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中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院(以下简称中建西勘院),成立于1956年.隶属于世界500强企业之一的中建总公司,是具有工程勘察综合甲级、工程测绘甲级、建筑设计甲级、地质灾害的勘察、设计、施工、评估甲级和甲类工程检测资质的大型综合甲级工程勘察设计单位。由该院控股的“四川中建西勘地基基础工程有限公司”具有地基与基础施工壹级资质。1992年.该院被国家建设部授予”全国优秀工程勘察先进单位”.  相似文献   

中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司成立于1956年.隶属于世界500强企业之一的中国建筑股份有限公司.是具有工程勘察综合甲级、工程测绘甲级、建筑设计甲级、地质灾害的勘察、设计、施工、评估甲级和甲类工程检测资质的大型综合甲级工程勘察设计单位。旗下重庆分公司成立于2002年1月。  相似文献   

宜昌市交通规划勘察设计研究院是具有国家甲级资质的综合勘察设计单位。该院的前身是宜昌地区交通工程测量队,成立于1960年1月-1985年1月宜昌地区机构改革之后以测量队为基础,将公路、交通、水运、工程测绘等四个勘察设计室合并组建而成。注册资金316万元,持有工程设计甲级、岩土勘察乙级、工程测量乙级资质证书,是从事公路、桥隧、交通(水运)工程勘察设计、工程总承包的综合性科技企业。  相似文献   

广州市设计院组建于1952年,是国内成立最早的甲级勘察设计单位之一。拥有工程设计建筑行业甲级、建筑智能化专项甲级、市政道路和排水专业甲级、工程勘察甲级,以及工程咨询、城市规划、消防、环保、施工图审查、房屋安全鉴定等多项资质。下属13个设计部门,  相似文献   

中国建筑西南勘察设计研究院有限公司,成立于1956年,隶属于世界500强企业之一的中国建筑股份有限公司,是具有工程勘察综合甲级,工程测绘甲级,建筑设计甲级,地质灾害的勘察、设计、施工、评估甲级和甲类工程检测资质的大型综合甲级工程勘察设计单位?先后被评为“全国优秀工程勘察先进单位”,“全国住房和城乡建设系统思想政治工作先进单位”,“全国建设系统精神文明建设先进单位”。  相似文献   

翰林(福建)勘察设计有限公司系原福建省教育建筑设计院改制后成立,具有甲级建筑工程设计、甲级工程勘察和丙级市政工程咨询资质。  相似文献   

<正>中煤科工集团重庆设计研究院有限公司(原中煤国际工程集团重庆设计研究院,以下简称"重庆煤设院")组建于1953年,原隶属燃料工业部,后为煤炭工业部直属设计院,是国家综合性甲级勘察设计单位。现为国资委中国煤炭科工集团管辖的企业。公司经过六十多年的发展,从一个部属综合院逐步发展成为技术力量雄厚、技术装备先进,跨地区、跨行业从事工程勘察、工程设计、工程监理、工程造价咨询、工程总承包、施工图审查等为一体的国家综合甲级勘察设计研究院。公司下设50多个勘察设计院所,其  相似文献   

重庆市设计院成立于1950年.是国家综合甲级勘察设计单位、甲级工程咨询单位,拥有建筑工程、市政公用、智能化设计、工程勘察、工程咨询、工程造价咨询、施工图审查等国家甲级资质。是ISO9001:2000质量认证通过单位。从1997年至今.已连续七年进入全国勘察设计前100排名.并连续三年获得重庆市质量效益型先进企业的光荣称号。  相似文献   

<正>广西桂林水文工程地质勘察院是为城市规划、城市建设和工程建设服务的综合性勘察院。拥有工程勘察综合类甲级、地质灾害防治工程甲级、公路养护工程施工二类甲级等10多个资质证书。  相似文献   

正机械工业勘察设计研究院始创于1952年9月,是闻家大型综合性勘察设计企业。拥有工程勘察综合甲级;建筑工程、市政工程设计和工程咨询甲级,工程测绘和地质灾害评估、勘察、设计、施工甲级,地基与基础工程施工壹级,城乡规划和风景园林乙级资质等;获"全国勘察设计综合实力百强单位"、"全国守合同重信用企  相似文献   

A circumpolar survey of heavy metals in willow ptarmigan liver and kidney revealed considerable variations in Cd content in Canada and Scandinavia. The Cd content in central Canada was comparable with that in Scandinavia and Russia, at least for kidney. However, in both liver and kidney the median for Canada as a whole was much higher than in the other countries. Some Canadian locations had exceptionally high levels, several birds having >50 mg kg(-1) in liver and >400 mg kg(-1) in kidney. In Norway, the Cd content was highest in central mountain areas in south Norway and inland locations in the two northernmost counties. Five locations in central and north Norway showed mean Cd levels in kidney above 100 mg kg(-1). It is difficult to evaluate regional differences in Sweden, but most locations had the same Cd level as moderately contaminated locations in Norway. Cd levels in Russia were comparable to moderately contaminated locations in the other countries. Due to a high intake of willow, naturally rich in Cd, direct comparison of the Cd level in willow ptarmigan from different locations cannot reveal the effects of long-range pollution. The Pb concentration in willow ptarmigan kidney and liver varied significantly in Norway and Canada, but not in Sweden and Russia. Levels in Sweden and Russia were comparable to those in Canada and low levels in Norway. The highest median value from all locations within countries was found in Norway, both in liver and kidney. The highest Pb content was found in south Norway, indicating an effect of long-range pollution in willow ptarmigan. The level in western Canada was significantly higher than in central Canada. The Hg content in liver varied significantly from one location to another in all the countries and in kidney everywhere except Sweden. In Scandinavia, there is no distinct regional pattern. Canada had a significantly higher Hg level in central than western regions in both tissues the opposite of that found for Cd and Pb. Cu and Zn showed significant variations from one location to another in liver and kidney in Canada and Norway, but only in kidney in samples from Sweden. Comparison between western and central Canada revealed a significant difference for Cu in liver, samples from central Canada having more. There are no significant differences from one country to another, but some localities in Canada seem to have higher Cu concentrations in kidney than are found in Scandinavia and Russia.  相似文献   

Summer and winter discomfort in terms of heat and cold stresses in the nine major architectural climate zones and sub-zones across China in the 21st century were investigated using predictions from general circulation models for the low and medium emissions scenarios. For the six severe cold and cold climate zones in the north, reductions in cumulative cold stress outweighed the increase in cumulative heat stress resulting in an overall decreasing trend in the annual cumulative stress, and vice versa for the other three warmer climate zones in the south. Compared with the 20th century, significant reduction in the cumulative cold stress was observed across the six zones in severe cold and cold climates, ranging from 15.8 in cold-III to 42.3 in severe cold-II. There were modest increases in the cumulative heat stress from 0.3 in cold-II to 12.3 in cold-III. For the warmer climates in the south, reduction in cumulative cold stress ranged from 7.6 in hot summer and warm winter (HSWW) to 10.3 in hot summer and cold winter, while cumulative heat stress increased from 9.9 in the mild zone to 30.6 in HSWW. A reduction in cold stress would result in less winter heating and an increase in heat stress more cooling requirement.  相似文献   

夏昌世,中国第一代建筑师,1920年代在德国卡尔斯鲁厄留学。1932年,他在图宾根完成了博士论文之后重返祖国。1940年代后期,他在广州成为教授,1973年与妻子一同重返德国,并在那里生活直至1996年逝世。他的设计方法不仅受到那个时代欧洲现代主义运动氛围的熏陶,还来自他对中国传统景观与建筑艺术历史的研究。他是引领岭南区域形成岭南学派建筑的主导力量之一。同时,作为一建筑学教授,他在广州培养了新一代青年建筑师。  相似文献   

Results from the Swedish control programme regarding organochlorines in food were used to determine time trends of organochlorine concentrations in adipose tissues from swine (4-8 months old) and bovines (non-dairy, 12-36 months) slaughtered between 1991 and 1997. Moreover, possible regional differences in concentrations were studied, as well as differences in concentrations depending on sex and age of the slaughtered animals. Multiple linear regression indicated that the concentrations of PCB, p,p'-DDE, HCB and alpha-HCH decreased by 4-17% per year, suggesting that the decline in organochlorine concentrations in the Swedish environment and biota reported during the 1970s-1990s also has occurred in meat-producing animals during the 1990s. The concentrations of PCB, DDE and HCB in bovines and PCB and DDE in swine were 1.4-3.8-fold higher in the southern parts of Sweden than in the northern parts of the country, indicating a regional difference in exposure of the animals. The organochlorine concentrations were higher in bovines than in swine, and declined faster in swine than in bovines. Moreover, the concentrations of CB 153 and p,p'-DDE were similar in bovines, but in swine the average concentrations of the two compounds differed two-fold. Apart from possible species differences in metabolism of organochlorines, this may be due to differences in the age at slaughter between swine and bovines, and differences in husbandry of the animals. In the latter case, swine are generally kept inside during their whole life span, whereas bovines are kept outside grazing during the summer period. Finally, a sex-dependent difference in concentrations was indicated in swine, but not in bovines. Our study shows that a lot of information can be 'extracted' from control program results.  相似文献   

Mercury concentrations in each environmental compartment in Changchun City had obvious spatial and temporal trends. Particulate Hg (HgP) and total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations in air, total Hg (HgT) concentrations in precipitation and ratios of HgP to HgT (total Hg in air) in the atmosphere in heating season were higher than those in non-heating season, which resulted from civil heating. In contrast, reactive Hg (HgR) concentrations in precipitation were higher in non-heating season than those in heating season. TGM and SO2 in air had good agreement. HgP concentrations in the atmosphere were correlated with HgT concentrations in precipitation. Based on Hg concentrations in each environmental compartment, Hg exchange fluxes between environmental interfaces were estimated. Only 11.6% of Hg, emitted from coal combustion, deposited into land surface in urban district and the rest part participated in regional or global cycle, so urban district was the source of Hg global and regional cycle. Net fluxes of Hg into land surface and water were 34.26 kg year(-1) and 0.051 kg year(-1), respectively, which were clearly accumulated in the water and soil. Therefore considering urban local Hg cycle, each environmental compartment of urban ecosystem (water, air and soil) was the sink of Hg.  相似文献   

刘培立 《山西建筑》2009,35(15):10-11
通过对西方近现代山地人居环境建设理论的简要回顾,提炼出人本主义思想在山地人居环境建设过程中的重要性,在此基础上,针对我国目前在山地人居环境建设过程中人本主义思想的缺失,提出应借鉴西方国家山地人居环境建设过程中的人本主义思想,构建我国可持续发展的山地人居环境。  相似文献   

通过龙岩体育公园主馆大型公共建筑采用CFG桩复合地基进行处理的工程实例,阐述了该工程采用振动沉管灌注CFG桩混合料施工工艺、CFG桩复合地基设计及处理效果。  相似文献   

仇保兴 《住宅产业》2012,(11):10-16
我国北方地区城市建筑约占全国建筑总量的26%,但建筑能耗却占到全国的40%~50%,因此,北方地区推行绿色建筑对节能减排意义重大。本文从选址与节地、供热计量、绿色建筑激励政策等十个方面阐述北方地区绿色建筑行动纲要。  相似文献   

王桂英 《山西建筑》2007,33(13):260-261
分析了优化设计对控制投资的必要性,就目前我国优化设计存在的主要问题进行了分析,提出并详细阐述了今后优化设计应重点关注的几个方面,以提高设计质量,增加工程的安全性,从而减小投资规模,达到节约投资的目的。  相似文献   

Indoor thermal environments and residents' control behavior of cooling and heating systems were investigated in Seoul, Korea and compared with the results of previous studies. Twenty-four houses in summer, six houses in autumn and 36 houses in winter were used in this study. The measurement of temperature, humidity and air conditioner usage behavior was carried out. The clo-value, thermal comfort, sensation and basic data of the houses were also investigated. The indoor thermal environment in the summer had a high temperature and a high humidity ratio compare to standard comfort zone. Most of the indoor thermal environments at the time of starting the air conditioner in the summer were out of the comfort zone. Some of the data recorded while the air conditioner was stopped were in the comfort zone, but in many cases the temperature was relatively higher than comfort zone. Most indoor climate distributions in the winter were in the comfort zone and the indoor climate in autumn coincided well with the criteria of the comfort zone. Compared with results of previous studies in these 25 years, indoor ambient average temperature in winter has increased and the comfort temperature has increased in the heating period and decreased in the cooling period. This result indicates that the development of an HVAC system has created an expectation of comfort for residents and has shifted their thermal comfort zone warmer in winter and cooler in summer.  相似文献   

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