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顾洪宇  杨晨阳 《通信学报》2009,30(5):114-121
研究了同时承载带宽保障业务和尽力而为业务的多媒体CDMA蜂窝网络上行链路顽健功率控制问题.考虑业务突发性、链路增益估计误差以及小区间干扰等因素,通过推导中断概率提出了一种非线性迭代算法.在给定尽力而为业务数据率分配方案的情况下,该非线性迭代算法能够判断是否可以通过功率控制有效地保证带宽保障业务和尽力而为业务的服务质量.在此基础上,分别为支持离散数据率和连续数据率的两类多媒体CDMA蜂窝网络设计了相应的上行链路功率控制算法.最后,通过仿真验证了所提出非线性迭代算法的收敛性,并通过与一种次优功率控制算法进行比较说明了所提出功率控制算法的性能优势.  相似文献   

A framework for uplink power control in cellular radio systems   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
In cellular wireless communication systems, transmitted power is regulated to provide each user an acceptable connection by limiting the interference caused by other users. Several models have been considered including: (1) fixed base station assignment where the assignment of users to base stations is fixed, (2) minimum power assignment where a user is iteratively assigned to the base station at which its signal to interference ratio is highest, and (3) diversity reception where a user's signal is combined from several or perhaps all base stations. For the above models, the uplink power control problem can be reduced to finding a vector p of users' transmitter powers satisfying p⩾I(p) where the jth constraint pj⩾Ij(p) describes the interference that user j must overcome to achieve an acceptable connection. This work unifies results found for these systems by identifying common properties of the interference constraints. It is also shown that systems in which transmitter powers are subject to maximum power limitations share these common properties. These properties permit a general proof of the synchronous and totally asynchronous convergence of the iteration p(t+1)=I(p(t)) to a unique fixed point at which total transmitted power is minimized  相似文献   

In this article, the authors consider joint design of a linear precoder and power allocation for uplink multiuser multiple input multiple output (MIMO) communication systems with limited feedback to improve the bit error rate (BER) performance for all users. Precoder selection from the codebook set is directly based on the exact BER performance, instead of other suboptimal criteria, to achieve the optimal precoder matrix, but closed-form expressions may not exist in the view of power allocation based directly on the BER criterion. From this perspective, the authors propose the joint transmitter optimization algorithm for the consideration ofprecoder design, with total power constraint for asymptotic MBER (AMBER) criterion. In this AMBER criterion, a closed-form solution has been derived for power allocation with an optimal precoder. The simulation results show that the proposed joint design algorithm can achieve a much better performance than precoding with uniform power allocation and only consideration of power allocation.  相似文献   

This paper presents uplink power control in cellular radio systems from an economic point of view. A utility function is defined for each mobile user, which reflects the user's preference regarding the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) and the transmitter power. We observe that, on one hand, mobile users prefer to transmit at a lower power for a fixed CIR. On the other hand, for a given transmitter power, users prefer to obtain a better CIR. Based on this observation, we make two fundamental assumptions about the utility function. We formulate the uplink power control problem as a non-cooperative N-person game. Under the two assumptions that we make about the utility function, there exists a Nash equilibrium. To show the generality of the framework, we study one special case by defining the utility as a linear function. This model encompasses many of the widely studied power control problems. A more general case is also studied by defining utility as an exponential function. This paper establishes a general economic-based framework for studying resource management in wireless networks and points out new research directions.  相似文献   

Non-cooperative uplink power control in cellular radio systems   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Ji  Hongbin  Huang  Ching-Yao 《Wireless Networks》1998,4(4):233-240
This paper presents uplink power control in cellular radio systems from an economic point of view. A utility function is defined for each mobile user, which reflects the user's preference regarding the carrier-to-interference ratio (CIR) and the transmitter power. We observe that, on one hand, mobile users prefer to transmit at a lower power for a fixed CIR. On the other hand, for a given transmitter power, users prefer to obtain a better CIR. Based on this observation, we make two fundamental assumptions about the utility function. We formulate the uplink power control problem as a non-cooperative N-person game. Under the two assumptions that we make about the utility function, there exists a Nash equilibrium. To show the generality of the framework, we study one special case by defining the utility as a linear function. This model encompasses many of the widely studied power control problems. A more general case is also studied by defining utility as an exponential function. This paper establishes a general economic-based framework for studying resource management in wireless networks and points out new research directions. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In this paper, we analyze the conventional closed-loop power-control system. We explain that the system behaves essentially as a companded delta modulator and then derive an expression for the power-control error in terms of the channel fading, which suggests methods for reducing the error variance. This is achieved by using a prediction technique for estimating the channel-power fading profile. The prediction module is combined with several proposed schemes for closed-loop power control. The resulting architectures are shown to result in improved performance in simulations.  相似文献   

该文研究一种新的自适应功率和速率控制方案,导出了采用这种方案的宽带CDMA系统的误比特率(BER)公式,并分别给出了系统在平坦衰落信道和多径衰落信道中性能分析的数值结果。在这种方案中,移动台根据衰落信道的变化自适应地调整其发射功率和传输速率,而衰落信道的变化通过一种新的远程预测算法进行预测。首先将预测的总平均信道功率的概率密度函数划分为若干个面积相同的区间,从而得出这些区间之间的门限值;然后通过与传统功率控制技术相似的方式,将这些门限值用于自适应功率和速率控制。数值结果表明,采用这种方案能够有效地提高宽带CDMA系统的理论BER性能。  相似文献   

The control of transmit power has been recognized as an essential requirement in the design of cellular code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems. Indeed, power control allows for mobile users to share radio resources equitably and efficiently in a multicell environment. Much of the work on power control for CDMA systems found in the literature assumes a quasi-static channel model, i.e., the channel gains of the users are assumed to be constant over a sufficiently long period of time for the control algorithm to converge. In this paper, the design of dynamic power control algorithms for CDMA systems is considered without the quasi-static channel restriction. The design problem is posed as a tradeoff between the desire for users to maximize their individual quality of service and the need to minimize interference to other users. The dynamic nature of the wireless channel for mobile users is incorporated in the problem definition. Based on a cost minimization framework, an optimal multiuser solution is derived. The multiuser solution is shown to decouple, and effectively converge, to a single-user solution in the large system asymptote, where the number of users and the spreading factor both go to infinity with their ratio kept constant. In a numerical study, the performance of a simple threshold policy is shown to be near that of the optimal single-user policy. This offers support to the threshold decision rules that are employed in current cellular CDMA systems.  相似文献   

Distributed power control in CDMA cellular systems   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In wireless cellular communication, it is essential to find effective means for power control of signals received from randomly dispersed users within one cell. Effective power control will heavily impact the system capacity. Distributed power control (DPC) is a natural choice for such purposes, because, unlike centralized power control, DPC does not require extensive computational power. Distributed power control should be able to adjust the power levels of each transmitted signal using only local measurements, so that, in a reasonable time, all users will maintain the desired signal-to-interference ratio. In this paper, we review different approaches for power control, focusing on CDMA systems. We also introduce state-space methods and linear quadratic power control (LQPC) to solve the power-control problem. A simulation environment was developed to compare LQPC with earlier approaches. The results show that LQPC is more effective, and is capable of computing the desired transmission power of each mobile station in fewer iterations, as well as being able to accommodate more users in the system  相似文献   

CDMA系统中的功率控制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
功率控制是CDMA移动通信系统中最为重要的核心技术之一。该文主要介绍CDMA系统反向链路和前向链路的各种功率控制技术。首先介绍功率控制对于CDMA系统的重要性及功率控制的分类,然后分别介绍CDMA系统反向链路和前向链路的功率控制算法。  相似文献   

倪梁方  郑宝玉 《通信学报》2003,24(12):42-51
提出了一种自适应RBF神经网络功率控制方案。详细研究了该网络在DS-CDMA通信中,进行上行链路闭环功率控制(基于信扰比(SIR))的应用理论,给出了该网络参数的计算方法。最后用计算机仿真法模拟出该控制器的运行性能。结果表明基于SIR的自适应RBF神经网络功率控制器能自适应地调整移动台的发射功率,使基站接收信号的信扰比始终非常接近于一个常数,且有比定步长功率控制更小的SIR跟踪误差,从而可以降低接收信号的中断概率、提高信道容量。  相似文献   

提出一种应用于单载波CDMA系统异步上行链路的分数间隔频域均衡接收方案。针对异步上行链路各用户到达基站的信号具有任意随机时延的特性,为了提高CDMA系统上行链路的抗干扰能力,降低接收机检测复杂度。同时与现有单载波系统空中接口兼容,接收方案采用基于重叠截取技术的单载波分数间隔频域均衡器对抗频率选择性衰落所引起的各种干扰;用时域多阶并行干扰消除器减小用户间严重的多址干扰。仿真结果表明,这种分数间隔频域均衡接收方案比传统的码片级均衡接收方案在性能上有很大的提高,并且复杂度也比较低。  相似文献   

基于CDMA系统的加速功率控制和多用户检测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文中的算法是交织了一个固定点功率控制算法,该算法是利用以多用户检测MMSE为标准的Aitken's过程加速的.通过应用于MMSE滤波器的扩展Steffensen算法,得自关于Lipshitz常量的一个下限.Lipshitz常量是用来保证所提算法的收敛性.此算法体现了渐进二次收敛,是以牛顿方法为基准.最后给出了仿真结果.  相似文献   

Accurate power control is an essential requirement in the design of cellular code-division multiple-access (CDMA) systems. In this paper, we contribute three main themes to the power control problem. First, we derive an efficient algorithm for computing minimal power levels for large-scale networks within seconds. Nice and intuitive conditions for the existence of feasible power solutions follow from this approach. Second, we define the capacity region of a network by the set of effective spreading gains, or data rates, respectively, which can be supplied by the network. This is achieved by bounding the spectral radius of a certain matrix containing system parameters and mutual transmission gain information. It is shown that the capacity region is a convex set. Finally, we reveal an interesting duality between the uplink and downlink capacity region. In a clear-cut analytical way, it substantiates the fact that the uplink is the more restricting factor in cellular radio networks. The same methods carry over to certain models of soft handover. In the case that the channel gains are subject to log-normal shadowing, we introduce the concept of level-/spl alpha/ capacity regions. Despite the complicated structure, it can still be shown that this set is sandwiched by two convex sets coming arbitrarily close as variance decreases.  相似文献   

Macrodiversity power control in hierarchical CDMA cellular systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Hierarchical code division multiple access (CDMA) cellular systems, consisting of macrocells with underlying microcells, are studied. We seek power control schemes which will allow both hierarchical layers to share the same spectrum. For the reverse link, hierarchical maximal ratio combining (HMRC) is applied where each mobile station (MSs) is received and coherently combined by base stations (BSs) in both layers. For the forward link, selective transmit diversity (STD) is applied where each BS provides multiple transmit paths for MSs to choose. We show that both HMRC and STD are effective in hierarchical CDMA architectures. We conclude that hierarchical architectures are a viable solution for improving CDMA cellular system capacity, and a significant performance gain can be achieved without assigning disjoint spectrum between the layers, by utilizing macrodiversity schemes such as HMRC and STD  相似文献   

虞凯  范平志  郝莉 《通信学报》2011,32(1):20-26
结合大尺度和小尺度衰落,采用大系统分析方法对CDMA蜂窝系统上行链路的性能进行分析。首先分析了小区内多址干扰和小区间干扰的情况;其次推导出了通过匹配滤波器后的信干噪比值,该值只与小区负载、用户功率、信道增益有关;最后分析了系统的误码率、吞吐量和频谱效率,并通过仿真验证了分析的准确性。仿真结果发现,随着小区负载的增大,系统的误码率增大,吞吐量下降,但频谱效率有所提高。  相似文献   

Efficient power control is of great importance in the design of high capacity cellular radio systems. Optimum power control scheme, in the sense that it minimises the outage probability, has been fully investigated for FDMA/TDMA cellular systems. The authors propose optimum power control and several centralised power control algorithms for CDMA cellular systems. Simulation results indicate that the optimum power control scheme outperforms the perfect average power control algorithm by ~1.9 dB under the IS-95 defined radio condition  相似文献   

Future PCS (personal communication system) cellular networks will mainly be driven by high link quality, high bandwidth utilization, low power consumption and efficient network management. Power control is one of the several major techniques which could help to achieve these goals. By exploiting power control techniques, co-channel interference could be reduced and as many links as possible could be obtained with satisfactory link quality. SIR-based (signal-to-interference ratio-based) power control was proposed as a technique for managing co-channel interference in cellular radio systems. Furthermore, new distributed autonomous feedback power control methods were introduced to achieve excellent performance without the difficult centralized control used in SIR-based methods. Unfortunately, the implementation of those power control algorithms is still challenging owing to the precision of SIR. The main aim of this paper is to investigate an uplink power control algorithm which depends indirectly on the signal-to-noise ratio in the TDMA (time division multiple access) cellular system. Simulation of the prototype hardware implementation of the receiver baseband signal processing based on the PACS (personal access communications system) specification is used as the main approach to explore the performance evaluation of this power control technique. According to simulation results, suitable values of those parameters used in this power control algorithm are derived, and the minimum frequency reuse factor under different propagation environments is also obtained for PACS under power control. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wireless communications for mobile telephone and data transmission is currently undergoing very rapid development. Code division multiple‐access (CDMA) implemented with direct sequence spread spectrum signaling is among the most promising multiplexing technologies for cellular telecommunications services. In this paper, jointly period inserted pilot symbols assisted recursive (PIPSAR) channel estimation and interference suppression techniques are proposed for uplink CDMA mobile communication systems. The uplink CDMA mobile communication system model is described in the form of space‐time domain through antenna array and multipath expression. Interference suppression is achieved by using adaptive minimum mean squared error (MMSE) digital filters that span several successive received chip oversampling vectors of a symbol interval. PIPSAR techniques are used to estimate channel parameters. The correlation between the successive periods is considered to further improve the performance of the proposed scheme. Analysis and simulations are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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