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采用Thermo-calc热力学计算软件,对SKD61钢在400~1600℃存在的平衡相进行了热力学计算,探讨了不同合金元素含量对回火析出相析出行为的影响,在此基础上设计出热处理工艺,并对热处理试样中的析出相经电解腐蚀后进行扫描电镜(SEM)和EDS研究。计算结果表明:SKD61钢中平衡析出相主要为MC、M7C3、M6C和M23C6,试样回火后的稳定析出相为MC和M23C6,合金元素V、C对MC相和M23C6相影响最大。SKD61钢热处理后的结果显示,该模具钢较合适的淬火温度区间为(1040±20)℃,回火温度的确定应以不出现粗大的M23C6碳化物相为宜。  相似文献   

采用XRD、SEM和EDS研究了热处理温度对ATX525镁合金相组成、显微组织和析出相成分的影响,考察了保温时间为24 h条件下,Ca Mg Sn相随温度变化的演化规律。结果表明,合金组织中析出相由热稳定性较高的Mg2(Al,Ca)、Al2Ca和Ca Mg Sn等相组成。其中,Ca Mg Sn相中Sn和Ca含量随处理温度变化而变化,从而使其热稳定性和形貌发生变化。当温度低于500℃时,主要发生Ca Mg Sn溶断和破碎过程,体积分数没有显著变化;当温度为550℃时,Ca Mg Sn相发生溶入基体过程,体积分数减少;然而当处理温度为570~600℃,Ca Mg Sn相出现长大现象。获得细化Ca Mg Sn相貌的热处理温度为500~550℃。合金经过550℃/24 h处理后,经200℃/96 h时效,Ca Mg Sn相以条状和细小的颗粒状析出,与颗粒形貌相比,条状Ca Mg Sn相具有铸态时的形貌特征。  相似文献   

采用SEM附带的背散射电子通道衬度(ECC)像、二次电子(SE)像及能谱(EDS)分析技术,研究了β相水淬后预变形处理对Zr-Sn-Nb合金在时效过程中再结晶和第二相析出的影响规律.结果表明,未引入预变形直接时效时所得组织中再结晶晶粒尺寸粗大且形状不规则,第二相粒子尺寸差异也较大,其中尺寸大的第二相粒子为含Cu的Zr3Fe,主要沿原β晶界分布;预变形后再时效的组织中再结晶晶粒显著细化且尺寸均匀,第二相粒子尺寸差异减小,大尺寸的Zr3Fe粒子主要沿α再结晶晶界分布.无论有无预变形或时效时间长短,晶粒内部析出相均为弥散分布的小尺寸Zr(Fe,Cr,Nb)2粒子.引入预变形会减弱沉淀相沿晶界析出和急剧长大的倾向,使锆合金的微观组织和第二相分布特征改变.  相似文献   

采用La+Ce混合变质的方法对ADC12铝合金进行变质处理,并随后进行固溶+时效热处理。分别对变质处理后的试样及固溶+时效热处理后的试样的微观组织、导热系数和硬度进行表征。结果表明:混合变质能改善合金的微观组织,对合金导热性能及力学性能的提升较为明显,导热系数达到了107.8W/(m·K),硬度达到103.2HV;固溶+时效热处理可以使合金的微观组织分布更为均匀,内部的共晶Si相进一步转变为颗粒状或短棒状,合金的导热系数和硬度随着固溶温度的提升而增大,随着固溶时间的增大呈现先增大后减小的趋势。并且,随着时效时间的增加,合金的导热系数及硬度同样呈现先增大后减小的趋势。在固溶温度为520℃、固溶时间为6h、时效温度为170℃、时效时间为8h的工艺条件下,合金的导热系数及硬度分别可达131W/(m·K)及129.4HV,固溶+时效热处理进一步提升了合金的硬度及导热性能。  相似文献   

锆合金因具有低的热中子吸收截面、优异的抗腐蚀、蠕变及辐照性能,已广泛应用于核燃料组件中。为提高锆合金服役性能,通常加入微量Sn、Nb、Fe、Cr、Cu和Ni等合金元素,其中大部分合金元素在α-Zr中的固溶度较低,经过热机械加工后往往以金属间化合物的形式析出,形成第二相粒子(SPPs)。SPPs对锆合金的组织演化、力学性能等具有重要影响,细小且均匀分布的SPPs能有效提升锆合金的综合性能。本文结合锆合金的加工工艺,综述了国内外关于锆合金SPPs析出演变规律的研究进展,并提出了针对SPPs尺寸和分布的工艺优化方法;梳理了SPPs的类型、尺寸与分布以及晶体学特征,并阐明了SPPs析出后对锆合金塑性变形过程和再结晶行为以及力学性能的影响。最后,总结梳理了锆合金SPPs研究存在的问题及发展趋势,以期对锆合金的加工工艺优化提供参考。  相似文献   

热处理制度对Zr-Sn-Nb新锆合金耐腐蚀性能的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将Zr-Sn-Nb新锆合金样品分别进行多种变形热处理,用透射电子显微镜研究它们的显微组织和第二相粒子。然后把它们放入高压釜中,在350℃,16.8MPa,0.01mol/LLiOH水溶液中腐蚀。结果表明:580℃-3h/冷轧/500℃-30h处理的样品具有最好的耐腐蚀性能,这是因为该样品中Zr-Fe-Nb第二相粒子呈均匀细小分布,且体积分数在几种样品中最高,导致基体中的Nb元素同溶含量最低。  相似文献   

首先对Mg-2.0Zn-1.0Y-0.5Zr合金进行490℃固溶处理8 h,随后对其进行200℃时效2~12 h的处理,采用X射线衍射仪(XRD)、扫描电镜(SEM)、拉伸实验、浸泡测试和电化学测试等研究了合金经不同热处理后的组织和性能。结果表明:与固溶态合金相比,时效处理后,合金中的析出相呈细小颗粒状在基体上均匀分布,随时效时间的延长第二相数量逐渐增多;时效后的合金强度均高于固溶态合金,但耐蚀性有所下降。经综合考虑,200℃时效4 h后合金的性能最佳,其极限抗拉强度、屈服强度、伸长率和腐蚀速率分别为(224.6±7.3) MPa、(135.2±4.3) MPa、(19.1±1.2)%和(0.463±0.015) mm/y。  相似文献   

将Zr-Sn-Nb新锆合金样品分组进行不同的热加工,用透射电镜(TEM)和高分辨电镜(HRTEM)观察并分析它们的显微组织和第二相粒子成分。TEM观察发现,1000℃样品与580℃样品相似,第二相粒子呈弥散分布。其它样品中第二相粒子分布不太均匀,随着保温温度升高,带状分布的第二相增多。EDS分析发现样品中存在Nb/Fe比不同的2种Zr-Nb-Fe第二相粒子和不含Fe元素的βNb粒子。  相似文献   

The effect of heat treatment on the thermal conductivity of plasma-sprayed Y2O3 stabilized ZrO2 (YSZ) and Al2O3 coatings was investigated. A heat treatment of 1300 °C in flowing argon for 50 h was found to significantly increase the thermal conductivity of the coatings when compared to measurements in the assprayed condition. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination of the microstructures of the coatings in the as-sprayed and heat-treated conditions revealed that sintering of microcracks at the splat interfaces was the main cause for the increase in thermal conductivity. In the YSZ coatings, complete closure of microcracks was frequently observed. In contrast, microcrack closure in the Al2O3 coatings was characterized by the isolated necking of particles across a microcrack rather than complete closure. A model for thermal conductivity in a solid containing oriented penny-shaped cracks was used to explain the observed increase in thermal conductivity after heat treatment.  相似文献   

Mg-Sn based alloy is one of the potential alloys for application at elevated temperature.The compressive creep behavior of ageing-treated Mg-xSn(x=3%,5%) alloys was investigated at the temperatures of 423 and 473 K and the stresses from 25 MPa to 35 MPa.When the tin content varies,the ageing-treated Mg-xSn alloys show quite different creep resistance,which are mainly attributed to the size and distribution of Mg_2Sn phases in the ageing-treated Mg-xSn alloys.The calculated value of stress exponent, n=6.3...  相似文献   


The circular-patch welding test was used to study the liquation and liquation cracking of AZ-series Mg alloys. A heat treatment was carried out on the as-received AZ91 alloy to dissolve the γ(Mg17Al12) particles before welding. The circular-patch welding test was then conducted on the heat-treated, as-received AZ91 alloy using AZ61 and AZ91 filler wires. The results showed that the susceptibility of AZ91 alloy to liquation and liquation cracking was significantly reduced by the dissolution of massive γ(Mg17Al12) particles via a heat treatment before welding as the liquation mechanism was changed. Both constitutional liquation and incipient melting occurred in the partially melted zone of the as-received AZ91 welds, while only incipient melting occurred in the heat-treated AZ91 welds.  相似文献   

采用光学显微镜、X射线衍射、布氏硬度测试、扫描电镜、能谱分析等方法,研究新型Mg-4Zn-1Mn(ZM41)镁合金在铸态和不同热处理状态下的显微组织、成分、硬度变化规律。用激光闪射法测定其不同状态的热扩散系数,计算得到导热率值。以空位扩散机制为基础,研究均匀化扩散动力学过程,建立此合金的均匀化扩散方程。结果表明:铸态组织枝晶偏析严重,晶界上有许多粗大的Mg7Zn3非平衡结晶相,Mn以单质形式存在于合金中。经370℃×12 h均匀化热处理后,大部分的Mg7Zn3相已溶入基体。根据实验结果和均匀化动力学计算,确定最佳均匀化处理工艺为370℃×12 h。该合金室温导热率值为125.5 W/(m.K),比常见的镁合金如AZ系、AM系、AS系等的导热性能高出1倍左右。  相似文献   

Dense and thick pure aluminum coatings were deposited on AZ91D-T4 magnesium substrates using the cold spray process. Heat treatments of the as-sprayed samples were carried out at 400 °C using different holding times. The feedstock powder, substrate and coating microstructures were examined using optical microscopy (OM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS) as well as Vickers microhardness analysis. The results demonstrate that aluminum coatings having dense and uniform microstructure can be deposited successfully using a relatively large feedstock powder. It has been identified that the intermetallics Al3Mg2 (γ phase) and Mg17Al12 (β phase) were formed at the coating/substrate interface during heat treatment. The growth rate of these intermetallics follows the parabolic law and the γ phase has a higher growth rate than the β phase. The thickness of the Mg17Al12 and Al3Mg2 intermetallic layers has reached 83 μm and 149 μm, respectively. This result is almost 45% higher than what has been reported in the literature so far. This is attributed to the fact that T4 instead of as cast Mg alloy was used as substrate. In the T4 state, the Al concentration in the Mg matrix is higher, and thus intermetallic growth is faster as less enrichment is required to reach the critical level for intermetallic formation in the substrate. The AZ91D-T4 magnesium substrate contains single α phase with fine clusters/GP-zones which is considered beneficial for the intermetallic formation as well as the intimate contact between the coating/substrate interface and the deformed particles within the coating.  相似文献   

采用真空微蒸发-扩散镀技术,在金刚石表面镀覆不同厚度的钨层,并结合真空熔渗法制备金刚石铜复合材料。通过X射线衍射分析镀覆层相结构,采用扫描电镜观察镀覆层表面微观形貌和复合材料中金刚石与铜界面结合形貌,分析金刚石表面镀钨层组织、结构及厚度对金刚石/铜复合材料热导率的影响。结果表明:金刚石表面镀覆钨能改善与基体的润湿性;随着镀覆层均匀性和厚度增加,复合材料热导率先增加后减小;完整均匀的镀覆层可以获得较高界面热导。  相似文献   

Study on improvement of conductivity of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The influence of alloying, heat treatment, and plastic working on the performance of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys was investigated. The precipitated phases were characterized as Cr, Cu51Zr14 and Cu5Zr. Cu-Cr-Zr alloys demonstrate combination properties of high strength and high conductivity after solution treatment, aging treatment, and plastic deformation. Precipitation course of Cr is the main factor that influences the conductivity of Cu-Cr-Zr alloys, while adding Zr in the alloys adjusts the orientation relationship between Cr and matrix, and tends to increase the conductivity of aged Cu-Cr-Zr alloys after deformation.  相似文献   

Ce element was introduced to modify Al-2%Fe (mass fraction) binary alloy. The microstructures, crystallization behavior, electrical/thermal conductivities and mechanical properties of these alloys were systematically investigated. The results indicated that the appropriate Ce addition decreased the recalescence temperature and growth temperature of Al-Fe eutectic structure, improved the morphology and distribution of Fe-containing phase, and simultaneously increased the conductivity and mechanical properties. The annealed treatment improved the thermal conductivity of these alloys due to the decreasing concentration of point defects. Rolling process further broke up the coarser Fe-containing phases into finer particles and made the secondary phases uniformly distributed in the α(Al) matrix. After subsequent annealing treatment and rolling deformation, the thermal conductivity, ultimate tensile strength and hardness of the Al-2%Fe-0.3%Ce (mass fraction) alloy reached 226 W/(m·K), (182±1.4) MPa and HBW (49.5±1.7), respectively.  相似文献   

Five new heat treatment processes were designed, which were divided into three groups by their characteristics. The microstructures and mechanical properties of the alloy after the five heat treatments and thermal exposure at 500, 550℃ for 100 h were tested. The results indicate that a little differences exist in the performance of mechanical properties at room-temperature after the five heat treatments, and the thermal stability is the key factor for determining heat treatment process. Among the three groups of heat treatment processes, the best thermal stability is achieved after the first group of heat treatment. After annealing treatment at intermediate temperature, some defects and uneven grain boundaries are remained, which leads to the reduction fractions of precipitations on unit grain boundary and the harmful effect of precipitations on grain boundary is weakened. The process of annealing at 650 ℃for 4 h is recommended the best heat treatment process for Ti40 alloy.  相似文献   

熔体热速处理对铸造Mg合金组织和力学性能的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:16  
研究了熔体过热和热速处理对AZ91铸造Mg Al Zn合金组织和力学性能的影响。在含有Mn和钢坩埚内壁未刷有涂料的前提下 ,熔体温度 (82 0℃ )不够高时 ,会引起晶粒的粗化 ;熔体温度 (870℃ )足够高时 ,镁合金结晶晶核的增加引起了基体组织的细化 ,同时组织中的γ强化相比未高温过热时弥散、均匀 ;热速处理后组织部分保留了高温过热时的特性 ,从而使镁合金的力学性能和铸件质量得到提高。  相似文献   

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