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研究微量元素的种类与添加量对Cu55Zr38Al7铜基块体金属玻璃形成能力的影响。X射线衍射仪和差示扫描量热仪的研究表明,添加2at%的Ag、Ti、Y或Nd都可以提高Cu55Zr38Al7的玻璃形成能力;6at%的Ag替代Cu,金属玻璃棒的临界直径可从2mm增加到4mm;而复合添加2at%的Ag和Y也可以明显提高Cu55Zr38Al7的玻璃形成能力。所以,替代化学性质相似的元素或者扩大合金系的原子尺寸范围可显著提高铜基块体金属玻璃的形成能力。  相似文献   

尹健  周志坚  刘毅  漆志鹏 《铸造技术》2012,(10):1142-1144
采用铜模喷铸法研究了少量添加元素Ni对Mg-Cu-Gd合金的玻璃形成能力的影响。结果表明,Ni的原子分数为2.85%~4.05%的Mg-Cu-Ni-Gd合金形成块体金属玻璃的临界尺寸可达6~8 mm。少量Ni元素会稍降低Mg-Cu-Gd合金的玻璃形成能力,这可主要归因于Ni元素会促进Mg-Cu-Gd非晶形成竞争相Mg2Cu形成以及降低合金液相稳定性。  相似文献   

研究微量元素Ag、Ti、Ga、Ni和Sn对Cu55Zr38Al7铜基块体金属玻璃形成能力及力学性能的影响。结果表明:添加2%(摩尔分数)的Ag、Ti或Ga均可以提高Cu55Zr38Al7合金的玻璃形成能力;用6%的Ag替代Cu,玻璃棒的临界直径可从2 mm增加到4 mm;因此,替代化学性质相似的元素或者扩大合金系的原子尺寸范围对提高玻璃形成能力具有显著的效果;然而,添加微量元素均不同程度地降低Cu-Zr-Al金属玻璃的硬度。断口表面形貌显示;微量相似元素替代影响基体在压缩过程中剪切带的繁殖;在微量元素替代的伪四元铜基块体金属玻璃中,2%Ti和2%Ag替代可分别获得最大压缩强度2 163 MPa和最大压缩应变8.7%。因此,通过添加微量元素可以调谐金属玻璃的玻璃形成能力和力学性能。  相似文献   

U-Co系具有较宽非晶成分区间,但其玻璃形成能力(GFA)较差。针对该体系的U_(69.2)Co_(30.8)合金,选择不同类型的元素M(M=Sn,Si,Be,Cu,Pd,Y,Zr)进行微合金化,采用铜辊甩带方法制备U_(69)Co_(30)M_1非晶合金条带样品,结合X射线衍射与差示扫描量热技术研究了微合金化对合金GFA的影响。结果表明,Sn添加对U-Co合金的GFA具有明显改善作用,Si次之,Be、Cu影响不大,Pd、Y、Zr起到恶化效果。结合合金熔化行为的改变和GFA与M元素的熔点、电负性、原子尺寸及M-C混合焓等参数的关联性分析,初步揭示出微合金化对U-Co合金GFA的影响机制,其本质应该与改变合金液体稳定性和晶化驱动力有关。  相似文献   

在已开发的合金体系中,Mg-TM-RE合金系(TM为过渡元素,RE为稀土元素)为主要合金系。在总结近年来开发的Mg-TM-RE块体金属玻璃的形成体系及其形成能力的基础上,分析和讨论了合金元素TM及RE对Mg基块体金属玻璃形成能力的影响,为进一步研发Mg-TM-RE系金属玻璃提供合金设计思路。  相似文献   

大块金属玻璃非晶形成能力表征参数探讨   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
把大块金属玻璃合金系作为一物质系统 ,利用加和性原则分别计算其物理结构参数 ,即混合熵Smix、摩尔原子半径差εd、摩尔原子电负性差εe、热扩散率α以及熔点与熔化焓之比Tm/Hm等 ,分别把大块金属玻璃的临界冷却速度Rc、最大尺寸Zmax以及Zmax/Rc作为合金玻璃形成能力的目标 ,用Origin6.1软件分别对εd·εe·α·Smix·Tm/Hm(记做Л)和Rc,Zmax及Zmax/Rc做统计图。结果表明 :如果以Rc作为合金玻璃形成能力的目标 ,Л为 0 .0 2~ 0 .175时合金的玻璃形成能力最好 ;如果以Zmax作为合金玻璃形成能力的目标 ,Л为 0 .0 47~ 0 .15时合金的玻璃形成能力最好 ;如果以Zmax/Rc作为合金玻璃形成能力的目标 ,Л为 0 .0 3~ 0 .15时合金的玻璃形成能力最好。综合的最佳范围为 0 .0 47~ 0 .15。Л是一个比较理想的表征合金玻璃形成能力的新参数  相似文献   

非晶态金属的结构与合金的玻璃形成能力   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
卢柯 《金属学报》1992,28(1):67-76
本文提出了一种非晶态金属的微观结构模型—Cluster模型,根据此模型的统计热力学计算导出了一个表征合金玻璃形成能力(GFA)的参量: α_c=[1-2.08/Φ_m]T_g/T_m其中T_g为玻璃转变温度,T_m为熔点,Φ_m为合金的熔化熵,α_c值越大合金越易形成非晶态。这个新的合金GFA判据不但为过去的几种GFA经验判据提供了理论依据,而且比它们更合理,准确  相似文献   

磁性金属玻璃是一种新型的磁性材料,它具有大的玻璃形成能力和良好的热稳定性,只需很低的临界冷却速率即可获得很大尺寸的金属玻璃。与传统的磁性材料相比,磁性金属玻璃的有关性能更加优异,它具有高的饱和磁化强度,低的矫顽力,高的磁导率以及大的磁致伸缩系数,而且,在其液态过冷区内具有超塑性,利用这一特点,可以将其加工成为各种高精密度形状复杂的磁性器件。  相似文献   

介绍了镁基大块金属玻璃的发展、合金体系选择依据、制备方法、各种独特性能及其最新研究进展。总结出Mg-TM-Ln合金体系是最具潜力的镁基大块金属玻璃体系。介绍了目前镁基大块金属玻璃的研究重点及其发展趋势。  相似文献   

镁基大块金属玻璃的制备及研究进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
黎业生  吴子平  刘赣伟  陈辉惶 《铸造》2005,54(8):745-748
介绍了镁基大块金属玻璃的发展、合金体系选择依据、制备方法、各种独特性能以及最新研究进展.由此总结出Mg-TM-Ln合金体系是最具潜力的镁基大块金属玻璃体系.最后阐明了目前镁基大块金属玻璃的研究重点及发展趋势.  相似文献   

This paper reports that the plasticity of Zr-based metallic glass can be improved by creating two symmetrical semi-circular notches. Unlike the experimental findings of the samples without notches, a steady shear deformation can be created by the large-scale stress gradient around the two symmetrical notches and the plasticity of metallic glass can be enhanced to a high value of ~10% under compression tests. The improved plasticity may be due to the easy initiation of shear bands around the notches, and the consequent blocking effect of notches on the propagation of shear bands, similar to the dislocation mechanism in crystalline materials. To reveal the particular plastic deformation behavior of metallic glass, Ti3SiC2 ceramic and high-strength steel specimens with two symmetrical semi-circular notches were also conducted under compressive loadings; however, no enhancement in plasticity was found. It is suggested that creating a stress gradient is a particular strategy for designing metallic glasses in order to improve their plasticity.  相似文献   

We report microstructure and mechanical properties of bulk metallic glass (BMG)/metallic glass composites fabricated by mechanical alloying with subsequent consolidation process. The microstructural investigations of a bulk composite reveal that a submicron-scale layered structure with irregular interfaces consists of three amorphous phases in tornado-like morphology. Based on these results, poor plasticity of the metallic glass composite can be understood possibly due to the irregular interfacial morphology of the submicron-scale heterogeneous amorphous phases throughout the materials.  相似文献   

An experimental study to ascertain the ductile-to-brittle transition (DBT) in a bulk metallic glass (BMG) was conducted. Results of the impact toughness tests conducted at various temperatures on as-cast and structurally relaxed Zr-based BMG show a sharp DBT. The DBT temperature was found to be sensitive to the free-volume content in the alloy. Possible factors that result in the DBT were critically examined. It was found that the postulate of a critical free volume required for the amorphous alloy to exhibit good toughness cannot rationalize the experimental trends. Likewise, the Poisson’s ratio–toughness correlations, which suggest a critical Poisson’s ratio above which all glasses are tough, were found not to hold good. Viscoplasticity theories, developed using the concept of shear transformation zones and which describe the temperature and strain rate dependence of the crack-tip plasticity in BMGs, appear to be capable of capturing the essence of the experiments. Our results highlight the need for a more generalized theory to understand the origins of toughness in BMGs.  相似文献   

块体非晶合金的应用与连接   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王丽  熊建钢  李志远 《电焊机》2007,37(4):29-37
综述了块体非晶合金在国内外的应用现状、前景,以及目前对块体非晶合金连接的研究现状.报导了采用液相焊接方法如爆炸焊、电子束焊、激光焊等和超冷液相焊接方法如摩擦焊成功实现同质、异质块体非晶合金以及块体非晶合金与晶态合金的连接.分析了实现液相焊接块体非晶合金的关键是采用高能量密度的焊接方法以及块体非晶合金具有强的玻璃形成能力;实现超冷液相焊接块体非晶合金的关键在于块体非晶合金处于过冷液态的热稳定性、超塑性和粘滞性.  相似文献   

Formation and crystallization of Zr-Ni-Ti metallic glass   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The metallic Zr65 Ni25 Ti10 (mole fraction, %) glass has been fabricated by a single roller melt-spinning method. The glass forming ability(GFA) and thermal stability of the Zr65 Ni25 Ti10 melt-spun ribbons were investigated by using X-ray diffraction(XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry(DSC) in the mode of continuous heating. It is shown that the reduced glass transition temperature (Trg) is 0. 506 and the supercooled liquid region (△Tx) is 30 K. Two exothermic peaks were observed in the DSC curves of the as-quenched ribbon, which indicates that the crystallization process undergoes two different stages. The phase transformation during the isothermal annealing was investigated by X-ray diffraction(XRD) and transmission electronic microscope(TEM). It is observed that the metastable FCC Zr2 Ni(Fd3m, a= 12.27 A) precipitated while annealing in the suppercooled region(615 K) and the stable BCT Zr2Ni(I4/mcm, a= 6.499 A, c= 5.270 A) precipitated while annealing at higher temperature(673 K or 723 K). The crystallines are on nanoscale, with grain size of 15-30 nm. The reason for the precipitation of the different structural Zr2 Ni from the glassy matrix under different annealing conditions was discussed based on the concept of multi-component chemical short range order(MCSRO).  相似文献   

Tubular bulk metallic glass specimens were produced, using a custom-built combined arc-melting tilt-casting furnace. Zr55Cu30Al10Ni5 tubes with outer diameter of 25 mm and 0.8–3 mm wall thicknesses were cast, with both tilt and suction casting to ensure mold filling. Tilt casting was found to fill one side of the tube mold first, with the rest of the tube circumference filled subsequently by suction casting. Optimized casting parameters were required to fully fill the mold and ensure glass formation. Too small melt mass and too low arc power filled the mold only partially. However, too large melt mass and higher arc power which lead to the best mold filling also lead to partial crystallization. Variations in processing parameters were explored, until a glassy ring with 1.8 mm thickness was produced. Different sections of the as-cast ring were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), and instrumented indentation to ensure amorphous microstructure. Atomic force microscopy (AFM) was used to compare the surface qualities of the first- and last-filled sections. These measurements confirmed the glassy structure of the cast ring, and that, the tilt cast tube section consistently showed better surface quality than the suction cast section. Optimized casting parameters are required to fully realize the potential of directly manufacturing complex shapes out of high-purity bulk metallic glasses by tilt casting.  相似文献   

The fracture morphology of Zr-based bulk metallic glass-matrix-composites (BMGCs) and Cu-based bulk metallic glass (BMG) after compression testing has been studied. The quasi-static compression fracture surface displays a mixture of three different distinct patterns: vein-like, smooth featureless and river-like features. The last one corresponds to the morphology known from tensile tests of BMGs. Moreover, randomly distributed transversal steps on the fracture plane are also present. This is in contrast to previous studies where a characteristic vein-like pattern is considered a unique feature of the fracture of BMGs under quasi-static uniaxial compression. The presence of different fracture features indicates that the development of the fracture plane occurs in a stepwise mode.  相似文献   

1 Introduction Since INOUE et al[1,2] reported that amorphousalloy with the composition of Mg65Cu25Y10 could beproduced with thickness up to 4 mm by conventionamold casting technique, Mg-based bulk metallic glasses(BMGs) have been proposed as a new kind …  相似文献   

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