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In the current study, an integrated renewable based energy system consisting of a solar flat plate collector is employed to generate electricity while providing cooling load and hydrogen. A parametric study is carried out in order to determine the main design parameters and their effects on the objective functions of the system. The outlet temperature of generator, inlet temperature to organic Rankine cycle turbine, solar irradiation intensity (I), collector mass flow rate (m˙col) and flat plate collector area (AP) are considered as five decision variables. The results of parametric study show that the variation of collector mass flow rate between 3 kg/s and 8 kg/s has different effects on exergy efficiency and total cost rate of the system. In addition, the result shows that increment of inlet temperature to the ORC evaporator has a negative effect on cooling capacity of the system. It can lead to a decrease the cooling capacity from 44.29 kW to 22.6 kW, while the electricity generation and hydrogen production rate of the system increase. Therefore, a multi objective optimization is performed in order to introduce the optimal design conditions based on an evolutionary genetic algorithm. Optimization results show that exergy efficiency of the system can be enhanced from 1.72% to 3.2% and simultaneously the cost of the system can increase from 19.59 $/h to 22.28 $/h in optimal states.  相似文献   

In this paper, a wind turbine energy system is integrated with a hydrogen fuel cell and proton exchange membrane electrolyzer to provide electricity and heat to a community of households. Different cases for varying wind speeds are taken into consideration. Wind turbines meet the electricity demand when there is sufficient wind speed available. During high wind speeds, the excess electricity generated is supplied to the electrolyzer to produce hydrogen which is stored in a storage tank. It is later utilized in the fuel cell to provide electricity during periods of low wind speeds to overcome the shortage of electricity supply. The fuel cell operates during high demand conditions and provides electricity and heat for the residential application. The overall efficiency of the system is calculated at different wind speeds. The overall energy and exergy efficiencies at a wind speed 5 m/s are then found to be 20.2% and 21.2% respectively.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose an integrated system aiming for hydrogen production with by-products using geothermal power as a renewable energy source. In analyzing the system, an extensive thermodynamic model of the proposed system is developed and presented accordingly. In addition, the energetic and exergetic efficiencies and exergy destruction rates for the whole system and its parts are defined. Due to the significance of some parameters, the impacts of varying working conditions are also investigated. The results of the energetic and exergetic analyses of the integrated system show that the energy and exergy efficiencies are 39.46% and 44.27%, respectively. Furthermore, the system performance increases with the increasing geothermal source temperature and reference temperature while it decreases with the increasing pinch point temperature and turbine inlet pressure.  相似文献   

Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) is a promising technology for converting the low-grade energy to electricity. This paper presents an investigation on the parameter optimization and performance comparison of the fluids in subcritical ORC and transcritical power cycle in low-temperature (i.e. 80–100 °C) binary geothermal power system. The optimization procedure was conducted with a simulation program written in Matlab using five indicators: thermal efficiency, exergy efficiency, recovery efficiency, heat exchanger area per unit power output (APR) and the levelized energy cost (LEC). With the given heat source and heat sink conditions, performances of the working fluids were evaluated and compared under their optimized internal operation parameters. The optimum cycle design and the corresponding operation parameters were provided simultaneously. The results indicate that the choice of working fluid varies the objective function and the value of the optimized operation parameters are not all the same for different indicators. R123 in subcritical ORC system yields the highest thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of 11.1% and 54.1%, respectively. Although the thermal efficiency and exergy efficiency of R125 in transcritical cycle is 46.4% and 20% lower than that of R123 in subcritical ORC, it provides 20.7% larger recovery efficiency. And the LEC value is relatively low. Moreover, 22032L petroleum is saved and 74,019 kg CO2 is reduced per year when the LEC value is used as the objective function. In conclusion, R125 in transcritical power cycle shows excellent economic and environmental performance and can maximize utilization of the geothermal. It is preferable for the low-temperature geothermal ORC system. R41 also exhibits favorable performance except for its flammability.  相似文献   

In this study, the performance of the combined cooling cycle with the Organic Rankine power cycle, which provides cooling of the hydrogen at the compressor inlet which compresses the constant temperature in the Claude cycle used for hydrogen liquefaction, on the system is examined. The Organic Rankine combined cooling cycle was considered to be using a geothermal source with a flow rate of 120 kg/s at a temperature of 200 °C. The first and second law performance evaluations of the whole system were made depending on the heat energy at different levels taken from the geothermal source. The thermodynamic analysis of the equipment making up the system has been done in detail. The temperature values at which the hydrogen can be effectively cooled were determined in the presented combined system. The efficiency coefficient of the total system was calculated based on varying pre-cooling values. As a result of the study, it was determined that cold entry of hydrogen into the Claude cycle reduced the energy consumption required for liquefaction. Amount of hydrogen cooled to specified temperature increase by increase in mass flow of geothermal water and its temperature. Liquefaction cost is calculated to be 0.995 $/kg H2 and electricity produced by itself is calculated to be 0.025 $/kWh by the new model of liquefaction system. Cost of the liquefaction in the proposed system is about 39.7% lower than direct value of hydrogen liquefaction of 1.650 $/kg given in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, thermodynamic analysis and assessment of a novel geothermal energy based integrated system for power, hydrogen, oxygen, cooling, heat and hot water production are performed. This integrated process consists of (a) geothermal subsystem, (b) Kalina cycle, (c) single effect absorption cooling subsystem and (d) hydrogen generation and storage subsystems. The impacts of some design parameters, such as absorption chiller evaporator temperature, geothermal source temperature, turbine input pressure and pinch point temperature on the integrated system performance are investigated to achieve more efficient and more effective. Also, the impacts of reference temperature and geothermal water temperature on the integrated system performance are studied in detail. The energetic and exergetic efficiencies of the integrated system are then calculated as 42.59% and 48.24%, respectively.  相似文献   

Mortaza Yari   《Renewable Energy》2010,35(1):112-121
Based on available surveys, it has been shown that Iran has substantial geothermal potential in the north and north-western provinces, where in some places the temperature reaches 240 °C. In order to better exploit these renewable resources, it is necessary to study this area. Thus, the aim of this paper is a comparative study of the different geothermal power plant concepts, based on the exergy analysis for high-temperature geothermal resources. The considered cycles for this study are a binary geothermal power plant using a simple organic Rankine cycle (ORC), a binary geothermal power plant using an ORC with an internal heat exchanger (IHE), a binary cycle with a regenerative ORC, a binary cycle with a regenerative ORC with an IHE, a single-flash geothermal power plant, a double-flash geothermal power plant and a combined flash-binary power plant. With respect to each cycle, a thermodynamic model had to be developed. Model validation was undertaken using available data from the literature. Based on the exergy analysis, a comparative study was done to clarify the best cycle configuration. The performance of each cycle has been discussed in terms of the second-law efficiency, exergy destruction rate, and first-law efficiency. Comparisons between the different geothermal power plant concepts as well as many approaches to define efficiencies have been presented. The maximum first-law efficiency was found to be related to the ORC with an IHE with R123 as the working fluid and was calculated to be 7.65%. In contrast, the first-law efficiency based on the energy input into the ORC revealed that the binary cycle with the regenerative ORC with an IHE and R123 as the working fluid has the highest efficiency (15.35%). Also, the maximum first-law efficiency was shown to be given by the flash-binary with R123 as the working fluid and was calculated to be 11.81%.  相似文献   

The Solid Oxide Cells (SOCs) are able to operate in two modes: (a) the Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) that produce electricity and heat and (b) the Solid Oxide Electrolyser Cells (SOEC) that consume electricity and heat to electrolyse water and produce hydrogen and oxygen.  相似文献   

A supercritical Rankine cycle using zeotropic mixture working fluids for the conversion of low-grade heat into power is proposed and analyzed in this paper. Unlike a conventional organic Rankine cycle, a supercritical Rankine cycle does not go through the two-phase region during the heating process. By adopting zeotropic mixtures as the working fluids, the condensation process also happens non-isothermally. Both of these features create a potential for reducing the irreversibilities and improving the system efficiency. A comparative study between an organic Rankine cycle and the proposed supercritical Rankine cycle shows that the proposed cycle can achieve thermal efficiencies of 10.8-13.4% with the cycle high temperature of 393 K-473 K as compared to 9.7-10.1% for the organic Rankine cycle, which is an improvement of 10-30% over the organic Rankine cycle. When including the heating and condensation processes in the system, the system exergy efficiency is 38.6% for the proposed supercritical Rankine cycle as compared to 24.1% for the organic Rankine cycle.  相似文献   

Exergy analysis of a binary geothermal power plant is performed using actual plant data to assess the plant performance and pinpoint sites of primary exergy destruction. Exergy destruction throughout the plant is quantified and illustrated using an exergy diagram, and compared to the energy diagram. The sites with greater exergy destructions include brine reinjection, heat exchanger and condenser losses. Exergetic efficiencies of major plant components are determined in an attempt to assess their individual performances. The energy and exergy efficiencies of the plant are 4.5% and 21.7%, respectively, based on the energy and exergy of geothermal water at the heat exchanger inlet. The energy and exergy efficiencies are 10.2% and 33.5%, respectively, based on the heat input and exergy input to the binary Rankine cycle. The effects of turbine inlet pressure and temperature and the condenser pressure on the exergy and energy efficiencies, the net power output and the brine reinjection temperature are investigated and the trends are explained.  相似文献   

A new configuration of solar energy-driven integrated system for ammonia synthesis and power generation is proposed in this study. A detailed dynamic analysis is conducted on the designed system to investigate its performance under different radiation intensities. The solar heliostat field is integrated to generate steam that is provided to the steam Rankine cycle for power generation. The significant amount of power produced is fed to the PEM electrolyser for hydrogen production after covering the system requirements. A pressure swing adsorption system is integrated with the system that separates nitrogen from the air. The produced hydrogen and nitrogen are employed to the cascaded ammonia production system to establish increased fractional conversions. Numerous parametric studies are conducted to investigate the significant parameters namely; incoming beam irradiance, power production using steam Rankine cycle, hydrogen and ammonia production and power production using TEGs and ORC. The maximum hydrogen and ammonia production flowrates are revealed in June for 17th hour as 5.85 mol/s and 1.38 mol/s and the maximum energetic and exergetic efficiencies are depicted by the month of November as 25.4% and 28.6% respectively. Moreover, the key findings using the comprehensive dynamic analysis are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel integrated geothermal absorption system for hydrogen liquefaction, power and cooling productions. The effect of geothermal, ambient temperature and concentration of ammonia-water vapor on the system outputs and efficiencies are studied through energy and exergy analyses. It is found that both energetic and exergetic coefficient of performances (COPs), and amounts of hydrogen gas pre-cooled and liquefied decrease with increase in the mass flow rate of geothermal water. Moreover, increasing the temperature of geothermal source degrades the performance of the quadruple effect absorption system (QEAS), but at the same time it affects the liquefaction production rate of hydrogen gas in a positive way. However, an increase in ambient temperature has a negative effect on the liquefaction rate of hydrogen gas produced as it decreases from 0.2 kg/s to 0.05 kg/s. Moreover, an increase in the concentration of the ammonia-water vapor results in an increase in the amount of hydrogen gas liquefied from 0.07 kg/s to 0.11 kg/s.  相似文献   

An experimental study is carried out to investigate the performance of a solar Rankine system using supercritical CO2 as a working fluid. The testing machine of the solar Rankine system consists of an evacuated solar collector, a pressure relief valve, heat exchangers and CO2 feed pump, etc. The solar energy powered system can provide electricity output as well as heat supply/refrigeration, etc. The system performance is evaluated based on daily, monthly and yearly experiment data. The results obtained show that heat collection efficiency for the CO2-based solar collector is measured at 65.0–70.0%. The power generation efficiency is found at 8.78–9.45%, which is higher than the value 8.20% of a solar cell. The result presents a potential future for the solar powered CO2 Rankine system to be used as distributed energy supply system for buildings or others.  相似文献   

In this study, power and hydrogen production performance of an integrated system is investigated. The system consists of an organic Rankine cycle (ORC), parabolic trough solar collectors (PTSCs) having a surface area of 545 m2, middle-grade geothermal source (MGGS), cooling tower and proton exchange membrane (PEM). The final product of this system is hydrogen that produced via PEM. For this purpose, the fluid temperature of the geothermal source is upgraded by the solar collectors to drive the ORC. To improve the electricity generation efficiency, four working fluids namely n-butane, n-pentane, n-hexane, and cyclohexane are tried in the ORC. The mass flow rate of each working fluid is set as 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4 kg/s and calculations are made for 16 different situations (four types of working fluids and four different mass flow rates for each). As a result, n-butane with a mass flow rate of 0.4 kg/s is found to be the best option. The average electricity generation is 66.02 kW between the hours of 1100-1300. The total hydrogen production is 9807.1 g for a day. The energy and exergy efficiency is calculated to be 5.85% and 8.27%, respectively.  相似文献   

The study examines a novel system that combined a solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) and an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) for cooling, heating and power production (trigeneration) through exergy analysis. The system consists of an SOFC, an ORC, a heat exchanger and a single-effect absorption chiller. The system is modeled to produce a net electricity of around 500 kW. The study reveals that there is 3-25% gain on exergy efficiency when trigeneration is used compared with the power cycle only. Also, the study shows that as the current density of the SOFC increases, the exergy efficiencies of power cycle, cooling cogeneration, heating cogeneration and trigeneration decreases. In addition, it was shown that the effect of changing the turbine inlet pressure and ORC pump inlet temperature are insignificant on the exergy efficiencies of the power cycle, cooling cogeneration, heating cogeneration and trigeneration. Also, the study reveals that the significant sources of exergy destruction are the ORC evaporator, air heat exchanger at the SOFC inlet and heating process heat exchanger.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the industrial production of hydrogen through steam methane reforming (SMR) from both exergy efficiency and CO2 emission aspects. An SMR model is constructed based on a practical flow diagram including desulfurizer, furnace, separation unit and heat exchangers. The influence of reformer temperature (Tr) and steam to carbon (S/C) ratio is analyzed to optimize exergy efficiency and CO2 emission. A clear correlation is obtained between exergy efficiency and CO2 emission. Results also show optimal S/C ratio decreases with Tr. An exergy load distribution analysis which evaluates interactions between the system and its subsystems with parameter variations is employed to find promising directions for efficiency improvement. Results show that the greatest improvement lies in increasing efficiency of furnace without increasing its relative exergy load. Integration of oxygen-enriched combustion (OEC) with SMR is also evaluated. The integration of OEC can increase the system efficiency greatly when the reformer operates above critical point, while in other cases the system efficiency may decrease.  相似文献   

In this study, the detailed thermodynamic assessment of an integrated process based on heat pipe evacuated tube solar collectors for hydrogen production is provided for more efficiently process designs. An integrated process consists of the solar heat pipe collector, photovoltaic panels, PEM electrolyzer and Linde-Hampson hydrogen liquefaction process are considered and analyzed thermodynamically for hydrogen production and liquefaction aims. The energetic and exergetic efficiencies of this integrated process are calculated as 0.2297 and 0.1955, respectively. Based on the parametric study, the effectiveness of the solar energy based integrated process is also highly dependent on the solar flux and ambient conditions.  相似文献   

The benefits of using a residual hydrogen rich stream as a clean combustion fuel in order to reduce Carbon dioxide emissions and cost is quantified. A residual stream containing 86% of hydrogen, coming from the top of the demethanizer column of the cryogenic separation sector of an ethylene plant, is recycled to be mixed with natural gas and burned in the boilers of the utility plant to generate high pressure steam and power. The main advantage is due to the fact that the hydrogen rich residual gas has a higher heating value and less CO2 combustion emissions than the natural gas. The residual gas flowrate to be recycled is selected optimally together with other continuous and binary operating variables. A Mixed Integer Non Linear Programming problem is formulated in GAMS to select the operating conditions to minimize life cycle CO2 emissions.  相似文献   

A new approach to improve the performance of supercritical carbon dioxide Rankine cycle which uses low temperature heat source is presented. The mechanical pump in conventional supercritical carbon dioxide Rankine cycle is replaced by thermal driven pump. The concept of thermal driven pump is to increase the pressure of a fluid in a closed container by supplying heat. A low grade heat source is used to increase the pressure of the fluid instead of a mechanical pump, this increase the net power output and avoid the need for mechanical pump which requires regular maintenance and operational cost. The thermal driven pump considered is a shell and tube heat exchanger where the working fluid is contained in the tube, a tube diameter of 5 mm is chosen to reduce the heating time. The net power output of the Rankine cycle with thermal driven pump is compared to that of Rankine cycle with mechanical pump and it is observed that the net power output is higher when low grade thermal energy is used to pressurize the working fluid. The thermal driven pump consumes additional heat at low temperature (60 °C) to pressurize the working fluid.  相似文献   

Recent interest in small-scale solar thermal combined heat and power (CHP) power systems has coincided with demand growth for distributed electricity supplies in areas poorly served by centralized power stations. One potential technical approach to meeting this demand is the parabolic trough solar thermal collector coupled with an organic Rankine cycle (ORC) heat engine.The paper describes the design of a solar organic Rankine cycle being installed in Lesotho for rural electrification purpose. The system consists of parabolic though collectors, a storages tank, and a small-scale ORC engine using scroll expanders.A model of each component is developed taking into account the main physical and mechanical phenomena occurring in the cycle and based on experimental data for the main key components.The model allows sizing the different components of the cycle and evaluates the performance of the system. Different working fluids are compared, and two different expansion machine configurations are simulated (single and double stage).  相似文献   

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