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In this paper, we derive an expression for the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio of a linear multistage parallel interference cancellation receiver. We focus on a linear multistage receiver which converges to the linear minimum mean-squared error receiver as the number of stages increases. The signal to interference-plus-noise ratio is given in terms of the system loading, the partial cancellation factor, the number of stages, and the signal-to. noise ratio. Our expression also allows a simple approximation for the bit error rate at each stage. Finally, we perform a numerical optimization to maximize the signal to interference-plus-noise ratio expression with respect to the partial cancellation factor of the resulting linear multistage receiver.  相似文献   

The convergence behavior of linear parallel interference cancellation is investigated. Especially the so-called ping-pong effect, where the bit-error rate performance is found to oscillate between two different convergence patterns is studied in detail. This effect is shown to be a direct consequence of the extreme eigenvalues of the correlation matrix, allowing for an analytical approach. Intervals for the dominating eigenvalues within which ping-pong effects can occur are specified and illustrated by examples. It is shown that the decision statistic for traditional parallel cancellation will always exhibit oscillating behavior with either short or long codes. Relaxation factors, leading to weighted cancellation, are shown to be effective for alleviating oscillations and ping-pong effects at the expense of convergence rate. Asymptotic analysis for large systems is applied to uncover the convergence behavior for long code systems.  相似文献   

Semiblind multiuser detection for the reverse link of a multicell code-division multiple-access (CDMA) system is considered. In such a system, although active users are present in the home cell and neighboring cells, the base station receiver only knows the signature information of the users in its own cell. Three new semiblind linear multiuser detectors are proposed based on parallel interference cancellation approach. Compared with some known semiblind detectors, the proposed detectors share a rather simple implementation structure and involve reduced latency for processing, which are of particular importance in a time-varying CDMA system. Numerical results are presented to compare the detection performance of the proposed detectors with that of some existing semiblind multiuser detectors.  相似文献   

Improved parallel interference cancellation for CDMA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces an improved nonlinear parallel interference cancellation scheme for code-division multiple access (CDMA) that significantly reduces the degrading effect on the desired user of interference from the other users that share the channel. The implementation complexity of the scheme is linear in the number of users and operates on the fact that parallel processing simultaneously removes from each user a part of the interference produced by the remaining users accessing the channel the amount being proportional to their reliability. The parallel processing can be done in multiple stages. The proposed scheme uses tentative decision devices at the multiple stages to produce the most reliably estimated received data for generation and cancellation of user interference. Simulation results are given for a multitude of different situations, in particular, those cases for which the analysis is too complex  相似文献   

A new weighted parallel interference cancellation system is proposed in which the weights are adjusted user by user and adaptively to changing environments. Based on computer simulation results, it is observed that the proposed system outperforms conventional parallel interference cancellation systems  相似文献   

Adaptive multistage parallel interference cancellation for CDMA   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Although the multistage interference cancellation detector is simple in structure, its performance degrades when the number of active users becomes large. In some cases, the performance is even worse than that without cancellation, due to the lack of the exact knowledge of the interfering signal in cancellation. Partial interference cancellation suggested by Divsalar and Simon (see IEEE Trans. Commun., vol.46, p.258-68, 1998) tries to remedy this weakness by reducing the cost of a wrong interference estimation through a weight in each stage. This paper presents an adaptive multistage structure based on the partial interference cancellation approach. In this structure, the weights are obtained by minimizing the mean-square error between the received signal and its estimate through a least mean square (LMS) algorithm. The resulting weights contain reliability information for the hard decisions made in the previous stage. Neither a training sequence nor a pilot signal is needed in the proposed scheme, and its complexity is much lower than that of linear multiuser detectors. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can outperform some of the existing interference cancellation methods in both the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and the multipath fading channels  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a novel differentially coherent (DC) parallel interference cancellation (PIC) scheme for direct-sequence code-division multiple access (DS-CDMA) employing differential phase-shift keying (DPSK). The proposed scheme combines decision-feedback differential detection (DF-DD) and PIC. For optimization of the DF-DD and interference cancellation (IC) filters three different criteria are adopted. The first (DC-PIC I) and the second (DC-PIC II) criteria assume a constant channel and a channel with a small constant frequency offset, respectively, whereas the third criterion (DC-PIC III) optimizes the filters in the minimum mean-squared error (MMSE) sense taking into account the statistical properties of the underlying channel. Simulations show the high achievable performance and the robustness of the novel DC-PIC receiver. A comparison with linear DC receivers and a previously proposed DC-PIC scheme show the superiority of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

This letter presents a novel approach for deriving a lower bound on the outage probability of interference cancellation receiver in ad hoc networks for a class of channel fading. Our approach is based on the following observation: under the power decay law model for large-scale fading with an exponent α strictly greater than 2, the sum of the interferences at a receiver has the same order as the strongest signal. This feature still holds when the small-scale fading has a finite 2/α-fractional moment. This fact is used to develop an approximation which is also a compact lower bound on the outage probability.  相似文献   

We consider the convergence in norm of several iterative implementations of linear multiuser receivers, under the assumption of long random spreading sequences. We find that asymptotically, linear parallel interference cancellation diverges for systems loads of greater than about 17%. Using known results from the theory of iterative solutions for linear systems we derive optimal or near-optimal relaxation parameters for parallel (first- and second-order stationary, Chebyshev) and serial cancellation (successive relaxation) methods. An analytic comparison of the asymptotic convergence factor for the various methods is given. Simulations are used to verify results for finite size systems  相似文献   

Recent results on the asymptotic empirical eigenvalue distribution of random matrices have enabled the study of the asymptotic limits of linear precoded orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing systems with minimum mean-square error (MMSE) equalization. In this letter, we extend these results to the MMSE successive interference cancellation detector and quantify the nonlinearity gain for certain type of precoding matrices.  相似文献   

Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is a promising detection technique for code division multiple access (CDMA) systems. It has previously been shown that the weighted multistage PIC can be seen as an implementation of the steepest descent algorithm used to minimize the mean squared error (MSE). Following this interpretation, a unique set of weights, based on the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix, was found to lead to the minimum achievable MSE for a given number of stages in a short-code system. In this paper, we introduce a method for finding an appropriate set of time-invariant weights for systems using long codes. The weights are dependent on moments of the eigenvalues of the correlation matrix, exact expressions of which can be derived. This set of weights is optimal in the sense that it minimizes the ensemble averaged MSE over all code-sets. The loss incurred by averaging rather than using the optimal, time-varying weights is practically negligible, since the eigenvalues of sample correlation matrices are tightly clustered in most cases of interest. The complexity required for computing the weights increases linearly with the number of users but is independent of the processing gain, hence on-line weight updating is possible in a dynamic system. Simulation results show that a few stages is usually sufficient for near-MMSE performance  相似文献   

Since code division multiple access systems in multipath environments suffer from multiple access interference (MAI), multiuser detection schemes should be used in the receivers. Parallel interference cancellation (PIC) is a promising method to combat MAI due to its relatively low computational complexity and good performance. It is shown that the complexity of PIC is still high for realistic scenarios in terms of the symbol rate, the number of users, spreading gain, and multipath components. However, two novel methods are introduced to reduce significantly the complexity without sacrificing performance. The first approach, called reduced PIC, takes advantage of the composition of the interference to concentrate interference cancellation only on significant terms. The second approach, called differential PIC, exploits the multistage character of PIC to avoid unnecessary double calculations of certain terms in consecutive stages. It is shown that a combination of both approaches leads to a performance very close to the single-user bound whereas the complexity can be kept on the order of the conventional RAKE receiver  相似文献   

在CDMA系统中,多用户检测是一种行之有效的方法。而具有部分干扰因子的并行干扰抵消检测器则是目前多用户检测技术中最简单、有效的接收机,但长期以来,部分干扰因子的确定大多根据实验,缺乏理论支持。该文在基于MMSE准则下,给出了一个两级PPIC接收机的部分干扰因子的计算公式。计算机仿真表明它具有良好的干扰消除能力,且对干扰信号功率和噪声估计偏差不敏感。  相似文献   

基于MMSE准则的改进型并行迭代ICI消除算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
无线信道的时变性破坏了OFDM系统各子载波间的正交性,造成子载波间功率泄漏,从而产生子载波间干扰(ICI).ICI的产生严重影响了OFDM系统的性能.本文首先从ICI的特性出发,对MMSE准则进行了修正,在此基础上,提出一种改进的并行迭代(PIC)均衡算法消除ICI的影响.Jakes谱瑞利衰落信道上的仿真结果表明,该方...  相似文献   

We consider the use of multistage parallel interference cancellation at the base station of a code-division multiple-access (CDMA) wireless system. Previous work in this area has demonstrated the potential for significant improvements in capacity and near-far resistance. However, most previous work has assumed perfect synchronization with the signals of interest. Practical systems will experience phase jitter and timing errors. We undertake an analysis of the effects of phase and timing errors, obtaining a closed form result for bit-error rate (BER) performance after an arbitrary number of stages of cancellation in an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel. This result is shown to agree well with simulations. Simulation results are also presented for the important case of frequency selective Rayleigh fading. The results from both analysis and simulations demonstrate that interference cancellation is fairly robust to phase and timing errors  相似文献   

We study a multiuser detection system for code-division multiple access (CDMA). We show that applying multistage hard-decision parallel interference cancellation (HD-PIC) significantly improves performance compared to the matched filter system. In (multistage) HD-PIC, estimates of the interfering signals are used iteratively to improve knowledge of the desired signal. We use large deviation theory to show that the bit-error probability (BEP) is exponentially small when the number of users is fixed and the processing gain increases. We investigate the exponential rate of the BEP after several stages of HD-PIC. We propose to use the exponential rate of the BEP as a measure of performance, rather than the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), which is often not reliable in multiuser detection models when the system is lightly loaded. We show that the exponential rate of the BEP remains fixed after a finite number of stages, resulting in an optimal hard-decision system. When the number of users becomes large, the exponential rate of the BEP converges to (log 2)/2 $1/4. We provide guidelines for the number of stages necessary to obtain this asymptotic exponential rate. We also give Chernoff bounds on the BEPs. These estimates show that the BEPs are quite small as long as k = o(n/log n) when the number of stages of HD-PIC is fixed, and even exponentially small when k = O(n) for the optimal HD-PIC system, and where k is the number of users in the system and n is the processing gain. Finally, we extend the results to the case where the number of stages depends on k in a certain manner. The above results are proved for a noiseless channel, and we argue that we expect similar results in a noisy channel as long as the two-sided spectrum of the noise decreases proportionally to n.  相似文献   

The interference cancellation performance of actual co-site antenna interference cancellation system (CICS) under amplitude modulation jamming signal was analyzed.The expressions of the steady-state weights and theirs structure characteristics of the interference cancellation system under the AM signal were given.The formulae of the interference cancellation ratio (ICR) for carrier frequency and side frequency were derived.The influence factors and the influence rules of the ICR were analyzed.The steady state weights of the interference cancellation system (ICS) were the weighting of the carrier frequency optimal weights and the edge frequency optimal weights according to the power ratio.The increase of the signal bandwidth will increase the discreteness of the carrier frequency optimal weights and the edge frequency optimal weights and lead to the decrease of the interference cancellation ratio (ICR).The decrease degree of the edge frequency ICR was greater than that of the carrier frequency ICR.To improve ICR by increasing the gain was limited.The relationship between the interference cancellation ratio limit and the equivalent transmission delay was given.The design method of the interference cancellation system to improve the ICR under the AM signal was proposed.Finally,the correctness and validity of the theoretical analysis was verified by simulation.  相似文献   

在介绍码分多址通信系统中2种自适应多址干扰消除算法的基础上,提出一种变步长的自适应并行干扰消除算法。并通过仿真计算,完成了该算法的收敛性、稳态误差性能及系统误码率分析。  相似文献   

根据系统模型给出了自适应干扰抵消系统针对双边带调幅制干扰时的稳态权值表达式,推导出干扰抵消比计算式,分析了影响干扰抵消效果的因素及其作用规律,并给出了提高干扰抵消比的设计思路和方法。对于双边带调幅制信号,通过提高系统增益来提高干扰抵消比,将受到信号带宽和等效传输延迟距离的制约。信号带宽越宽或等效传输延迟距离越大,通过增大增益所能实现的干扰抵消比提高越有限。对于一定的信号带宽,可以通过增益和等效传输延迟距离的联合设计来提高干扰抵消比。仿真结果验证了理论分析的正确性和可行性。  相似文献   

We comment on partial parallel interference cancellation as discussed in the paper by Divsalar et al. (see ibid. vol.46, p.258-68, 1998). The aforementioned work showed that by multiplying the symbol estimates by a factor less than unity in the early stages of cancellation, the performance of parallel cancellation can be improved relative to full (“brute force”) cancellation. In this paper we analyze the improvement of parallel cancellation when using partial cancellation, and provide additional insight into the gains. Specifically, we show that the decision statistic is biased when linear (soft) estimates of the symbol or channel are used for cancellation. Partial cancellation improves the performance in this case by reducing the decision statistic bias  相似文献   

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