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核电在能源布局中曾有过争论,但现状是发达国家的核电比例都很大,且仍在发展中。法国核电占全国电力供应的80%,日本占34%,英国占23%,一次能源较充足的美国核电亦占20%,油、气输出大国的俄罗斯核电亦占全国发电的16%。看样子,核电是发达国家能源发展的方向,法国的核电比已经很高,但仍在研发新一代核电技术。  相似文献   

日本地震和核事故对全球核电发展产生很大影响,最近德国和瑞士相继宣布逐步退出核电使法国备受压力。但法国领导人重申,法国的能源政策不变,将继续走核电发展道路。经过50多年的发展,法国建立起强大的核工业体系。  相似文献   

徐Yun 《能源工程》1994,(4):38-40
一、发展核电的背景和基本政策 前苏联有着丰富的能源资源,石油储量丰富,天然气产量占世界总产量的40%,且每年以10%的速度递增,但前苏联的核电事业也很发达,核电装机容量仅次于美国和法国。前苏联发展核电主要基于以下几点。 1.前苏联虽然能源资源丰富,但由于幅员辽阔,化石燃料产地距消费地区较远,如西伯利亚地区条件恶劣,使能源生产成本和运输成本都提高。而在能源消费地区建设核电厂,可以有效地减轻人力发电的压力。一般来说,燃料的运输距离超过3000公里的话,建设坑口电站用超高压输电线路把电力送往负荷中心更为合适。由于前苏联的铁路运输趋于饱和,输煤管道建设成本更高,目前采用超高压送电技术也还存在许多问题,所以在能源消费地区建设核电站是较合适的。 2.产钚与发电相结合。1954年6月27日,世界上第一座核电站在苏联投入运行,实质上它是实验反应堆机组,当时建核电站更重要的是军事目的(生产钚-239)。前苏联建成的一批RPMK型(石墨慢化沸水堆)机组均有可能转用于生产钚-239。  相似文献   

中国宣布于2030年前实现二氧化碳排放达峰、2060年前实现碳中和的宏伟目标,对核电和可再生能源的未来发展利用提出了更高要求。核电和可再生能源发电是中国电力低碳转型的关键技术。文章针对核电和可再生能源发电技术发展面临的障碍与挑战,从制度比较和需求、经济性评估和市场竞争力、电力供需平衡、空间布局和调峰能力等角度出发,对核电与可再生能源协调发展的必要性、重要性和可行性,进行了定性与定量相结合的研究。研究表明,核电将在我国风电、光伏发电占主导的电力系统中发挥重要作用。核电发展一方面需要政策机制保障;另一方面必须保持自身的成本优势,主动提升机组调峰能力,积极探索市场机制参与模式,在确保安全的前提下增加核电的灵活性和成本竞争力,提升公众对核电的接受度。  相似文献   

日本地震和核事故对全球核电发展产生很大影响,最近德国和瑞士相继宣布逐步退出核电使法国备受压力。但法国领导人重申,法国的能源政策不变,将继续走核电发展道路。经过50多年的发展,法国建立起强大的核工业体系。  相似文献   

<正>在日前举行的法国本届政府第二次环境大会上,奥朗德总统重申了他去年9月在第一次环境大会上作出的承诺:法国要从以核电为主向再生能源多样化过渡,将核电在国家全部能源供给中的比例由目前的75%以上减少到50%。此前,奥朗德曾提出,2030年法国对石油、煤炭和天然气等传统能源的消耗要减少30%,到2050年要减少  相似文献   

林伦 《中国能源》2001,(9):14-15
进入21世纪,世界各国纷纷调整能源政策,而核电政策的变化非常引人注目.美国、英国、俄罗斯等国考虑继续发展核电,而德国、意大利等国主张放弃核电.世界各国核电政策的调整背景可资中国参考--如何立足中国具体国情,寻求一条既缓解中国能源需求紧张,同时又有益环保和健康安全的能源发展道路,这无疑是关系到我国核电前途的大问题.中国工程院院士阮可强也是国家863计划能源领域第三届专家委员会首席科学家,他在接受记者采访时强调,国际上发展核电仍是主流,中国必须坚持发展核电,尤其是掌握独立自主的核电技术.  相似文献   

王志颖 《中国能源》1991,(8):46-46,36
<正> 法国从70年代开始,大力发展核电,这与法国煤炭、石油资源紧缺,工业发展和人民物质、文化生活水平有极其密切的关系。结合我国的具体情况,法国发展核电的经验,有许多地方是值得我国借鉴的。为此,对发展我国的核能发电提出如下建议。一、我国发展核电,可以借鉴国外的经验,起点要高,少走许多弯路。从世界上看,许多先进国家都在大力发展核电。目前  相似文献   

新时期我国核电发展现状及对策分析研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
王新新 《节能技术》2010,28(1):60-64
我国目前能源短缺较为严重,而能源结构又以煤炭为主。通过增加煤炭产量保证能源供给,将受到资源、环境和运输等多方面的制约,难以为继。核电是当前世界上技术成熟、并可同时实现大规模减排温室气体的安全清洁能源,发展核电是我国能源的重要战略选择。本文就核电的发展现状、我国发展核电的重要意义及发展对策进行了分析。  相似文献   

低碳经济是以低能耗、低污染、低排放为基本特征的一种经济发展模式。核电作为一种安全的清洁能源,对于满足能源消费增长、优化能源结构、减少温室气体排放,实现低碳经济具有重要意义。结合现状对化石能源、可再生能源、核电进行分析比较,说明我国核电发展的必要性。从能源外部成本、碳成本的经济性分析,说明积极推进核电发展是我国未来电力发展的选择。  相似文献   

Over the decades, the consumption of all types of energy such as electricity increased rapidly in Iran. Therefore, the government decided to redevelop its nuclear program to meet the rising electricity demand and decrease consumption of fossil fuels. In this paper, the effect of this policy in four major aspects of energy sustainability in the country, including energy price, environmental issues, energy demand and energy security have been verified. To investigate the relative cost of electricity generated in each alternative generator, the simple levelized electricity cost was selected as a method. The results show that electricity cost in fossil fuel power plants presumably will be cheaper than nuclear. Although the usage of nuclear reactor to generate power is capable of decreasing hazardous emissions into the environment, there are many other effective policies and technologies that can be implemented. Energy demand growth in the country is very high; neither nuclear nor fossil fuel cannot currently cope with the growth. So, the only solution is rationalizing energy demand by price amendment and encouraging energy efficiency. The major threats of energy security in Iran are high energy consumption growth and economic dependency on crude oil export. Though nuclear energy including its fuel cycle is Iran's assured right, constructing more nuclear power plants will not resolve the energy sustainability problems. In fact, it may be the catalyst for deterioration since it will divert capital and other finite resources from top priority and economic projects such as energy efficiency, high technology development and energy resources management.  相似文献   


In this study, a solar-powered development project is used to identify whether it is possible to utilize solar technologies in the electricity production sector. Electricity production from solar energy has been found to be a promising method in the future. Concentrated solar energy can be converted to chemical energy via high-temperature endothermic reactions. Coal and biomass can be pyrolyzed or gasified by using concentrated solar radiation for generating power. Conventional energy will not be enough to meet the continuously increasing need for energy in the future. In this case, renewable energy sources will become important. Solar energy is an increasing need for energy in the future. Solar energy is a very important energy source because of its advantages. Instead of a compressor system, which uses electricity, an absorption cooling system, using renewable energy and kinds of waste heat energy, may be used for cooling.  相似文献   

Since nuclear power is able to produce significant amounts of energy for a small amount of fuel, this method has recently attracted attention of most countries. In the present study, we seek to investigate the problems associated with nuclear energy in China. China is ranked 11th in terms of nuclear power generation, and it is currently producing 8587 MW of nuclear power with its 11 nuclear reactors. However, China supplies only 1.9% of its electricity from nuclear energy and it is much lower than the global average of 16%, because less than 1% of world’s uranium reserve exists in China. Currently, China is heavily dependent on imports from countries such as Russia and Australia to achieve primary fuels.  相似文献   

The UK electricity mix will change significantly in the future. This provides an opportunity to consider the full life cycle sustainability of the options currently considered as most suitable for the UK: gas, nuclear, offshore wind and photovoltaics (PV). In an attempt to identify the most sustainable options and inform policy, this paper applies a sustainability assessment framework developed previously by the authors to compare these electricity options. To put discussion in context, coal is also considered as a significant contributor to the current electricity supply. Each option is assessed and compared in terms of its economic, environmental and social implications, using a range of sustainability indicators. The results show that no one technology is superior and that certain trade‐offs must be made. For example, nuclear and offshore wind power have the lowest life cycle environmental impacts, except for freshwater ecotoxicity for which gas is the best option; coal and gas are the cheapest options (£74 and 66/MWh, respectively, at 10% discount), but both have high global warming potential (1072 and 379 g CO2 eq./kWh); PV has relatively low global warming potential (88 g CO2 eq./kWh) but high cost (£302/MWh), as well as high ozone layer and resource depletion. Nuclear, wind and PV increase some aspects of energy security: in the case of nuclear, this is due to inherent fuel storage capabilities (energy density 290 million times that of natural gas), whereas wind and PV decrease fossil fuel import requirements by up to 0.2 toe/MWh. However, all three options require additional installed capacity for grid management. Nuclear also poses complex risk and intergenerational questions such as the creation of 10.16 m3/TWh of nuclear waste for long‐term geological storage. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to provide important information about the potential economic benefits and risks of nuclear electricity generation associated with existing and prevailing nuclear technologies and to examine the economic effects of nuclear fuel cycle strategies in Korea. An economic analysis model that evaluates the overall life‐cycle costs of nuclear energy systems coupled with multiple fuel cycle options was specially developed by using the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) as the fundamental methodology. This model is capable of identifying a range of techno‐economic uncertainties underlying each individual nuclear energy system taking into account the state of the art in fuel cycle technologies. It can also quantify and incorporate the resulting impacts into a system‐wide LCOE distribution for each fuel cycle option based on Monte Carlo probabilistic simulation. We analyzed and discussed examples of the economic performance of 13 promising candidates for nuclear energy systems integrated with extensive fuel cycle technologies (including one direct disposal and 12 specific reprocessing and recycling fuel cycle options). We also conducted a sensitivity analysis to investigate the major sensitivity factors of the system component cost in each fuel cycle option and their impacts on individual economic performances. Furthermore, a closer look at the techno‐economic uncertainties of advanced fuel cycle technologies in a break‐even analysis offers evidence of the potential economic feasibility and cost‐reduction opportunities in the reprocessing and recycling options relative to the direct disposal of spent nuclear fuel.  相似文献   

半导体热电堆发电的发展及展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
热电发电是一种合理地利用地热、太阳能、海洋能及余热和废热等低势能转换为电能的有效方式。热电发电具有结构简单 ,无噪音、无震动、无磨损 ,运行寿命长 ,组合方便 ,实用面广 ,对热源温度要求低等特点 ,目前在国外已有使用 ,而在国内未见有关研究报道。可以相信随着热电材料的不断发展 ,以及制备工艺的不断完善 ,热电发电的前景会越来越光明。  相似文献   

This article evaluates whether the world can transition to a future global electricity system powered entirely by nuclear power plants, wind turbines, solar panels, geothermal facilities, hydroelectric stations, and biomass generators by 2030. It begins by explaining the scenario method employed for predicting future electricity generation, drawn mostly from tools used by the International Energy Agency. The article projects that the world would need to build about 7744 Gigawatts (GW) of installed electricity capacity by 2030 to provide 37.2 thousand terawatt‐hours (TWh). Synthesizing data from the primary literature, the article argues that meeting such a projection with nuclear and renewable power stations will be difficult. If constructed using commercially available and state‐of‐the‐art nuclear and renewable power stations today, the capital cost would exceed $40 trillion, anticipated negative externalities would exceed $1 trillion per year, and immense strain would be placed on land, water, material, and human resources. Even if nuclear and renewable power technologies were much improved, trillions of dollars of investment would still be needed, millions of hectares of land set aside, quadrillions of gallons of water used, and material supplies of aluminum, concrete, silicon, and steel heavily utilized or exhausted. Because of these constraints, the only true path towards a more sustainable electricity system appears to be reducing demand for electricity and consuming less of it. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

近年来在能源方面有许多战略研究,但比较可操作的是加速发展以煤气化为核心的多联产与核电。在电力负荷高峰时,可用于发电;在电力负荷低谷时,可制取替代燃料与氢。该方案可解决我国电力和液体燃料需求这两个关键能源问题,并同时减少常规污染物和温室气体的排放,从而保证能源安全和实现经济可持续发展。  相似文献   

崔磊 《中外能源》2011,(9):27-33
美国国内在是否利用核能发电这个问题上一直存在争议,拥核派和反核派的分歧主要是在核电成本是否高、核能是否安全以及核能是否属于清洁能源等方面。受日本核危机影响,美国核能辩论的重点转向核能安全,主要围绕核电站抵御自然灾害的能力、核废料储存、是否应该新建核电站以及延长现有核电站运营期限等问题展开。由于历次重大核事故后,新建核电站成本势必上升,加之美国各州新建核电站积极性不高,国际大环境也不利于拥核派,同时核能面临化石能源和可再生能源的激烈竞争,因此短期内美国核能开发步伐势必会放慢。但是从长期看,核能仍将是美国能源战略的重点之一,究其原因,发展核能是美国能源安全与经济发展的需要,也是应对气候变化的需要,另外,拥核派的积极游说和公关行动、反核派内部立场出现分化以及日本核危机的长期影响有限等也都是其原因之一。我国是世界上在建核反应堆数量最多的国家,但是围绕核能的公开辩论却很少,这不利于我国核能的开发。核能的辩论过程,也是核能知识普及的过程,只有对核能有深入全面的认识,才能减少对核能非理性的恐惧。我国绝不能因为一次核事故而改变战略方向,而应在吸取教训的基础上,在保证绝对安全的前提下,继续发展核能。  相似文献   

A strategy to enable zero-carbon variable electricity production with full utilization of renewable and nuclear energy sources has been developed. Wind and solar systems send electricity to the grid. Nuclear plants operate at full capacity with variable steam to turbines to match electricity demand with production (renewables and nuclear). Excess steam at times of low electricity prices and electricity demand go to hybrid fuel production and storage systems. The characteristic of these hybrid technologies is that the economic penalties for variable nuclear steam inputs are small. Three hybrid systems were identified that could be deployed at the required scale. The first option is the gigawatt-year hourly-to-seasonal heat storage system where excess steam from the nuclear plant is used to heat rock a kilometer underground to create an artificial geothermal heat source. The heat source produces electricity on demand using geothermal technology. The second option uses steam from the nuclear plant and electricity from the grid with high-temperature electrolysis (HTR) cells to produce hydrogen and oxygen. Hydrogen is primarily for industrial applications; however, the HTE can be operated in reverse using hydrogen for peak electricity production. The third option uses variable steam and electricity for shale oil production.  相似文献   

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