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The practice of quantifying proteins by peptide fragments from enzymatic proteolysis (digestion) was assessed regarding accuracy, reliability, and uncertainty of the results attainable. Purified recombinant growth hormone (rhGH, 22 kDa isoform) was used as a model analyte. Two tryptic peptides from hGH, T6 and T12, were chosen to determine the amount of the protein in the original sample. Reference solutions of T6 and T12 (isotopically labeled forms), value assigned by quantitative amino acid analysis (AAA) after complete hydrolysis, were used as internal standards. The accuracy of protein quantification by fragments T6 and T12 was evaluated by comparison of peptide results to those obtained for the same rhGH sample by AAA. The rate of cleavage (and thus the experimental protocol used) turned out to be crucial to the quality of results in protein quantification using enzymatic fragments. Applying a protocol customarily found in (qualitative) bottom-up proteomics gave results significantly higher than the target value from AAA (+11% with T6 and +6% with T12). In contrast, using a modified protocol optimized for fast and complete hydrolysis, results were unbiased within the limits of uncertainty, while the time needed for completion of proteolysis was considerably reduced (30 min as compared to 1080-1200 min). The method assessed highlighted three important criteria deemed necessary for successful protein quantification using proteolysis-based mass spectrometry methods. These are the following: the requirement for both the selected peptides and labeled internal standard to be stable throughout digestion; the correct purity assignment to the selected peptide standards; the proof of equimolar release of the selected peptides. The combined (overall) uncertainty for protein quantification was established by combination of estimates obtained for individual components and found to be U = 4% for this example. This uncertainty is of the same order as that typically attainable in quantification of "small" organic molecules using liquid chromatography/isotope dilution mass spectrometry.  相似文献   

The toxic plant protein ricin has gained notoriety due to wide availability and potential use as a bioterrorism agent, with particular concern for food supply contamination. We have developed a sensitive and selective mass spectrometry-based method to detect ricin in tap water, 2% milk, apple juice, and orange juice. Ricin added to beverage matrices was extracted using antibody-bound magnetic beads and digested with trypsin. Absolute quantification was performed using isotope dilution mass spectrometry with a linear ion trap operating in product-ion-monitoring mode. The method allows for identification of ricin A chain and B chain and for distinction of ricin from ricin agglutinin within a single analytical run. Ricin-bound beads were also tested for deadenylase activity by incubation with a synthetic ssDNA oligomer. Depurination of the substrate by ricin was confirmed by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization-time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOFMS). This method was used successfully to extract ricin from each beverage matrix. The activity of recovered ricin was assessed, and quantification was achieved, with a limit of detection of 10 fmol/mL (0.64 ng/mL).  相似文献   

Liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) has been shown to be a viable tool for preclinical pharmacokinetic (PK) analysis of monoclonal antibody (mAb) therapeutics. This work describes free and total PK assays for the mAb PF-00547,659 in serum of ulcerative colitis patients in a First-In-Human study [Vermeire, S. et al. Gut2011, 60 (8), 1068-1075]. The assay to measure free PF-00547,659 used immuno-enrichment with a biotinylated anti-idiotypic antibody and streptavidin magnetic beads. The total assay used enrichment by protein G magnetic beads. Following elution of PF-00547,659 from the beads, addition of an extended sequence stable isotope labeled peptide and trypsin digestion, a proteotypic peptide derived from the CDR region of the light chain of PF-00547,659 was quantified by LC-MS/MS. The free assay had a calibration range from 7.03 ng/mL to 450 ng/mL. The assay was precise and accurate with interbatch imprecision <16.5%, and interbatch inaccuracy <13.7% at all concentrations investigated during assay qualification. Results from LC-MS/MS methodologies are compared with historical immunoassay data originally acquired during the course of the clinical study. PK parameter estimates were highly correlated between the two analytical approaches. This work provides precedence that immunoaffinity LC-MS/MS can effectively be used to measure the serum concentrations of mAb therapeutics in clinical studies.  相似文献   

The bioanalysis of plasma samples generated from in vivo studies of therapeutic proteins is of increasing interesting in the biopharmaceutical industry. The conventional ELISA approach has a long assay development time which can limit use in the early discovery and development of protein-based drugs. In this study, an LC-MS/MS bioassay was developed for the quantification of somatropin and a therapeutic human monoclonal antibody. The assay used bovine fetuin as an internal standard and a two-dimensional solid-phase extraction for the cleanup of the plasma digest. Sample extracts were resolved on an analytical size column using a 6 min LC gradient and analyzed using a triple-quadruple mass spectrometer. The linearity of the assay for somatropin was established from 1 to 1000 microg/mL with accuracy and precision within 15%. This LC-MS approach was also applied to a rat pharmacokinetic study of the therapeutic monoclonal antibody with a lower quantitation limit of 0.5 microg/mL. The LC-MS assay had improved accuracy and precision, and the results from analysis of in vivo study samples showed good agreement with the data obtained with an ELISA. The results from this study indicate that the LC-MS bioassay is a simple and feasible approach for the bioanalysis of therapeutic proteins to support in vivo studies during early drug discovery and development.  相似文献   

A selective, rapid, and sensitive 12.7-min ultra performance liquid chromatography-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC-ID/MS/MS) method was developed and compared to conventional high-performance liquid chromatography-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-ID/MS/MS) for the absolute quantitative determination of multiple proteins from complex matrixes. The UPLC analysis was carried out on an Acquity UPLC ethylene-bridged hybrid (BEH) C18 reversed-phase column (50 x 2.1 mm i.d., 1.7-microm particle size) with gradient elution at a flow rate of 300 microL/min. For the HPLC separation, a similar gradient profile on a reversed-phase C18 column with dimensions of 150 x 1.0 mm at a flow rate of 30 microL/min was utilized. The aqueous and organic mobile phases were 0.1% formic acid in water and acetonitrile, respectively. Detection was performed on a triple-quadrupole mass spectrometer operated in the multiple reaction monitoring mode. Linear calibration curves were obtained in the concentration range of 10-90 fmol/microL. Relative standard deviation values equal to or less than 6.5% were obtained by the UPLC-ID/MS/MS method, thus demonstrating performance equivalent to conventional HPLC-ID/MS/MS for isotope dilution quantification of peptides and proteins. UPLC provides additional dimensions of rapid analysis time and high-sample throughput, which expands laboratory emergency response capabilities over conventional HPLC.  相似文献   

Ligand binding assays (LBAs) are widely used for therapeutic monoclonal antibody (mAb) quantification in biological samples. Major limitations are long method development times, reagent procurement, and matrix effects. LC-MS/MS methods using signature peptides are emerging as an alternative approach, which typically use a stable isotope labeled signature peptide as the internal standard (IS). However, a new IS has to be generated for every candidate, and the IS may not correct for variations at all processing steps. We have developed a general LC-MS/MS method approach employing a uniformly heavy-isotope labeled common whole mAb IS and a common immunocapture for sample processing. The method was streamlined with automation for consistency and throughput. Method qualification of four IgG(2) and four IgG(1) mAbs showed sensitivity of 0.1 μg/mL and linearity of 0.1-15 μg/mL. Quality control (QC) data of these eight mAbs were accurate and precise. The QC performance of the whole molecule labeled IS was better than those of synthetic labeled IS peptides tested. The pharmacokinetic results of two mAbs (an IgG(2) and IgG(1) candidate) dosed in rats were comparable to those of LBA. The general LC-MS/MS method approach overcomes the limitations of current methods to reduce time and resources required for preclinical studies.  相似文献   

A novel generic approach based on precolumn isotope dilution nanoHPLC-ICPMS analysis was developed for the accurate absolute quantification of sulfur-containing peptides. A 34S-labeled, species-unspecific sulfur spike (sulfate), noninteracting with analyte peptides under the optimized HPLC condition, was added directly to the chromatographic eluents. Thus a generic sulfur standard permanently present during analysis was used for peptide quantification. Interference-free detection of the 32S and 34S isotopes in ICPMS was achieved by eliminating O2+ ions in a collision cell using Xe gas at 130 microL min-1. The detection limit for sulfur was 45 microg L-1 which corresponded to 1-2 pmol of individual peptides. The method was validated by the analysis of a standard peptide solution showing high accuracy (recovery 103%) and good precision (RSD 2.1%). The combination of nanoHPLC-ICP IDMS with nanoHPLC-ESI MS/MS allowed the precise quantification and identification of sulfur-containing peptides in tryptic digests of human serum albumin and salt-induced yeast protein (SIP18) at the picomole level.  相似文献   

A new isotope dilution mass spectrometric method for uric acid is described. A known weight of [1,3-15N2]uric acid is added to a known weight of serum, and the mixture is allowed to equillibrate. The serum is put through an anion-exchange resin, and the isolated uric acid is converted to the tetrakis-(tert-butyldlmethylsilyl) derivative of uric acid. For measurement, the derivative is injected into a gas chromatograph interfaced with a low-resolution, magnetic sector mass spectrometer. Isotope ratio measurements are made from the abundances of the [M - tert-butyl]+ ions at m/z 567 and 569. Bias is investigated by measuring the uric acid level in the same samples under different chromatographic conditions and with different ionization techniques. If these confirmatory measurements agree with the principal measurements, we have strong evidence for the absence of measurement bias. Uric acid was determined in three lyophilized human serum pools by this method. For Standard Reference Material (SRM) 909, four sets of six samples each were prepared. For Candidate SRM 909a, which consisted of two pools, each with a different level of uric acid, six sets of two samples of each level were prepared. The coefficient of variation for a single measurement ranged from 0.34% to 0.42%, while the relative standard error of the mean ranged from 0.08% to 0.14%. The results from the confirmatory measurements demonstrated that there was no significant bias in the measurements. The combination of high precision and absence of significant bias in the results qualifies this method as a candidate definitive method as defined by the National Committee for Clinical Laboratory Standards.  相似文献   

Tai SS  Welch MJ 《Analytical chemistry》2004,76(4):1008-1014
Cortisol is an important diagnostic marker for the production of steroid hormones, and accurate measurements of serum cortisol are necessary for proper diagnosis of adrenal function. A candidate reference method involving isotope dilution coupled with liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS) has been developed and critically evaluated. An isotopically labeled internal standard, cortisol-d(3), was added to serum, followed by equilibration and solid-phase and ethyl acetate extractions to prepare samples for liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry electrospray ionization (LC/MS-ESI) and liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry electrospray ionization (LC/MS/MS-ESI) analyses. (M + H)(+) ions at m/z 363 and 366 for cortisol and its labeled internal standard were monitored for LC/MS. The transitions of (M + H)(+) --> [(M + H)(+) - 2H(2)O] at m/z 363 --> 327 and 366 --> 330 were monitored for LC/MS/MS. The accuracy of the measurement was evaluated by a comparison of results of this candidate reference method on lyophilized human serum reference materials for cortisol [Certified Reference Materials 192 and 193] with the certified values determined by gas chromatography/mass spectrometry reference methods and by a recovery study for the added cortisol. The results of this method for total cortisol agreed with the certified values within 1.1%. The recovery of the added cortisol ranged from 99.8% to 101.0%. This method was applied to the determination of cortisol in samples of frozen serum pools. Excellent precision was obtained with within-set CVs of 0.3%-1.5% and between-set CVs of 0.04%-0.4% for both LC/MS and LC/MS/MS analyses. The correlation coefficients of all linear regression lines ranged from 0.998 to 1.000. The detection limits (at a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 3-5) were 10 and 15 pg for LC/MS and LC/MS/MS, respectively. This method, which demonstrates good accuracy and precision, and is free from interferences from structural analogues, qualifies as a candidate reference method and can be used as an alternative reference method to provide an accuracy base to which the routine methods can be compared.  相似文献   

Oil bodies (OBs) are plant cell organelles that consist of a lipid core surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer embedded with specialized proteins such as oleosins. Recombinant proteins expressed in plants can be targeted to OBs as fusions with oleosin. This expression strategy is attractive because OBs are easily enriched and purified from other cellular components, based on their unique physicochemical properties. For recombinant OBs to be a potential therapeutic agent in biomedical applications, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze and quantify both endogenous and heterologously expressed OB proteins. In this study, a mass spectrometry (MS)-based method was developed to accurately quantify an OB-targeted heterologously expressed fusion protein that has potential as a therapeutic agent. The effect of the chimeric oleosin expression upon the OB proteome in transgenic plants was also investigated, and the identification of new potential OB residents was pursued through a variety of liquid chromatography (LC)-MS/MS approaches. The results showed that the accumulation of the fusion protein on OBs was low. Moreover, no significant differences in the accumulation of OB proteins were revealed between transgenic and wild-type seeds. The identification of five new putative components of OB proteome was also reported.  相似文献   

We report for the first time the absolute quantification of a metalloprotein separated by nondenaturing gel electrophoresis (GE) using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) in combination with species-specific isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). The proposed method is based on the use of an isotopically enriched (57)Fe-transferrin complex to quantify natural transferrin (Tf) in human serum samples. First, the saturation process of Tf with natural abundance or isotopically enriched (57)Fe was accomplished by using freshly synthesized Fe-citrate solutions. The stability of the metal-protein complex as well as its stoichiometry was investigated by spectrophotometry and ICP-MS, demonstrating a satisfactory stability over a period of at least one month and a molar ratio Fe:Tf of 1.94 ± 0.09, which is close to the expected value of 2. The species-specific IDMS method was compared with external calibration using the Fe-Tf (absolute Tf amount between 2 and 10 μg) and different sample preparation procedures (stained and nonstained gels) as well as two laser ablation strategies (single line ablation in the direction perpendicular or horizontal to the electrophoretic migration) were evaluated. The proposed species-specific GE-LA-ICP-IDMS method was tested for the analysis of a serum certified reference material (ERM-DA470k/IFCC). The results were in good agreement with the certified value with relative standard deviation values in the range of 0.9-2.7% depending on the data treatment procedure used. Furthermore, the analysis time has been drastically reduced in comparison with previous approaches to less than 15 min. The quantification by species-specific GE-LA-ICP-IDMS allowed us to obtain accurate and precise results not only by analyzing the protein spot in the middle position but also in the adjacent ablation line to the center.  相似文献   

Two independent methods have been critically evaluated and applied to the measurement of total homocysteine in serum and plasma: solid-phase anion extraction (SPAE) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and protein precipitation liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). In addition, analysis of samples prepared by SPAE was accomplished by liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry (LC/MS) and LC/MS/MS. These methods have been used to determine total homocysteine levels in several existing serum-based Standard Reference Materials (SRMs) from the National Institute of Standards and Technology and in patient plasma samples provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The precision of the homocysteine measurements in serum and plasma was critically evaluated, and method comparisons were carried out using Bland-Altman plots and bias analysis. On the basis of the excellent precision and close agreement of the mass spectrometric (MS) methods, the MS-based methods will be used for certification of a serum-based SRM for homocysteine and folates.  相似文献   

Knowledge on absolute protein concentrations is mandatory for the simulation of biological processes in the context of systems biology. A novel approach for the absolute quantification of proteins at a global scale has been developed and its applicability demonstrated using glucose starvation of the Gram-positive model bacterium Bacillus subtilis and the pathogen Staphylococcus aureus as proof-of-principle examples. Absolute intracellular protein concentrations were initially determined for a preselected set of anchor proteins by employing a targeted mass spectrometric method and isotopically labeled internal standard peptides. Known concentrations of these anchor proteins were then used to calibrate two-dimensional (2-D) gels allowing the calculation of absolute abundance of all detectable proteins on the 2-D gels. Using this approach, concentrations of the majority of metabolic enzymes were determined, and thus a quantification of the players of metabolism was achieved. This new strategy is fast, cost-effective, applicable to any cell type, and thus of value for a broad community of laboratories with experience in 2-D gel-based proteomics and interest in quantitative approaches. Particularly, this approach could also be utilized to quantify existing data sets with the aid of a few standard anchor proteins.  相似文献   

In order to clarify the species composition of selenium in environmental water samples, analytical methods have been developed for the selective determination of different chemical forms of this element (selenite, selenate, and organic species including trimethylselenonium) using isotope dilution mass spectrometry (IDMS). The species analysis was made possible by means of chromatographic separation procedures and an 82Se-enriched selenate, selenite, and trimethylselenonium spike for the isotope dilution process. The total selenium concentration was determined after decomposition of organic compounds with a HNO3/HCIO4 mixture. Selenium was measured in the mass spectrometer by producing negative Se- thermal ions for detection. Precise determination at the parts-per-trillion level was achieved. This new methodology was applied to different types of natural water samples (groundwater, pond water, river water, moorland lake water) with total selenium concentrations in the range of 200 pg/g to 15 ng/g. Selenite and selenate have been the only detected species in most of the investigated samples, with selenate dominating all except one. In samples with high contents of dissolved organic carbon, however, different organoselenium compounds including trimethylselenonium ions were additionally quantified in the range of 10-95 pg/g. In these cases, the sum of all selenium species agreed well with the independently determined total element concentration.  相似文献   

The development of a quantification method for monoclonal antibodies in serum has been accomplished by high-performance liquid chromatography multiple reactions monitoring mass spectrometry. A human monoclonal antibody (HmAb) was used as the model protein for method development and validation. A peptide from the CDR3-region of its heavy chain was selected and used for quantifying the entire mAb. This signature peptide served as a template for the internal standard. Prior to mass spectrometric analysis approximately 50% of the total serum protein content was removed by albumin depletion. The accuracy of the method ranged between 99 and 112% in cynomolgus monkey serum. The intra-assay coefficient of variation (CV) was lower than 4% at 4 microg/mL and 200 microg/mL HmAb (n = 3). The CV at 400 microg/mL corresponded to 9% (n = 3). In addition, the interassay variation was investigated in a male cynomolgus serum pool and in a female cynomolgus serum pool. The CV for the male cynomolgus pool at 4 microg/mL HmAb was 7% (n = 3). The CV obtained from the female pool was 8% (n = 3), at 4 microg/mL. The dynamic range of the method was 3 orders of magnitude. After albumin depletion of 25 microL of serum, a lowest limit of quantification of 2 microg/mL HmAb was reached in both human and cynomolgus monkey samples.  相似文献   

The technique of laser resonance ionization mass spectrometry has been combined with isotope dilution analysis to determine iodine in oyster tissue. The long-lived radioisotope, 129I, was used to spike the samples. Samples were equilibrated with the 129I, wet ashed under controlled conditions, and iodine separated by coprecipitation with silver chloride. The analyte was dried as silver ammonium iodide upon a tantalum filament from which iodine was thermally desorbed in the resonance ionization mass spectrometry instrument. A single-color, two-photon resonant plus one-photon ionization scheme was used to form positive iodine ions. Long-lived iodine signals were achieved from 100 ng of iodine. The precision of 127I/129I measurement has been evaluated by replicate determinations of the spike, the spike calibration samples, and the oyster tissue samples and was 1.0%. Measurement precision among samples was 1.9% for the spike calibration and 1.4% for the oyster tissue. The concentration of iodine determined in SRM 1566a, Oyster Tissue, was 4.44 micrograms/g with an estimate of the overall uncertainty for the analysis of +/- 0.12 microgram/g.  相似文献   

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