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量子误码率是量子密钥分配系统的重要参数之一.对于星地量子密钥分配,采用具有泊松分布的高度衰减激光脉冲作为单光子源,建立了由背景光引起的量子误码率理论模型,给出了量子误码率的表达式.针对轨道高度为300km的低轨卫星-地面站间链路,进行了数值仿真分析.研究表明,背景光是限制自由空间量子密钥分配链路距离的主要因素之一,在低轨卫星-地面站间进行量子密钥分配是可行的.在白天,量子误码率的量级为10-3~10-2;在夜晚,满月时为10-4,新月时为10-6~10-5.  相似文献   

据中国青年报,近日从中国科学技术大学获悉,该校微尺度物质科学国家实验室潘建伟院士及其同事彭承志等,与中科院上海技术物理研究所王建宇、光电技术研究所黄永梅等组成的协同创新团队,在国际上首次成功实现星地量子密钥分发的全方位地面验证,为未来实现基于星地量子通信的全球化量子网络奠定了坚实的技术基础。  相似文献   

自由空间量子密钥分发中的信号同步解决方案   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
刘玉  叶俊  王长强 《光电工程》2006,33(4):68-71,131
针对目前自由空间量子密钥分发(QKD)中的信号同步这一难点问题,提出一种采用外置光信号来解决信号同步问题的方案——光同步方案。在发送端利用声光调制器将外置激光器的连续激光分割成周期光脉冲序列,并作为同步光信号发送给接收端。接收端采用光电倍增管接收同步光脉冲信号,生成一个与发送端严格同步的信号,以此作为接收端的时基标准来进行单光子计数。采用高频的内部时钟信号来“监视”接收到的同步信号,从而提高计数准确性。该方案具有长距离性、无线性、低复杂度等特点,已成功应用于一个基于B92协议的自由空间QKD系统中。  相似文献   

The memory-assisted measurement device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD), which requires less stringent conditions on the memory modules than that of quantum repeaters scheme, offers a practical mid-term solution to long-distance quantum key distribution. In this paper, considering the high cost and the high multi-photon probability, respectively, of single-photon source (SPS) and weak coherent source (WCS), we present schemes on implementing the parametric down-conversion sources, including the heralded single-photon source (HSPS) and single-photon-added coherent source (SPACS), in the memory-assisted MDI-QKD. By numerical simulations, we show that HSPS and SPACS scheme have apparent superiorities both in the key generation rate and the required minimal coherence time of quantum memory compared to WCS scheme. Moreover, we find that the robustness of SPACS against intensity fluctuations is better than WCS, but still worse than HSPS.  相似文献   

We show how quantum key distribution on a multi-user, multi-path, network can be used to establish a key between any two end-users in an asynchronous fashion using the technique of bit-transport. By a suitable adaptation of our previous secret-sharing scheme we show that an attacker has to compromise all of the intermediate relays on the network in order to obtain the key. Thus, two end-users can establish a secret key provided they trust at least one of the network relays.  相似文献   

Measurement-device-independent quantum key distribution (MDI-QKD) is immune to all the detection attacks, thus when it is combined with the decoy-state method, the final key rate can be obtained by estimating the gain and quantum bit error rate for various input photon numbers. In this paper, we propose to perform MDI-QKD with odd coherent state (OCS) and compare the results with weak coherent source scenario. Our simulation indicates that both the secure key rate and transmission distance can be improved evidently with OCS owing to the lower probability of multi-photon events of the OCS. Furthermore, we apply the finite key analysis to the decoy-state MDI-QKD with OCS and obtain a practical key rate.  相似文献   

We assess the overall performance of our quantum key distribution (QKD) system implementing the measurement-device-independent (MDI) protocol using components with varying capabilities such as different single-photon detectors and qubit preparation hardware. We experimentally show that superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors allow QKD over a channel featuring 60 dB loss, and QKD with more than 600 bits of secret key per second (not considering finite key effects) over a 16 dB loss channel. This corresponds to 300 and 80 km of standard telecommunication fiber, respectively. We also demonstrate that the integration of our QKD system into FPGA-based hardware (instead of state-of-the-art arbitrary waveform generators) does not impact on its performance. Our investigation allows us to acquire an improved understanding of the trade-offs between complexity, cost and system performance, which is required for future customization of MDI-QKD. Given that our system can be operated outside the laboratory over deployed fiber, we conclude that MDI-QKD is a promising approach to information-theoretic secure key distribution.  相似文献   

基于非等臂双M-Z光纤干涉仪的量子密钥分发系统,这种量子密钥分发系统容易受到外界环境的干扰导致相位漂移,而干涉的稳定性直接关系到密钥分发的误码率.利用跟踪相位随机漂移和实时统计方式实现稳定量子密钥分发,成功进行了75Km的量子密钥分发实验.跟踪相位随机变化实现稳定密钥分发具有系统结构简单,容易操作,同时密钥分发时间上具有一定的随机性,因此减小了窃听者获得信息的概率.  相似文献   

The spectra and optical quantum state of guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering in optical fibers are measured. Spectra from 0.95 to 2?GHz are obtained with amplitude resolution as sensitive as 0.01 shot noise unit. Quantum homodyne tomography measurements confirm the thermal quantum statistics of guided acoustic wave Brillouin scattering, which is useful knowledge in the context of experimental continuous-variable quantum key distribution.  相似文献   

To launch quantum key distribution (QKD) into the commercial market, it is important to develop a system that is simpler and more reliable using current technology. This report proposes quantum encoders and decoders using a passive planar lightwave circuit (PLC) that is useful for implementing optical-fiber-based QKD systems. Our encoders and decoders are based on an asymmetric Mach–Zehnder interferometer and allow us to prepare and analyze various photonic time-bin qubits reliably. The system can be stable and polarization-insensitive merely by stabilizing and controlling the device temperature. Our PLC-based devices enables us to simplify the QKD system and increase its reliability.  相似文献   


Measurement device independent Quantum Key Distribution (MDI-QKD), is immune to all attacks on detection and achieve immense improvement with respect to quantum key distribution system security. However, Bell state measurement (BSM), the kernel processing in MDI-QKD, can only identify two of the four Bell states, which limits the efficiency of the protocol. In this paper, a modified MDI-QKD with hybrid qubit is proposed to provide a major step towards answering this question. The hybrid qubits, which are composed of single photon qubit qubits and coherent qubit, are sent to the quantum relay to perform parallel BSMs synchronously and bit flip can be easily operated to complete the whole key distribution process. The secure key rate can be improved with our modified protocol owing to the higher success probability of BSM, which is increased by adding the parity check of coherent qubit. Furthermore, though our protocol requires photon number resolving detectors, the BSM of coherent state could be instead implemented using squeezed state which makes our scheme practical with state-of-the-art devices.  相似文献   

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