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带未知干扰的模块化航天器系统相对轨道的队形控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于多智能体系统一致性理论,在有向拓扑结构中对模块化航天器相对轨道的队形控制问题进行研究.考虑与状态相关的未知外部干扰,在存在模块质量不确定性的情形下,基于自适应增益技术,设计仅依赖模块自身及其邻近模块信息的分布式控制算法,并通过Lyapunov稳定性方法证明闭环系统是渐近稳定的.最后在Matlab/Simulink中对6个模块组成的模块化航天器系统的队形进行仿真分析,仿真结果表明所设计的控制律是有效且可行的.  相似文献   

多星系统相对轨道的自适应协同控制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于一致性理论,在无向拓扑结构上对多星系统相对轨道的协同控制问题进行了研究.本文考虑近地卫星相对轨道的非线性方程,首先设计控制律使得多星系统形成目标队形,并给出了速度阻尼和通信拓扑(相对速度间的拓扑关系)连通性之间的关系;其次,针对卫星质量具有不确定性的情形,设计了新的辅助变量,提出了自适应的协同控制律,这里要求传感(相对位置间的拓扑关系)和通信具有相同的拓扑结构.最后对4颗卫星的编队飞行进行了仿真分析,仿真结果表明本文设计的协同控制律是有效可行的.  相似文献   

基于一致性理论,在有向通讯拓扑结构下对多航天器系统相对轨道及姿态的耦合协同控制问题进行了研究.本文考虑近地航天器相对轨道的非线性方程以及用罗德里格参数描述的航天器姿态运动方程,建立了考虑控制输入耦合的六自由度航天器运动模型.在仅有部分跟随航天器可获取参考状态(记为领航航天器)的情形下,针对航天器存在未建模动态以及外部环境干扰等问题,提出了一种基于切比雪夫神经网络(Chebyshev neural networks,CNN)的自适应增益控制律,使得各跟随航天器在轨道交会的同时姿态保持一致.因为每个航天器上的控制算法仅依赖其自身及相邻航天器的信息,因此控制算法是分布式的.同时考虑到航天器之间的相对速度及相对角速度难以测量,提出了无需相对速度及角速度信息的分布式自适应协同控制律使得各航天器保持一定的队形且具有期望的相对指向.最后对6颗航天器的编队飞行进行了仿真分析,仿真结果表明本文设计的分布式自适应协同控制律是有效可行的.  相似文献   

已设计并分析了一种根据一个航天器与另一个航天器的相对位置失量测量信息自主确定两个航天器轨道的批处理滤波器。该系统对那些无法依赖GPS星座导航信号或地面站确定轨道的系统提供了一种高精度自主确定轨道的手段。该滤波器要利用惯性基准相对位置矢量的时间序列以及两个航天器的轨道动力学模型。它可以估算两个航天器的6个轨道状态矢量以及每个航天器的阻力系。该系统的可观性已利用这种原理演示过,此外,还针对多种情况估计了滤波器最佳状态可达到的位置精度。在特定配置下该滤波器器的位置精度可达到1m(rms)的水平。  相似文献   

曹然  梅杰 《自动化学报》2018,44(1):44-51
在非对称有向图中,研究网络Euler-Lagrange系统的群一致性问题.每组内的智能体均为合作关系,而组间智能体则可以为合作关系或竞争关系.为了实现群一致性,假设组与组之间是无环连接的且系统有向图满足入度平衡条件.考虑到智能体间相对速度信息难以精确测量的实际情形,设计无需相对速度信息的分布式自适应控制算法,实现网络Euler-Lagrange系统的群一致性.最后通过仿真分析验证所设计算法的有效性.  相似文献   

付红勋  韩潮 《计算机工程》2001,27(5):164-165
简要介绍了所开发的航天器轨道设计系统的功能,详细描述了这种小型轨道设计系统的实现策略、模块划分和总体结构。最后,指出了系统开发中的关键技术并概括了系统的性能。  相似文献   

模块化航天器快速响应对迅速提高我国空间信息支援能力具有重大意义,所以为了快速增强我国空间实力,以快速响应为背景,对模块化航天器进行研究,首先介绍了模块化航天器及其快速集成测试方法,之后,以模块化航天器电源系统为例,通过数学模型搭建了其Simulink模型,主要对帆板面积,蓄电池容量,以及卫星在轨功率进行分析,最后,通过仿真结果验证了所建模型的准确性,为模块化航天器快速响应奠定了基础,同时提出了模块化航天器电源系统的快速响应应用模式。  相似文献   

基于滑模控制原理,研究了近距离追踪航天器与目标航天器交会对接时,相对运动轨道的控制问题.首先,建立非线性航天器相对运动模型;其次,利用滑模控制原理和分数阶导数的相关性质,设计了整数阶PD控制器和分数阶PD~α控制器;最后,分别运用整数阶和分数阶控制器对未扰和受扰系统实施控制.数值仿真结果表明,整数阶与分数阶控制器均能实现对未扰和受扰系统的控制,验证了方法的有效性.同时发现,在时效性上,分数阶控制器明显优于整数阶控制器;在能效性上,达到相同控制目标时,分数阶控制器的能量消耗大于整数阶控制器.  相似文献   

为了提高分布式传感网络的估计精度,提出了一种新的自适应一致性算法。该算法在每次迭代时只需部分节点工作,即进行目标状态的监测。通过节点之间二进制信息的交换来调整每次迭代时的一致性权值,使得每次迭代时工作节点所占的权值更大,进而将该一致性算法与卡尔曼滤波相结合对目标状态进行估计。对该算法进行数值仿真,并与其他一致性加权算法进行比较,验证了该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

针对存在不确定惯量矩阵和外干扰的刚体航天器姿态跟踪系统,提出了一种自适应滑模控制方法。首先建立了姿态跟踪误差动力学方程,并对刚体航天器跟踪误差动力学定义了滑模,设计了自适应滑模控制律,该控制律的优点在于可以估计系统不确定块,消除了传统滑模控制中对不确定界的要求。Lyapunov分析表明了提出的自适应滑模控制器确保闭环系统取得渐近稳定性。仿真结果验证了提出的控制策略的有效性。  相似文献   

In this paper, the distributed average tracking problem is studied on the premise of a strongly connected directed graph. To this end, we propose a weight balance strategy that could potentially make the adjacency matrix doubly stochastic for any strongly connected directed graph. The proposed scheme is fully distributive with finite time convergence and we again prove that network connectivity (described by the first left eigenvector) is instrumental in networked control systems. Then, a discrete‐time average tracking observer is introduced to ensure that all networked systems can track the average of the reference signals with bounded error. Simulation results verify the effectiveness of the proposed methods.  相似文献   

This work studies the prescribed-time robust consensus tracking problem of heterogeneous multi-agent systems over directed graphs. Aiming at multi-agent systems with a static leader and only matched disturbances, a distributed observer-based consensus algorithm is developed, to ensure that the tracking errors converge to zero accurately in prescribed time. For the case of multi-agent systems with a dynamic leader and mismatched/matched disturbances, an adaptive strategy based on a distributed observer and a disturbance observer is designed by the dynamic damping reciprocal technology. Such strategy can avoid the numerical singularity, adapt to the situation that the upper bounds of the disturbances are unknown, and assure that the tracking errors converge to an adjustable neighborhood of zero within prescribed time. Finally, simulations are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed control strategies.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the distributed consensus protocol design problem for linear multi-agent systems with directed graphs and external unmatched disturbances. Novel distributed adaptive consensus protocols are proposed to achieve leader–follower consensus for any directed graph containing a directed spanning tree with the leader as the root node and leaderless consensus for strongly connected directed graphs. It is pointed out that the adaptive protocols involve undesirable parameter drift phenomenon when bounded external disturbances exist. By using the σ modification technique, distributed robust adaptive consensus protocols are designed to guarantee the ultimate boundedness of both the consensus error and the adaptive coupling weights in the presence of external disturbances. All the adaptive protocols in this paper are fully distributed, relying on only the agent dynamics and the relative states of neighbouring agents.  相似文献   

彭换新  戚国庆  盛安冬 《计算机应用》2013,33(10):2757-2761
为了提高有向通信拓扑下分布式一致性算法的收敛速度,提出了一种基于有向通信拓扑的高阶分布式一致性算法。该算法通过有向单跳通信,利用有向二跳邻接节点的前多步信息提高分布式一致性算法的收敛速度。对有向通信拓扑下该算法的收敛性能和收敛速度进行了分析和仿真比较。结果显示,该算法在满足一定条件下能收敛到初始状态的平均值,与其他同样利用二跳邻接节点信息的一致性算法相比,具有通信量小、收敛速度更快的特点,但是能容忍的最大通信延时变小。  相似文献   

This paper presents a novel distributed adaptive control algorithm for uncertain higher‐order nonlinear multiagent systems subject to output constraints and unknown control directions. Regarding the latter, a generic class of cases is considered, allowing completely unknown and even nonidentical control directions. Furthermore, the communication topology is only required to contain a fixed directed spanning tree. To guarantee the output constraints and address the asymmetric directed communication topology, a new reference output using the transformation strategy is introduced for each agent, benefiting from which the consensus problem of the multiagent system is recast as local tracking control problems of single agents. Then, the distributed control algorithm is recursively established based on the backstepping technique and the Nussbaum‐type function. By leveraging the unique properties of the Laplacian matrix on directed graphs and matrix theory, it is shown that, under the proposed distributed algorithm, uniform boundedness of all closed‐loop signals can be ensured, and asymptotic consensus is achieved without violation of the output constraints. Finally, simulation studies on the angle control of single‐link robots are given to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the leader-following consensus problem of general linear multi-agent systems under directed communication topology. To avoid using any global information, an adaptive nonlinear protocol is proposed based only on the relative state information. It is proved that, for any directed communication graph that contains a spanning tree with the root node being the leader agent, the proposed control law solves the leader-following consensus problem. A numerical example is provided to illustrate the effectiveness of the theoretical results.  相似文献   

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