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This paper discusses the findings of a field study of experienced systems developers which investigated the use of systems development methodologies (SDMs) in practice. Among the main findings to emerge are the following. There is a wide difference between the formalized sequence of steps and stages prescribed by a methodology and the methodology-in-action uniquely enacted for each development project. Also, there is much evidence which suggests that developers omit certain aspects of methodologies not from a position of ignorance, but from the more pragmatic basis that certain aspects are not relevant to the development environment they face. Thus, methodologies are tailored to the needs of the prevailing development environment and, being documented in a single manual often, are framed at a higher level of granularity that specifies broad activities and objectives, rather than specifying in a very detailed fashion the exact manner in which development should take place. Additionally, the findings clarify the apparently contradictory position in the literature as to whether developer experience is positively or negatively correlated with methodology use. The study would suggest that experienced developers are likely to use methodologies, albeit ones which have been heavily customized to the exigencies of the particular situation.  相似文献   

Changes in organizational structures, competitive environments, technologies and economies are altering the types and complexity of computer-based information systems. For methodologies, tools and techniques to evolve to meet these changing needs, research to assess current system development practices would be expected. However, there is little evidence that the evaluation of methodologies and improvement of the systems development process are keeping pace with technological and organizational changes. This paper analyses existing research on system development methodologies and discusses the research needed to provide the information scholars and practitioners will need for the evaluation, selection and development of methodologies in a changing environment.  相似文献   

Information systems methodologies are an important component of the IS infrastructure and a primary device for organizing systems development work. Evidence suggests that methodology adoption and use are problematic. This research seeks to generate insight into business users' interest in adoption through detailed examination of a case. A framework is developed for organizing relevant research findings. The field research methods are described and details of the case reported. The case highlights the role of business managers in methodology adoption and the influence of business pressures originating in the strategic environment. Analysis shows the organizing framework to require extension to include a more direct role for business decision makers. it is argued that previous research has obscured the legitimate concern of business with systems development methodologies. As business increasingly asserts its interest in and control over IS, it will be necessary to give greater consideration to the needs of business in the selection and adoption of methodologies.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that systems development methodologies (SDMs) can help improve the software development process. Nevertheless, their deployment often encounters resistance from systems developers. Agile methodologies, the latest batch of SDMs that are most suitable in dealing with volatile business requirements, are likely to face the same challenge as they require developers to drastically change their work habits and acquire new skills. This paper addresses what can be done to overcome the challenge to agile methodologies acceptance. We provide a critical review of the extant literature on the acceptance of traditional SDMs and agile methodologies, and develop a conceptual framework for agile methodologies acceptance based on a knowledge management perspective. This framework can provide guidance for future research into acceptance of agile methodologies, and has implications for practitioners concerned with the effective deployment of agile methodologies.  相似文献   

We report results from a longitudinal study of information systems development (ISD) teams. We use data drawn from 60 ISD teams at 22 sites of 15 Fortune 500 organizations to explore variations in performance relative to these teams' social interactions. To do this, we characterize ISD as a form of new product development and focus on team-level social interactions with external stakeholders. Drawing on cluster analysis, we identify five patterns of team-level social interactions and the relationships of these patterns to a suite of objective and subjective measures of ISD performance. Analysis leads us to report three findings. First, data indicate that no one of the five identified patterns maximizes all performance measures. Second, data make clear that the most common approach to ISD is the least effective relative to our suite of performance measures. Third, data from this study show that early indications of ISD project success do not predict actual outcomes. These findings suggest two issues for research and practice. First, these findings indicate that varying patterns of social interactions lead to differences in ISD team performance. Second, the findings illustrate that singular measures of ISD performance are an oversimplification and that multiple measures of ISD performance are unlikely to agree.  相似文献   

尝试分别从信息技术演化过程和驱动因素两个方面对信息系统风险评估方法(ISRAM)进行分类.首先选择信息技术和ISRAM发展的时间主线划分ISRAM,然后提取ISRAM设计实现过程中考虑的驱动因素划分ISRAM,并分别给出两种分类方法的半形式化描述;最后,分析目前ISRAM面临的挑战和未来发展趋势.  相似文献   

This article explores some basic issues in system integration by examining the integration process with information systems. The article begins with a discussion of the domain of interest. Terms are defined, the software process is reviewed, and two system categories are established. It is shown that software is materially different from hardware. Moreover, these differences present opportunities for reducing the integration effort. Several methods that take advantage of software's special characteristics are identified, and a case study of one environment provides some empirical evidence that reveal the benefits that may follow. The article concludes with some observations regarding the transfer of the lessons learned with information systems to other application domains-both hardware and software.This work was supported in part by the U.S. Navy, Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command (SPAWAR) under contract N00039-89-C-001, task VMAR9 with the Office of Naval Research (ONR).  相似文献   

Abstract.  Conventional methods have been criticized for their positivist philosophy and for either ignoring the organizational context of information systems development (ISD) or using only a simplistic, machine-based conceptual model of organizations. We have developed an approach to enable systems developers to use a richer view of organizations and a more interpretive approach. Multi-Metaphor Method (MMM) supports developers via a range of metaphors as cognitive structuring devices to understand an organization so that developers can learn to move between different ways of 'reading' the social context in which ISD occurs. We explain the rationale and theoretical underpinnings of MMM and then discuss our action research to investigate the viability and relevance of MMM during ISD practice. We show how the developers' use of organizational metaphors via MMM did not just enable rich conceptualizations of the client organizations but also influenced the ISD process and final product. We review the learning outcomes and discuss the implications for systems development practice of our research.  相似文献   

Learning failure in information systems development   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract. Abstract. Information systems development is a high-risk undertaking, and failures remain common despite advances in development tools and technologies. In this paper, we argue that one reason for this is the collapse of organizational intelligence required to deal with the complexities of systems development. Organizations fail to learn from their experience in systems development because of limits of organizational intelligence, disincentives for learning, organizational designs and educational barriers. Not only have many organizations failed to learn, but they have also learned to fail. Over time they accept and expect poor performance while creating organizational myths that perpetuate short-term optimization. This paper illustrates learning failure in systems development and recommends tactics for overcoming it.  相似文献   

A postal survey was conducted to determine the following: the extent to which systems development methodologies are used in practice; the rating of their contribution to the development process; and the future trend in methodology adoption, whether the trend is toward increased usage or not. Among the main findings of the study were that 60 percent of the respondents were not using methodologies. Also, only six percent of respondents reported following a methodology rigorously. Finally, the forecast is not positive for methodology advocates: 79 percent of those not using a methodology indicated that they did not intend to adopt one.  相似文献   

End-user computing is a growing area within the information technology (IT) industry. The number and size of end-user-developed applications is steadily increasing, yet little attention is paid to the way in which such applications are developed, and their impact upon organizations. In this paper we examine the relationship between information systems methodologies and the end-user-computing environment. In particular, the potential benefits and disadvantages of the use of information systems methodologies for end-user-computing, and strategies by which such usage can be accomplished are discussed. This paper is partly the result of a research programme involving case studies in 34 UK organizations aimed at improving business systems.  相似文献   

Abstract. Where the soft systems methodology (SSM) is used in the development of organizational information systems a clear division exists between the use of SSM to identify what information systems are required and conventional development activities in which it is decided how those information systems will be supplied. Discussion of how SSM might be more closely linked to conventional information systems development methodologies has been concentrated upon process-focused approaches to information systems development. This has been partly due to a perceived mismatch between the underlying philosophies of SSM and the alternative data-focused development methodologies. This paper argues that this perception may be mistaken; not only do the existing forms of data analysis have a large though unacknowledged subjective component but the SSM concept of appreciation may provide a model of human sense-making that the data-focused approaches currently lack and from which they may benefit. The idea of appreciation also allows that an alternative, interpretative form of data analysis might be used within SSM. It is therefore the conclusion of this paper that some closer integration of SSM with data-focused approaches to information systems development is theoretically feasible and may be practically desirable. A number of possible advantages of such integration are described.  相似文献   

Abstract. Many recent studies have shown that computer-based systems continue to ‘fail’ at a number of different levels (Romtec, 1988; KPMG, 1990) and it is increasingly apparent (Maclaren et al., 1991) that the most serious failures of information technology (IT) lie in the continuing inability to address those concerns which are central to the successful achievement of individual, organizational and social goals. It is the contention of this paper that this failing is precisely because these are the areas which are ignored or inadequately treated by conventional system development methods. There is, of course, a vast body of literature concerned with the understanding of complex human activity systems. This literature often reflects a mass of contradictions at the epistemological and the ontological level about the behaviour of such systems and has also spawned numerous methods (and methodologies) which seek to guide the individual in making successful interventions into organizational situations (Rosenhead, 1989). Despite this multiplicity of viewpoints many writers have posited a dichotomy between so-called 'soft and ‘hard’ approaches to problem situations and use this dichotomy to inform the choice of an appropriate problem-solving methodology (Checkland, 1985). In this paper we characterize these two approaches as being concerned with either the purpose(s) of the human activity system (i.e. ‘doing the right thing’) or with the design of the efficient means of achieving such purpose(s) (i.e. ‘doing the thing right’). It is our belief that much of the literature and work in either area has not concerned itself with the issues of the other. Writers on ‘hard’ engineering methods often assume the question of purpose to be either straightforward (e.g. given in the project brief) or, paradoxically, too difficult (e.g. it is not our concern as mere systems analysts). Writers on ‘soft’ methods on the other hand rarely have anything to say about the design and implementation of well-engineered computer-based systems, giving the impression that this is a somewhat mundane activity better left to technical experts. This paper, therefore, attempts to set out a rationale for the bringing together of principles from both ‘hard’ engineering and ‘soft’ inquiry methods without doing epistemological damage to either. To illustrate our argument we concentrate on JSD (Jackson system development) as an example of system engineering (Cameron, 1983) and SSM (soft systems methodology) as an example of system inquiry (Checkland, 1981; Checkland & Scholes, 1990). Our general thesis, however, does not depend upon either of these two approaches per se but applies to the overall issue of bringing together insights from two apparently opposed epistemological positions in an effort better to harness the power of IT in pursuit of purposeful human activity.  相似文献   

Short cycle time systems development   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
Abstract. An analysis of two studies in the US and Denmark reveals that short cycle time systems development is a new form that can be clearly distinguished among other forms. The distinction consists of a package of five systems development practices. These practices include a focus on completion speed, release‐oriented parallel prototyping, adherence to a fixed architecture, negotiable quality, and an ideal workforce. The package is consistent with amethodical development concepts. Systems are not built in a single project that completes with a delivery, but rather are continually ‘growing’ to adapt to an organizational emergence.  相似文献   

We examine the impact of development process modeling on outcomes in software development projects, limiting our attention to process and product quality. Modeling the software development process requires a careful determination of tasks and their logical relationships. Essentially, the modeling is undertaken to establish a management framework of the project. We define and interrelate development process modeling, task uncertainty, and development outcomes, as assessed by product and process quality. A survey-based research design was used to collect data to prove our model. The results suggest that development process modeling is positively related to both product and process quality, while task uncertainty is negatively related to them. Development process modeling reduces the negative impact of task uncertainty on quality-oriented development outcomes. Development projects operating with high levels of task uncertainty should consider defining development process models that provide a framework for management of the project by establishing tasks and their logical interrelationships. Such a model should promote shared understanding of the work process among development constituents and enhance resource utilization efficiency.  相似文献   

Economic factors are driving software development projects onto globally dispersed models, as offshore outsourcing becomes more common. Software development companies in developing economies compete for lucrative, job-creating offshore contracts on the basis of industry maturity, labor skills, technology infrastructure, and government support. Diffusion of technology is a key aspect of each of these determinants of competitiveness. This paper analyzes the development of strategies for the diffusion of short-cycle-time software development into and within Russia. Short-cycle-time development is sometimes called agile development or Internet-speed development and uses a number of techniques to move software quickly into production. These techniques are spreading rapidly among software developers worldwide. The benefits of these techniques are well known and provide a credible explanation for why this rapid diffusion is occurring. This paper explains how these techniques are spreading in a borderless fashion. Using the Kline model of innovation diffusion and the Greiner model of evolution and growth of organizations, we analyze the enablers and barriers to diffusion of short-cycle-time software development techniques in Russia. This analysis reveals a complex interaction of political, economic, and technical elements enabling and inhibiting the development of knowledge that supports the innovation diffusion necessary for companies to compete for offshore contracts. © 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Abstract. The purpose of this paper is to show that a number of basic issues have not been adequately addressed in existing office information systems research. Prominent among these are the nature and role of offices, the goals of office information systems development, and the nature of its organizational and managerial consequences. It is proposed that office information systems should be analysed as social action systems the behaviour of which is strongly affected by socially determined forces and constraints such as the behaviour-channelling influences of authority, norms, customs, habits and precedence. Four types of social action are discussed: instrumental, strategic, communicative and discursive. Three contexts for perceiving and analysing the effects of social action in offices are introduced: technology, language and organization. Office information systems changes affect elements and relationships in these three contexts in different ways. By cross-relating social action types and contexts, nine classes of object systems are identified. Each object system class implies a different category of effectiveness concerns which in turn implies different office information system design requirements. The paper notes that the existing research literature has primarily been concerned with only three of the nine object systems. For more effective office information systems development, however, the other systems also need to be considered. The paper concludes by exploring how this may be done.  相似文献   

This paper presents a methodological framework to support the process of information systems (IS) planning in organizations. It draws on the ideas of critical systems thinking (CST), a research perspective that encourages the analysis of stakeholders' understandings prior to the selection and implementation of planning methods. The framework emphasizes continuous identification of concerns from stakeholders, and facilitates critical reflection in the exploration of possibilities for improvement. Some of these possibilities might require the support of IS and communication technologies. To define the framework, two systems theories are used: boundary critique and autopoiesis. The first one enables critical reflection on values and assumptions about potential situations or marginalization. The second one fosters continuous dialogue, listening and mutual collaboration between participants. With these theories, the framework enables people to reflect on issues of inclusion, exclusion and marginalization, and to participate in the design of plans for improvement. Ultimately, the definition of this framework suggests the importance of critical reflection about ethics to improve the practice of IS planning.  相似文献   

Ontologies offer significant benefits to multi-agent systems: interoperability, reusability, support for multi-agent system (MAS) development activities (such as system analysis and agent knowledge modeling) and support for MAS operation (such as agent communication and reasoning). This paper presents an ontology-based methodology, MOBMAS, for the analysis and design of multi-agent systems. MOBMAS is the first methodology that explicitly identifies and implements the various ways in which ontologies can be used in the MAS development process and integrated into the MAS model definitions. In this paper, we present comprehensive documentation and validation of MOBMAS.  相似文献   

Abstract.  While a large body of research exists on the development and implementation of software, organizations are increasingly acquiring enterprise software packages [e.g. enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems] instead of custom developing their own software applications. To be competitive in the marketplace, software package development firms must manage the three-pronged trade-off between cost, quality and functionality. Surprisingly, prior research has made little attempt to investigate the characteristics of packaged software that influence management information system (MIS) managers' likelihood of recommending purchase. As a result, both the criteria by which MIS managers evaluate prospective packaged systems and the attributes that lead to commercially competitive ERP software products are poorly understood. This paper examines this understudied issue through a conjoint study. We focus on ERP systems, which are among the largest and most complex packaged systems that are purchased by organizations. In a conjoint study, 1008 evaluation decisions based on hypothetical ERP software package profiles were completed by managers in 126 organizations. The study represents the first empirical investigation of the relative importance that managers ascribe to various factors that are believed to be important in evaluating packaged software. The results provide important insights for both organizations that acquire such systems and those that develop them. The results show that functionality, reliability, cost, ease of use and ease of customization are judged to be important criteria, while ease of implementation and vendor reputation were not found to be significant. Functionality and reliability were found to be the most heavily weighted factors. We conclude the paper with a detailed discussion of the results and their implications for software acquisition and development practice.  相似文献   

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