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Although collaboration tools have existed for a long time [8], Internet-based multimedia collaboration has recently received a lot of attention mainly due to easy accessibility of the Internet by ordinary users. The Java platform and programming language has also introduced yet another level of easy access: platform-independent computing. As a result, it is very attractive to use Java to design multimedia collaboration systems for the Internet. Today there are many systems, which use Java for multimedia collaboration. However, most of these systems require the shared Java application to be re-written according to the collaboration system's Application Programming Interface (API)—a task which is sometimes difficult or even impossible. In this paper, we describe a practical approach for transparent collaboration with Java. Our approach is transparent in that the Java application can be shared as is with no modifications. The main idea behind our system is that user events occurring through the interactions with the application can be caught, distributed, and reconstructed, hence allowing Java applications to be shared transparently. Our architecture allows us to make the huge installed base of Java applications collaborative, without any modification to their original code. We also prove the feasibility of our architecture by implementation of the JASMINE1 prototype.  相似文献   

Telemedicine has evolved rapidly in recent years to enable unprecedented access to digital medical data, such as with networked image distribution/sharing and online (distant) collaborative diagnosis, largely due to the advances in telecommunication and multimedia technologies. However, interactive collaboration systems which control editing of an object among multiple users are often limited to a simple “locking” mechanism based on a conventional client/server architecture, where only one user edits the object which is located in a specific server, while all other users become viewers. Such systems fail to provide the needs of a modern day telemedicine applications that demand simultaneous editing of the medical data distributed in diverse local sites. In this study, we introduce a novel system for telemedicine applications, with its application to an interactive segmentation of volumetric medical images. We innovate by proposing a collaborative mechanism with a scalable data sharing architecture which makes users interactively edit on a single shared image scattered in local sites, thus enabling collaborative editing for, e.g., collaborative diagnosis, teaching, and training. We demonstrate our collaborative telemedicine mechanism with a prototype image editing system developed and evaluated with a user case study. Our result suggests that the ability for collaborative editing in a telemedicine context can be of great benefit and hold promising potential for further research.  相似文献   

Java has begun to open up new possibilities for accessing applications on the Web. With Java, developers can write applications as applets and insert them into Web pages. The user can then retrieve and execute them with local computing resources. We show how developers can use this feature to create a network computing platform that lets Web users share applications not specifically devised for network use, including those that are computationally intensive. With our approach, the network is not involved as long as the user executes operations on the graphical interface, which is executed locally on the client. Only when users require some computational response from the server do they need to access it. Access is straightforward; authorized users can access the application from any node connected with the Internet as long as they have a Java-enabled Web browser. We have used used one such network computing platform to port an existing tool and develop a new application  相似文献   

Healthcare delivery is evolving from disease-centered to patient-centered care delivery where patients are active participants in their healthcare delivery. This calls for more communication and collaboration among all healthcare actors. There is also an increasing demand for personalized healthcare systems that provide effective information management, facilitate communication and collaboration, and support applications to meet user requirements. To address these challenges, we need to advance the integration and interoperability of healthcare applications in a controlled manner. Drawing upon a conceptual model from a collaborative care case study, we identified a set of interoperability requirements and developed a Mashup based interoperability framework. Our framework allows patients and other healthcare actors to engage in collaborative processes through online applications facilitated by mashups. We then use proof-of-concept implementations to demonstrate how our framework is able to facilitate different types of interoperability. We believe that collaborative technologies such as mashups can implement process interoperability requirements to support collaborative care delivery, particularly for asynchronous care delivery.  相似文献   

虚拟声音会议环境中的应用共享   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用共享系统是一种CSCW系统工具,它可以将单用户应用程序在多人的网络环境中协同地使用。在应用共享系统中需要提供各艇户间方便,直接的交互方式。  相似文献   

Component technologies are perceived as an important means to keep software architectures flexible. Flexibility offered by component technologies typically addresses software developers at design time. However, the design of software which should support social systems, such as work groups or communities, also demands ‘use-time’, or technically spoken, ‘run-time’ flexibility. In this paper, we summarize a decade of research efforts on component-based approaches to flexibilize groupware applications at run-time. We address the user as a ‘casual programmer’ who develops and individualizes software for his work context. To deal with the challenges of run-time flexibility, we developed a design approach which covers three levels: software architecture, user interface, and collaboration support. With regard to the software architecture, a component model, called FlexiBeans, has been developed. The FreEvolve platform serves as an environment in which component-based applications can be tailored at run-time. Additionally, we have developed three different types of graphical user interfaces, enabling users to tailor their applications by recomposing components. To enable collaborative tailoring activities, we have integrated functions that allow sharing component structures among users. We also present different types of support techniques which are integrated into the user interface in order to enable users’ individual and collaborative tailoring activities. We conclude by elaborating on the notion of ‘software infrastructure’ which offers a holistic approach to support design activities of professional and non-professional programmers.  相似文献   

In contrast to single-user applications, most collaborative multi-member applications have been developed as vehicles for investigating various research issues, and even existing commercial collaborative multi-member applications have not widely accepted by end-users. The paper will describe an innovative approach and relative techniques that can be used to convert existing single-user applications into collaborative applications, without modifying the source code and knowledge of the API of the original single-user applications. The main idea is that user events occurring through the interactions with the application can be caught, distributed, and reconstructed. This approach and supporting techniques were tested in the process of transparently converting a single-user AutoCAD application into a real-time collaborative AutoCAD application called CoAutoCAD, which not only retains the original function and user interface of the single-user AutoCAD application, but supports group collaboration capabilities as well.  相似文献   

基于CSCW的CAD系统协作支持技术与支持工具的研究   总被引:20,自引:3,他引:20  
计算机支持的协同工作(CSCW)给CAD技术带来重大发展,但仍然存在许多问题。其中之一是缺乏将协作性能同应用功能有机结合的方法。文中在分析的现有协作支持技术,工具和系统不足的基础上,提出了用协作支持工具软件CoCADToolAgent改造商品化CAD系统来开发CSCD系统的新思路和总体技术路线,给出了通讯支持,协议,一致性维护和并发控制,协同感知,任务和脚色机制的有效的实现方法,作为本方法的一个应用实例,成功地将传统的人机交互式CAD系统AutoCAD转变为网络环境下支持人人交互的CSCD原型系统,作为专用协作支持工具,CoCADToolAgent比NetMeeting之类的通用协作支持工具具有更好的协作性能,该方法可推广到三维CAD系统。  相似文献   

Collaborating in small groups can be beneficial to children's learning and socializing. However, there is currently little computer support for children's collaborative activities. This was our motivation for building KidPad, a collaborative storytelling tool for children. KidPad provides children with drawing, typing, and hyperlinking capabilities in a large, two-dimensional canvas. It supports collaboration by accepting input from multiple mice. In building KidPad, we developed solutions to problems common to all single-display groupware applications for children: using an intuitive user interface metaphor that can support collaboration, and obtaining input from multiple devices. We addressed the need for an appropriate user interface metaphor by using the local tools metaphor. In developing the concept of local tools we learned about the importance of addressing the issue of global modes. Our solution for obtaining input from multiple devices was MID, an architecture written in Java. In building MID, we learned about the importance of building flexible architectures that can support a wide range of applications and devices in a consistent manner, and that are easy to extend and use by programmers. This paper describes our work on local tools and MID in the context of building KidPad, and aims to provide developers with valuable insights into how to develop collaborative applications for children. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Collaborative work with office suite documents such as word processing, spreadsheet and presentation files usually demands special tools and methods. For this application, we have developed TellTable, a relatively simple web-based framework built largely from available software and infrastructure. TellTable allows the use of existing office-suite software in a collaborative manner that is controlled but is familiar to users of common single user software. From the literature and our research, we identify twelve challenges to collaborative editing software that we use in an evaluation checklist: time and space, awareness, communication, private and shared work spaces, intellectual property, simultaneity and locking, protection, workflow, security, file format, platform independence, and user benefit. We then use this checklist to characterize TellTable in comparison to some other collaborative office tools.  相似文献   

The conversion of legacy single-user applications into collaborative multi-user tools is a recurrent topic in groupware scenarios. Many recent literature works have tried to achieve transparent collaboration, which consists of enabling collaborative features without modifying the original application source code.In this paper, we define the available whitebox and blackbox models of transparent collaboration. Each of them differs on which degree the developer must have of the target application inner knowledge, in order to convert it into a multi-user tool. Moreover, we propose and define a novel blackbox model and its implementation (TaKo). Our proposal achieves complete transparency by intercepting user interface libraries and input events. This is the first blackbox solution constructed on top of interception technologies (Aspect Oriented Programming) and, unlike previous approaches, it provides support to both AWT and Swing applications. Our solution solves five important problems: simultaneous work, management of replicated resources (random number generators), collaborative services binding, detailed group awareness information, late joining, and unanticipated sharing support. We are also researching a prospective work on wide-area collaboration scenarios by using a peer-to-peer event substrate. Finally, this work provides validation of TaKo with several Swing-based and AWT-based tools, demonstrating that it is generic and imposes very low overhead.  相似文献   

Tree-Based Concurrency Control in Distributed Groupware   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We present a novel algorithm, called dARB, forsolving the concurrency control problem indistributed collaborative applications. Themain issue of concurrency control is resolvingthe conflicts resulting from simultaneousactions of multiple users. The algorithmreduces the need for manual conflict resolutionby using a distributed arbitration scheme. Themain advantages of our approach are thesimplicity of use and good responsiveness, asthere are no lock mechanisms. Our algorithmrequires the applications to use a tree as theinternal data structure. This makes itapplication independent and suitable forgeneral collaborative applications. The treerequirement is reasonable since many newapplications use XML (extensible MarkupLanguage) for data representation and exchange,and parsing XML documents results in treestructures. Example applications of thealgorithm, a group text editor and acollaborative 3D virtual environment calledcWorld, are implemented and evaluated in theDISCIPLE collaboration framework. We alsointroduce awareness widgets that users avoidgenerating the conflicting events and help inmanual conflict resolution.  相似文献   

Interaction observation systems for groupware applications capture and process all the actions performed by users engaged in workgroups. These actions are then stored in log documents that enable the work process carried out by the users to be analyzed and the interaction between users to be studied. This article proposes an approach, based on ontological models, which is devised to help the developer of an observation system for a groupware application to structure and record user actions. In order to achieve this aim, we present a specific ontology that shapes the collaborative work process of the users so as to obtain an XML-based log document that stores all the actions carried out by the users and facilitates the subsequent analysis of the system usage and users’ behavior. This approach has been used to improve communication and collaboration capabilities in the COLLECE groupware application.  相似文献   

We discuss a group coordination architecture to support Internet-wide distributed collaboration, in particular for WWW-based distance education. With the current surge in e-commerce and Web-centric information exchange among users, the need for systems offering better telepresence and interaction capabilities becomes tangible. Group coordination in distributed systems and networked multimedia systems has many faces manifested in a variety of user interfaces and network protocols. However, to date no general methodology exists for engineering group coordination protocols to streamline the deployment of remote learning and collaboration environments. The objective of this article is to identify the key elements of a general group coordination framework, complementing existing group membership and multicast dissemination models, and to set the cornerstones for a coordination architecture which may be used to leverage the rapid development of group-oriented distributed collaborative applications in the Internet, for example for distance education, distributed scientific simulation and visualization, or similar applications.  相似文献   

Ram  P. Abarbanel  R. 《Computer》1997,30(6):115-117
The ubiquitous availability of Web browsers on multiple platforms and user familiarity with browser technology provide numerous advantages: a uniform interface; support for multimedia and user interaction and collaboration; a simple communication protocol that has been implemented in all major hardware and software platforms; and support by almost all vendors who package Web engines within their products. Such factors have expedited the implementation of network centric computing as a productive infrastructure for corporate environments. The addition of Java, with its ability to build cross platform application logic into a browser, gives network centric computing the potential to better meet enterprise computing needs. Because it lets users interact with the application on the client rather than the server, Java enables better utilization of both the server and the client's computational capability. Java can also provide sessions state information (for client side session control and resource management) in an otherwise stateless Web world. Besides naturally decentralizing application execution, Java makes it possible to decentralize application deployment. In large enterprises, organization wide applications such as personnel timekeeping or document routing can benefit from Java implementations. One immediate impact is a noticeable reduction of the server load during peak hours. Finally, Java enabled browsers can provide greater functionality than HTML  相似文献   

Malicious users can exploit the correlation among data to infer sensitive information from a series of seemingly innocuous data accesses. Thus, we develop an inference violation detection system to protect sensitive data content. Based on data dependency, database schema and semantic knowledge, we constructed a semantic inference model (SIM) that represents the possible inference channels from any attribute to the pre-assigned sensitive attributes. The SIM is then instantiated to a semantic inference graph (SIG) for query-time inference violation detection. For a single user case, when a user poses a query, the detection system will examine his/her past query log and calculate the probability of inferring sensitive information. The query request will be denied if the inference probability exceeds the prespecified threshold. For multi-user cases, the users may share their query answers to increase the inference probability. Therefore, we develop a model to evaluate collaborative inference based on the query sequences of collaborators and their task-sensitive collaboration levels. Experimental studies reveal that information authoritativeness, communication fidelity and honesty in collaboration are three key factors that affect the level of achievable collaboration. An example is given to illustrate the use of the proposed technique to prevent multiple collaborative users from deriving sensitive information via inference.  相似文献   

In this paper we present two interactive multi-user systems for video search and browsing. The first is composed by web applications which allows multiuser interaction in a distributed environment; such applications are based on the Rich Internet Application paradigm, designed to obtain the levels of responsiveness and interactivity typical of a desktop application. The second system implements a multi-user collaborative application within a single location, exploiting multi-touch devices. Both systems use the same backend, based on a service oriented architecture (SOA) that provides services for automatic and manual annotation, and an ontology-based video search and browsing engine. Ontology-based browsing let users to inspect the content of video collections; user queries are expanded through ontology reasoning. User-centered field trials of the systems, conducted to assess the user experience and satisfaction, have shown that the approach followed to design these interfaces is extremely appreciated by professional archivists and people working on multimedia.  相似文献   

This paper proposes various interaction methods for smartphones that allow users to call an intended contact without touching the smartphone screen. Existing applications allow users to answer phone calls without touching the screen—by shaking the phone, for example—but do not allow users to make phone calls. The proposed interaction allows users to select and call an intended contact by utilizing the iPhone’s accelerometer. The interaction also involves video camera scanning for commands to switch between group-selection and individual-selection modes to facilitate the selection of the call candidate. Furthermore, the proposed interaction secures transparency by displaying the camera’s video stream on the smartphone screen. In order to evaluate the efficacy of the interaction, an application using the interaction was developed, and two simple experiments were conducted, in which participants were asked to make phone calls using the application. The success rate was 98 %, and user satisfaction with the proposed interaction was approximately 90 %. Therefore, the results showed that the proposed interaction could be an effective solution to allow users to make phone calls in situations where they cannot physically touch the iPhone screen. Furthermore, this solution could be used in many fields that need interactions with users in mobile applications.  相似文献   

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