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A dynamic model is used to characterize cryogenic H2 storage in an insulated pressure vessel that can flexibly hold liquid H2 and compressed H2 at 350 bar. A double-flow refueling device is needed to ensure that the tank can be consistently refueled to its theoretical capacity regardless of the initial conditions. Liquid H2 charged into the tank is stored as supercritical fluid if the initial tank temperature is >120 K and as a subcooled liquid if it is <100 K. An in-tank heater is needed to maintain the tank pressure above the minimum delivery pressure. Even if H2 is stored as a supercritical fluid, liquid H2 will form as H2 is withdrawn and will further transform to a two-phase mixture and ultimately to a superheated gas. The recoverable fraction of the total stored inventory depends on the minimum H2 delivery pressure and the power rating of the heater. The dormancy of cryogenic H2 is a function of the maximum allowable pressure and the pressure of stored H2; the evaporative losses cannot deplete H2 from the tank beyond 64% of the theoretical storage capacity.  相似文献   

Cryo-compressed hydrogen storage has potential applications in fuel-cell vehicles due to its large storing density and thermal endurance. The dormancy of storage can be extended when considering the endothermic conversion of para-to-ortho hydrogen. In present study, a thermodynamic model is established to analyze the effect of the conversion in a cryogenic pressure vessel. The influence of the parameters such as the filling density, initial temperature and initial ortho hydrogen fraction is studied. It is demonstrated that different “transition pressures” for the vessels exist for different filling densities. The conversion can carry out sufficiently and the dormancy can be extended significantly when the designed release pressure of the vessel matches with the transition pressure. The heat of absorption increases with the initial o-H2 fraction, whereas the peak of conversion rate occurs earlier for the vessel with a large initial o-H2 fraction. The dormancy can be extended by 163% for the vessel with filling density of 70 kg/m3. The investigations on the effect of the para-to-ortho hydrogen conversion can provide useful guideline for the design of cryo-compressed hydrogen vessels.  相似文献   

We present a study of the effects of paraortho conversion on performance of an adsorption-based hydrogen storage system using finite element methods implemented in COMSOL Multiphysics 4.3a platform. The base model which does not take into account the paraortho conversion is validated using the experimental data of Maxsorb activated carbon measured with a test bench at room and cryogenic temperatures. The validated model is subsequently applied to simulate the storage system filled with MOF-5 and then extended to investigate the effects of endothermic paraortho conversion of hydrogen isomers on storage and thermal performances during hydrogen charging/discharging cycle for four inlet temperatures, 35, 50, 77 and 100 K. Our results show that the endothermic conversion reduces the system temperature and increases the net storage capacity. The temperature changes due to the different heat sources are used to investigate the effect of conversion on the temperature reduction. The adsorbed and gas phase masses in the storage system with and without conversion at the end of the charging time are used to determine the effect of conversion on the storage system capacity. Even though the conversion is more significant at low temperature (35 K), the gains are larger at high temperature (100 K).  相似文献   

LLNL is developing cryogenic capable pressure vessels with thermal endurance 5–10 times greater than conventional liquid hydrogen (LH2) tanks that can eliminate evaporative losses in routine usage of (L)H2 automobiles. In a joint effort BMW is working on a proof of concept for a first automotive cryo-compressed hydrogen storage system that can fulfill automotive requirements on system performance, life cycle, safety and cost. Cryogenic pressure vessels can be fueled with ambient temperature compressed gaseous hydrogen (CGH2), LH2 or cryogenic hydrogen at elevated supercritical pressure (cryo-compressed hydrogen, CcH2). When filled with LH2 or CcH2, these vessels contain 2–3 times more fuel than conventional ambient temperature compressed H2 vessels. LLNL has demonstrated fueling with LH2 onboard two vehicles. The generation 2 vessel, installed onboard an H2-powered Toyota Prius and fueled with LH2 demonstrated the longest unrefueled driving distance and the longest cryogenic H2 hold time without evaporative losses. A third generation vessel will be installed, reducing weight and volume by minimizing insulation thickness while still providing acceptable thermal endurance. Based on its long experience with cryogenic hydrogen storage, BMW has developed its cryo-compressed hydrogen storage concept, which is now undergoing a thorough system and component validation to prove compliance with automotive requirements before it can be demonstrated in a BMW test vehicle.  相似文献   

This paper describes an alternative technology for storing hydrogen fuel onboard vehicles. Insulated pressure vessels are cryogenic capable vessels that can accept cryogenic liquid hydrogen, cryogenic compressed gas or compressed hydrogen gas at ambient temperature. Insulated pressure vessels offer advantages over conventional storage approaches. Insulated pressure vessels are more compact and require less carbon fiber than compressed hydrogen vessels. They have lower evaporative losses than liquid hydrogen tanks, and are lighter than metal hydrides.

The paper outlines the advantages of insulated pressure vessels and describes the experimental and analytical work conducted to verify that insulated pressure vessels can be safely used for vehicular hydrogen storage. Insulated pressure vessels have successfully completed a series of certification tests. A series of tests have been selected as a starting point toward developing a certification procedure. An insulated pressure vessel has been installed in a hydrogen fueled truck and tested over a six month period.  相似文献   

On-board and off-board performance and cost of cryo-compressed hydrogen storage are assessed and compared to the targets for automotive applications. The on-board performance of the system and high-volume manufacturing cost were determined for liquid hydrogen refueling with a single-flow nozzle and a pump that delivers liquid H2 to the insulated cryogenic tank capable of being pressurized to 272 atm. The off-board performance and cost of delivering liquid hydrogen were determined for two scenarios in which hydrogen is produced by central steam methane reforming (SMR) or by central electrolysis. The main conclusions are that the cryo-compressed storage system has the potential of meeting the ultimate target for system gravimetric capacity, mid-term target for system volumetric capacity, and the target for hydrogen loss during dormancy under certain conditions of minimum daily driving. However, the high-volume manufacturing cost and the fuel cost for the SMR hydrogen production scenario are, respectively, 2–4 and 1.6–2.4 times the current targets, and the well-to-tank efficiency is well short of the 60% target specified for off-board regenerable materials.  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of vacuum insulation failure in an automotive cryogenic pressure vessel (also known as cryo-compressed vessel) storing hydrogen. Vacuum insulation failure increases heat transfer into cryogenic vessels by about a factor of 100, potentially leading to rapid pressurization and venting of the cryogen to avoid exceeding maximum allowable working pressure (MAWP). Hydrogen release to the environment may be dangerous, especially if the vehicle is located in a closed space (e.g. a garage or tunnel) at the moment of insulation failure. We therefore consider utilization of the hydrogen in the vehicle fuel cell and dissipation of the electricity by operating vehicle accessories or electric resistances as an alternative to releasing hydrogen to the environment. We consider two strategies: initiating hydrogen extraction immediately after vacuum insulation failure or waiting until maximum operating pressure is reached before extraction. The results indicate that cryogenic pressure vessels have thermodynamic advantages that enable slowing down hydrogen release to moderate levels that can be consumed in the fuel cell and dissipated in vehicle accessories supplemented by electric resistances, even in the worst case when the insulation fails at the moment when the vessel stores hydrogen near its maximum density (70 g/L at 300 bar). The two proposed strategies are therefore feasible, and the best alternative can be chosen based on economic and/or implementation constraints.  相似文献   

Hydrogen vehicles offer the potential to improve energy independence and lower emissions but suffer from reduced driving range. Cryogenic pressure vessel storage (also known as cryo-compressed storage) offers the advantage of higher densities than room temperature compressed although it has the disadvantage of cryogenic operating temperatures which results in boil-off when the temperature of the gas increases. In order to understand and optimize the time prior to boil-off, we have examined heat absorption from the transition between the two quantum states of the hydrogen molecule (para–ortho) in a full-scale (151 L internal volume) automotive cryogenic pressure vessel at pressures and temperatures up to 345 bar and 300 K, and densities between 14 and 67 g/L (2.1–10.1 kg H2). The relative concentration of the two species was measured using rotational Raman scattering and verified by calorimetry. In fifteen experiments spanning a full year, we repeatedly filled the vessel with saturated LH2 at near ambient pressure (2–3 bar), very low temperatures (20.3–25 K), varying densities, and very high para-H2 fraction (99.7%). We subsequently monitored vessel pressure and temperature while performing periodic ortho-H2 concentration measurements with rotational Raman scattering as the vessel warmed up and pressurized due to environmental heat entry. Experiments show that para–ortho H2 conversion typically becomes active after 10–15 days of dormancy (“initiation” stage), when H2 temperature reaches 70–80 K. Para–ortho H2 conversion then approaches completion (equilibrium) in 25–30 days, when the vessel reaches 100–120 K at ∼50 g/L density. Warmer temperatures are necessary for conversion at lower densities, but the number of days remains unchanged. Vessel dormancy (time that the vessel can absorb heat from the environment before having to vent fuel to avoid exceeding vessel rating) increased between 3 and 7 days depending on hydrogen density, therefore indicating a potentially large benefit for reduced fuel venting in cryogenic pressurized hydrogen storage.  相似文献   

Hydrogen storage is often cited as the greatest obstacle to achieving a hydrogen economy free of environmental pollution and dependence on foreign oil. A compact high-pressure cryogenic storage system has promising features to the storage challenge associated with hydrogen-powered vehicles. Cryogenic pressure vessels consist of an inner vessel designed for high pressure (350 bar) insulated with reflective sheets of metalized plastic and enclosed within an outer metallic vacuum jacket. When filled with pressurized liquid hydrogen, cryogenic pressure vessels become the most compact form of hydrogen storage available. A recent prototype is the only automotive hydrogen vessel meeting both Department of Energy's 2017 weight and volume targets. When installed onboard an experimental vehicle, a cryogenic pressure vessel demonstrated the longest driving distance with a single H2 tank (1050 km). In a subsequent experiment, the vessel demonstrated unprecedented thermal endurance: 8 days parking with no evaporative losses, extending to a month if the vehicle is driven as little as 8 km per day. Calculations indicate that cryogenic vessels offer compelling safety advantages and the lowest total ownership cost of hydrogen storage technologies. Long-term (∼10 years) vacuum stability (necessary for high performance thermal insulation) is the key outstanding technical challenge. Testing continues to establish technical feasibility and safety.  相似文献   

Defined co-cultures of hydrogen (H2) producers belonging to Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella and Bacillus were used for enhancing the efficiency of biological H2 production. Out of 11 co-cultures consisting of 2–4 strains, two co-cultures composed of Bacillus cereus EGU43, Enterobacter cloacae HPC123, and Klebsiella sp. HPC793 resulted in H2 yield up to 3.0 mol mol−1 of glucose. Up-scaling of the reactor by 16-fold resulted in a corresponding increase in H2 production with an actual evolution of 7.44 L of H2. It constituted 58.2% of the total biogas. Continuous culture evolution of H2 by co-cultures (B. cereus EGU43 and E. cloacae HPC123) immobilized on ligno-cellulosic materials resulted in 6.4-fold improvement in H2 yield compared to free floating bacteria. This synergistic influence of B. cereus and E. cloacae can offer a better strategy for H2 production than undefined or mixed cultures.  相似文献   

Platymonas subcordiformis, a marine green alga, was demonstrated to photo-biologically produce hydrogen when regulated by a kind of proton uncoupler CCCP (Carbonyl Cyanide m-Chlorophenylhydrazone). In this paper, hydrogen production experiments by P. subcordiformis were carried out in a torus photobioreactor equipped with a mass spectrometer and other necessary sensors so that instantaneous gas components could be measured and other successive physiological states could be well recorded.  相似文献   

An isolate Citrobacter amalonaticus   Y19 showed a typical mixed-acid fermentation with lactate and acetate as major end products when grown anaerobically on glucose and pyruvate, respectively. Production of hydrogen (H2)(H2) from glucose, formate, and reduced methylviologen (MV) and benzylviologen (BV) by the resting cells of Y19 indicates the presence of formate hydrogen lyase (FHL) activity and other hydrogenases. Study with subcellular fractions of Y19 exhibited that the FHL activity, dependent on soluble formate dehydrogenase activity, was detected in the broken cell extract, but not in the soluble or particulate fraction which are separated by centrifugation at 35,000×g35,000×g. Hydrogen production in the presence of reduced MV or BV was observed in both the soluble and particulate fractions. Uptake hydrogenase activity was observed in both the fractions when the oxidized forms of MV and BV were supplied as electron acceptor. In the soluble fraction, when formate was coupled with oxidized form of MV or BV, hydrogen production activity was recovered. These results indicate that, similar to E. coli, the strain Y19 expresses two different hydrogenases, one as the FHL complex and another as membrane-associated enzyme.  相似文献   

A 5431-bp DNA fragment partially encoding the formate hydrogen lyase (FHL) gene cluster hycABCDE was isolated and identified from Enterobacter aerogenes IAM1183 chromosomal DNA. All the five putative gene products showed a high degree of homology to the reported bacterial FHL proteins. The gene hycA, encoding the FHL repressor protein, and hybO, encoding the small subunit of the uptake hydrogenase, were targeted for genetic knockout for improving the hydrogen production. The pYM-Red recombination system was adopted to form insertional mutations in the E. aerogenes genome, thereby creating mutant strains of IAM1183-A (△hycA), IAM1183-O (△hybO), and IAM1183-AO (△hycA/△hybO double knockout). The hydrogen production experiments with these mutants showed that the maximum specific hydrogen productivities of IAM1183-A, IAM1183-O, and IAM1183-AO were 2879.466 ± 38.59, 2747.203 ± 13.25 and 3372.019 ± 4.39 (ml h−1 g−1dry cell weight), respectively, higher than that of the wild strain (2321.861 ± 15.34 ml h−1 g−1dry cell weight). The total H2 yields by the three mutants IAM1183-A, IAM1183-O and IAM1183-AO were 0.73, 0.78, and 0.83 mol-H2/mol glucose, respectively, while the wild-type IAM1183 was only 0.65 mol-H2/mol glucose. The metabolites of the mutants including acetate, ethanol, 2,3-butanediol and succinate were all increased compared with that of the wild type, implying the changed metabolic flux by the mutation. In the fermentor cultivation with IAM1183△hycA/hybO, the total hydrogen volume after 16 h cultivation reached 4.4 L, while that for the wild type was only 2.9 L.  相似文献   

The effect of coculture of Clostridium butyricum and Escherichia coli on hydrogen production was investigated. C. butyricum and E. coli were grown separately and together as batch cultures. Gas production, growth, volatile fatty acid production and glucose degradation were monitored. Whilst C. butyricum alone produced 2.09 mol-H2/mol-glucose the coculture produced 1.65 mol-H2/mol-glucose. However, the coculture utilized glucose more efficiently in the batch culture, i.e., it was able to produce more H2 (5.85 mmol H2) in the same cultivation setting than C. butyricum (4.62 mmol H2), before the growth limiting pH was reached.  相似文献   

Important issues in the microbiology of biological reactors include bacterial composition and cell counts of bacterial communities. Because oligonucleotide probes targeting a particular phyletic group are available for studying hydrogen fermentation, fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) could be an attractive research technique. Although we reported the importance of the Megasphaera spp. for a simple hydrogen fermentation system, fundamental information like population and composition remains unclear. Thus, here, we established the use of Megasphaera-specific oligonucleotide Mega-X for FISH and the optimum conditions for rapid single-cell level identification. The culture isolated from a simple hydrogen fermentation process was identified as Megasphaera elsdenii and was shown to be significantly dominant (30%–58% of the microflora) by using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFLP) and FISH. The combination of Megasphaera-specific PCR-RFLP and FISH is likely to become an important methodology for understanding the global distribution and behaviour of Megasphaera spp. in the environment.  相似文献   

The batch fermentations of two hyperthermophilic eubacteria Thermotoga maritima strain DSM 3109 and Thermotoga neapolitana strain DSM 4359 were carried out to optimize the hydrogen production. The simple and economical culture medium using cheap salts with strong buffering capacity was designed based on T. maritima basal medium (TMB). Both strains cultivated under strictly anaerobic conditions showed the best growth at temperature of 75–80 °C and pH of 6.5–7.0. The maximum cell growth of 3.14 g DCW/L and hydrogen production of 342 mL H2 gas/L were obtained, respectively, in the modified TB medium containing 7.5 g/L of glucose and 4 g/L of yeast extract. Hydrogen accumulation in the headspace was more than 30% of the gaseous phase. Cells were also cultivated in cellulose-containing medium to test the feasibility of hydrogen production.  相似文献   

The effect of light metal (M = Li, Be, Mg, and Al) decoration on the stability of metal organic framework MOF-5 and its hydrogen adsorption is investigated by ab initio and periodic density functional theory (DFT) calculations by employing models of the form BDC:M2:nH2 and MOF-5:M2:nH2, where BDC stands for the benzenedicarboxylate organic linker and MOF-5 represents the primitive unit cell. The suitability of the periodic DFT method employing the GGA-PBE functional is tested against MP2/6-311 + G* and MP2/cc-pVTZ molecular calculations. A correlation between the charge transfer and interaction energies is revealed. The metal-MOF-5 interactions are analyzed using the frontier molecular orbital approach. Difference charge density plots show that H2 molecules get polarized due to the charge generated on the metal atom adsorbed over the BDC linker, resulting in electrostatic guest-host interactions.Our solid state results show that amongst the four metal atoms, Mg and Be decoration does not stabilize the MOF-5 to any significant extent. Li and Al decoration strengthened the H2-MOF-5 interactions relative to the pure MOF-5 exhibited by the enhanced binding energies. The hydrogen binding energies for the Li- and Al-decorated MOF-5 were found to be sensible for allowing reversible hydrogen storage at ambient temperatures. A high hydrogen uptake of 4.3 wt.% and 3.9 wt.% is also predicted for the Li- and Al-decorated MOF-5, respectively.  相似文献   

Under sulfur-deprived conditions, the metabolism of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii switches to the photoproduction of hydrogen. This process is sustained by both photosystem II-driven water splitting and by the fermentation of stored carbohydrates. We investigated the possibility of using diluted pretreated olive mill wastewaters (OMW), which contain organic acids and sugars, as a substrate on which to grow Chlamydomonas, in order to obtain suitable biomass to produce hydrogen. The cells grown on a mixture of pretreated OMW and TAP (tris-acetate-phosphate) (50% dilution) were found to be richer in carbohydrates and exhibited a greater production of hydrogen (150 ml H2 l−1 culture), compared to the control cells (100 ml H2 l−1 culture). In these cultures, the hydrogen production process was characterized by a shorter aerobic phase and a longer hydrogen-production period. The results offer a useful perspective for the utilization of olive mill wastewaters, which constitute an environmental problem, particularly in Mediterranean areas, and for increasing the output for hydrogen production with Chlamydomonas.  相似文献   

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