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Objective: To investigate whether private foundations can be created in a way that will insulate them from attacks by the tobacco industry, using the Minnesota Partnership for Action Against Tobacco (MPAAT) as a case study.

Design: Information was collected from internal tobacco industry documents, court documents, newspapers, and interviews with health advocates and elected officials.

Results: The creation of MPAAT as an independent foundation did not insulate it from attacks by tobacco industry allies. During 2001–2002, MPAAT was repeatedly attacked by Attorney General Mike Hatch and major media, using standard tobacco industry rhetoric. This strategy of attack and demands for information were reminiscent of previous attacks on Minnesota's Plan for Nonsmoking and Health and the American Stop Smoking Intervention Study (ASSIST). MPAAT was ultimately forced to restructure its programme to abandon effective community norm change interventions around smoke-free policies and replace them with less effective individual cessation interventions. Neither MPAAT nor other health advocates mounted an effective public response to these attacks, instead relying on the insider strategy of responding in court.

Conclusion: It is not possible to avoid attacks by the tobacco industry or its political allies. Like programmes administered by government agencies, tobacco control foundations must be prepared for these attacks, including a proactive plan to educate the public about the principles of community based tobacco control. Public health advocates also need to be willing to take prompt action to defend these programmes and hold public officials who attack tobacco control programmes accountable for their actions.


烟草行业网站信息动态发布与管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用ASP、SQL和ADO技术开发的网站信息动态发布与管理系统 ,实现了网站信息发布与管理的远程化和动态化 ,使信息发布及时 ,管理高效 ,缩短了信息的上网时间 ,提高了工作效率 ,增强了系统的安全性。同时 ,对系统的开发原理、系统功能及系统设计方案和实施进行了介绍。该系统应用于“中国烟草科教网”取得了较好的使用效果  相似文献   

介绍了行业信息代码管理系统的设计方案,阐述了系统的设计原则,对系统功能结构、系统配置和系统描述作了进一步说明.该系统设计和建立的方法和经验,将为烟草行业电子商务系统的开发和应用积累经验.  相似文献   

中国烟草"走出去"的实践和几点建议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在经济全球化加速发展的今天,一个产业只有放在全球范围内来审视,才能判断其是否真正具有国际竞争力;一个企业只有在全球范围内有效整合资源,才能成为世界级企业。对于中国烟草来说,“走出去”开展跨国经营,充分利用“两个市场、两种资源”,积极培育新的经济增长点,这是其提高竞争实力,拓展发展空间,谋求长远发展的一项具有重大意义的战略性选择。本文通过回顾中国烟草“走出去”的实践,总结其中的基本经验,对中国烟草制定和宴施“走出去”战略进行了初步思考和探讨。  相似文献   

本文对《烟草控制框架公约》及其第9、10条实施指南部分案文(FCTC/COP4(10)号决定)关于烟草制品成分管制和烟草制品披露的规定进行解读,结合成分管制和披露在业界的实施状况,分析其可能对中国烟草产生的影响,并提出有关措施建议。   相似文献   

Hedonic ratings between two products are compared to results of an alternative choice procedure measuring the substitution between these products. A strong correlation between hedonic scores and product choices before the revelation of information is observed. The revelation of health-relevant product information lowers the association between the two types of measurement for product rating. Health information mainly influences consumer preferences revealed in the choice procedure, while impact of information on hedonic scores is relatively weak.  相似文献   

探索企业信息化建设的风险防范体系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
随着企业信息化建设的不断深入,管理信息系统的规模及复杂程度也日趋大型化和复杂化。在这种情况下,课题的选择、系统开发的质量、费用的控制、系统的安全、系统维护的能力等问题日益突出,这些问题已严重妨碍企业信息化建设的进步。积极探索科学的项目管理与风险管理,建立风险防范体系是企业在信息化建设和发展过程中如何减少风险的重要课题,是避免和减少由于信息化建设引起风险危机的有效方法。   相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine how people in the California-based entertainment industry think about the portrayal of tobacco use in movies and on television. Specifically, to explore who decides when to include tobacco in a project; how that decision is made; what issues are considered; what messages are intended; whether and how the issue of second-hand smoke is considered; and what advocacy methods might be useful in influencing future decisions about tobacco portrayal. DESIGN: Qualitative in-depth interviews of entertainment industry personnel,with a semi-structured interview protocol to guide the interview. SUBJECTS: 54 subjects drawn from a convenience sample of writers, actors, directors, producers, studio executives, and others involved in the film industry. RESULTS: Hollywood is heterogeneous with varying perspectives on rates of tobacco use portrayal; intentionality of the decision to use and the necessity to portray tobacco use; and its degree of acceptance of responsibility for influencing societal smoking. Tobacco depiction may originate with the writer, actor, or director and is included most frequently to elucidate character or portray reality. On-camera smoking is influenced by actors' off-camera tobacco use. CONCLUSIONS: The research presented can help advocates better understand the norms and values of those working within the entertainment industry and thereby assist them in creating more effective change strategies.  相似文献   

烟草行业信息应用系统总体技术框架研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
按照烟草行业信息化建设的总体目标和技术特点,在对行业信息应用系统建设总体技术框架分析研究的基础上,对系统中出现的一些关键技术问题提出了相关的具体解决办法和建议,并结合当前国内外信息化的发展趋势阐述了今后行业信息化建设工作的主要发展方向.  相似文献   

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