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磁选是当前分选黑钨矿高效且经济的一种方法。文章介绍一种平板高梯度磁选机,其主要特征是磁场强度高,磁场梯度大,磁力作用强;应用该磁选机,分选黑钨矿和石英组成的混合矿(WO_3品位7.52%),分析主要操作条件对分选指标的影响,并进行可行性分析。结果表明,操作条件最佳时,即漂洗水量8 L/min、皮带转速8 r/min、磁系长度75 cm和磁系倾角8°时,得到黑钨精矿的WO_3品位为39.05%,WO_3回收率为83.24%,故该种磁选机可以用于分选黑钨矿。  相似文献   

随着可在生能源越来越受到重视,太阳能光热利用作为相对成熟的可再生能源产品也越来越受到大家青睐.笔者具体从太阳能热水系统的构成特点和平板型集热器的优势综合阐述了平板型阳台壁挂式太阳能热水器在城市高层住宅中的应用.  相似文献   

目的:探讨复方丹参滴丸治疗冠心病心律失常的临床疗效.方法:对98例冠心病心律失常患者随机分为观察组和对照组各49例,观察组给予口服复方丹参滴丸,对照组用常规抗心律失常西药治疗.结果:观察组总有效率93.88%,对照组总有效率77.55%,两组总有效率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05);对照组出现胃肠道反应2例,观察组未发现任何不良反应.结论:复方丹参滴丸治疗冠心病心律失常疗效明显,且不良反应少,可作为治疗冠心病心律失常首选中成药物之一.  相似文献   

球团竖炉料层情况对气流运动影响的试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在冷态模型实验台上研究料层情况对炉内气流分布的影响规律 ,得出 :1)料层高度增加 ,上行冷却风趋势减小 ,下行焙烧风趋势增大 ;2 )料层倾角由 0°增加到 3 4°时 ,上行冷却风趋势增大 ,下行焙烧风趋势减小 ,气流均匀性得以改善 ;实验条件下 ,较佳的料层倾角为 2 9°~ 3 4° ,现有球团竖炉的料层倾角基本适合 ;3 )料层高度增加 ,风机出口流量减小 ,出口压力增加 ,在一定范围内料层高度与竖炉进风量接近线性关系 ;降低炉内粉尘量是提高进风量、降低风机出口压力的关键。生产实际中调整料层高度时 ,一定要兼顾其对炉内气流运动的影响 ,并有效地利用之 ;在生产可调范围内改变料层高度 ,进风量改变较小 ,一般通过风机自身能力的调节来保证进风量。  相似文献   

文章介绍了平板薄片氟电极的制作和性能测试过程,实验测试结果表明该电极是一种用途广泛,特别适于微量体积测量的新颖电极。  相似文献   

长期以来,氨茶碱因其有显著的缓解支气管平滑肌痉挛,强心、利尿、扩张冠状动脉、兴奋神经系统等作用,并且价格低廉,在临床治疗支气管哮喘、阻塞性肺病等通气功能障碍疾病中普遍使用.近年来经研究证实氨茶碱除了具有上述作用外,还有抗炎、免疫调节、拮抗腺苷受体,增强呼吸等新用途,使其使用范围日见广泛.但同时静脉注射氨茶碱时常致严重心律失常发生,如何规范合理用药,提高安全系数成为了临床普遍关注的问题.现将我们遇到的8例分析如下.  相似文献   

利用激光切割机切割非金属的功能切割木头,用来绘制船体线型,制作样板,样箱;来取代大型平板绘图仪,从而改变我厂传统的加工工艺,取消放样楼,迈出可喜一步,激光切割机的引进,为我厂增添了加工能力。使工厂在高新产业中的薄板加工,特种材料加工,非金属加工具有柔性加工,敏捷加工的技术能力。  相似文献   

正常的心率每分钟60-100次,心率和谐有序,节律整齐.心律失常是指心脏失去正常的活动规律,其激动的产生和传导功能失常,使其整体或一部分功能程序发生紊乱现象而言.其表现有心动过速、过缓、早博、房颤及传导阻滞等多种类型,发病机理错综复杂,病位虽在心,但涉及五脏.有的心律失常可不药而愈,即所谓功能性心律失常,如偶发性早博,有的心律失常有随时危急病人生命的可能性,如高度房室传导阻滞,心肌梗塞并发频发性室性早博等,即所谓器质性心律失常.因此,本文主要从以下几方面进行论述.  相似文献   

对一种双面矩形通道的新型平板式脉动热管进行了传热性能试验研究,分析了充液率、倾角、工质等对传热的影响.从试验结果来看,存在最佳充液率(25%~30%)和最佳工作角度(90°),使得热管工作性能最优;在相同条件下,采用二次蒸馏水作为工作介质时,热管工作更稳定.该型热管传热性能(280 W/(cm·℃)) 较过去研发的其他脉动热管(91.43 W/(cm·℃)),当量导热系数提高2倍以上.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to review exemplary aspects of different views of skeletal muscle characteristics. A classical view of muscle characteristics plays a very important role in modelling of muscles and movement. However, it often also pervades concepts on which our understanding of muscle function is based. In this view length effects, velocity effects and effects of degrees of activation and recruitment are distinguished and, often implicitly, assumed to be independent effects. It will be illustrated that using the classical approach many valuable things may be learned about muscle function and adaptation. At the same time we should realize that such a classical approach is too limited for use in generating knowledge about properties of muscles during daily use. The use of scaling of force to estimate muscular properties during submaximal activity on the basis of properties during maximal activation is shown to be very inadequate. An alternative view is described and particular examples are provided of changes in length-force characteristics as a consequence of submaximal activation, previous length change, as well as the effect of short-term histories of these variables. In addition, effects of inhomogeneities of muscle in morphology as well as physiological properties are considered. It is concluded that length-velocity-force characteristics are not unique properties of a muscle, and that these characteristics are not only strongly influenced by actual effects of recruitment, firing frequency, shortening performed and actual velocity of shortening but also by the short time history of these factors. Therefore, length, velocity and activation cannot be considered as independent determinants of muscle functioning. It is also shown that we are confronted with many indications of physiological individuality regarding these phenomena.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of structured habituation training (HT) for movement provoked vertigo (PV) secondary to unilateral peripheral hypofunction in a 16 year old patient who had sustained a severe TBI. Treatment of PV with severe TBI patients can be quite different from other patients with vestibular deficits because of the physiological, behavioural and cognitive sequelae of brain trauma. A single-subject experimental paradigm using an ABA protocol was used to assess efficacy of HT. The data were submitted to C statistic analysis. The transformed data were submitted to combined visual and statistical analysis by the celeration line with a directional one-tailed test and the two-standard deviation band method. Significant change in duration from sitting to supine without triggering vertigo was found between baseline phase (A) and structured HT phase (B) and was maintained for 1 month after the end of treatment. This single-case experiment demonstrates successful structured HT for PV for a 16 year old severe TBI patient. Important clinical decisions (time of introduction of treatment, type of activity, pacing, frequency, intensity, repetition, support and education) necessary to achieve optimal resolution of PV with HT in severe TBI patients are discussed.  相似文献   

转炉出钢渣洗脱硫的理论研究与工业试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马杰  侯伟  赵磊磊 《钢铁研究》2009,37(2):23-26
对转炉出钢渣洗脱硫进行了理论分析和工业试验。结果表明:除温度外,转炉出钢渣洗脱硫的热力学和动力学条件均优于炉内脱硫。在顶渣流动性良好的前提下,提高碱度和降低渣中w(FeO+MnO)有利于脱硫。预熔型脱硫剂的脱硫效果优于机械混合型脱硫剂,其平均脱硫率达到51%。  相似文献   

In some previous studies, acute administration of some antidepressants has been reported to cause significant changes in the levels of blood glucose and insulin in the rabbit. In the present study the effects of several antidepressants representing classical groups of antidepressants, namely imipramine (CAS 50-49-7, I), maprotiline (CAS 10347-81-6, M) and bupropion (CAS 34911-55-2, (B) on insulin secretion from the isolated islets of Langerhans in mice was studied. Maprotiline and bupropion stimulated insulin release, while imipramine was without any effect in presence of 8.3 mmol/l glucose. On the other hand, in presence of 16.7 mmol/l imipramine and maprotiline suppressed the stimulated insulin secretion. Bupropion inversely significantly stimulated the insulin secretion in presence of 16.7 mmol/l glucose. It is concluded that the changes of blood glucose and plasma insulin observed in vivo may at least in part be due to respective changes of insulin secretion. The treatment of diabetic patients receiving antidepressant drugs with hypoglycaemic agents should be taken in consideration.  相似文献   

A set of items of the sort ordinarily included in trance depth scales was administered to a group both in the waking state and in the state immediately following trance inducing procedures. The performances on the items were intercorrelated and factor analyzed for the 2 states separately. The rotated factorial solutions are consistent with the view that in the waking state the items involve, inter alia, ideomotor responsiveness, and vividness of imagery and in the trance state ideomotor responsiveness, vividness of imagery, and dissociation. There is however remarkably little correlation between the performances of individuals from one state to the other in those 2 factors common to the 2 states. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Suggests that private psychology practitioners, hospitals, and psychological centers should be allowed to deduct discounts given to clients who are unable to pay or who are unable to pay the full fee. Currently, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) does not permit such deductions. (0 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

维氏硬度试验是静态硬度试验中最精确的一种试验方法,但在实际操作中易受到多种因素的影响。对维氏硬度试验的主要影响因素进行了分析,研究这些因素对维氏硬度值的影响变化。以此说明,检验人员在试验操作中要严格按照标准规定的方法执行,降低测量误差。  相似文献   

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