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采用环境矿物材料膨润土、钢渣、膨润土-钢渣复合粉末及复合颗粒对含Mn2+酸性矿山废水进行对比处理试验,确定最佳吸附剂及其与聚丙烯酰胺(PAM)联用技术的最佳反应条件。结果表明,5∶5膨润土-钢渣复合粉末对含Mn2+酸性矿山废水处理效果最好;对于pH值为3~3.5、Mn2+质量浓度为50 mg/L的酸性矿山废水,当复合吸附剂用量为3 g/L、PAM投加量为0.4 mg/L、吸附时间为120 min时,Mn2+去除率可达96.12%,处理后溶液pH值为8.91,浊度为4.0 NTU,可达标排放。膨润土-钢渣复合粉末与PAM吸附-混凝联用对含Mn2+酸性矿山废水的处理效果比单独吸附有较大程度提高,可实现泥水分离,且处理成本较低,值得推广应用。 相似文献
通过震荡吸附试验,对比研究膨润土、钢渣、膨润土-钢渣复合粉末状材料、膨润土-钢渣复合颗粒材料对含Zn2+酸性矿山废水处理效果,确定最佳吸附材料及其最佳反应条件,结果表明:8∶2膨润土-钢渣复合粉末状材料对含Zn2+的酸性矿山废水处理效果最好;对于p H值为3~4、Zn2+质量浓度为50 mg/L的酸性矿山废水,当复合吸附剂用量为7 g/L、吸附时间为120 min时,对酸性矿山废水中Zn2+去除率可达98.43%,处理后水的p H值为7.8,可达标排放;膨润土-钢渣复合材料既释放碱度中和酸,同时又对Zn2+发生了吸附、沉淀、絮凝聚沉协同作用。 相似文献
主要探讨了电气石对含Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+废水净化处理的适宜条件。研究了电气石颗粒的粒径、电气石用量、吸附时间以及pH值对吸附率的影响。实验结果表明,随着电气石粒径的减小其吸附重金属离子的效果增强,电气石吸附铅、铜、镉离子的最佳条件为:电气石粒径500 nm;对处理含Pb2+、Cu2+、Cd2+浓度为50μg/mL的工业废水,电气石用量分别为0.5 g、0.8 g、1.0 g;吸附时间为60~70 min;pH值为6.5;吸附容量的顺序为Pb>Cu>Cd。 相似文献
粘土矿物对废水中Cu~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Cr~(3+)的吸附实验研究 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
采用膨润土和高岭土对重金属的吸附性能进行了实验研究。结果表明:pH对吸附效果有明显影响,当pH值增大时,膨润土和高岭土对重金属的吸附量也随之增大。初始浓度相同的情况下,蒙脱石对重金属的吸附大于高岭土,而且都是随初始浓度的增加而增大。蒙脱石和高岭土对三种不同的重金属离子的吸附能力的强弱都是Cr>Cu>Cd,用Langmuir吸附方程式对吸附等温线进行拟合,相关系数达到0.98以上。 相似文献
针对煤矿酸性废水中Fe、Mn含量高的特点,采用自燃煤矸石及NaCl、NaOH、HCl活化改性煤矸石对废水中的Fe~(2+)和Mn~(2+)进行吸附试验,并采用X射线衍射(XRD)和扫描电镜(SEM)对样品进行表征,考察了自燃煤矸石及NaCl、NaOH、HCl活化改性煤矸石对Fe~(2+)和Mn~(2+)的吸附特性。结果表明:Na OH改性煤矸石对Fe~(2+)和Mn~(2+)的吸附效果最佳。自燃煤矸石对Fe~(2+)的吸附过程由膜扩散和颗粒内扩散联合控制,NaCl和NaOH改性煤矸石对Fe~(2+)的吸附符合一级动力学模型,HCl改性煤矸石对Fe~(2+)的吸附符合二级动力学模型。自燃煤矸石及改性自燃煤矸石对Fe~(2+)的吸附现象均符合Freundlich吸附等温式模型。自燃煤矸石及改性自燃煤矸石对Mn~(2+)的吸附均符合二级动力学模型和Langmuir吸附等温式模型。 相似文献
为探讨微波-酸改性粉煤灰对Cu2+吸附性能的影响,针对粉煤灰的最佳改性条件和不同投放环境下Cu2+吸附性能进行研究。结果表明,在正交试验下,粉煤灰最佳改性条件为:HCl浓度2 mol/L、浸渍时间60 min、HCl用量5 m L/g、微波功率600 W、微波时间9 min,改性粉煤灰对水中Cu2+的去除率可达92.56%;改性粉煤灰在pH值为6,投加量为12 g/L时,对含有Cu2+的溶液吸附效果最佳;根据等温吸附模型可知,改性粉煤灰对Cu2+初始质量浓度在20~40 mg/L去除效果最好,最高可达95.41%,且反应为放热过程。Langmuir模型能很好地描述微波-酸改性粉煤灰对Cu2+的吸附过程,理论饱和吸附量为10.53 mg/g,RL小于1,说明试验条件均有利于吸附的进行。 相似文献
针对煤矿酸性废水中Fe2+、Mn2+含量高、处理难度大、处理成本高等问题,采用自燃煤矸石及Na OH、Na Cl、HCl活化改性煤矸石对煤矿酸性废水中Fe2+、Mn2+进行处理,单因素静态实验、SEM与XRD矿物学分析研究表明,自燃煤矸石的最佳反应条件为:粒径120~180μm,投加量4 g/50m L,p H值为5,震荡时间150 min。Na OH活化改性过程由于煤矸石结构发生较大改变,孔隙、比表面积增大,处理效果最好,最佳改性条件为:浓度3 mol/L,液固比2 L/kg,浸泡时间8 h。 相似文献
针对煤矿酸性废水中存在大量Fe2+、Mn2+和H+的污染问题,采用赤泥复合颗粒、脱碱复合颗粒及单独加碱对含Fe2+和Mn2+的煤矿酸性废水进行对比处理试验研究,并探讨了复合颗粒对Fe2+和Mn2+的去除机理。结果表明,赤泥复合颗粒释放总碱度为186.68 mg/g(以CaCO3计),具有较强的pH值提升能力;复合颗粒通过吸附、沉淀、聚沉协同作用去除Fe2+和Mn2+,且以沉淀作用为主,投加量为2 g/L时的去除率分别为83.26%和67.27%;复合颗粒对Fe2+和Mn2+的吸附均符合Freundlich吸附等温方程,倾向于多分子层吸附;赤泥复合颗粒既能降低酸度,又能吸附重金属离子,可作为处理含Fe2+、Mn2+煤矿酸性废水的优良吸附材料。 相似文献
矿山含铜酸性废水处理研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对矿山含铜酸性废水特点,采用石灰中和沉淀法和石灰调pH—铁屑置换—石灰沉淀法分别进行试验,结果表明,石灰调pH—铁屑置换—石灰沉淀法不仅可以使废水经处理后达到排放标准,而且废水中的大部分铜资源得以回收利用,具有较好的经济效益和环境效益。 相似文献
State and federal reclamation programs, mining operators,
and citizen-based watershed organizations have constructed
hundreds of passive systems in the eastern U. S. over the past
20 years to provide reliable, low cost, low maintenance mine
water treatment in remote locations. While performance has been
reported for individual systems, there has not been a
comprehensive evaluation of the performance of each treatment
type for a wide variety of conditions. We evaluated 83 systems;
five types in eight states. Each system was monitored for
influent and effluent flow, ph, net acidity, and metal
concentrations. Performance was normalized among types by
calclating acid loading reductions and removals, and by
converting construction cost, projected service life, and metric
tonnes of acid load treated into cost per tonne of acid treated.
Of the 83 systems, 82 reduced acid load. Average acid load
reductions were 9.9 t/yr for open limestone channels (OLC), 10.1
t/yr for vertical flow wetland (VFW), 11.9 t/yr for anaerobic
wetlands (AnW), 16.6 t/yr for limestone leach beds (LSB), and
22.2 t/yr for anoxic limestone drains (ALD). Average costs for
acid removal varied from $83/t/yr for ALDs to $527 for AnWs.
Average acid removals were 25
g/m2/day for AnWs, 62
g/m2/day for VFWs, 22 g/day/t for
OLCs, 28 g/day/t for LSBs, and 56 g/day/t for ALDs. It appears
that the majority of passive systems are effective but there was
wide variation within each system type, so improved reliability
and efficiency are needed. This report is an initial step in
determining passive treatment system performance; additional
work is needed to refine system designs and monitoring. 相似文献
Jeff Skousen Carl E. Zipper Arthur Rose Paul F. Ziemkiewicz Robert Nairn Louis M. McDonald Robert L. Kleinmann 《Mine Water and the Environment》2017,36(1):133-153
When appropriately designed and maintained, passive systems can provide long-term, efficient, and effective treatment for many acid mine drainage (AMD) sources. Passive AMD treatment relies on natural processes to neutralize acidity and to oxidize or reduce and precipitate metal contaminants. Passive treatment is most suitable for small to moderate AMD discharges of appropriate chemistry, but periodic inspection and maintenance plus eventual renovation are generally required. Passive treatment technologies can be separated into biological and geochemical types. Biological passive treatment technologies generally rely on bacterial activity, and may use organic matter to stimulate microbial sulfate reduction and to adsorb contaminants; constructed wetlands, vertical flow wetlands, and bioreactors are all examples. Geochemical systems place alkalinity-generating materials such as limestone in contact with AMD (direct treatment) or with fresh water up-gradient of the AMD. Most passive treatment systems employ multiple methods, often in series, to promote acid neutralization and oxidation and precipitation of the resulting metal flocs. Before selecting an appropriate treatment technology, the AMD conditions and chemistry must be characterized. Flow, acidity and alkalinity, metal, and dissolved oxygen concentrations are critical parameters. This paper reviews the current state of passive system technology development, provides results for various system types, and provides guidance for sizing and effective operation. 相似文献