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不确定条件下循环供应链模糊自适应生产计划调度   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
首先,建立了循环供应链下生产计划调度模型和状态方程,通过模糊量化因子整合了正向和逆向生产计划,分析了循环供应链中存在的不确定性.然后,设计一种模糊自适应生产计划调度模型,对循环供应链生产计划的需求信息、回收信息、库存信息和生产信息进行模糊化,通过对生产计划量的自适应比例-积分-微分处理,提高了生产系统的产出对需求信息及回收信息的快速响应.最后,对该模型的应用进行了讨论和仿真验证.  相似文献   

In this work, we introduce the multiscale production routing problem (MPRP), which considers the coordination of production, inventory, distribution, and routing decisions in multicommodity supply chains with complex continuous production facilities. We propose an MILP model involving two different time grids. While a detailed mode-based production scheduling model captures all critical operational constraints on the fine time grid, vehicle routing is considered in each time period of the coarse time grid. In order to solve large instances of the MPRP, we propose an iterative MILP-based heuristic approach that solves the MILP model with a restricted set of candidate routes at each iteration and dynamically updates the set of candidate routes for the next iteration. The results of an extensive computational study show that the proposed algorithm finds high-quality solutions in reasonable computation times, and in large instances, it significantly outperforms a standard two-phase heuristic approach and a solution strategy involving a one-time heuristic pre-generation of candidate routes. Similar results are achieved in an industrial case study, which considers a real-world industrial gas supply chain.  相似文献   

A simulation-based optimization framework involving simultaneous perturbation stochastic approximation (SPSA) is presented as a means for optimally specifying parameters of internal model control (IMC) and model predictive control (MPC)-based decision policies for inventory management in supply chains under conditions involving supply and demand uncertainty. The effective use of the SPSA technique serves to enhance the performance and functionality of this class of decision algorithms and is illustrated with case studies involving the simultaneous optimization of controller tuning parameters and safety stock levels for supply chain networks inspired from semiconductor manufacturing. The results of the case studies demonstrate that safety stock levels can be significantly reduced and financial benefits achieved while maintaining satisfactory operating performance in the supply chain.  相似文献   

This paper develops a game theoretic model of a three-stage supply chain consisting of one retailer, one manufacturer and one subcontractor to study ordering, wholesale pricing and lead-time decisions, where the manufacturer produces a seasonal/perishable product. We explicitly model the effects of the lead-time and the length of selling season on both demand uncertainty and inventory-holding costs. We present the equilibrium outcome of the decentralized supply chain. When the lead-time increases, we find that the retailer increases the order quantity, the manufacturer offers a lower unit-wholesale price and the subcontractor decreases its unit-wholesale price if the manufacturer subcontracts part of the retailer’s order. In the endogenous lead-time setting, we illustrate the effects of some factors such as unit holding cost and capacity on the equilibrium outcome. We find that a higher unit holding cost implies a lower optimal lead-time and order quantity while higher unit-wholesale prices; the basic demand uncertainty increases the optimal lead-time and order quantity while decreases the unit-wholesale prices. The effects of distribution form on equilibrium outcome/profits are investigated by employing a numerical example. The profit loss of decentralization decreases (increases) with the basic demand uncertainty and manufacturer’s capacity (mean demand).  相似文献   

For the problem of supply chain management, the existing literature mainly focuses on the research of the single-stage supply chain or the two-stage supply chain that consists of a manufacturer and a retailer. To our best knowledge, little attention has been paid to the study of a more extensive supply chain that consists of a material supplier, a manufacturer and a retailer, which is a more practical and interesting case. Therefore, based on the Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR) measure of risk management, this paper proposes a tri-level programming model for the three-stage supply chain management. In this model, the material supplier and the manufacturer maximize their own profit while the retailer maximize his/her CVaR of expected profit. Further, we show that the proposed tri-level programming model can be transferred into a bilevel programming model, which can be solved by the existing methods. Numerical results show that the proposed model is efficient for improving the risk management of the three-stage supply chain.  相似文献   

A generic bill-of-materials (GBOM) describes demand for materials and their proportional relations to a family of products. Supply chain constructed from the perspective of the GBOM is able to respond swiftly to market demand and lean production can be achieved by managing the total cost of supply chain effectively. Based on the GBOM, this paper examines the control of production disruption risk related to supply chain and investigates the uncertainty of production in supply chain enterprises for the purpose of achieving optimal profits in supply chain. As the production disruption risk is controlled at a certain level, the selection model of supply chain partners, which is specific and more feasible, can be constructed. A combination of random simulation and neural network is deployed to approximate uncertain function, and genetic algorithm and simulated annealing arithmetic are also used to approximately achieve the optimal scheme of supply chain construction in the context of uncertainty.  相似文献   

This paper develops a two-period pricing and production decision model in a one- manufacturer-one-retailer dual-channel supply chain that experiences a disruption in demand during the planning horizon. While disruption management has long been a key research issue in supply chain management, little attention has been given to disruption management in a dual-channel supply chain once the original production plan has been made. Generally, changes to the original production plan induced by a disruption may impose considerable deviation costs throughout the supply chain system. In this paper, we examine how to adjust the prices and the production plan so that the potential maximal profit is obtained under a disruption scenario. We first study the scenario where the manufacturer and the retailer are vertically integrated with demand disruptions. Then we further assume that the manufacturer bears the deviation costs and obtain the manufacturer’s and the retailer’s individual optimal pricing decision, as well as the manufacturer’s optimal production quantity in a decentralized decision-making setting. We derive conditions under which the maximum profit can be achieved. The results indicate that the optimal production quantity has some robustness under a demand disruption, in both centralized and decentralized dual-channel supply chains. We also find that the optimal pricing decisions are affected by customers’ preference for the direct channel and the market scale change, in both centralized and decentralized dual-channel supply chains.  相似文献   

We consider a two-echelon system with one source supplying two locations with the same product. The random occurrence of interruptions at the source where downtime is also stochastic can result in stockouts at the two receiving locations. Our model studies the benefit of allowing each location to carry a safety stock where holding costs can be different at each location. The objective is to reduce overall cost at both locations. In some cases it is optimal to allow for a transshipment of inventory from the safety stock of one location to the other. We jointly solve for the optimal safety stock at each location and the optimal amount to be transshipped from a location to the other. We show that by conditioning on the transshipment direction the total cost becomes convex as a function of the safety stock levels at the receiving locations and the amount to be transshipped from a location to the other. Numerical examples are presented for different system cost parameters and probability distributions.  相似文献   

This paper discusses how a vendor and multiple retailers interact in a vendor managed inventory (VMI) system under stochastic demand. It is assumed that the vendor replenishes all the retailers at the same time. The vendor replenishment cycle is taken to be an integer multiple of the retailer replenishment cycle. In case of a shortage at the vendor, the available stock is allocated to the retailers on the basis of equal stock out probability. Approximate expressions for minimizing the expected total cost for the VMI system have been developed. Various levers affecting the performance of the system have been analyzed. The validity of the approximate model has been tested through simulation.  相似文献   

Today's manufacturing industry is characterised by strong interdependencies between companies operating in globally distributed production networks. The operation of such value-added chains has been enabled by recent developments in information and communication technologies (ICT) and computer networking. To gain competitive advantages and efficiency improvements such as reduced inventory and higher delivery reliability, companies are introducing information exchange systems that communicate demand to suppliers and production progress information to customers in the network. This article proposes a system that supports co-operation in complex production networks by enabling companies to determine and exchange supply information with their customers. The requirements for such a system are analysed and it is embedded in a framework of supply chain management business processes. The system facilitates the determination and exchange of meaningful, reliable and up-to-date order status information from the supplier to the customer. Based on comparing the progress of an internal production order with a pre-defined milestone model for each product, the status of the customer order is determined and—in case of lateness—communicated to the customer together with an early warning. To demonstrate the developed supply information concepts and processes, the business process is implemented as a pilot system and evaluated by the user companies participating in the 5th Framework IST project Co-OPERATE.  相似文献   

In practice, vendors (or sellers) often offer their buyers a fixed credit period to settle the account. The benefits of trade credit are not only to attract new buyers but also to avoid lasting price competition. On the other hand, the policy of granting a permissible delay adds not only an additional cost but also an additional dimension of default risk to vendors. In this paper, we will incorporate the fact that granting a permissible delay has a positive impact on demand but negative impacts on both costs and default risks to establish vendor–buyer supply chain models. Then we will derive the necessary and sufficient conditions to obtain the optimal solution for both the vendor and the buyer under non-cooperative Nash equilibrium. Finally, we will use two numerical examples to show that (1) granting a permissible delay may significantly improve profits for both the vendor and the buyer, and (2) the sensitivity analysis on the optimal solution with respect to each parameter.  相似文献   

Supply chains in reality face a highly dynamic and uncertain environment, especially the uncertain end-customer demands and orders. Since the condition of product market changes frequently, the tasks of order management, product planning, and inventory management are complex and difficult. It is imperative for companies to develop new ways to manage the randomness and uncertainty in market demands. Based on the graphical evaluation and review technique, this paper provides a simple but integrated stochastic network mathematical model for supply chain ordering time distribution analysis. Then the ordering time analysis model is extended so that the analysis of inventory level distribution characteristics of supply chain members is allowed. Further, to investigate the effects of different end-customer demands on upstream orders and relative inventory levels, model-based sensitivity analysis algorithms for ordering fluctuations and inventory fluctuations are developed. A detailed numerical example is presented to illustrate the application of the proposed models to a multi-stage supply chain system, and the results of which shows the effectiveness and flexibility of the proposed stochastic network models and algorithms in order and inventory management.  相似文献   

一种多周期随机需求生产/库存控制方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了合理地对库存进行管理,使得产品的存贮、生产和缺货等费用的总和最小,建立了一种多周期随机需求生产/库存模型.该模型采用(s,Q)策略对生产和库存进行控制,即当成品库存降至S时准备生产,生产量为Q.通过对模型费用函数特性的分析,设计了一种最优生产控制算法,根据该算法可以得出系统的最优生产准备点和最优生产量.理论分析和计算结果表明,该方法可以有效地减小系统生产和库存的平均费用.  相似文献   

This paper investigates an integrated production and transportation scheduling (IPTS) problem which is formulated as a bi-level mixed integer nonlinear program. This problem considers distinct realistic features widely existing in make-to-order supply chains, namely unrelated parallel-machine production environment and product batch-based delivery. An evolution-strategy-based bi-level evolutionary optimization approach is developed to handle the IPTS problem by integrating a memetic algorithm and heuristic rules. The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed approach is evaluated by numerical experiments based on industrial data and industrial-size problems. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed approach can effectively solve the problem investigated.  相似文献   

In energy supply planning and supply chain design, the coupling between long-term planning decisions like capital investment and short-term operation decisions like dispatching present a challenge, waiting to be tackled by systems and control engineers. The coupling is further complicated by uncertainties, which may arise from several sources including the market, politics, and technology. This paper addresses the coupling in the context of energy supply planning and supply chain design. We first discuss a simple two-stage stochastic program formulation that addresses optimization of an energy supply chain in the presence of uncertainties. The two-stage formulation can handle problems in which all design decisions are made up front and operating parameters act as ‘recourse’ decisions that can be varied from one time period to next based on realized values of uncertain parameters. The design of a biodiesel production network in the Southeastern region of the United States is used as an illustrative example. The discussion then moves on to a more complex multi-stage, multi-scale stochastic decision problem in which periodic investment/policy decisions are made on a time scale orders of magnitude slower than that of operating decisions. The problem of energy capacity planning is introduced as an example. In the particular problem we examine, annual acquisition of energy generation capacities of various types are coupled with hourly energy production and dispatch decisions. The increasing role of renewable sources like wind and solar necessitates the use of a fine-grained time scale for accurate assessment of their values. Use of storage intended to overcome the limitations of intermittent sources puts further demand on the modeling and optimization. Numerical challenges that arise from the multi-scale nature and uncertainties are reviewed and some possible modeling and numerical solution approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Liang (2008) [Liang, T. -F. (2008). A note on “fuzzy multi-objective production/distribution planning decisions with multi-product and multi-time period in a supply chain”. Computers & Industrial Engineering, 55, 676–694] proposed a production/distribution planning model and its solution approach in fuzzy environment. However, his mathematical model does not use backordering option. The main purpose of this paper is to demonstrate this handicap and propose a valid constraint.  相似文献   

Good production planning and replenishment management are important for a firm to keep competitive in the market. The theory of constraints-supply chain replenishment system (TOC-SCRS) is a replenishment method under the TOC philosophy. In the application of the TOC-SCRS in a node of a supply chain, the replenishment frequency (RF) and the reliable replenishment time (RRT) are required parameters. Generally, the RF of a node depends on the public transportation schedule such as ship schedules or its private conveyor schedule. If this node is a plant, however, the RF depends on the setup frequency in this plant, and a higher RF (i.e., once a day) is preferred by the TOC because of lower inventory and quick response to different market requirement. Basically, the RF in a plant is determined by its sales or production quantity. When sales increase significantly, the RF in a plant requires to be elongated from higher frequency (i.e., once a day) to lower frequency (i.e., once every two or more days) due to the limited capacity. Therefore, a two-level replenishment frequency model for the TOC-SCRS under capacity constraint is proposed. This model is especially suitable to a plant in which different products have a large sales volume variation. Numerical examples are utilized to evaluate the application of the proposed method. Employing this proposed methodology will facilitate a plant or a central warehouse to implement an effective TOC-SCRS successfully.  相似文献   

Inventory control plays an important role in supply chain management. Properly controlled inventory can satisfy customers’ demands, smooth the production plans, and reduce the operation costs; yet failing to budget the inventory expenses may lead to serious consequences. The bullwhip effect, observed in many supply chain management cases, causes excessive inventory due to information distortion, i.e. the order amount is exaggerated while a minor demand variation occurs, and the information amplified dramatically as the supply chain moves to the upstream. In this paper, one of the main causes of bullwhip effect, order batching, is considered. A simplified two-echelon supply chain system, with one supplier and one retailer that can choose different replenishment policies, is used as a demonstration. Two types of inventory replenishment methods are considered: the traditional methods (the event-triggered and the time-triggered ordering policies), and the statistical process control (SPC) based replenishment method. The results show that the latter outperforms the traditional method in the categories of inventory variation, and in the number of backlog when the fill-rate of the prior model is set to be 99%. This research provides a different approach to inventory cost-down other than the common methods like: information sharing, order batch cutting, and lead time reduction. By choosing a suitable replenishment policy, the number of backorder and the cost of inventory can be reduced.  相似文献   

Recent economic and international threats to western industries have encouraged companies to increase their performance in all ways possible. Many look to deal quickly with disturbances, reduce inventory, and exchange information promptly throughout the supply chain. In other words they want to become more agile. To reach this objective it is critical for planning systems to present planning strategies adapted to the different contexts, to attain better performances. Due to consolidation, the development of integrated supply chains and the use of inter-organizational information systems have increased business interdependencies and in turn the need for increased collaboration to deal with disturbance in a synchronized way. Thus, agility and synchronization in supply chains are critical to maintain overall performance. In order to develop tools to increase the agility of the supply chain and to promote the collaborative management of such disturbances, agent-based technology takes advantage of the ability of agents to make autonomous decisions in a distributed network through the use of advanced collaboration mechanisms. Moreover, because of the highly instable and dynamic environment of today's supply chains, planning agents must handle multiple problem solving approaches. This paper proposes a Multi-behavior planning agent model using different planning strategies when decisions are supported by a distributed planning system. The implementation of this solution is realized through the FOR@C experimental agent-based platform, dedicated to supply chain planning for the lumber industry.  相似文献   

Rolling forecast is a useful tool for lowering total cost with regard to practical inventory management. The details regarding a rolling forecast are obtained from a customer’s projected ordering data. The customer estimation of a rolling forecast may deviate from actual orders because of unstable conditions or customer’s deliberation. This study investigates what measures a customer might apply in responding to a situation where the rolling forecast deviates from the actual order. In addition, an appropriate ordering adjustment policy is proposed for better monitoring the supply chain performance with regard to a variant level of error concerning rolling forecast data. This study also considers the influence of lead time and inventory cost structure. We adopted a simulation approach, employing a model developed and examined in several different settings. The proposed ordering adjustment policies are determined by AVG, SD, and RMSE calculated from differences existing between historical forecasts and realized data. Levels of estimate error and estimate bias in a rolling forecast are included in the experimental procedure. Results reveal that the RMSE ordering adjustment policy is the most effective in situations of normal and downside estimation bias, whereas the AVG policy is more appropriate in the case of upside estimation bias. The level of estimation error is irrelevant to the selection of ordering adjustment policies, but it is positively associated with inventory costs. Stock-out costs and lead time are positively associated with inventory costs. Accuracy of the rolling forecast is therefore deemed to be essential in a situation involving a long lead time with high stock-out costs.  相似文献   

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