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本文分析比较了在移动固网服务融合中,给固话增加移动元素的实现方式,提出了基于CDMA/无绳双模终端家庭无绳的FMC实现方案.设计并实现了基于家庭网关、USB无绳设备、CDMA/无绳双模终端的家庭无绳语音系统.采用家庭网关中间件技术,支持业务平台向家庭网关动态部署和管理.本文介绍的方法有利于固网和移动融合发挥协同优势.实验证明本文方法有效.  相似文献   

张军 《电声技术》1999,(8):50-51
文中介绍了在语音教学中使用无绳耳机的意义,并着重了两种实用无绳耳机系统的工作原理和特点。  相似文献   

在经历了从传统电路交换到软交换的发展之后,随着移动无线侧LTE网络的大规模承建及发展,移动语音业务未来正在走向移动宽带语音。随着FMC融合核心网IMS网络的日益成熟,关于LTE移动宽带语音的技术选择上,业内人士认为基于IMS的Vo LTE方案将最终成为LTE网络语音业务的商用选择。  相似文献   

介绍了一种新的宽带语音编码算法,由于使用了分带-整带复用技术,克服了两种传CELP宽带语音编码技术(分带技术和整带技术)的不足。该算法的激励码本采用了分带CELP的多带码本,由此克服了整带CELP码本搜索复杂度巨大的缺点;算法中的线性预测以及合成语音误差最小化部分都是采用整带CELP的方案,由此克服了分带CELP频带重叠影响语音质量的短处。  相似文献   

UT斯达康以“新通信、新融合”为主题,全面展示了其在无线、宽带、终端领域的创新产品,其中以IPTV、QBOX灵通无绳、各种制式的终端产品和多模多频手机产品,3G产品等为代表的创新技术和解决方案吸引了众多的参观者,并因此获得了本届展会最具人气展台的奖项。不仅反映了公众对UT斯达康公司的极大关注,也反映了公司产品所具有的极大吸引力。  相似文献   

研究了AI语音技术在业务领域的实践应用,梳理归纳了AI语音三大关键技术:语音识别、语音合成、自然语言处理的技术原理与技术演进路线;描述了构建在三大技术之上的AI语音产品的架构、功能特色和应用场景;详细说明了AI坐席产品、AI质检产品与云呼叫中心对接方案,并通过对比的方法给出各方案的优势劣势;最后对AI语音技术与产品进行...  相似文献   

陈帆磊 《信息通信》2014,(4):235-236
移动宽带化对传统电信业务造成重大冲击,电信运营商的语音、短信业务发展趋势都有较大的变化,需要引进新的技术方案,提升营业收入。通过分析几种不同的LTE语音方案的技术及优势,引导运营商采取合适的解决方案。  相似文献   

CSR公司日前宣布,为刚刚获批的HFP1.6蓝牙规范提供广泛的平台支持;HFP1.6蓝牙规范涵盖宽带语音——通常称为高清语音或HD语音。CSR的BC6145是支持这一新型免提规范的首款大众市场单声道耳机方案,可帮助OEM厂商即刻投产高品质HD语音产品。  相似文献   

移动宽带化对传统电信业务造成重大冲击,电信运营商的语音、短信业务发展趋势都有较大的变化,需要引进新的技术方案,提升营业收入。通过分析几种不同的LTE语音方案的技术及优势,引导运营商采取合适的解决方案。  相似文献   

SMC 108Mbit/s宽带路由器产品新上市,Philips推出业界最小的4通道UART芯片,卓联推出面向免提通信系统的语音处理技术,思博伦推出自动化CDMA2000 MEID手机测试方案,惠普简化并加速开源和Linux在数据中心的采用  相似文献   

论文针对目前网银系统和电子支付存在交易风险的缺陷,模拟了传统的银行柜台纸质交易方式,运营方将消费者的商务请求生成支付、交付及清算合同,并通过向银行方发起执行支付合同;运营方从消费方完成扣款,向商家发起执行交付合同;消费者从商家收到货,向银行方发起执行清算合同;商家与运营方完成资金清算。本方法还建立了运营方和消费者、银行、商家之间的三重代理与认证机制以及通过电子合同解析执行隐蔽了真实银行账号的措施,从而实现了新型的安全电子支付。  相似文献   

刘平 《电子设计工程》2012,20(15):30-33
文中为了进一步用Java语言有效地解析XML文件,提出了一套XML文件与Java程序的绑定技术。通过该技术方法能够使开发人员方便地将XML文件在不同平台之间进行交互,达到跨平台的目的,经过实际测试,该方法解析数据效率高,实用性强,为开发人员提供了参考。  相似文献   

Molecular engineering has emerged as an approach to integrate molecular‐level science and engineering to develop solutions to urgent societal problems. It aims to bring together molecular design—both rational and evolutionary, chemistry, and assembly to achieve new (bio)materials and device functionality. Molecular engineering also aims to bring researchers together to create new research interfaces between computation, machine learning, (bio)chemical synthesis and technology creation perspectives to accelerate new technologies for water and energy resources, information security, and human health.  相似文献   

MPLS技术是一项具有多协议支持的技术,它综合利用了网络核心的交换技术和网络边缘的IP路由技术各自的优点,它将标记分配给多协议的数据桢以便在基于我展品信元的网络中传输。它能够提供现有传统IP路由技术所不能支持的要求保障QoS的业务,通过MPLS技术,我们可以提供各种新兴的增值业务,有效的实施流量工程和计费管理措施,扩展和完善更高等级的基础服务。  相似文献   

Millennials interact with technology like no other generation before them and this is affecting how they want to be taught in higher education and how they want to lead and expect to be led in organizations, after graduating. Though stating that they want to be enlightened in academia, some qualitative comments from millennials indicate the opposite, namely that they want to be prepared but also to be kept naïve as to what business really entails. This is expected to help keep motivation levels high, as motivation is seen to be the key element to success in life. Millennials expect also to be led authentically and to be treated as valued human beings. This is in contrast to the current autocratic leadership profile found predominantly in Portuguese organizations, at the time of writing. This study had a sample of one hundred and eleven millennial students who answered a survey on attitudes towards leadership and their desired approach to higher education. Three interviews with seasoned executives were also performed, to establish a contrast and see other perspectives.With this research, we conclude that we may be in the presence of a hard working millennial generation, contrary to previous research findings which has indicated that they are lazy. Finally, information technology (IT) is a precious partner in class, in particular Padlet.com, Moodle, and online News Forums, as well as the challenge to create original videos about course content. Future research should focus on how technology has made society more transparent with employees wanting more democratic leaders in times when hierarchies are seen to hinder rather than aid productivity levels.  相似文献   

利用Cacti实现对CMTS的监测与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对目前HFC双向网络应用中存在的运维和管理问题提出相应的解决办法,即通过SNMP协议和网络设备的MIB库对设备进行监测分析,生成相应的图形报表,供运维人员随时调用,为网络规划、故障排查等工作提供长期可靠的分析数据,介绍如何利用开源软件Cacti实现上述功能,以及如何为运维人员提供参考信息。  相似文献   

This paper describes a reservation protocol to provide real-time services to mobile users in an Integrated Services Packet Network. Mobility of hosts has significant impact on the quality of service provided to a real-time application. The currently proposed network system architecture and mechanisms to provide real-time services to fixed hosts are inadequate to accommodate the mobile hosts which can frequently change their point of attachments to the fixed network. Mobile hosts may experience wide variations of quality of service due to mobility. To reduce the impacts of mobility on QoS guarantees, a mobile host needs to make advance resource reservations at multiple locations it may possibly visit during the lifetime of the connection. The currently proposed reservation protocol in the Internet, RSVP, is not adequate to make such reservations for mobile hosts. In this paper, we describe a new reservation protocol, MRSVP, for supporting integrated services in a network with mobile hosts.  相似文献   

我国幅员辽阔,各地气温、海拔高度以及四季更替时间有很大差别,有线电视网络中的故障现象也千奇百怪、无所不有,其中尤以雷电、冰冻和鼠害为甚,令人防不胜防,致使网络中断,影响用户收听收视,给网络经营者造成很多麻烦,如果采取有效措施加以防范,能收到事半功倍的成效。  相似文献   

Sensor‐based chemical analyses commonly enlist either the molecular recognition capabilities of biology (e.g., enzyme biosensors) or advanced information processing algorithms (e.g., the electronic nose). Here, a hybrid approach is proposed in which an enzyme is used to “filter” chemical information and write this information to a film which then serves as a permanent storage medium that can be ‘read’ repeatedly, interactively, and by multiple sensor modalities. This approach is demonstrated by analyzing common dietary phenols that are reported to offer health benefits. Specifically, the enzyme tyrosinase is used to convert these phenols into reactive quinones that graft (i.e., write) to a chitosan film. Grafting can be detected by optical, mechanical, and electrochemical sensors. Importantly, grafting confers redox activity to the films and this redox activity can be probed interactively by advanced electrochemical methods that allow the intrinsic redox reactivities to be compared, redox interactions to be identified, and biologically relevant redox activities to be examined. The transfer of chemical and biological information to a film is envisioned to provide broader access to the extensive capabilities offered by sensor technologies and signal processing methodologies.  相似文献   

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