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Trial and error     
A pac-learning algorithm isd-space bounded, if it stores at mostd examples from the sample at any time. We characterize thed-space learnable concept classes. For this purpose we introduce the compression parameter of a concept classb and design our Trial and Error Learning Algorithm. We show: b isd-space learnable if and only if the compression parameter ofb is at mostd. This learning algorithm does not produce a hypothesis consistent with the whole sample as previous approaches e.g. by Floyd, who presents consistent space bounded learning algorithms, but has to restrict herself to very special concept classes. On the other hand our algorithm needs large samples; the compression parameter appears as exponent in the sample size. We present several examples of polynomial time space bounded learnable concept classes:
  • - all intersection closed concept classes with finite VC-dimension.
  • - convexn-gons in ?2.
  • - halfspaces in ?n.
  • - unions of triangles in ?2.
  • We further relate the compression parameter to the VC-dimension, and discuss variants of this parameter.  相似文献   

    We define a class ofn-ary relations on strings called the regular prefix relations, and give four alternative characterizations of this class:
    1. the relations recognized by a new type of automaton, the prefix automata,
    2. the relations recognized by tree automata specialized to relations on strings,
    3. the relations between strings definable in the second order theory ofk successors,
    4. the smallest class containing the regular sets and the prefix relation, and closed under the Boolean operations, Cartesian product, projection, explicit transformation, and concatenation with Cartesian products of regular sets.
    We give concrete examples of regular prefix relations, and a pumping argument for prefix automata. An application of these results to the study of inductive inference of regular sets is described.  相似文献   

    Drawing planar graphs using the canonical ordering   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
    G. Kant 《Algorithmica》1996,16(1):4-32
    We introduce a new method to optimize the required area, minimum angle, and number of bends of planar graph drawings on a grid. The main tool is a new type of ordering on the vertices and faces of triconnected planar graphs. Using this method linear-time-and-space algorithms can be designed for many graph-drawing problems. Our main results are as follows:
  • Every triconnected planar graphG admits a planar convex grid drawing with straight lines on a (2n?4)×(n?2) grid, wheren is the number of vertices.
  • Every triconnected planar graph with maximum degree 4 admits a planar orthogonal grid drawing on ann×n grid with at most [3n/2]+4 bends, and ifn>6, then every edge has at most two bends.
  • Every planar graph with maximum degree 3 admits a planar orthogonal grid drawing with at most [n/2]+1 bends on an [n/2]×[n/2] grid.
  • Every triconnected planar graphG admits a planar polyline grid drawing on a (2n?6)×(3n?9) grid with minimum angle larger than 2/d radians and at most 5n?15 bends, withd the maximum degree.
  • These results give in some cases considerable improvements over previous results, and give new bounds in other cases. Several other results, e.g., concerning visibility representations, are included.  相似文献   

    We give unified and simplified algorithms and proofs for three results on channel routing in knock-knee mode. LetP be a channel routing problem with densityd max.
    1. [Rivest/Baratz/Miller, Preparata/Lipski]. If all nets inP are two-terminal nets thend max tracks suffice.
    2. [Preparata/Sarrafzadeh]. If all nets inP are two- or three-terminal nets then [3d max/2] tracks suffice.
    3. [Sarrafzadeh/Preparata]. 2d max-1 tracks always suffice.
    In all three cases a solution can be found in linear time; this is an improvement in case (b).  相似文献   

    A data encoding is a formal model of how a logical data structure is mapped into or represented in a physical storage structure. Both structures are complete trees in this paper, and we encode the logical or guest tree in the leaves of the physical or host tree giving a restricted class of encodings called entreeings. The cost of an entreeing is the total amount that the edges of the guest tree are stretched or dilated when they are replaced by shortest paths in the host tree. We are particularly interested in the asymptotic average cost of families of similar entreeings. Our investigation is a continuation of the study initiated by Rosenberg et al. In particular, the paper contains the following results.
    1. We refute a conjecture of Rosenberg et al. that a particular family of entreeings of binary guests into binary hosts is optimal.
    2. We provide an efficient family of entreeings fork-ary guests intok-ary hosts, fork≧2.
    3. We provide an efficient family of entreeings ofk-ary guests into binary hosts, fork≧3.
    4. We provide a new simple lower-bound technique that can be applied to the entreeings in part 2 to prove that they are very close to optimal. Moreover, it can be adapted for the entreeings of part 3, in which case we are able to show near optimality whenk is sufficiently large.

    A sequence of natural numbers is said to have level k, for some natural integer k, if it can be computed by a deterministic pushdown automaton of level k (Fratani and Sénizergues in Ann Pure Appl. Log. 141:363–411, 2006). We show here that the sequences of level 2 are exactly the rational formal power series over one undeterminate. More generally, we study mappings from words to words and show that the following classes coincide:
  • the mappings which are computable by deterministic pushdown automata of level 2
  • the mappings which are solution of a system of catenative recurrence equations
  • the mappings which are definable as a Lindenmayer system of type HDT0L.
  • We illustrate the usefulness of this characterization by proving three statements about formal power series, rational sets of homomorphisms and equations in words.  相似文献   

    In this paper we study parallel algorithms for the Mesh-of-Processors architecture to solve visibility and related separability problems for sets of simple polygons in the plane. In particular, we present the following algorithms:
  • - AnO( \(\sqrt N\) time algorithm for computing on a Mesh-of-Processors of size N the visibility polygon from a point located in anN-vertex polygon, possibly with holes.
  • -O( \(\sqrt N\) ) time algorithms for computing on a Mesh-of-Processors of sizeN the set of all points on the boundary of anN-vertex polygonP which are visible in a given directiond as well as the visibility hull ofP for a given directiond.
  • - AnO( \(\sqrt N\) ) time algorithm for detecting on a Mesh-of-Processors of size 2N whether twoN-vertex polygons are separable in a given direction and anO( \(\sqrt {MN}\) ) time algorithm for detecting on a Mesh-of-Processors of sizeMN whetherM N-vertex polygons are sequentially separable in a given direction.
  • All proposed algorithms are asymptotically optimal (for the Mesh-of-Processors) with respect to time and number of processors.  相似文献   

    We consider nonlinear boundary value problems with arbitrarily many solutionsuεC 2 [a, b]. In this paper an Algorithm will be established for a priori bounds \(\bar u,\bar d \in C[a,b]\) with the following properties:
    1. For every solutionu of the nonlinear problem we obtain $$\bar u(x) \leqslant u(x) \leqslant \bar u(x), - \bar d(x) \leqslant u'(x) \leqslant \bar d(x)$$ for any,xε[a, b].
    2. The bounds \(\bar u\) and % MathType!MTEF!2!1!+-% feaafiart1ev1aaatCvAUfeBSjuyZL2yd9gzLbvyNv2CaerbuLwBLn% hiov2DGi1BTfMBaeXatLxBI9gBaerbd9wDYLwzYbItLDharqqtubsr% 4rNCHbGeaGqiVu0Je9sqqrpepC0xbbL8F4rqqrFfpeea0xe9Lq-Jc9% vqaqpepm0xbba9pwe9Q8fs0-yqaqpepae9pg0FirpepeKkFr0xfr-x% fr-xb9adbaqaaeGaciGaaiaabeqaamaabaabaaGcbaGabmizayaara% aaaa!36EE!\[\bar d\] are defined by the use of the functions exp, sin and cos.
    3. We use neither the knowledge of solutions nor the number of solutions.

    In the Parameterized Connected Dominating Set problem the input consists of a graph G and a positive integer k, and the question is whether there is a set S of at most k vertices in G—a connected dominating set of G—such that (i) S is a dominating set of G, and (ii) the subgraph G[S] induced by S is connected; the parameter is k. The underlying decision problem is a basic connectivity problem which is long known to be NP-complete, and it has been extensively studied using several algorithmic approaches. Parameterized Connected Dominating Set is W[2]-hard, and therefore it is unlikely (Downey and Fellows, Parameterized Complexity, Springer, 1999) that the problem has fixed-parameter tractable (FPT) algorithms or polynomial kernels in graphs in general. We investigate the effect of excluding short cycles, as subgraphs, on the kernelization complexity of Parameterized Connected Dominating Set. The girth of a graph G is the length of a shortest cycle in G. It turns out that the Parameterized Connected Dominating Set problem is hard on graphs with small cycles, and becomes progressively easier as the girth increases. More precisely, we obtain the following kernelization landscape: Parameterized Connected Dominating Set
    • does not have a kernel of any size on graphs of girth three or four (since the problem is W[2]-hard);
    • admits a kernel of size 2 k k 3k on graphs of girth at least five;
    • has no polynomial kernel (unless the Polynomial Hierarchy collapses to the third level) on graphs of girth at most six, and,
    • has a cubic ( $\mathcal {O}(k^{3})$ ) vertex kernel on graphs of girth at least seven.
    While there is a large and growing collection of parameterized complexity results available for problems on graph classes characterized by excluded minors, our results add to the very few known in the field for graph classes characterized by excluded subgraphs.  相似文献   

    We give a self-reduction for the Circuit Evaluation problem (CircEval) and prove the following consequences.
    1. Amplifying size–depth lower bounds. If CircEval has Boolean circuits of n k size and n 1?δ depth for some k and δ, then for every ${\epsilon > 0}$ , there is a δ′ > 0 such that CircEval has circuits of ${n^{1 + \epsilon}}$ size and ${n^{1- \delta^{\prime}}}$ depth. Moreover, the resulting circuits require only ${\tilde{O}(n^{\epsilon})}$ bits of non-uniformity to construct. As a consequence, strong enough depth lower bounds for Circuit Evaluation imply a full separation of P and NC (even with a weak size lower bound).
    2. Lower bounds for quantified Boolean formulas. Let c, d > 1 and e < 1 satisfy c < (1 ? e d )/d. Either the problem of recognizing valid quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) is not solvable in TIME[n c ], or the Circuit Evaluation problem cannot be solved with circuits of n d size and n e depth. This implies unconditional polynomial-time uniform circuit lower bounds for solving QBF. We also prove that QBF does not have n c -time uniform NC circuits, for all c < 2.

    Stable semantics for disjunctive programs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    We introduce the stable model semantics fordisjunctive logic programs and deductive databases, which generalizes the stable model semantics, defined earlier for normal (i.e., non-disjunctive) programs. Depending on whether only total (2-valued) or all partial (3-valued) models are used we obtain thedisjunctive stable semantics or thepartial disjunctive stable semantics, respectively. The proposed semantics are shown to have the following properties:
  • ? For normal programs, the disjunctive (respectively, partial disjunctive) stable semantics coincides with thestable (respectively,partial stable) semantics.
  • ? For normal programs, the partial disjunctive stable semantics also coincides with thewell-founded semantics.
  • ? For locally stratified disjunctive programs both (total and partial) disjunctive stable semantics coincide with theperfect model semantics.
  • ? The partial disjunctive stable semantics can be generalized to the class ofall disjunctive logic programs.
  • ? Both (total and partial) disjunctive stable semantics can be naturally extended to a broader class of disjunctive programs that permit the use ofclassical negation.
  • ? After translation of the programP into a suitable autoepistemic theory \( \hat P \) the disjunctive (respectively, partial disjunctive) stable semantics ofP coincides with the autoepistemic (respectively, 3-valued autoepistemic) semantics of \( \hat P \) .
  •   相似文献   

    In Paturi, Pudlák, Saks, and Zane (Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS1998), pp. 628–637, 1998) proposed a simple randomized algorithm for finding a satisfying assignment of a k-CNF formula. The main lemma of the paper is as follows: Given a satisfiable k-CNF formula that has a d-isolated satisfying assignment z, the randomized algorithm finds z with probability at least $2^{-(1-\mu_{k}/(k-1)+\epsilon_{k}(d))n}$ , where $\mu_{k}/(k-1)=\sum_{i=1}^{\infty}1/(i((k-1)i+1))$ , and ? k (d)=o d (1). They estimated the lower bound of the probability in an analytical way, and used some asymptotics. In this paper, we analyze the same randomized algorithm, and estimate the probability in a combinatorial way. The lower bound we obtain is a little simpler: $2^{-(1-\mu_{k}(d)/(k-1))n}$ , where $\mu_{k}(d)/(k-1)=\sum_{i=1}^{d}1/(i((k-1)i+1))$ . This value is a little bit larger (i.e., better) than that of Paturi et al. (Proceedings of the 39th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS1998), pp. 628–637, 1998) although the two values are asymptotically equal when d=ω(1).  相似文献   

    Yuichi Yoshida  Hiro Ito 《Algorithmica》2012,62(3-4):701-712
    We present an algorithm for testing the k-vertex-connectivity of graphs with the given maximum degree. The time complexity of the algorithm is independent of the number of vertices and edges of graphs. Fixed degree bound d, a graph G with n vertices and a maximum degree at most d is called ε-far from k-vertex-connectivity when at least $\frac{\epsilon dn}{2}$ edges must be added to or removed from G to obtain a k-vertex-connected graph with a maximum degree at most d. The algorithm always accepts every graph that is k-vertex-connected and rejects every graph that is ε-far from k-vertex-connectivity with a probability of at least 2/3. The algorithm runs in $O(d(\frac{c}{\epsilon d})^{k}\log\frac {1}{\epsilon d})$ time (c>1 is a constant) for (k?1)-vertex-connected graphs, and in $O(d(\frac{ck}{\epsilon d})^{k}\log\frac{k}{\epsilon d})$ time (c>1 is a constant) for general graphs. It is the first constant-time k-vertex-connectivity testing algorithm for general k≥4.  相似文献   

    We present three new approximation algorithms with improved constant ratios for selecting n points in n disks such that the minimum pairwise distance among the points is maximized.
    1. A very simple O(nlog?n)-time algorithm with ratio 0.511 for disjoint unit disks.
    2. An LP-based algorithm with ratio 0.707 for disjoint disks of arbitrary radii that uses a linear number of variables and constraints, and runs in polynomial time.
    3. A hybrid algorithm with ratio either 0.4487 or 0.4674 for (not necessarily disjoint) unit disks that uses an algorithm of Cabello in combination with either the simple O(nlog?n)-time algorithm or the LP-based algorithm.
    The LP algorithm can be extended for disjoint balls of arbitrary radii in ? d , for any (fixed) dimension d, while preserving the features of the planar algorithm. The algorithm introduces a novel technique which combines linear programming and projections for approximating Euclidean distances. The previous best approximation ratio for dispersion in disjoint disks, even when all disks have the same radius, was 1/2. Our results give a positive answer to an open question raised by Cabello, who asked whether the ratio 1/2 could be improved.  相似文献   

    We present a uniform approach to problems involving lines in 3-space. This approach is based on mapping lines inR 3 into points and hyperplanes in five-dimensional projective space (Plücker space). We obtain new results on the following problems:
    1. Preprocessn triangles so as to answer efficiently the query: “Given a ray, which is the first triangle hit?” (Ray- shooting problem). We discuss the ray-shooting problem for both disjoint and nondisjoint triangles.
    2. Construct the intersection of two nonconvex polyhedra in an output sensitive way with asubquadratic overhead term.
    3. Construct the arrangement ofn intersecting triangles in 3-space in an output-sensitive way, with asubquadratic overhead term.
    4. Efficiently detect the first face hit by any ray in a set of axis-oriented polyhedra.
    5. Preprocessn lines (segments) so as to answer efficiently the query “Given two lines, is it possible to move one into the other without crossing any of the initial lines (segments)?” (Isotopy problem). If the movement is possible produce an explicit representation of it.

    We settle all relativized questions of the relationships between the following five propositions:
    • P = NP.
    • P = UP.
    • P = NP $\cap$ coNP.
    • All disjoint pairs of NP sets are P-separable.
    • All disjoint pairs of coNP sets are P-separable.
    We make the first widespread use of variations of generic oracles to achieve the necessary relativized worlds.  相似文献   

    This paper presents a kernel language KLND on the basis of analysing the kernel languagerequirements of new generation computer systems. These requirements are: the ability ofknow-ledge processing, the parallelism, the elegant mathematical properties of the comput-ation model which is appropriate for working as the basis of the novel architecture design, andthe suitability for writing large scale softwares. The main features of KLND are as follows: 1. several new language concepts. 2. the modularity, 3. the unification of logical and functional programming styles, 4. the exploitation of the parallelism. 5. the introduction of the type concept, 6. the introduction of the storage concept.  相似文献   

    In this paper, for a finitely generated monoid M, we tackle the following three questions:
    1. Is it possible to give a characterization of rational subsets of M which have polynomial growth?
    2. What is the structure of the counting function of rational sets which have polynomial growth?
    3. Is it true that every rational subset of M has either exponential growth or it has polynomial growth? Can one decide for a given rational set which of the two options holds?
    We give a positive answer to all the previous questions in the case that M is a direct product of free monoids. Some of the proved results also extend to trace monoid.  相似文献   

    To model association fields that underly perceptional organization (gestalt) in psychophysics we consider the problem P curve of minimizing $\int _{0}^{\ell} \sqrt{\xi^{2} +\kappa^{2}(s)} {\rm d}s $ for a planar curve having fixed initial and final positions and directions. Here κ(s) is the curvature of the curve with free total length ?. This problem comes from a model of geometry of vision due to Petitot (in J. Physiol. Paris 97:265–309, 2003; Math. Inf. Sci. Humaines 145:5–101, 1999), and Citti & Sarti (in J. Math. Imaging Vis. 24(3):307–326, 2006). In previous work we proved that the range $\mathcal{R} \subset\mathrm{SE}(2)$ of the exponential map of the underlying geometric problem formulated on SE(2) consists of precisely those end-conditions (x fin,y fin,θ fin) that can be connected by a globally minimizing geodesic starting at the origin (x in,y in,θ in)=(0,0,0). From the applied imaging point of view it is relevant to analyze the sub-Riemannian geodesics and $\mathcal{R}$ in detail. In this article we
    • show that $\mathcal{R}$ is contained in half space x≥0 and (0,y fin)≠(0,0) is reached with angle π,
    • show that the boundary $\partial\mathcal{R}$ consists of endpoints of minimizers either starting or ending in a cusp,
    • analyze and plot the cones of reachable angles θ fin per spatial endpoint (x fin,y fin),
    • relate the endings of association fields to $\partial\mathcal {R}$ and compute the length towards a cusp,
    • analyze the exponential map both with the common arc-length parametrization t in the sub-Riemannian manifold $(\mathrm{SE}(2),\mathrm{Ker}(-\sin\theta{\rm d}x +\cos\theta {\rm d}y), \mathcal{G}_{\xi}:=\xi^{2}(\cos\theta{\rm d}x+ \sin\theta {\rm d}y) \otimes(\cos\theta{\rm d}x+ \sin\theta{\rm d}y) + {\rm d}\theta \otimes{\rm d}\theta)$ and with spatial arc-length parametrization s in the plane $\mathbb{R}^{2}$ . Surprisingly, s-parametrization simplifies the exponential map, the curvature formulas, the cusp-surface, and the boundary value problem,
    • present a novel efficient algorithm solving the boundary value problem,
    • show that sub-Riemannian geodesics solve Petitot’s circle bundle model (cf. Petitot in J. Physiol. Paris 97:265–309, [2003]),
    • show a clear similarity with association field lines and sub-Riemannian geodesics.

    We consider conditionals of the form A ? B where A depends on the future and B on the present and past. We examine models for such conditional arising in Talmudic legal cases. We call such conditionals contrary to time conditionals. Three main aspects will be investigated:
    1. Inverse causality from future to past, where a future condition can influence a legal event in the past (this is a man made causality).
    2. Comparison with similar features in modern law.
    3. New types of temporal logics arising from modelling the Talmudic examples.
    We shall see that we need a new temporal logic,which we call Talmudic temporal logic with linear open advancing future and parallel changing past, based on two parameters for time.  相似文献   

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