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通过对内蒙古二连浩特市年用电负荷及日用电负荷统计分析计算,初步确定二连浩特风光互补城市供电示范项目风光互补容量配置标准方案,即该项目风电场装机容量为72 MW,光伏电站装机容量为22 MW.之后经过风光互补容量配置修正方案分析,22 MW光伏电站发电量可以弥补风电出力低谷时间的用电负荷需求,因此光伏电站装机容量不再调整.根据二连浩特市城市规划及基本用电负荷需求预测,经分析计算,二连浩特地区需要总体配置120 MW风电场和22 MW光伏电站,考虑到二连浩特市已并网运行风电场20 MW、在建风电场50 MW,因此确定该示范项目的风光互补容量配置方案只需配置50 MW风电场及22 MW光伏电站即可,风电场与光伏电站同场同期建设.  相似文献   

国电介绍空预器B减速机箱体(灰铸铁)运行中发现裂纹,采用的挖补修复技术。  相似文献   

国内目前装机容量最大,使用水头最高的灯炮贯流式机组--广西百龙滩水电站于1999年6月全部投产发电,该电站安装6台单机容量32MW灯泡贯流式水轮发电机组,总装机容量192MW,机组性能优良,结构合理,达到当今世界先进水平。该机组由日本富士电机与富春江富士水电设备有限公司(原富春江水电设备总厂)联合设计制造,本文就百龙滩机组的设计思路、结构特点诸方面谈谈自己的一些认识。  相似文献   

国电安顺发电有限公司一、二期共4×300MW机组,总装机1200MW,1998—2001年相续投产,为贵州首座超百万机组发电厂。结合我公司球磨机设备情况,分析了球磨机螺旋输送器轴承长期高温运行,对机组安全经济运行的影响,针对目前的情况我们提出了具体的解决方案与大家交流。  相似文献   

In the second part of the review of modern geothermal power plant technologies and equipment, a role, a usage scale, and features of application of binary cycle plants in the geothermal economy are considered. Data on the use of low-boiling fluids, their impact on thermal parameters and performance of geothermal binary power units are presented. A retrospective of the use of various low-boiling fluids in industrial binary power units in the world since 1965 is shown. It is noted that the current generating capacity of binary power units running on hydrocarbons is equal to approximately 82.7% of the total installed capacity of all the binary power units in the world. At the same time over the past 5 years, the total installed capacity of geothermal binary power units in 25 countries increased by more than 50%, reaching nearly 1800 MW (hereinafter electric power is indicated), by 2015. A vast majority of the existing binary power plants recovers heat of geothermal fluid in the range of 100–200°C. Binary cycle power plants have an average unit capacity of 6.3 MW, 30.4 MW at single-flash power plants, 37.4 MW at double-flash plants, and 45.4 MW at power plants working on superheated steam. The largest binary cycle geothermal power plants (GeoPP) with an installed capacity of over 60 MW are in operation in the United States and the Philippines. In most cases, binary plants are involved in the production process together with a steam cycle. Requirements to the fluid ensuring safety, reliability, and efficiency of binary power plants using heat of geothermal fluid are determined, and differences and features of their technological processes are shown. Application of binary cycle plants in the technological process of combined GeoPPs makes it possible to recover geothermal fluid more efficiently. Features and advantages of binary cycle plants using multiple fluids, including a Kalina Cycle, are analyzed. Technical characteristics of binary cycle plants produced by various manufacturers are considered, and data on the Russian pilot binary geothermal power unit in the Pauzhetskaya GeoPP is provided. Expediency of the use of binary cycle plants for autonomous power supply and energy extension of existing GeoPPs without drilling extra wells and in flowsheets of newly designed combined GeoPPs are noted.  相似文献   

随着电站装机容量和机组台数的不断增加,利用动态规划求解水电站厂内经济运行问题,将面临"维数灾"和实效性问题.近些年,粒子群算法作为一种新型的群体智能优化方法,由于能够弥补动态规划计算时间长、内存占用量大等诸多不足,在水电站厂内经济运行等方面得到了广泛重视.现有文献,大多数从方法的应用角度探讨较多,但从替代动态规划的必然性和潜力方面探讨较少,鲜有实例分析.本文以百万级装机千瓦的乌江渡水电站为实例,深入分析与比较了粒子群算法与动态规划的优劣,认为粒子群算法是代替动态规划、求解装机规模庞大的巨型水电站厂内经济运行的有效方法.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了AP1000屏蔽厂房结构形式,然后从设计和分析、实验、建造和检查三个方面讨论了NRC对新版AP1000结构审评相关问题及WEC对这些问题的反馈、验证和补充分析,并关注了AP1000从旧版基岩厂址拓宽到新版土层厂址涉及的一些结构问题,最后基于以上内容分新版AP1000结构问题可能对国内在建的旧版结构可能产生...  相似文献   

即将发布的《可再生能源发展"十二五"规划》规定:到2015年底,我国生物质发电的装机容量要达到13000MW,到2020年底达到30000MW,因此未来十年将迎来我国生物质发电事业建设的新高峰。本文针对当前我国生物质发电的现状,分别从我国目前生物质发电的装机容量及分布、生物质发电的政策、生物质发电的投资和建设等方面进行了探讨;并对当前我国生物质发电在运营上存在的问题进行了分析,对比了生物质混燃发电的优势。最终对未来我国生物质发电在成本、设计、建设及运行等各方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

根据中国东方电气集团公司在印度承建的一火电站总承包项目(2×300MW)主厂房工程钢筋混凝土预制方桩地基处理的实践经验,提出在超固结粘性土质条件下,钢筋混凝土预制方桩承载能力的估算值和对现有理论计算单桩的承载能力时计算参数取值的调整方法。  相似文献   

The year 2000 was a year when China's nationaleconomical and social development witnessed tremendousachievements, and China's electric power industrysuccessfully realized the objectives set at the beginningof the year 2000.In 2000, the nationwide electricity generation fulfilled1368.5TWh, an increase of 10.975% on the basis of year-on-year; the newly commissioned generating capacityreached 20,553 MW. With annual newly commissionedgenerating capacity exceeding 10,000 MW consecutivelyfor thir…  相似文献   

黄少鹗 《广东电力》2003,16(6):15-17,21
俄罗斯穆特诺夫斯克地热电站总装机容量50MW,是一座在电力和热能生产上有重大突破的新型样板地热电站。为此,介绍了穆特诺夫斯克现代地热电站现状,对地热电站设备、汽轮发电机组、热力系统结构与特点作了阐述。地热发电与传统燃煤、燃油、燃气电厂相比,具有生态洁净、节约燃料运输贮存和管理费用、建设周期较短等优势。鉴于目前我国地热发电正处于起步阶段,地热发电装机容量只占世界上地热电站的装机总容量很少份额,因而可加快我国地热资源的开发应用,促进我国地热电站的发展。  相似文献   

屠进  许平 《电力建设》2003,24(8):9-0
浙江半山天然气发电厂采用 3套 30 0MW级燃气 -蒸汽联合循环发电机组 ,每套机组有燃气轮机、余热锅炉、汽轮机及发电机 4大主要部件。由于天然气价格较高 ,该厂应采用F级机组。从电厂容量的适应性、主厂房布置和总平面布置的可行性、启动和控制性能、投资成本比较、联合循环整体性能的比较、国产化实施潜力及维修费用、施工的便利性等方面确定了该厂宜采用F级、单轴燃气 -蒸汽联合循环机组。  相似文献   

胡锁钢 《青海电力》2005,24(4):20-22,68
龙羊峡水电站系西北电网的主力发电厂,总装机容量128MW,是以发电为主,兼有防洪、灌溉、防凌等综合效益的水电工程。文章结合龙羊峡水电站2^#变压器中性点故障点查找的过程,对其产生的原因进行了必要的分析,同时提出今后应采取的必要的防护措施。  相似文献   

烟岗水电站装有2台单机容量为60?MW的水斗式立轴水轮发电机组,电站总装机容量为120?MW。对烟岗电站水轮机的基本特性、各主要部件的结构设计和应用功能做了简要的介绍,同时对水轮机的安全保护装置的组成部分和各组成部分的动作方式进行了做了简要的说明。  相似文献   

谢璐滨  杜鹏 《电气开关》2010,48(3):20-22
设计的电网包括:1个火电厂、3个变电所,装机容量为500MW的220kV地方电网。按照电网规划设计的一般原则和常用方法,先对该网络进行原始资料分析,选择了2个方案进行详细比较,通过对电网可靠性、灵活性、经济性分析,以及潮流计算、导线的选择及校验,依据统筹兼顾、综合平衡、整体优化的观点,从技术、经济等方面确定一个最优的方案。  相似文献   

天生桥一级水电站装有4台水轮发电机组,单机容量为300MW,电站总装机容量为1200MW,本文简要介绍天生桥一级水轮发电机的基本特性,结构设计,通风系统及试运行情况。  相似文献   

The Yellow River is rich in water energy resources. According to the reinvestigation on the national water power resources in 2003, in the Yellow River valley, rivers each having 10-MW or above theoretically potential hydro energy amount to 155. Their total theoretically potential hydro energy is 43,312.1 MW. Hydropower stations each having technically exploitable installed capacity of 500 kW or above may amount to 535. Their total installed capacity may be 37,342.5 MW and total annual generation may be 136,096 TWh. Hydropower stations economically exploitable may amount to 482. Their total installed capacity may be 31,647.8 MW and total annual generation may be 111,139 TWh, accounting for 84.75% and 81.66% that of technically exploitable ones respectively. The basin area of the Yellow River is 795,000 m2. The area of its medium and upper reaches represents 97% of the total. The upper Yellow River, in particular, Longyangxia- Qingtongxia river stretch is rich in hydropower resources with good conditions and has been listed in one of the important hydropower bases to be exploited.  相似文献   

对135MW机组进行封存保养的情况目前比较少见,随着我国火电机组装机容量的不断增加,将有越来越多更大容量的机组进入封存保养或检修保养状态。通过总结135MW机组的封存保养实践经验,认为对锅炉采用气相缓蚀剂法、对汽机采用干风干燥法能起到较好的封存保养效果。  相似文献   

柘林水电站装有2台单机容量为120MW水轮发电机组,电站总装机容量为240MW.简要介绍了柘林水轮发电机的基本特性、结构设计、通风系统及试运行情况.  相似文献   

On Oct. 1, 1993 a new 350 kV/440 MW HVDC cable was commissioned between Norway and Denmark. This 127 km-long, Skagerrak 3 cable was manufactured bv Alcatel Kabel Norge. It was installed at a record maximum sea depth of 530 m. During the summer of 1994 a 250 km-long, 450 kV/600 MW HVDC cable will be installed across the Baltic Sea from Sweden to Germany. This Baltic Cable, manufactured by ABB High Voltage Cables, will set a world record for voltage level, length and transmission capacity. The main benefit of these long-distance HVDC cables is an increased load exchange capacity between hydroelectric power stations in Norway and Sweden and various European thermal power systems  相似文献   

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