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Piatrou P  Gilles L 《Applied optics》2005,44(6):1003-1010
Robustness of the recently proposed "pseudo open-loop control" algorithm against various system errors has been investigated for the representative example of the Gemini-South 8-m telescope multiconjugate adaptive-optics system. The existing model to represent the adaptive-optics system with pseudo open-loop control has been modified to account for misalignments, noise and calibration errors in deformable mirrors, and wave-front sensors. Comparison with the conventional least-squares control model has been done. We show with the aid of both transfer-function pole-placement analysis and Monte Carlo simulations that POLC remains remarkably stable and robust against very large levels of system errors and outperforms in this respect least-squares control. Approximate stability margins as well as performance metrics such as Strehl ratios and rms wave-front residuals averaged over a 1-arc min field of view have been computed for different types and levels of system errors to quantify the expected performance degradation.  相似文献   

We propose an optimal approach for the phase reconstruction in a large field of view (FOV) for multiconjugate adaptive optics. This optimal approach is based on a minimum-mean-square-error estimator that minimizes the mean residual phase variance in the FOV of interest. It accounts for the C2n profile in order to optimally estimate the correction wave front to be applied to each deformable mirror (DM). This optimal approach also accounts for the fact that the number of DMs will always be smaller than the number of turbulent layers, since the C2n profile is a continuous function of the altitude h. Links between this optimal approach and a tomographic reconstruction of the turbulence volume are established. In particular, it is shown that the optimal approach consists of a full tomographic reconstruction of the turbulence volume followed by a projection onto the DMs accounting for the considered FOV of interest. The case where the turbulent layers are assumed to match the mirror positions [model-approximation (MA) approach], which might be a crude approximation, is also considered for comparison. This MA approach will rely on the notion of equivalent turbulent layers. A comparison between the optimal and MA approaches is proposed. It is shown that the optimal approach provides very good performance even with a small number of DMs (typically, one or two). For instance, good Strehl ratios (greater than 20%) are obtained for a 4-m telescope on a 150-arc sec x 150-arc sec FOV by using only three guide stars and two DMs.  相似文献   

Turbulence correction in a large field of view by use of an adaptive optics imaging system with several deformable mirrors (DM's) conjugated to various heights is considered. The residual phase variance is computed for an optimized linear algorithm in which a correction of each turbulent layer is achieved by applying a combination of suitably smoothed and scaled input phase screens to all DM's. Finite turbulence outer scale and finite spatial resolution of the DM's are taken into account. A general expression for the isoplanatic angle thetaM of a system with M mirrors is derived in the limiting case of infinitely large apertures and Kolmogorov turbulence. Like Fried's isoplanatic angle theta0,thetaM is a function only of the turbulence vertical profile, is scalable with wavelength, and is independent of the telescope diameter. Use of angle thetaM permits the gain in the field of view due to the increased number of DM's to be quantified and their optimal conjugate heights to be found. Calculations with real turbulence profiles show that with three DM's a gain of 7-10x is possible, giving the typical and best isoplanatic field-of-view radii of 16 and 30 arcseconds, respectively, at lambda = 0.5 microm. It is shown that in the actual systems the isoplanatic field will be somewhat larger than thetaM owing to the combined effects of finite aperture diameter, finite outer scale, and optimized wave-front spatial filtering. However, this additional gain is not dramatic; it is less than 1.5x for large-aperture telescopes.  相似文献   

Classical adaptive optics (AO) is now a widespread technique for high-resolution imaging with astronomical ground-based telescopes. It generally uses simple and efficient control algorithms. Multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) is a more recent and very promising technique that should extend the corrected field of view. This technique has not yet been experimentally validated, but simulations already show its high potential. The importance for MCAO of an optimal reconstruction using turbulence spatial statistics has already been demonstrated through open-loop simulations. We propose an optimal closed-loop control law that accounts for both spatial and temporal statistics. The prior information on the turbulence, as well as on the wave-front sensing noise, is expressed in a state-space model. The optimal phase estimation is then given by a Kalman filter. The equations describing the system are given and the underlying assumptions explained. The control law is then derived. The gain brought by this approach is demonstrated through MCAO numerical simulations representative of astronomical observation on a 8-m-class telescope in the near infrared. We also discuss the application of this control approach to classical AO. Even in classical AO, the technique could be relevant especially for future extreme AO systems.  相似文献   

Multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) systems with 10(4)-10(5) degrees of freedom have been proposed for future giant telescopes. Using standard matrix methods to compute, optimize, and implement wavefront control algorithms for these systems is impractical, since the number of calculations required to compute and apply the reconstruction matrix scales respectively with the cube and the square of the number of adaptive optics degrees of freedom. We develop scalable open-loop iterative sparse matrix implementations of minimum variance wave-front reconstruction for telescope diameters up to 32 m with more than 10(4) actuators. The basic approach is the preconditioned conjugate gradient method with an efficient preconditioner, whose block structure is defined by the atmospheric turbulent layers very much like the layer-oriented MCAO algorithms of current interest. Two cost-effective preconditioners are investigated: a multigrid solver and a simpler block symmetric Gauss-Seidel (BSGS) sweep. Both options require off-line sparse Cholesky factorizations of the diagonal blocks of the matrix system. The cost to precompute these factors scales approximately as the three-halves power of the number of estimated phase grid points per atmospheric layer, and their average update rate is typically of the order of 10(-2) Hz, i.e., 4-5 orders of magnitude lower than the typical 10(3) Hz temporal sampling rate. All other computations scale almost linearly with the total number of estimated phase grid points. We present numerical simulation results to illustrate algorithm convergence. Convergence rates of both preconditioners are similar, regardless of measurement noise level, indicating that the layer-oriented BSGS sweep is as effective as the more elaborated multiresolution preconditioner.  相似文献   

Multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) is a technique for correcting turbulence-induced phase distortions in three dimensions instead of two, thereby greatly expanding the corrected field of view of an adaptive optics system. This is accomplished with use of multiple deformable mirrors conjugate to distinct ranges in the atmosphere, with actuator commands computed from wave-front sensor (WFS) measurements from multiple guide stars. Laser guide stars (LGSs) must be used (at least for the forseeable future) to achieve a useful degree of sky coverage in an astronomical MCAO system. Much as a single LGS cannot be used to measure overall wave-front tilt, a constellation of multiple LGSs at a common range cannot detect tilt anisoplanatism. This error alone will significantly degrade the performance of a MCAO system based on a single tilt-only natural guide star (NGS) and multiple tilt-removed LGSs at a common altitude. We present a heuristic, low-order model for the principal source of tilt anisoplanatism that suggests four possible approaches to eliminating this defect in LGS MCAO: (i) tip/tilt measurements from multiple NGS, (ii) a solution to the LGS tilt uncertainty problem, (iii) additional higher-order WFS measurements from a single NGS, or (iv) higher-order WFS measurements from both sodium and Rayleigh LGSs at different ranges. Sample numerical results for one particular MCAO system configuration indicate that approach (ii), if feasible, would provide the highest degree of tilt anisoplanatism compensation. Approaches (i) and (iv) also provide very useful levels of performance and do not require unrealistically low levels of WFS measurement noise. For a representative set of parameters for an 8-m telescope, the additional laser power required for approach (iv) is on the order of 2 W per Rayleigh LGS.  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of a general multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) system in which signals from multiple reference beacons are used to drive several deformable mirrors in the optical beam train. Taking an analytic approach that yields a detailed view of the effects of low-order aberration modes defined over the metapupil, we show that in the geometrical optics approximation, N deformable mirrors conjugated to different ranges can be driven to correct these modes through order N with unlimited isoplanatic angle, regardless of the distribution of turbulence along the line of sight. We find, however, that the optimal deformable mirror shapes are functions of target range, so the best compensation for starlight is in general not the correction that minimizes the wave-front aberration in a laser guide beacon. This introduces focal anisoplanatism in the wave-front measurements that can be overcome only through the use of beacons at several ranges. We derive expressions for the number of beacons required to sense the aberration to arbitrary order and establish necessary and sufficient conditions on their geometry for both natural and laser guide stars. Finally, we derive an expression for the residual uncompensated error by mode as a function of field angle, target range, and MCAO system geometry.  相似文献   

Plane-wave scintillation is shown to impose multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) correctability limitations that are independent of wavefront sensing and reconstruction. Residual phase and log-amplitude variances induced by scintillation in weak turbulence are derived using linear (diffraction-based) diffractive MCAO spatial filters or (diffraction-ignorant) geometric MCAO proportional gains as open-loop control parameters. In the case of Kolmogorov turbulence, expressions involving the Rytov variance and/or weighted C(2)(n) integrals apply. Differences in performance between diffractive MCAO and geometric MCAO resemble chromatic errors. Optimal corrections based on least squares imply irreducible performance limits that are validated by wave-optic simulations.  相似文献   

We study the so-called three-dimensional mapping of turbulence, a method solving the cone effect (or focus anisoplanatism) by using multiple laser guide stars (LGSs). This method also permits a widening of the corrected field of view much beyond the isoplanatic field. Multiple deformable mirrors, conjugated to planes at chosen altitudes among the turbulent layers, are used to correct in real time the wave fronts measured from the LGSs. We construct an interaction matrix describing the multiconjugate adaptive optics system and analyze the eigenmodes of the system. We show that the global tilt mode is singular because it cannot be localized in altitude, so that it must be corrected only once at any altitude. Furthermore, when the tilt from the LGS cannot be measured, the singularity of the global tilt yields the delocalization of particular forms of defocus and astigmatism. This imposes the use of a single natural guide star located anywhere in the corrected field to measure these modes. We show as an example that the cone effect can be corrected with a Strehl of 0.8 with four LGSs (tilt ignored) on an 8-m telescope in the visible when a single laser star provides a Strehl of 0.1. The maximum field of view of 100 arc sec in diameter can be reconstructed with an on-axis Strehl ratio of 30%. We also show that the measurement of the height of the layers can be done with current techniques and that additional layers, not accounted for, do not significantly degrade the performance in the configuration that we model.  相似文献   

We present sample Monte Carlo simulation results to illustrate the trends in multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) performance as the telescope aperture diameter increases from 8 to 32 m with all other first-order system parameters held constant. The MCAO system considered includes three deformable mirrors, a 1-arc min square field of view, and five wave-front-sensing references consisting of either natural guide stars or laser guide stars at a range of either 30 or 90 km. The rms residual wave-front error decreases slowly with increasing aperture diameter with natural guide stars, whereas performance degrades significantly with increasing aperture diameter for laser guide stars at 30 km if the number of guide stars is held fixed. Performance with laser guide stars at 90 km is a weak function of telescope aperture diameter in the range from 8 to 32 m, with rms wave-front errors no more than 20% greater than the corresponding natural guide-star case for the same level of wave-front sensor's measurement noise.  相似文献   

Durham adaptive optics real-time controller   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Basden A  Geng D  Myers R  Younger E 《Applied optics》2010,49(32):6354-6363
The Durham adaptive optics (AO) real-time controller was initially a proof of concept design for a generic AO control system. It has since been developed into a modern and powerful central-processing-unit-based real-time control system, capable of using hardware acceleration (including field programmable gate arrays and graphical processing units), based primarily around commercial off-the-shelf hardware. It is powerful enough to be used as the real-time controller for all currently planned 8 m class telescope AO systems. Here we give details of this controller and the concepts behind it, and report on performance, including latency and jitter, which is less than 10 μs for small AO systems.  相似文献   

Wang L  Andersen D  Ellerbroek B 《Applied optics》2012,51(16):3692-3700
The scientific productivity of laser guide star adaptive optics systems strongly depends on the sky coverage, which describes the probability of finding natural guide stars for the tip/tilt wavefront sensor(s) to achieve a certain performance. Knowledge of the sky coverage is also important for astronomers planning their observations. In this paper, we present an efficient method to compute the sky coverage for the laser guide star multiconjugate adaptive optics system, the Narrow Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System (NFIRAOS), being designed for the Thirty Meter Telescope project. We show that NFIRAOS can achieve more than 70% sky coverage over most of the accessible sky with the requirement of 191 nm total rms wavefront.  相似文献   

Gilles L 《Applied optics》2005,44(6):993-1002
Recent progress has been made to compute efficiently the open-loop minimum-variance reconstructor (MVR) for multiconjugate adaptive optics systems by a combination of sparse matrix and iterative techniques. Using spectral analysis, I show that a closed-loop laser guide star multiconjugate adaptive optics control algorithm consisting of MVR cascaded with an integrator control law is unstable. Tosolve this problem, a computationally efficient pseudo-open-loop control (POLC) method was recently proposed. I give a theoretical proof of the stability of this method and demonstrate its superior performance and robustness against misregistration errors compared with conventional least-squares control. This can be accounted for by the fact that POLC incorporates turbulence statistics through its regularization term that can be interpreted as spatial filtering, yielding increased robustness to misregistration. For the Gemini-South 8-m telescope multiconjugate system and for median Cerro Pachon seeing, the performance of POLC in terms of rms wave-front error averaged over a 1-arc min field of view is approximately three times superior to that of a least-squares reconstructor. Performance degradation due to 30% translational misregistration on all three mirrors is approximately a 30% increased rms wave-front error, whereas a least-squares reconstructor is unstable at such a misregistration level.  相似文献   

Optimization of a predictive controller for closed-loop adaptive optics   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Dessenne C  Madec PY  Rousset G 《Applied optics》1998,37(21):4623-4633
For closed-loop adaptive optics systems limited by time delay and measurement noise, we demonstrate that the ideal rejection transfer function is proportional to the frequency signal-to-noise ratio of the wave-front input. We describe a new modal linear predictive controller that approaches this ideal transfer function. Its parameters are optimized by minimization of the residual wave-front error with a modified recursive least-squares algorithm. The optimization can be performed with closed-loop data in the case of evolving turbulent conditions. We present numerical simulations to show the significant improvements brought by the predictor.  相似文献   

通过一系列的实验,分析了自适应卡尔曼滤波方法在结构损伤识别中的有效性和准确性.实验中为了模拟结构在振动过程中的突然损伤,提出了一种模拟在线损伤的刚度元件装置,该装置可以实现结构在振动过程中刚度发生突然变化.通过对实验结构在不同激励下的各种损伤情况进行模拟,并对测量数据进行分析,结果表明,自适应卡尔曼滤波方法能够有效地追踪结构参数的变化.从而识别出结构的损伤,包括损伤的位置、大小和发生时刻,具有较高的实际应用价值.  相似文献   

The linear quadratic Gaussian regulator provides the minimum-variance control solution for a linear time-invariant system. For adaptive optics (AO) applications, under the hypothesis of a deformable mirror with instantaneous response, such a controller boils down to a minimum-variance phase estimator (a Kalman filter) and a projection onto the mirror space. The Kalman filter gain can be computed by solving an algebraic Riccati matrix equation, whose computational complexity grows very quickly with the size of the telescope aperture. This "curse of dimensionality" makes the standard solvers for Riccati equations very slow in the case of extremely large telescopes. In this article, we propose a way of computing the Kalman gain for AO systems by means of an approximation that considers the turbulence phase screen as the cropped version of an infinite-size screen. We demonstrate the advantages of the methods for both off- and on-line computational time, and we evaluate its performance for classical AO as well as for wide-field tomographic AO with multiple natural guide stars. Simulation results are reported.  相似文献   

基于有限范围自适应卡尔曼滤波的结构损伤识别方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在土木结构的健康监测中,当破坏发生时能够立即对结构的损伤做出判断和评估是一项非常重要的工作.本文采用了一种基于广义卡尔曼滤波的自适应追踪技术对结构的参数进行辨识.该方法能够追踪结构的时变参数,并对结构损伤的位置、大小以及发生的时间做出判断.数值仿真的结果表明该方法对于线性和非线性结构的参数变化具有敏感性,能够有效地检测出结构的损伤.  相似文献   

Wang L  Gilles L  Ellerbroek B 《Applied optics》2011,50(18):3000-3010
The scientific utility of laser-guide-star-based multiconjugate adaptive optics systems depends upon high sky coverage. Previously we reported a high-fidelity sky coverage analysis of an ad hoc split tomography control algorithm and a postprocessing simulation technique. In this paper, we present the performance of a newer minimum variance split tomography algorithm, and we show that it brings a median improvement at zenith of 21 nm rms optical path difference error over the ad hoc split tomography control algorithm for our system, the Narrow Field Infrared Adaptive Optics System for the Thirty Meter Telescope. In order to make the comparison, we also validated our previously developed sky coverage postprocessing software using an integrated simulation of both high- (laser guide star) and low-order (natural guide star) loops. A new term in the noise model is also identified that improves the performance of both algorithms by more properly regularizing the reconstructor.  相似文献   

In many scenarios, an adaptive optics (AO) control system operates in the presence of temporally non-white noise. We use a Kalman filter with a state space formulation that allows suppression of this colored noise, hence improving residual error over the case where the noise is assumed to be white. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this new filter in the case of the estimated Gemini Planet Imager tip-tilt environment, where there are both common-path and non-common-path vibrations. We discuss how this same framework can also be used to suppress spatial aliasing during predictive wavefront control assuming frozen flow in a low-order AO system without a spatially filtered wavefront sensor, and present experimental measurements from Altair that clearly reveal these aliased components.  相似文献   

A solution to the problem of detecting the tip-tilt modes in multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) with laser guide stars (LGS) is presented. This solution requires the presence of only a single relatively dim natural guide star (NGS) within the reconstructed field of view (FoV). The dim NGS is used for the reconstruction of the tip-tilt modes on the entire FoV, while the tomographic reconstruction of second-order and higher-order modes is made possible by having an LGS constellation with LGSs at different heights. Due to the relatively low brightness required for the tip-tilt NGS and the large corrected FoV (as compared with the case of conventional adaptive optics) the presented solution provides a means to achieve near-diffraction-limited performance of a 10-m-class telescope in the near infrared over a large portion of the sky. Sky coverage calculations assuming median seeing conditions indicate that this technique could be applied to 75% (95%) of the sky, achieving corrections with an average Strehl ratio approximately 0.42(approximately 0.33) in the 2.2 microm K band across the 1.5' reconstructed FoV.  相似文献   

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