟水泥厂,原有的φ2.5×42m 的中空旋窑能耗高、产量低、效益差。经国家能源投资公司节能公司和国家建材局科技发展司联合组织招标,决定列为全国中小型水泥厂应用五级旋风预热器技术进行综合节能改造示范项目。采用合肥水泥研究设计院开发的五级悬浮预热水泥熟料烧成系统,并配套φ2.2×7.5m 的生料烘干磨和φ2.2×12m 水泥高产磨,以  相似文献   

王雪 《广西节能》2005,(1):31-32
我国通用水泥一直实施多品种方案,几乎所有水泥都掺加不同品种不同数量的混合材料。在水泥中掺加混合材有如下优点:(1)增加水泥产量、节约能源、降低成本;(2)改善和调节水泥的某些性能;(3)综合利用废渣、减少环境污染。但水泥产品作为建筑产品的半成品,水泥中混合材的掺加量关系到混凝土的性能和应用,因此对水泥中混合材的掺加量在水泥产品标准中明确规定:  相似文献   

一、引 言 长期以来,传统的水泥粉磨工艺使机立窑吨水泥综合电耗一直徘徊在90kWh左右,居高不下。这几年来,高效选粉机和预粉碎机的出现,使僵持已久的格局发生了较大变化。 我们长兴煤山水泥厂在第三期技改项目论证中,针对水泥粉磨电耗高、熟料硬度大的特点,选购了HFC1000/300型挤压机,对水泥粉磨工艺进行了技术改造。 二、工艺布置 采用挤压机作预粉磨工艺,使原来将熟料直接喂入磨机进行粉碎研磨的作业过程得到改变,工艺布置如图1。  相似文献   

冯晓梅 《工业加热》2011,40(2):64-67
硅酸盐水泥的基本生产过程是生料制备、熟料煅烧和水泥制成.熟料煅烧是水泥厂生产的核心,回转窑是熟料煅烧系统中的主要设备,回转窑主要由筒体、支承装置,传动装置、密封装置等组成.  相似文献   

谢华慧  龚光彩  彭翔  韩天鹤 《节能》2011,(10):29-31
选用四风道全自动智能节煤燃烧器对水泥熟料烧成系统进行节能改造,代替三通道燃烧器;通过加强煅烧操作、实时监测窑内温度场变化,自动调节各风道配风的流量、压力及供煤量,形成合理的火焰形状以及满足煅烧要求所需的火焰温度;充分利用二次风的热量,从而达到调高熟料煅烧产量的要求和节煤的目的。通过实践证明,此项技术改造有效提高了单位产品能耗,2009年项目年节能量为9594.5tce,相比2008年,单位产品节能量为18.8kg/t,约13.7%。  相似文献   

For the cement clinker, a macroporous unconsolidated porous medium, seepage heat transfer theory can more accurately reveal its internal problems. Because of the macroporous characteristics of the cement clinker accumulation body, the changes in the physical properties of the surrounding air, such as viscosity, density, and so on must be taken into consideration in the cooling process of the cement clinker. This article introduces a real gas state equation into the unsteady state seepage equation, and improves the universal local thermal non‐equilibrium energy equation, and finally builds a seepage heat exchanger model of the cement clinker accumulation body macroporous porous medium. Using the COTDMA algorithm, this article obtains the unsteady state change progress of the air temperature and the clinker, and the influence of the porosity size on the cooling process, providing a theoretical reference for engineering applications. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res 43(2): 113‐123, 2014; Published online 01 July 2013 in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj ). DOI 10.1002/htj.21066  相似文献   

为改善碾压混凝土(RCC)的抗裂性,结合西部某工程RCC重力坝抗裂问题,从材料角度探讨粗水泥改善RCC抗裂性的可行性。采用同种水泥熟料分别磨制4种细度的PⅠ42.5水泥,按照C18015三级配RCC设计要求,配制4组RCC,研究水泥细度对RCC力学性能、变形性能、热学性能的影响,并采用抗裂指标K研究水泥细度对RCC综合抗裂能力的影响。结果表明,粗水泥配制的RCC性能可达设计指标要求,且与细水泥的发展水平相当;粗水泥可改善RCC抗裂性(尤其是早期);水泥细度与抗裂指标K呈负线性相关,即在满足RCC设计性能要求前提下,水泥越粗,其RCC综合抗裂能力越强;采用粗水泥配制低热高抗裂RCC是一项技术经济良好的有效措施。  相似文献   

Energy use and CO2 emissions in the Mexican cement industry are analyzed for the period 1982–94. Using the Laspeyres index method, we estimate the relative importance of fuel intensity, clinker activity, the cement/clinker ratio, and the use of waste tires as an alternative fuel in the changes of clinker fuel use. Changes in CO2 emissions are divided into energy intensity, cement activity, the cement/clinker ratio, and primary and final fuel-mix effects. The study shows that changes in all factors except for clinker activity drive fuel use down. Overall CO2 emissions are reduced by changes in real energy intensity and the clinker/cement ratio, while the primary fuel-mix effect (which accounts for changes in the share of final energy used to produce both cement and electricity) and cement activity drive emissions up.  相似文献   

An applicatiopn of the optical pyrometer is studied for measuring monochromatic emissivities of cement clinker with various Fe2O3 contnet.The idsa of using “brightness temperature” is introduced into the eimssivity measurement.In this method,there is no need for measuring an actual temperature of sample surfaces,only with determining both brightness temperatures of a sample and a blackbody can the required emissivity be evaluated according to Wien‘s radiation law.In practice,the cement clinker is regarded as a greybody,the monochromatic emissivity is approximately equal to the total emissivity,so a single-colour optical pyrometer is applied for this purpose,Test measurements are carried out on 10 kinds of cement clinkers,Experimental data are treated by the least square method.As a result ,the emissivity variation with temperature at a certain Fe2O3 content is quite well represented by εn=a+bT.Furthermore,this work first reported that the eimissivities of cement clinker change consierably with Fe2O3 contents.In multiple cement production this conclusion is very important.  相似文献   

The synthesis of biodiesel using rubber seed oil by a transesterification reaction using cement clinker catalysts was studied. The mineral composition and morphology of both the catalysts were analysed using X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy. The gas chromatography–mass spectrometry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy and nuclear magnetic resonance studies were used to find the Fatty acid methyl ester content and various compounds of esters in the synthesised biodiesel, which showed an efficient conversion of rubber seed oil to biodiesel. The highest yield of 80% was obtained from calcium oxide catalyst (1.5?g) activated at 50°C with a methanol-to-oil ratio of 6:1. The highest yield of 70% biodiesel was obtained using a cement clinker catalyst (0.5?g) activated at 50°C with a methanol-to-oil ratio of 6:1. The significant physical properties of biodiesel flash point, acid value and saponification value were found, and the results are within the American standard test method (ASTM D6751) limits.  相似文献   

The cement production is an energy intensive industry with energy typically accounting for 50–60% of the production costs. In order to recover waste heat from the preheater exhaust and clinker cooler exhaust gases in cement plant, single flash steam cycle, dual-pressure steam cycle, organic Rankine cycle (ORC) and the Kalina cycle are used for cogeneration in cement plant. The exergy analysis for each cogeneration system is examined, and a parameter optimization for each cogeneration system is achieved by means of genetic algorithm (GA) to reach the maximum exergy efficiency. The optimum performances for different cogeneration systems are compared under the same condition. The results show that the exergy losses in turbine, condenser, and heat recovery vapor generator are relatively large, and reducing the exergy losses of these components could improve the performance of the cogeneration system. Compared with other systems, the Kalina cycle could achieve the best performance in cement plant.  相似文献   

In view of the porous media characteristics of the clinker accumulation body in the cement cooler, this paper combined the seepage heat transfer theory with the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM) to analyze the heat transfer of the particle accumulation body. According to the principle of nonmutation of permeability, the minimum feature unit model of cement particles was established, and its heat transfer law was analyzed by LBM. The heat transfer law of the boundary of the feature unit was obtained, and it was used to analyze the heat transfer law of the whole accumulation body by using the double‐loop nesting algorithm. The correctness of this study result was verified by particle heat transfer experiments.  相似文献   

以410 t/hCFB锅炉为研究对象,在分析"选择性流化床冷渣器-炉膛"系统压力分布特性的基础上,研究了压力分布特性对该种冷渣器物料流动及物料量的影响规律.结果发现:"冷渣器-炉膛"系统的压力分布特性对冷渣器物料平衡有重要影响.在稳定运行时,选择室的床层压降都小于另外3室,即选择室的床料量(或炉渣量)会小于其它3室;由于排渣的作用,冷渣器排渣室的床料量略少于中间2个冷却室;随着炉膛或冷渣器流化风速的增大,冷渣器内的床料量都将降低;炉膛和选择性流化床冷渣器之间是一种复杂的串并联关系,这使炉膛与冷渣器各室之间的气固流动参数相互制约,底渣流动的可控性较差.  相似文献   

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