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Schwartz  M.F. 《Computer》1993,26(9):25-35
The author discusses aspects of Internet's resource discovery problem: how users specify searches, the difference between discovering classes of resources and locating appropriate instances, system-management problems that can be cast as global state discovery searches, issues involved with characterizing resources and with the efficient distribution of characterizing information, and social issues, especially privacy. Results of efforts to address these problems as part of the Networked Resource Discovery project at the University of Colorado are presented. These efforts use a variety of experimental approaches, including prototype systems, network measurement studies, and simulation studies  相似文献   

Modern Internet systems have evolved from simple monolithic systems to complex multi-tiered architectures. For these systems, providing good response time performance is crucial for commercial success. In practice, the response-time performance of multi-tiered systems is often degraded by severe synchronization problems, causing jobs to wait for responses from different tiers. Synchronization between different tiers is a complicating factor in the optimal control and analysis of performance. In this paper, we study a generic multi-tier model with synchronization in a queuing-theoretical setting. The system is able to share processing capacity between arriving jobs that need to be sent to other tiers and the responses that have arrived after processing from these tiers. We provide structural results on the optimal resource allocation policy and provide a full characterization of the policy in the framework of Markov decision theory. We also highlight important effects of synchronization in the model. We validate our expressions through extensive experimentations for a wide range of resource configurations.  相似文献   

A super-peer model for resource discovery services in large-scale Grids   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
As deployed Grids increase from tens to thousands of nodes, peer-to-peer (P2P) techniques and protocols can be used to implement scalable services and applications. The super-peer model is a novel approach that helps the convergence of P2P models and Grid environments and can be used to deploy a P2P information service in Grids. A super-peer serves a single physical organization in a Grid, and manages metadata associated to the resources provided by the nodes of that organization. Super-peers connect to each other to form a peer network at a higher level. This paper examines how the super-peer model can handle membership management and resource discovery services in a multi-organizational Grid. A simulation analysis evaluates the performance of a resource discovery protocol; simulation results can be used to tune protocol parameters in order to increase search efficiency.  相似文献   

The popularity and availability of Internet connection has opened up the opportunity for network-centric collaborative work that was impossible a few years ago. Contending traffic flows in this collaborative scenario share different kinds of resources such as network links, buffers, and router CPU. The goal should hence be overall fairness in the allocation of multiple resources rather than a specific resource. In this paper, firstly, we present a novel QoS-aware resource scheduling algorithm called Weighted Composite Bandwidth and CPU Scheduler (WCBCS), which jointly allocates the fair share of the link bandwidth as well as processing resource to all competing flows. WCBCS also uses a simple and adaptive online prediction scheme for reliably estimating the processing times of the incoming data packets. Secondly, we present some analytical results, extensive NS-2 simulation work, and experimental results from our implementation on Intel IXP2400 network processor. The simulation and implementation results show that our low complexity scheduling algorithm can efficiently maximise the CPU and bandwidth utilisation while maintaining guaranteed Quality of Service (QoS) for each individual flow.  相似文献   

服务发现是服务框架中联系消费者和提供者的重要环节。提出了一种考虑服务质量的服务发现机制(QSCD)。QSCD根据消费者的消费历史,考虑了消费者对服务质量的要求,在消费者本地建立一个服务发现机构。并在QSCD引入服务预约和服务社区等概念,对该机制进行了扩展。它作为对已有服务发现机制的补充,可提高发现的速度。  相似文献   

资源发现是整个网格系统的热点研究问题。结合P2P技术提出了一种基于资源区域的网格资源发现的新方法,按照资源的类型将网格资源划分为多个区域,具有相同类型资源的网格信息节点组织在同一区域中,各区域由一个域中心节点进行管理,各域中心节点形成P2P层。把网格中的资源分为域间-域内两类,从而大大提高了查询效率和通信效率,减少了网络流量。  相似文献   

张忠平  贾倩 《计算机应用研究》2012,29(12):4683-4687
引入域和资源路由节点的概念,设置最小代价函数对网格资源进行分层按域划分,形成一种基于最小代价的分层次网格资源发现模型;并为模型设计了相应的资源路由器节点选择算法、资源注册和查询算法。性能分析和模拟实验结果表明,模型具有良好的可扩展性和容错性,且系统代价低;模型能够在屏蔽网格资源异构性的同时很好地满足其动态性、分布性和扩展性的要求,具有较高的资源搜索性能。  相似文献   

Resource discovery systems become more and more important as distributed systems grow and as their pool of resources becomes more variable. As such, an increasing amount of networked systems provide a discovery service. This paper provides a taxonomy for resource discovery systems by defining their design aspects. This allows comparison of the designs of the deployed discovery services and is intended as an aid to system designers when selecting an appropriate mechanism. The surveyed systems are divided into four classes that are separately described. Finally, we identify a hiatus in the design space and point out genuinely distributed resource discovery systems that support dynamic and mobile resources and use attribute-based naming as a main direction for future research in this area.
Koen VanthournoutEmail: URL: http://www.esat.kuleuven.ac.be

怎样合理有效地组织网格资源是网格资源发现的关键问题.对网格环境下资源的组织方式进行了研究,提出了网格资源结点动态自组织算法,通过该算法能够将网格资源结点合理有效地组织成具有资源类型的网格资源虚拟组织;提出了资源虚拟组织大小划分的原则,有效地解决了网格资源发现系统中资源虚拟组织与系统规模之间的矛盾,通过仿真试验验证了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2007,51(1):190-206
The resource discovery problem arises in the context of peer to peer (P2P) networks, where at any point of time a peer may be placed at or removed from any location over a general purpose network (e.g., an Internet site). A node (peer) can communicate with another node directly if and only if it knows a certain routing information to that other node. Hence, a critical task is for the peers to convey this routing information to each other.The problem was formalized by Harchol-Balter et al. and the specific P2P application they had in mind was the logical networks G0 of servers placed by Akamai at various Internet sites. The routing information needed for a node to reach another peer is that peer’s identifier (e.g., IP address). A logical directed edge represents the fact that the peer at the tail of the edge knows the IP address of the one at its head. The problem is to compute the connected components in the underlying graph of G0 (namely, the undirected graph obtained from G0 by removing edge directionality). A number of algorithms were developed in Harchol-Balter et al. for this problem in the model of a synchronous network over a weakly connected directed graph. That is, the assumption was that some clock delivers pulses to every node every time unit at the same time, and a message delivery takes one time unit. The best of these algorithms was randomized. Subsequently, a deterministic algorithm for the problem on synchronous networks with improved complexity was presented in a paper by Kutten et al.The current paper extends the deterministic algorithm of Kutten et al. to the environment of asynchronous networks, where no clock pulses are assumed, and the message delivery time may vary and is not known. We managed to maintain complexities similar to those of the synchronous algorithm of Kutten et al. (translated to the asynchronous model). These are lower than the complexities that would be needed to synchronize the system. The main technical difficulty in a directed, weakly connected system is to ensure that nodes take steps that are consistent with each other, even if their knowledge about each other is not symmetric. Here, this task is further complicated by the fact that there is no timeout mechanism (which does exist in synchronous systems) to assist in ensuring consistency. In particular, as opposed to the case in synchronous systems, an asynchronous algorithm cannot first transform every directed edge to be bidirectional and second, apply an algorithm for bidirectional graph. Thus, our result takes another step towards representing the actual setting in a realistic manner.  相似文献   

Boolean similarity measures for resource discovery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
As the number of Internet servers increases rapidly, it becomes difficult to determine the relevant servers when searching for information. The authors develop a new method to rank Internet servers for Boolean queries. Their method reduces time and space complexity from exponential to polynomial in the number of Boolean terms. They contrast it with other known methods and describe its implementation  相似文献   

Programming Internet telephony services   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The Internet offers an opportunity to enhance traditional telephony services, such as call forwarding, through interaction with e-mail, the Web, and directory services, as well as traditional media types. How do you effectively program these services? The authors propose a CGI (common gateway interface) solution for trusted user/developers (such as administrators) and the Call Processing Language (CPL)-a simple, robust, safe, call processing language-for untrusted user/developers  相似文献   

钱雪忠  孙华峰 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(14):3370-3372,3375
随着Web Services的广泛流行,怎样发现适当Web Services来支持Web Services的组合已经成为一种挑战.由于传统的关键字搜索具有太低的记忆性和精确性,因此这种方法是很低效的.基于Web Services的描述信息,介绍了一种有效的Web Services发现机制.此服务发现方法是简单可用的,通过引入语义变得十分高效,因此该机制成功的在服务组合模型上得到了实现.  相似文献   

Cost savings and the ease of developing and adding new services have motivated great interest in Internet telephony, which integrates services provided by the Internet with the public switched telephone network (PSTN). Internet telephony relies on several protocols, including the real-time transport protocol (RTP) for multimedia data transport and the session initiation protocol (SIP) or H.323 for establishing and controlling sessions. SIP can integrate with other Internet services, such as email, the Web, voice mail, instant messaging, conference calling, and multimedia collaboration. We have implemented a SIP-based software suite called the Columbia Internet extensible multimedia architecture (Cinema), which we installed and integrated with the existing private branch exchange (PBX) infrastructure in the computer science department at Columbia University. The Cinema environment provides interoperability with the PSTN, programmable Internet telephony services, and IP-based voice mail. It also integrates Web access and e-mail for unified messaging and supports multiparty multimedia conferencing. The setup lets us extend our PBX capacity and will eventually let us replace it while keeping our existing phone numbers. It also provides an environment in which we can easily add new services and features, including interoperation with existing multimedia tools, e-mail access from standard. telephones, network appliance control, and instant messaging support  相似文献   

基于用户与服务协同聚类的Web服务发现研究*   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
如何从大规模服务集合中快速而准确地发现目标服务是应用Web服务技术的关键。针对现有研究方法主要集中在基于语义的Web服务发现上,其实施难度大且适用性不强,提出一种基于服务日志挖掘的服务发现方法。该方法通过对用户与服务进行协同聚类,缩小查询空间,从而提高发现效率。仿真实验表明,其在召回率与准确率上比基于关键字的匹配算法都有不同程度的改善,且该方法能极大地满足服务执行时动态绑定的特性。  相似文献   

为了解决传统资源发现机制不能很好地适应网络状态、可扩展性较差等问题,在超级节点模型的基础上,结合联系节点,建立了一种基于层次结构的网格模型,设计了成员加入协议,给出了基于跳数限定、缓存列表的资源发现算法。通过对网络架构的分析,该模型能够适应网格资源的复杂性与异构性,可扩展性好。实验结果证明:该算法缩短了查询时间,提高了网格环境下资源发现的效率。  相似文献   

提出了一种网格环境下动态资源的表示方法——矩阵表示法,同时研究了矩阵表示法下的资源查找和更新算法,该算法充分考虑了资源属性的动态性。由于矩阵计算不用操作资源的原始数据,从而提高了查找的效率,不仅能够进行精确匹配的查询也能进行范围查询。在路由查询时,只要参考本地信息就可给出准确的路由选择。矩阵表示资源还简化了动态资源的更新过程,使资源信息能够及时接近真实的网格环境。  相似文献   

网格环境中高效的资源发现是直接关系网格性能的核心因素之一.现有资源发现机制都未考虑资源自身在资源发现过程中的主动作用,据此提出了一种资源主动声明机制.处于可用状态的资源,可以通过向潜在用户发送声明信息,声明其可用状态,主动供用户选择.并且介绍了该机制的关键技术、实现过程,指出了该机制在提高资源利用率,缩短资源发现时间,改善资源管理性能方面的优势.  相似文献   

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