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The red/far-red reversible phytochromes play a central role in regulating the development of plants in relation to their light environment. Studies on the roles of different members of the phytochrome family have mainly focused on light-labile, phytochrome A and light-stable, phytochrome B. Although these two phytochromes often regulate identical responses, they appear to have discrete photosensory functions. Thus, phytochrome A predominantly mediates responses to prolonged far-red light, as well as acting in a non-red/far-red-reversible manner in controlling responses to light pulses. In contrast, phytochrome B mediates responses to prolonged red light and acts photoreversibly under light-pulse conditions. However, it has been reported that rice (Oryza sativa L.) phytochrome A operates in a classical red/far-red reversible fashion following its expression in transgenic tobacco plants. Thus, it was of interest to determine whether transgenic rice phytochrome A could substitute for loss of phytochrome B in phyB mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh. We have observed that ectopic expression of rice phytochrome A can correct the reduced sensitivity of phyB hypocotyls to red light and restore their response to end-of-day far-red treatments. The latter is widely regarded as a hallmark of phytochrome B action. However, although transgenic rice phytochrome A can correct other aspects of elongation growth in the phyB mutant it does not restore other responses to end-of-day far-red treatments nor does it restore responses to low red:far-red ratio. Furthermore, transgenic rice phytochrome A does not correct the early-flowering phenotype of phyB seedlings.  相似文献   

The morbidly obese have a disproportionately greater risk of hypertension, diabetes, and coronary artery disease than their lean or less seriously obese counterparts. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery has been found to be highly effective in inducing, and sustaining, weight loss in individuals with morbid obesity. The purpose of the present study was to examine the effects of weight loss with Roux-en-Y gastric bypass surgery (GBP) on blood pressure, fasting blood glucose, and the lipid/lipoprotein status of 61 morbidly obese women and 21 men. Anthropometric and blood pressure assessments and blood samples for glucose and lipid/lipoprotein analyses were obtained before surgery and at 6 to 12 months postoperatively. By this time, morbidly obese (MO) males and females had lost 33% and 30% of their initial body weight, respectively, along with significant reductions in fasting blood glucose (p < 0.01) and systemic blood pressure (p < 0.05). Weight loss with GBP was also associated with significant reductions in the apoprotein B-containing lipoproteins and the triglyceride and cholesterol composition of these particles. There was a trend (p < 0.10) toward increased serum levels of high density lipoprotein (HDL)-cholesterol following GBP, and significant (p < 0.05) improvement in HDL subfraction distribution and composition. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of GBP in inducing metabolic changes in the MO population, which may reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, diabetes, and hypertension.  相似文献   

We report mutants in Arabidopsis thaliana (fertilization-independent seed:fis) in which certain processes of seed development are uncoupled from the double fertilization event that occurs after pollination. These mutants were isolated as ethyl methanesulfonate-induced pseudo-revertants of the pistillata phenotype. Although the pistillata (pi) mutant has short siliques devoid of seed, the fis mutants in the pi background have long siliques containing developing seeds, even though the flowers remain free of pollen. The three fis mutations map to loci on three different chromosomes. In fis1 and fis2 seeds, the autonomous endosperm nuclei are diploid and the endosperm develops to the point of cellularization; the partially developed seeds then atrophy. In these two mutants, proembryos are formed in a low proportion of seeds and do not develop beyond the globular stage. When FIS/fis plants are pollinated by pollen from FIS/FIS plants, approximately 50% of the resulting seeds contain fully developed embryos; these seeds germinate and form viable seedlings (FIS/FIS). The other 50% of seeds shrivel and do not germinate; they contain embryos arrested at the torpedo stage (FIS/fis). In normal sexual reproduction, the products of the FIS genes are likely to play important regulatory roles in the development of seed after fertilization.  相似文献   

Illumination releases the arrest in chlorophyll (Chl) biosynthesis in etiolated angiosperm seedlings through the enzymatic photoreduction of protochlorophyllide (Pchlide) to chlorophyllide (Chlide), the first light-dependent step in chloroplast biogenesis. NADPH: Pchlide oxidoreductase (POR, EC, a nuclear-encoded plastid-localized enzyme, mediates this unique photoreduction. Paradoxically, light also triggers a drastic decrease in the amounts of POR activity and protein before the Chl accumulation rate reaches its maximum during greening. While investigating this seeming contradiction, we identified two distinct Arabidopsis thaliana genes encoding POR, in contrast to previous reports of only one gene in angiosperms. The genes, designated PorA and PorB, by analogy to the principal members of the phytochrome photoreceptor gene family, display dramatically different patterns of light and developmental regulation. PorA mRNA disappears within the first 4 h of greening, whereas PorB mRNA persists even after 16 h of illumination, mirroring the behavior of two distinct POR protein species. Experiments designed to help define the functions of POR A and POR B demonstrate exclusive expression of PorA in young seedlings and of PorB both in seedlings and in adult plants. Accordingly, we propose the existence of a branched light-dependent Chl biosynthesis pathway in which POR A performs a specialized function restricted to the initial stages of greening and POR B maintains Chl levels throughout angiosperm development.  相似文献   

Plants have at least two major photosensory receptors: phytochrome (absorbing primarily red/far-red light) and cryptochrome (absorbing blue/UV-A light); considerable physiological and genetic evidence suggests some form of communication or functional dependence between the receptors. Here, we demonstrate in vitro, using purified recombinant photoreceptors, that Arabidopsis CRY1 and CRY2 (cryptochrome) are substrates for phosphorylation by a phytochrome A-associated kinase activity. Several mutations within the CRY1 C terminus lead to reduced phosphorylation by phytochrome preparations in vitro. Yeast two-hybrid interaction studies using expressed C-terminal fragments of CRY1 and phytochrome A from Arabidopsis confirm a direct physical interaction between both photoreceptors. In vivo labeling studies and specific mutant alleles of CRY1, which interfere with the function of phytochrome, suggest the possible relevance of these findings in vivo.  相似文献   

Homologous recombination contributes both to the generation of allelic diversity and to the preservation of genetic information. In plants, a lack of suitable experimental material has prevented studies of the regulatory and enzymatic aspects of recombination in somatic and meiotic cells. We have isolated nine Arabidopsis thaliana mutants hypersensitive to x-ray irradiation (xrs) and examined their recombination properties. For the three xrs loci described here, single recessive mutations were found to confer simultaneous hypersensitivities to the DNA-damaging chemicals mitomycin C (MMCs) and/or methyl methanesulfonate (MMSs) and alterations in homologous recombination. Mutant xrs9 (Xrays, MMSs) is reduced in both somatic and meiotic recombination and resembles yeast mutants of the rad52 epistatic group. xrs11 (Xrays, MMCs) is deficient in the x-ray-mediated stimulation of homologous recombination in somatic cells in a manner suggesting a specific signaling defect. xrs4 (Xrays, MMSs, MMCs) has a significant deficiency in somatic recombination, but this is accompanied by meiotic hyper-recombination. A corresponding phenotype has not been reported in other systems and thus this indicates a novel, plant-specific regulatory circuit linking mitotic and meiotic recombination.  相似文献   

The potential use of a new chemical-inducible gene expression system in Arabidopsis thaliana has been examined. The system is based on the maize In2-2 promoter which is activated by benzenesulfonamide herbicide safeners. Plants transformed with the beta-glucuronidase (gus) reporter gene under the control of the In2-2 promoter were grown in the presence of different safeners and the induced GUS activity pattern was studied histochemically. In the absence of safeners, the In2-2 promoter was not active. Application of different safeners induced distinct gus expression patterns, including expression in the root, hydathodes, and the shoot apical meristem. Plants maintained continuously on inducing concentrations of the safeners were retarded in growth. The growth inhibition effects of the Sa5 safener could be overcome in a sulfonylurea-resistant background. In2-2 promoter activity could also be induced by the sulfonylurea herbicide chlorsulfuron. In the sulfonylurea-resistant background, which derives from herbicide-resistant acetolactate synthase activity, induction of the In2-2 promoter by chlorsulfuron was lower. Furthermore, branched-chain amino acids, known to inhibit acetolactate synthase activity, also induced In2-2 promoter activity. Our data suggest a strong correlation between In2-2 expression and inhibition of the acetolactate synthase activity.  相似文献   

Postgenital organ fusion occurs most commonly during reproductive development and is important in many angiosperms during genesis of the carpel. Although a number of mutants have been described that manifest ectopic organ fusion, little is known about the genes involved in regulating this process. In this article we describe the characterization of a collection of 29 Arabidopsis mutants showing an organ fusion phenotype. Mapping and complementation analyses revealed that the mutant alleles define nine different loci distributed throughout the Arabidopsis genome. Multiple alleles were isolated for the four complementation groups showing the strongest organ fusion phenotype while the remaining five complementation groups, all of which show only weak floral organ fusion, have a single representative allele. In addition to fusion events between aerial parts of the shoot, some mutants also show abnormal ovule morphology with adjacent ovules joined together at maturity. Many of the fusion mutants isolated have detectable differences in the rate at which chlorophyll can be extracted; however, in one case no difference could be detected between mutant and wild-type plants. In three mutant lines pollen remained unresponsive to contact with the mutant epidermis, demonstrating that organ fusion and pollen growth responses can be genetically separated from one another.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To test rigorously the hypothesis that the a-wave of the electroretinogram (ERG) is proportional to the rod photocurrent by examining the applicability to a-waves of a recent model of the activation steps in the G-protein cascade of phototransduction. METHODS: ERGs were recorded in response to flashes of graded intensity, from six dark-adapted normal subjects and from two patients, one with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and one with cone retinal dystrophy with rod involvement (CRD). The a-wave portions of the responses were analyzed with a model of the activation steps of the G-protein cascade. The model is characterized by a parameter, A, the amplification constant, with units of s-2 (per photoisomerization), which may be expressed as the product of physical and biochemical parameters of the transduction cascade. RESULTS: Each a-wave family was well described by the model. For the six normal subjects, we obtained A approximately 7 s-2, about 100-fold greater than in isolated amphibian rods at 22 degrees C, but close to the value for isolated primate rods. For the patient with RP, the maximum a-wave amplitude (amax) was considerably reduced, but the amplification constant was normal (A = 7.5 s-2). In contrast, the patient with CRD had a nearly normal amax but had an amplification constant about sixfold lower than normal (A = 1.1 s-2). CONCLUSIONS: The authors conclude that the a-wave is a direct reflection of the rod photo-current and that the rising phase kinetics are accurately described by a simple model of the G-protein cascade. They show that the small volume of the human rod outer segment is crucial to the achievement of high amplification, and they show how their observations constrain the possible pathologies of phototransduction in patients with retinal disease.  相似文献   

The genetic basis for susceptibility or nonsusceptibility of plants to viruses is understood poorly. Two selectable tobacco etch virus (TEV) strains were developed for identification of Arabidopsis thaliana mutants with either gain-of-susceptibility or loss-of-susceptibility phenotypes. These strains conferred a conditional-survival phenotype to Arabidopsis based on systemic expression of herbicide resistance or proherbicide sensitivity genes, thereby facilitating mass selections and screens for Arabidopsis mutants that enhance or suppress TEV replication, cell-to-cell movement, or long-distance movement. A multicomponent mechanism that restricts systemic invasion of TEV was identified through isolation of gain-of-susceptibility mutants with alterations at two loci.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis seedlings repair UV-induced DNA damage via light-dependent and independent pathways. The mechanism of the "dark repair" pathway is still unknown. To determine the number of genes required for dark repair and to investigate the substrate-specificity of this process we isolated mutants with enhanced sensitivity to UV radiation in the absence of photoreactivating light. Seven independently derived UV sensitive mutants were isolated from an EMS-mutagenized population. These fell into six complementation groups, two of which (UVR1 and UVH1) have previously been defined. Four of these mutants are defective in the dark repair of UV-induced pyrimidine [6-4]pyrimidinone dimers. These four mutant lines are sensitive to the growth-inhibitory effects of gamma radiation, suggesting that this repair pathway is also involved in the repair of some type of gamma-induced DNA damage product. The requirement for the coordinate action of several different gene products for effective repair of pyrimidine dimers, as well as the nonspecific nature of the repair activity, is consistent with nucleotide excision repair mechanisms previously described in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and nonplant higher eukaryotes and inconsistent with substrate-specific base excision repair mechanisms found in some bacteria, bacteriophage, and fungi.  相似文献   

An aspartic proteinase was purified from the seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana (ecotype RLD) using affinity chromatography on pepstatin-agarose and ion exchange chromatography. The purified enzyme is optimally active at pH 3.5 and completely inhibited by pepstatin A. The purified Arabidopsis aspartic proteinase contains four subunits (apparent molecular weights 31, 28.5, 15 and 6 kDa), two of which are probably linked by disulfide bridges. These properties are similar to the aspartic proteinase previously isolated from barley seeds. The amino acid sequence of the peptide subunits corresponds exactly with the sequence of the previously isolated cDNA for the Arabidopsis aspartic proteinase. The Arabidopsis enzyme processed probarley lectin in vitro at the carboxy-terminus between phenylalanine and alanine, the same place where the barley enzyme cleaves the lectin in vitro. The aspartic proteinase appears to be the major enzyme processing the lectin in seeds as pepstatin A inhibited this activity in a crude seed extract.  相似文献   

The isolation of a maize cDNA clone that encodes a membrane spanning protein kinase related to the self-incompatibility glycoproteins (SLG) of Brassica and structurally similar to the growth factor receptor tyrosine kinases has recently been reported. Three distinct receptor-like protein kinase (RLK) cDNA clones from Arabidopsis thaliana have now been identified. Two of the Arabidopsis RLK genes encode SLG-related protein kinases but have different patterns of expression: one is expressed predominantly in rosettes while the other is expressed primarily in roots. The third RLK gene contains an extracellular domain that consists of 21 leucine-rich repeats that are analogous to the leucine-rich repeats found in proteins from humans, flies and yeast. The Arabidopsis leucine-rich gene is expressed at equivalent levels in roots and rosettes. These results show that there are several genes in higher plants that encode members of the receptor protein kinase superfamily. The structural diversity and differential expression of these genes suggest that each plays a distinct and possibly important role in cellular signaling in plants.  相似文献   

Many flowering plants are polyploid, but crosses between individuals of different ploidies produce seeds that develop abnormally and usually abort. Often, seeds from interploidy crosses develop differently depending on whether the mother or father contributes more chromosome sets, suggesting that maternal and paternal genomes are not functionally equivalent. Here we present the first cytological investigation of seed development following interploidy crosses in Arabidopsis thaliana. We find that crosses between diploid and tetraploid plants in either direction, resulting in double the normal dose of maternal or paternal genomes in the seed, produce viable seeds containing triploid embryos. However, development of the seed and in particular the endosperm is abnormal, with maternal and paternal genomic excess producing complementary phenotypes. A double dose of maternal genomes with respect to paternal contribution inhibits endosperm development and ultimately produces a smaller embryo. In contrast, a double dose of paternal genomes promotes growth of the endosperm and embryo. Reciprocal crosses between diploids and hexaploids, resulting in a triple dose of maternal or paternal genomes, produce seeds that begin development with similar but more extreme phenotypes than those with a double dose, but these invariably abort. One explanation of our observations is that seeds with maternal or paternal excess contain different doses of maternally or paternally expressed imprinted loci affecting endosperm development.  相似文献   

Four new independent lines that exhibit co-suppression of an introduced cab140::tms2 gene and the native cab140 gene have been isolated in Arabidopsis thaliana. These lines are of particular interest because the homology shared between the introduced and native genes is 1.3 kb of promoter DNA that only contains 14 bp of transcribed region. Most other reported examples of co-suppression involve homologies between transcribed portions of genes. A similar line, lct, had been isolated previously from EMS-mutagenized seeds, and we concluded that this example of co-suppression was probably due to a mutation that mapped at or near the introduced cab140::tms2 gene [Brusslan JA, Karlin-Neumann GA, Huang L, Tobin EM: Plant Cell 5: 667-677 (1993)]. Our observations with these four new lines, however, suggest that an epigenetic event(s) rather than a mutation might be the cause of co-suppression in these and the lct line.  相似文献   

The plant hormone abscisic acid (ABA) mediates various responses such as stomatal closure, the maintenance of seed dormancy, and the inhibition of plant growth. All three responses are affected in the ABA-insensitive mutant abi1 of Arabidopsis thaliana, suggesting that an early step in the signaling of ABA is controlled by the ABI1 locus. The ABI1 gene was cloned by chromosome walking, and a missense mutation was identified in the structural gene of the abi1 mutant. The ABI1 gene encodes a protein with high similarity to protein serine or threonine phosphatases of type 2C with the novel feature of a putative Ca2+ binding site. Thus, the control of the phosphorylation state of cell signaling components by the ABI1 product could mediate pleiotropic hormone responses.  相似文献   

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