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社交媒体发展的初级阶段已经结束,女性对社交网站的高度活跃度正在促使社交网站更加快速的进入成熟期。当我们以更加独特的社交手段和方式来提升女性在社交网站中的参与度和领导力时,那么女性撑起的,就不仅仅是社交网站的半边天。  相似文献   

社交网站存在七大安全风险3月30日,瑞星公司发布《网民隐私与社交网站(SNS)安全报告(2009)》,针对目前非常热门社交网站用户发出安全警告。报告指出,网民在社交网站注册个人  相似文献   

社交媒体未来格局宋炜:随着中、日两国的人人网、DeNA、GREE等社交网站的不断崛起及国际化,Facebook等欧美社交网站将受到更大的挑战和竞争。失落毕业生:社交媒体的未来在亚洲,社交媒体网站最早在亚洲兴起,亚洲网民无论是数量还  相似文献   

文章全面分析了社交网站中存在的安全问题,提出对应的建议及解决策略,同时全面深入地分析社交网站的关键技术。在社交网站潜在隐患的分析过程中,重点探讨了社交网站在网络安全、信息安全、品牌危机、社会生活等方面存在的安全问题,并分别提出了相应的对策和建议,从而保障社交网站在中国的顺利应用,维护国家安全和社会稳定。  相似文献   

<正>一方面是国际IT巨头频频大手笔收购社交网站,另一方面是不少社交网站被曝频陷用户大量流失的困境。企业社交网站是香饽饽,还是烫手的山芋?企业社交网络市场迎来爆发期今年6月,IT巨头微软以12亿美  相似文献   

"社交类应用"泛指具有社交功能的互联网应用,包括社交网站、微博、即时通信工具、博客、论坛等,本文重点研究社交网站、微博以及即时通信工具。在社交类应用用户特征及重叠情况、社交类应用用户变化以及各社交类应用用户使用行为差异的研究基础上,分析了社交类应用对新闻资讯类网站、网络购物、手机在线游戏等相关产业的影响,并对社交类应用的发展提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

6月22日,IBM在北京发布首个专门面向中国软件开发人员和IT专业人士的垂直社交网站(VSN)——My developerWorks中文版社交网站。该网站与IBM专门面向全球IT人员的社交网站My developerWorks一脉传承,沿袭了其全球  相似文献   

社交网站反市场潮流,将牵手电视 时间和注意力都是有限的资源。正如社交网站改变网络世界一样,电视行业也将变得更具社会性。这个趋势可能会因为消费者的支持而迅速发展。然而,到目前为止,初步迹象表明2010年将会是社交网站变得更加普及的一年,社交网站服务将横跨在电脑、手机和电视屏幕上。  相似文献   

3月30日,瑞星公司发布《网民隐私与社交网站(SNS)安全报告(2009)》,针对目前非常热门社交网站用户发出安全警告。报告指出,网民在社交网站注册个人资料之后,很容易遭遇手机号泄露、MSN和邮箱账号密码被盗用等七大安全风险,而利用各种方式骗取网民个人资料用以牟利,已经成为社交网站利润的重要来源。  相似文献   

《经济学人》网络版撰文称,社交网站虽然让社交变得容易且轻松,但这并非如预想的那样,会扩大人类社交群体的规模。敦巴数字由于Facebook、Twitter等社交网站减少了社交中的摩擦,并降低了与其他人保持联系的成本,  相似文献   

Online social networking has deeply penetrated university campuses, influencing multiple aspects of student life. We investigate the impacts of individual online social networking engagement (e.g., on Facebook) from a pedagogical standpoint. Based on social learning theory, we argue that two socialization processes, social acceptance and acculturation, bridge individual online social networking engagement with three domains of social learning outcomes. Results from a survey accompanied by focus group discussions demonstrate the substantial impacts of university student online social networking engagement on social learning processes and outcomes. Online social networking not only directly influences university students’ learning outcomes, but also helps the students attain social acceptance from others and adapt to university culture, both of which play prominent roles in improving their learning outcomes.  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2011,56(4):1494-1503
Online social networking has deeply penetrated university campuses, influencing multiple aspects of student life. We investigate the impacts of individual online social networking engagement (e.g., on Facebook) from a pedagogical standpoint. Based on social learning theory, we argue that two socialization processes, social acceptance and acculturation, bridge individual online social networking engagement with three domains of social learning outcomes. Results from a survey accompanied by focus group discussions demonstrate the substantial impacts of university student online social networking engagement on social learning processes and outcomes. Online social networking not only directly influences university students’ learning outcomes, but also helps the students attain social acceptance from others and adapt to university culture, both of which play prominent roles in improving their learning outcomes.  相似文献   

Individuals communicate and form relationships through Internet social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace. We study risk taking, trust, and privacy concerns with regard to social networking websites among 205 college students using both reliable scales and behavior. Individuals with profiles on social networking websites have greater risk taking attitudes than those who do not; greater risk taking attitudes exist among men than women. Facebook has a greater sense of trust than MySpace. General privacy concerns and identity information disclosure concerns are of greater concern to women than men. Greater percentages of men than women display their phone numbers and home addresses on social networking websites. Social networking websites should inform potential users that risk taking and privacy concerns are potentially relevant and important concerns before individuals sign-up and create social networking websites.  相似文献   

各种垂直细分社交网络应用已帮助人们创建和收集了丰富的信息,但由于各类信息无法表述成机器可直接处理的形式,网站间缺乏信息共享和交流机制。在总结垂直社交网站信息特征的基础上,分析FOAF、DC、SIOC等本体的信息表述能力,以音乐论坛类社交网站为例设计信息表示本体,以实现信息的有效建模存储。  相似文献   

Recently, the number of social networking sites is rapidly increasing, and the number of users joining these sites is dramatically increasing as well. This paper aims at comprehensively comparing three social networking sites, and provides an in-depth analysis. We compare three of the most popular social networking sites, i.e., Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. Specifically, we evaluate those social networking sites based on four criteria (i.e., navigation, interactivity, source credibility and intelligence). For each criterion, we propose a list of measures for the comparison. The comparison essentially explores the differences and commonalities among those social networking sites. Based on the analysis of the comparison, a user study is conducted to evaluate the three websites.  相似文献   

The present study examined the influence of gender and personality on individuals’ use of online social networking websites such as Facebook and MySpace. Participants were 238 undergraduate students who reported being members of Facebook, MySpace, or both. Based on prior research examining online behavior, we expected that gender and scores on the Big Five personality scale would moderate online social networking behavior. The results supported our predictions. Specifically, men reported using social networking sites for forming new relationships while women reported using them more for relationship maintenance. Furthermore, women low in agreeableness reported using instant messaging features of social networking sites more often than women high in agreeableness, whereas men low in openness reported playing more games on social networking sites compared to men high in openness. Overall, these results indicate the importance of examining individual differences in online behavior.  相似文献   

Understanding the user acceptance of mobile social networking apps in different cultures can provide powerful insights for managers and marketers of social networking apps to develop effective globalized and localized strategies to attract users worldwide. Following the theory of planned behavior, this study develops a research model of privacy concern (PC), privacy risk (PR), and perceived enjoyment (PE) as attitudinal beliefs, subjective norm (SN) as normative belief, and smartphone self-efficacy (SE) as control belief to understand users’ intention to use mobile social networking apps. In particular, the impact of culture was investigated, considering the user base of mobile social networking apps is distributed globally and culturally diversified, and cultural values have direct impact on behavior. The research model was validated by survey data collected from 151 participants in the U.S. and 170 participants in South Korea. The data analysis results show that perceived enjoyment and subjective norm are the most important drivers behind users’ intention to use mobile social networking apps for both countries. No significant difference was found for the effects of privacy risk and subjective norm upon users’ intention to use mobile social networking apps across cultures. Implications of the findings upon theory and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

《Information & Management》2016,53(4):528-540
At present, as customers often turn to social media platforms to share their service experience, this study aims to examine the determinants of their negative word-of-mouth communication using social networking sites following a service failure. Although many studies have examined the electronic word-of-mouth communication, studies on negative word-of-mouth communication using social media platforms remain sparse. Building on the cognitive dissonance theory and social support theory, this study proposes and empirically examines the role of contextual, individual and social networking factors in determining the customers’ intentions to engage in negative word-of-mouth communication using social networking sites. Self-reported retrospective survey was used to obtain responses from 206 online shoppers. The results of the structural equation modelling showed that feeling of injustice, firm attribution, firm image, face concern, reappraisal, use intensity and tie strength are key antecedents of negative word-of-mouth communication. The findings provide valuable insights for managers in developing effective Webcare interventions for negative word-of-mouth communication on social networking sites.  相似文献   

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