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In this paper we are going to introduce the notion of strong non-standard completeness (SNSC) for fuzzy logics. This notion naturally arises from the well known construction by ultraproduct. Roughly speaking, to say that a logic is strong non-standard complete means that, for any countable theory Γ over and any formula φ such that , there exists an evaluation e of -formulas into a -algebra such that the universe of is a non-Archimedean extension of the real unit interval [0,1], e is a model for Γ, but e(φ) < 1. Then we will apply SNSC to prove that various modal fuzzy logics allowing to deal with simple and conditional probability of infinite-valued events are complete with respect to classes of models defined starting from non-standard measures, that is measures taking value in .  相似文献   

In this work we further explore the connection between -algebras and ordered fields. We show that any two -chains generate the same variety if and only if they are related to ordered fields that have the same universal theory. This will yield that any -chain generates the whole variety if and only if it contains a subalgebra isomorphic to the -chain of real algebraic numbers, that consequently is the smallest -chain generating the whole variety. We also show that any two different subalgebras of the -chain over the real algebraic numbers generate different varieties. This will be exploited in order to prove that the lattice of subvarieties of -algebras has the cardinality of the continuum. Finally, we will also briefly deal with some model-theoretic properties of -chains related to real closed fields, proving quantifier-elimination and related results.  相似文献   

We define the Boolean center and the Boolean skeleton of a bounded BCK-algebra, and we use the Boolean skeleton to obtain a representation of bounded BCK-algebras, called (weak) Pierce -representation, as (weak) Boolean products of bounded BCK-algebras. We analyze the cases in which the stalks in these representations are directly indecomposable, finitely subdirectly irreducible or simple algebras. We give some examples of algebras and relative subvarieties of bounded BCK-algebras to illustrate the results.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the concepts of R 0 valuation, R 0 semantic, countable R 0 category , R 0 fuzzy topological category , etc. It is established in a natural way that the fuzzy topology δ and its cut topology on the set Ω M consisting of all R 0 valuations of an R 0 algebra M, and some properties of fuzzy topology δ and its cut topology are investigated carefully. Moreover, the representation theorem for R 0 algebras by means of fuzzy topology is given, that is to say the category is equivalent to the category . By studying the relation between valuations and filters, the Loomis–Sikorski theorem for R 0 algebras is obtained. As an application, K-compactness of the R 0 logic is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigate interpretations of formulas ψ in a first order fuzzy logic in models which are based on objects of a category SetR(Ω) which consists of Ω-sets, i.e. sets with similarity relations with values in a complete MV-algebra Ω and with morphisms defined as special fuzzy relations between Ω-sets. The interpretations are then morphisms in a category SetR(Ω) from some Ω-set to the object . We define homomorphisms between models in a category SetR(Ω) and we prove that if is a (special) homomorphism of models in a category SetR(Ω) then there is a relation between interpretations of a formula ψ in models . Supported by MSM6198898701, grant 201/07/0191 of GAČR and grant 1M0572.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce the notions of interval valued -fuzzy filters and interval valued -fuzzy Boolean (implicative) filters in R 0-algebras and investigate some of their related properties. Some characterization theorems of these generalized fuzzy filters are derived. In particular, we prove that an interval valued fuzzy set F in R 0-algebras is an interval valued -fuzzy Boolean filter if and only if it is an interval valued -fuzzy implicative filter.  相似文献   

Given a variety of bounded residuated lattices satisfying the Stone identity , the free algebras in over a set X of cardinality |X| are represented as weak Boolean products over the Cantor space 2|X| of a family of free algebras in an associated variety of (not necessarily bounded) residuated lattices with a bottom added.  相似文献   

Hájek introduced the logic enriching the logic BL by a unary connective vt which is a formalization of Zadeh’s fuzzy truth value “very true”. algebras, i.e., BL-algebras with unary operations, called vt-operators, which are among others subdiagonal, are an algebraic counterpart of Partially ordered commutative integral residuated monoids (pocrims) are common generalizations of both BL-algebras and Heyting algebras. The aim of our paper is to introduce and study algebraic properties of pocrims endowed by “very-true” and “very-false”-like operators. Research is supported by the Research and Development Council of Czech Government via project MSN 6198959214.  相似文献   

Let H is an H v -group and the set of all finite products of elements of H. The relation β* is the smallest equivalence relation on H such that the quotient H/ β* is a group. The relation β* is transitive closure of the relation β, where β is defined as follows: x β y if and only if for some . Based on the relation β, we define a neighborhood system for each element of H, and we presents a general framework for the study of approximations in H v -groups. In construction approach, a pair of lower and upper approximation operators is defined. The connections between H v -groups and approximation operators are examined.  相似文献   

Difference inclusions arise naturally in the study of discrete-time or sampled-data systems. We develop two novel sufficient conditions for robustness of a stability property referred to as -stability with respect to an arbitrary measure; i.e., where a continuous positive definite function of the solutions satisfies a class- estimate of time and the continuous positive definite function of the initial condition. Christopher M. Kellett was supported by the Australian Research Council under Discovery Project Grant DP0771131. Andrew R. Teel was supported by NSF grants ECS-0324679, ECS-0622253, and AFOSR grants F49620-03-1-0203 and FA9550-06-1-0134.  相似文献   

Let d ν be the metric associated with a strictly positive submeasure ν on some Boolean algebra . If d ν is bounded from above by 1, E ν=1−d ν is a (fuzzy) similarity relation on at least w.r.t. the Lstrok ukasiewicz t-norm, but possibly also w.r.t. numerous further t-norms.In this paper, we show that under certain assumptions on and ν, we may associate with ν in a natural way a continuous t-norm w.r.t. which E ν is a similarity relation and which, in a certain sense, is the weakest such t-norm. Up to isomorphism, every continuous t-norm arises in this way  相似文献   

The h-h/2-strategy is one well-known technique for the a posteriori error estimation for Galerkin discretizations of energy minimization problems. One considers to estimate the error , where is a Galerkin solution with respect to a mesh and is a Galerkin solution with respect to the mesh obtained from a uniform refinement of . This error estimator is always efficient and observed to be also reliable in practice. However, for boundary element methods, the energy norm is non-local and thus the error estimator η does not provide information for a local mesh-refinement. We consider Symm’s integral equation of the first kind, where the energy space is the negative-order Sobolev space . Recent localization techniques allow to replace the energy norm in this case by some weighted L 2-norm. Then, this very basic error estimation strategy is also applicable to steer an h-adaptive algorithm. Numerical experiments in 2D and 3D show that the proposed method works well in practice. A short conclusion is concerned with other integral equations, e.g., the hypersingular case with energy space and , respectively, or a transmission problem. Dedicated to Professor Ernst P. Stephan on the occasion of his 60th birthday.  相似文献   

This paper addresses an algorithmic problem related to associative algebras. We show that the problem of deciding if the index of a given central simple algebra over an algebraic number field isd, whered is a given natural number, belongs to the complexity classN P co N P. As consequences, we obtain that the problem of deciding if is isomorphic to a full matrix algebra over the ground field and the problem of deciding if is a skewfield both belong toN P co N P. These results answer two questions raised in [25]. The algorithms and proofs rely mostly on the theory of maximal orders over number fields, a noncommutative generalization of algebraic number theory. Our results include an extension to the noncommutative case of an algorithm given by Huang for computing the factorization of rational primes in number fields and of a method of Zassenhaus for testing local maximality of orders in number fields.  相似文献   

The present paper is a sequel to Paoli F, Ledda A, Giuntini R, Freytes H (On some properties of QMV algebras and QMV algebras, submitted). We provide two representation results for quasi-MV algebras in terms of MV algebras enriched with additional structure; we investigate the lattices of subvarieties and subquasivarieties of quasi-MV algebras; we show that quasi-MV algebras, as well as cartesian and flat quasi-MV algebras, have the amalgamation property.  相似文献   

We study an online job scheduling problem arising in networks with aggregated links. The goal is to schedule n jobs, divided into k disjoint chains, on m identical machines, without preemption, so that the jobs within each chain complete in the order of release times and the maximum flow time is minimized. We present a deterministic online algorithm with competitive ratio , and show a matching lower bound, even for randomized algorithms. The performance bound for we derive in the paper is, in fact, more subtle than a standard competitive ratio bound, and it shows that in overload conditions (when many jobs are released in a short amount of time), ’s performance is close to the optimum. We also show how to compute an offline solution efficiently for k=1, and that minimizing the maximum flow time for k,m≥2 is -hard. As by-products of our method, we obtain two offline polynomial-time algorithms for minimizing makespan: an optimal algorithm for k=1, and a 2-approximation algorithm for any k. W. Jawor and M. Chrobak supported by NSF grants OISE-0340752 and CCR-0208856. Work of C. Dürr conducted while being affiliated with the Laboratoire de Recherche en Informatique, Université Paris-Sud, 91405 Orsay. Supported by the CNRS/NSF grant 17171 and ANR Alpage.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm that takes I/Os (sort(N)=Θ((N/(DB))log  M/B (N/B)) is the number of I/Os it takes to sort N data items) to compute a tree decomposition of width at most k, for any graph G of treewidth at most k and size N, where k is a constant. Given such a tree decomposition, we use a dynamic programming framework to solve a wide variety of problems on G in I/Os, including the single-source shortest path problem and a number of problems that are NP-hard on general graphs. The tree decomposition can also be used to obtain an optimal separator decomposition of G. We use such a decomposition to perform depth-first search in G in  I/Os. As important tools that are used in the tree decomposition algorithm, we introduce flippable DAGs and present an algorithm that computes a perfect elimination ordering of a k-tree in I/Os. The second contribution of our paper, which is of independent interest, is a general and simple framework for obtaining I/O-efficient algorithms for a number of graph problems that can be solved using greedy algorithms in internal memory. We apply this framework in order to obtain an improved algorithm for finding a maximal matching and the first deterministic I/O-efficient algorithm for finding a maximal independent set of an arbitrary graph. Both algorithms take I/Os. The maximal matching algorithm is used in the tree decomposition algorithm. An abstract of this paper was presented at the 12th Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, Proceedings, pp. 89–90, 2001. Research of A. Maheshwari supported by NSERC. Part of this work was done while the second author was a Ph.D. student at the School of Computer Science of Carleton University.  相似文献   

In the paper, we prove that is compatible with p}, the set of commutant of p, and , the projection commutant of a, are all normal sub-effect algebras of a compressible effect algebra E, and is a direct retraction on E} is a normal sub-effect algebra of an effect algebra E. Moreover, we answer an open question in Gudder’s (Rep Math Phys 54:93–114, 2004), Compressible effect algebras, Rep Math Phys, by showing that the cartesian product of an infinite number of E i is a compressible effect algebra if and only if each E i is a compressible effect algebra. This work was supported by the SF of Education Department of Shaanxi Province (Grant No. 07JK267), P. R. China.  相似文献   

We study a class of generic quantum Markov semigroups on the algebra of all bounded operators on a Hilbert space arising from the stochastic limit of a discrete system with generic Hamiltonian H S , acting on , interacting with a Gaussian, gauge invariant, reservoir. The selfadjoint operator H S determines a privileged orthonormal basis of . These semigroups leave invariant diagonal and off-diagonal bounded operators with respect to this basis. The action on diagonal operators describes a classical Markov jump process. We construct generic semigroups from their formal generators by the minimal semigroup method and discuss their conservativity (uniqueness). When the semigroup is irreducible we prove uniqueness of the equilibrium state and show that, starting from an arbitrary initial state, the semigroup converges towards this state. We also prove that the exponential speed of convergence of the quantum Markov semigroup coincides with the exponential speed of convergence of the classical (diagonal) semigroup towards its unique invariant measure. The exponential speed is computed or estimated in some examples.  相似文献   

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