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露天矿测量是在露天矿的设计和开采阶段,为指导和监督露天矿的剥离、开采等而进行的一系列测量工作。主要包括:建立矿区测量控制网和进行矿区地形测量、线路测量、采场测量、爆破测量、排土场测量、采掘场验收测量、露天矿碎部测量、露天矿边坡稳定性观测,以及绘制各种矿山测量图。  相似文献   

杨军 《能源与节能》2022,(2):85-86,89
在进行巷道贯通时,需要对2个巷道的点位进行准确测量.研究了腾晖-海圣联合开采时主副运输巷的贯通测量工作,主要包括地面控制测量、联系测量和井下陀螺全站仪定向测量、井下导线测量和高程测量,可以为巷道的贯通测量提供一定的参考.  相似文献   

通过对全站仪对边测量专项功能的介绍,结合煤矿生产实际,对矿井测量工作中腰线的标定,提出正确的测量方案和方法。全站仪对边测量标定巷道腰线,不仅能提高测量的精度和准度,同时,可减少工人劳动强度和避免使用影响施工生产的测量方案。  相似文献   

<正>露天矿测量是在露天矿的设计和开采阶段,为指导和监督露天矿的剥离、开采等而进行的一系列测量工作。主要包括:建立矿区测量控制网和进行矿区地形测量、线路测量、采场测量、爆破测量、排土场测量、采掘场验收测量、露天矿碎部测量、露天矿边坡稳定性观测,以及绘制各种矿山测量图。  相似文献   

在生产与试验中,正弦波交流电信号通过非线性负载后波形会发生畸变。对于此类非正弦波交流电有效值的测量,使用普通的测量仪表测量会导致较大的测量误差。为使测量不受波形影响,普通的测量仪表已经不能满足测量要求,在越来越多的场合需要使用真有效值测量设备进行测量。本研究结合发电机组试验设备在实践中出现的问题,对真有效值的测量应用进行了分析和研究。  相似文献   

针对我国船用柴油机制造中先进测量技术相对薄弱的现状;对先进测量技术,如三坐标扫描测量技术、关节臂测量技术、激光跟踪测量技术、激光干涉测量技术,以及在机测量技术在船用柴油机制造中的应用进行了介绍和分析,并提出了相应的建议。  相似文献   

GPS-RTK测量技术目前在各海测大队还处于试验探索阶段,但其测量模式和测量速度、精度比较以往的测量方式有了很大的优势,RTK测量技术的普及势在必行,笔者结合实际工作体会就其在测量工作应用的优劣作简要分析,并提出解决方案。  相似文献   

杨卫国 《热能动力工程》2015,30(1):95-100,167
电导率是评价水质的一个重要参数,针对水溶液电导率检测的需求,设计了一套高测量精度的水溶液电导率测量系统,包括输出参数可调的激励源系统和温度补偿模块以减小电极极化效应和温度效应所引起的测量误差,研究了单频激励信号和双频激励信号频率选取对系统电导率测量精度和系统测量稳定性的影响。结果表明:激励信号频率会影响电导率测量值的准确度,在选取激励源频率时,一般应高于1 k Hz,此时测量值稳定,误差较小;在双频模式下,针对电导率较高的溶液,使用串联模式频率为1 k Hz、10 k Hz的双频激励源测量较准确;设计的电导率测量系统在200-2 000μS/cm量程范围内测量结果具有一致性和可重复性,测量精度高,误差小于3%。  相似文献   

本文对特征测量和光学扫描等三维测量技术进行了综述,并对该技术在摩托车复杂车架结构的特征测量和车架曲面快速扫描方面的应用进行了阐述,从技术实现角度说明,有效地综合利用两类测量设备,并对测量数据进行有效处理,是提升摩托车新产品开发质量和效率的重要保证.  相似文献   

测量不确定度是对测量结果质量的定量评定,是说明测量水平的主要指标,因此正确地评定和表述测量不确定度具有重要意义。文章将不确定度理论引入到透平试验测量数据分析,对试验结果进行综合分析,有效地提高了试验结果测量的准确性。  相似文献   

大力发展生活垃圾及农林废弃物等生物质直接燃烧发电和煤炭掺烧生物质燃烧发电对缓解我国能源安全问题和实现“双碳”战略目标具有重要意义。然而生活垃圾和农林废弃物中较高含量的碱/碱土金属、硫、氯和硅等元素在高温燃烧过程中会发生复杂交互反应,导致锅炉结焦、积灰和腐蚀等一系列问题,严重影响锅炉的安全稳定运行。通过系统分析生活垃圾和农林废弃物等固体燃料燃烧过程中可能的结焦、积灰和腐蚀形成机理,探讨了原料灰分组成和结焦、积灰、腐蚀形成的关联关系和预测方法,在此基础上比较了不同类型结焦、积灰和腐蚀抑制剂的作用机制及其施加效果,并对未来高效抑制剂的开发进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文对“山水气林田湖草城”系统治理的理论与工程技术进行了全面深入地研究.提出了修复山形地貌、净化水体质量、调节大气成分、优化森林结构、改良农田土质、重建湖域生态、扩大种草面积、完善城市规划的方法.对“山水气林田湖草城”进行整体保护、系统恢复、综合治理;量化生态资源的隐性价值;发展新气候经济;实施碳热氧产品交易;设立碳热氧税制度;建立经济生产总值与生态生产总值平衡发展体系;创建零碳模式;使人与植物、动物、微生物和自然环境之间,生物各个种群之间,生态诸子系统之间,通过能量流动、物质循环和信息传递达到高度适应、协调和统一的平衡状态,减弱减少自然灾害,延长人类在地球上的生存时间.  相似文献   

The efforts have been made to convert solar energy into electrical energy by eosin as photosensitizer with different sugars fructose, arabinose, D‐xylose, and mannose systems in photogalvanic cell along with providing them commercial viability using lower concentrations of the solutions. The generated photopotential and photocurrent are 848.0, 679.0, 825.0, and 758.0 mV and 240.0, 240.0, 250.0, and 170.0 μA, respectively. The maximum powers are 203.52, 162.96, 206.25, and 128.86 μW, respectively. The observed conversion efficiency is 0.8415, 0.6461 0.7026, and 0.6812% and the determined fill factors are 0.34, 0.37, 0.28, and 0.27 against the absolute value 1. The developed photogalvanic cell can work for 55.0, 75.0, 85.0, and 90.0 minutes in the dark. The photogeneration electricity is proved by a proposed mechanism. Conclusively, the photogalvanic cell so developed has shown appreciable conversion and storage of solar energy. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Experimental study on combustion characteristics and method for evaluating flame stability was carried out. Methyl palmitate, ethyl palmitate, propyl palmitate, butyl palmitate, and amyl palmitate were prepared using pyridine n-butyl bisulfate ionic liquid as catalyst in a self-designed reactor to catalyze esterification reaction of palmitic acid with methanol, ethanol, propanol, butanol, and pentanol, respectively. Combustion characteristics including the flame height, flame front area, and flame speed were analyzed; and OH-PLIF time-average total signal strength by the OH-PLIF technique and cold flow properties of linear-chain alkyl esters of palmitic acid were also studied. Image diagnosis was applied to the study of flame stability, and an image segmentation method using three color feature matrices of flame corresponding to the red, green, and blue components was proposed. A color was selected as the evaluation color and the iterative method was used to obtain the optimal threshold for the area where the flame was located. Each pixel in the matrix was compared with an optimal threshold, and the flame stability was evaluated by calculating the ratio variance under continuous conditions. The method is simple in operation, accurate in repeatability, less interfered, and provides some guidance for analysis and optimization of biodiesel combustion process.  相似文献   

Indigenous courtyard houses (particularly those in towns and cities in the regions of the hot-dry climates) have largely satisfied the needs of their inhabitants from many points of view. They have also made a positive contribution to the housing stock, built environment, architectural output, urban fabric, and cultural heritage. Therefore, their advantageous characteristics covering all aspects should be identified, analysed and assessed objectively, systematically and (where possible) scientifically; they include those of functional requirements, family life, social customs, community traditions, religious demands, urban planning and urban design, architecture, passive solar design, and economics. Here, a checklist related only to their characteristics of passive solar design energy-efficient design and energy conservation are identified for analysis, assessment and appraisal.  相似文献   

生物质是可再生能源的重要组成部分,储量巨大,但其含水量高、能量密度和热值低等缺点致使其研磨难度大、存储运输不便,难以资源化利用。本文对烘焙预处理技术的过程及特点、能耗分析和较为理想的烘焙标准进行了简述;并重点阐述了烘焙对生物质燃烧、热解和气化特性影响的研究进展。经烘焙处理后的生物质在炉膛内可快速、稳定燃烧,炉内温度迅速升高,产生的烟气量减少;热解产生的生物质焦油中水和乙酸含量明显减少,苯酚含量增加,热值总体升高;气化合成气品质明显提升,能量密度增大,总气化效率显著提高。此外,对烘焙预处理技术在城市固体废弃物处理的应用进行了简要的概述,并对其在生物质和城市固体废弃物研究方向上进行了展望。  相似文献   

Gasification or combustion of coal and biomass is the most important form of power generation today. However, the use of coal/biomass at high temperatures has an inherent problem related to the ash generated. The formation of ash leads to a problematic phenomenon called slagging. Slagging is the accumulation of molten ash on the walls of the furnace, gasifier, or boiler and is detrimental as it reduces the heat transfer rate, and the combustion/gasification rate of unburnt carbon, causes mechanical failure, high-temperature corrosion and on occasions, superheater explosions. To improve the gasifier/combustor facility, it is very important to understand the key ash properties, slag characteristics, viscosity and critical viscosity temperature. This paper reviews the content, compositions, and melting characteristics of ashes in differently ranked coal and biomass, and discusses the formation mechanism, characteristics, and structure of slag. In particular, this paper focuses on low-rank coal and biomass that have been receiving increased attention recently. Besides, it reviews the available methodologies and formulae for slag viscosity measurement/prediction and summarizes the current limitations and potential applications. Moreover, it discusses the slagging behavior of different ranks of coal and biomass by examining the applicability of the current viscosity measurement methods to these fuels, and the viscosity prediction models and factors that affect the slag viscosity. This review shows that the existing viscosity models and slagging indices can only satisfactorily predict the viscosity and slagging propensity of high-rank coals but cannot predict the slagging propensity and slag viscosity of low-rank coal, and especially biomass ashes, even if they are limited to a particular composition only. Thus, there is a critical need for the development of an index, or a model or even a measurement method, which can predict/measure the slagging propensity and slag viscosity correctly for all low-rank coal and biomass ashes.  相似文献   

随着我国生态文明建设进程日益加快,污泥处理处置行业也得到快速发展。我国市政污泥处理处置技术呈现多样化发展趋势,焚烧、厌氧发酵、好氧堆肥、热解炭化等方式尤为常见。统计分析了国内385个典型污泥处理处置项目的处理规模、各技术占比、投资、运行成本等指标,并针对各污泥处理工艺碳排放情况进行综述,以期为未来污泥处理处置技术发展方向提供一定参考。数据显示,截至2022年3月,我国污泥项目建设总规模达4851.4万t/a,污泥无害化理论处置率达73.5%。污泥处理处置项目以焚烧、厌氧消化、好氧堆肥为主,分别占比65.41%、15.55%、9.61%。对污泥碳排放水平、处理成本、能源回收效率、资源化利用水平等因素的综合分析表明,污泥厌氧消化是当前较具潜力的处理技术。  相似文献   

The existing literature on the hydrogen supply chains has knowledge gaps. Most studies focus on hydrogen production, storage, transport, and utilisation but neglect ports which are nexuses in the supply chains. To fill the gap, this paper focuses on ports' readiness for the upcoming hydrogen international trade. Potential hydrogen exporting and importing ports are screened. Ports' readiness for hydrogen export and import are reviewed from perspectives of infrastructure, risk management, public acceptance, regulations and standards, and education and training. The main findings are: (1) liquid hydrogen, ammonia, methanol, and LOHCs are suitable forms for hydrogen international trade; (2) twenty ports are identified that could be first movers; among them, twelve are exporting ports, and eight are importing ports; (3) ports’ readiness for hydrogen international trade is still in its infancy, and the infrastructure construction or renovation, risk management measures, establishment of regulations and standards, education and training all require further efforts.  相似文献   

Thermoeconomics, or exergoeconomics, can be classified into the three fields: cost allocation, cost optimization, and cost analysis. In this study, a new thermoeconomic methodology for energy systems is proposed in the three fields. The proposed methodology is very simple and clear. That is, the number of the proposed equation is only one in each field, and it is developed with a wonergy newly introduced in this paper. The wonergy is defined as an energy that can equally evaluate the worth of each product. Any energy, including enthalpy or exergy, can be applied to the wonergy and be evaluated by this equation. In order to confirm its validity, the CGAM problem and various cogenerations were analyzed. Seven sorts of energy, including enthalpy and exergy, were applied for cost allocation. Enthalpy, exergy, and profit were applied for cost optimization. Enthalpy and exergy were applied for cost analysis. Exergy is generally recognized as the most reasonable criterion in exergoeconomics. By the proposed methodology, however, exergy is the most reasonable in cost allocation and cost analysis, and all of exergy, enthalpy, and profit are reasonable in cost optimization. Therefore, we conclude that various forms of wonergy should be applied to the analysis of thermoeconomics.  相似文献   

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