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The current complexity involved in wastewater management projects is arising as the XXI century sets new challenges leading towards a more integrated plant design. In this context, the growing number of innovative technologies, stricter legislation and the development of new methodological approaches make it difficult to design appropriate flow schemes for new wastewater projects. Thus, new tools are needed for the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) conceptual design using integrated assessment methods in order to include different types of objectives at the same time i.e. environmental, economical, technical, and legal. Previous experiences used the decision support system (DSS) methodology to handle the specific issues related to wastewater management, for example, the design of treatment facilities for small communities. However, tools developed for addressing the whole treatment process independently of the plant size, capable of integrating knowledge from many different areas, including both conventional and innovative technologies are not available. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to present and describe an innovative knowledge-based methodology that handles the conceptual design of WWTP process flow-diagrams (PFDs), satisfying a vast number of different criteria. This global approach is based on a hierarchy of decisions that uses the information contained in knowledge bases (KBs) with the aim of automating the generation of suitable WWTP configurations for a specific scenario. Expert interviews, legislation, specialized literature and engineering experience have been integrated within the different KBs, which indeed constitute one of the main highlights of this work. Therefore, the methodology is presented as a valuable tool which provides customized PFD for each specific case, taking into account process unit interactions and the user specified requirements and objectives.  相似文献   

The main objective of this paper is to present the application of selected multivariable statistical techniques in plant-wide wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) control strategies analysis. In this study, cluster analysis (CA), principal component analysis/factor analysis (PCA/FA) and discriminant analysis (DA) are applied to the evaluation matrix data set obtained by simulation of several control strategies applied to the plant-wide IWA Benchmark Simulation Model No 2 (BSM2). These techniques allow i) to determine natural groups or clusters of control strategies with a similar behaviour, ii) to find and interpret hidden, complex and casual relation features in the data set and iii) to identify important discriminant variables within the groups found by the cluster analysis. This study illustrates the usefulness of multivariable statistical techniques for both analysis and interpretation of the complex multicriteria data sets and allows an improved use of information for effective evaluation of control strategies.  相似文献   

In recent years numerical modelling became a standard procedure to optimise urban wastewater systems design and operation by integration. For dynamic control of the wastewater teatment plant (WWTP) inflow, a model-based predictive concept is introduced aiming at improving the receiving water quality. An on-line simulator running parallel to the real WWTP operation reflects the actual state of operation and provides this model information to a prognosis tool which determines the best option for the WWTP inflow. The investigations showed that it is possible to reduce the NH4-N peak concentrations in the receiving water by dynamic WWTP inflow control based on predictive scenario analysis.  相似文献   

Nitrification kinetics are important for process design, optimization, and capacity rating of activated sludge wastewater treatment plants. A Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF) project on Methods for Wastewater Characterization in Activated Sludge Modeling (WERF, 2003) focused significantly on the development of procedures for measuring the nitrifier maximum specific growth rate, micro(AUT). In addition, the importance of (and lack of data for) the nitrifier decay rate, b(AUT), was identified. This paper describes three bench-scale methods for measuring micro(AUT): the Low F/M SBR, Washout and High F/M methods. During the WERF project, the importance of pH and temperature control was investigated briefly; this paper summarizes further experimental work performed to address these issues. A summary of micro(AUT) measurements in a number of locations and using the different measurement techniques is provided.  相似文献   

During the past decade the pressure of the whole spectrum of stakeholders has increased considerably leading the consideration of different types of objectives, i.e. economical, technical, legal and environmental, into the process design efforts. Thus, the traditional design approaches should turn into more complex assessment methods including different types of objectives in order to conduct integrated assessments. The objective of this paper is to present and discuss the usefulness of three evaluation tools, based on multicriteria decision analysis, to support the conceptual design of activated sludge systems These support tools consist of: i) preliminary multiobjective optimization, where the most promising options (those located near to the optimum) are compared based on the results of dynamic simulation, ii) identification of strong and weak points for each option by means of classification trees and the subsequent extraction of knowledge-based rules, and iii) evaluation of the trade-offs between a certain evaluation criteria and the overall process performance through the integrated application of mathematical modelling and qualitative knowledge extracted during the design process.  相似文献   

Large, uncoated copper and zinc roofs cause environmental problems if their runoff is infiltrated into the underground or discharged into receiving waters. Since source control is not always feasible, barrier systems for efficient copper and zinc removal are recommended in Switzerland. During the last few years, research carried out in order to test the performance of GIH-calcite adsorber filters as a barrier system. Adsorption and mass transport processes were assessed and described in a mathematical model. However, this model is not suitable for practical design, because it does not give explicit access to design parameters such as adsorber diameter and adsorber bed depth. Therefore, for e.g. engineers, an easy to use design guideline for GIH-calcite adsorber systems was developed, mainly based on the mathematical model. The core of this guideline is the design of the depth of the GIH-calcite adsorber layer. The depth is calculated by adding up the GIH depth for sorption equilibrium and the depth for the mass transfer zone (MTZ). Additionally, the arrangement of other adsorber system components such as particle separation and retention volume was considered in the guideline. Investigations of a full-scale adsorber confirm the successful application of this newly developed design guideline for the application of GIH-calcite adsorber systems in practice.  相似文献   

The present paper evaluates the technical and economical feasibility of converting wet chemical scrubbers to biotrickling filters for H2S control at the Orange County Sanitation District (OCSD), California. Results of 8 months of continuous operation of a biotrickling filter treating 16,000 m3 h(-1) of foul air are analyzed. The reactor was operated at a gas contact time of 1.6 to 2.2 seconds reaching H2S elimination capacities up to 105-110 g H2S m3 h(-1), consistently maintaining outlet concentrations well below the regulatory limits (24 h average of 1 ppmv) and demonstrating to be very robust against temporary changes. Also, a cost-benefit analysis of the conversion was performed. Savings from chemicals, energy and water usage compared to a chemical scrubber operated in parallel to the biotrickling filter throughout the project indicated that the payback time of the conversion was about 1.3 years. Cost savings ranged between 40,000 US dollars per year, per scrubber. While the above number may be specific to OCSD conditions, the cost analysis suggests that there is a significant benefit of converting chemical scrubbers to biotrickling filters over a wide range of operating conditions.  相似文献   

Numerical models can be used to evaluate design and upgrade scenarios of urban wastewater systems on the basis of their ecological consequences. The objective of this paper is to illustrate a systematic procedure of system design/upgrade. This procedure consists of the following steps: (1) data collection and data reconstruction; (2) model building and calibration; (3) evaluation of scenarios; (4) uncertainty assessment. In contrast to conventional practice, this approach allows to choose the most appropriate trade-off between cost of measures and risk of non-compliance with regulatory limits. An example of its application dealing with the assessment of WWTP design and upgrade options is provided. Results show that by reducing the tank volumes compared to conventional design procedures, costs can be reduced sensibly while the risk of not meeting legislative requirements are only slightly increased.  相似文献   

As far as flocculation is concerned, the agglomeration of suspended particles into flocs is highly linked to the hydraulic behaviour of the agitation. The Turbomix is a special design of mixing tank; its design was developed to better control the flow during the flocculation stage. It enables a significant decrease in footprint of the process. The combination of the Turbomix and ballasted flocculation has been studied during pilot trials in terms of treatment efficiency. Its controlled hydraulic behaviour explains the efficiency of the process as proved by CFD investigation.  相似文献   

Highlights of a multidisciplinary research program on innovative weed control are presented and discussed in this paper. The program was carried out from 1999 to 2002, and dovetailed most fundamental-strategic and applied research aspects in The Netherlands in that period with respect to weed management. The program was focused on both developing and implementing sustainable weed control strategies for agricultural and non-agricultural areas. Some projects in the program were on (1) developing and improving weed preventive and non-chemical methods, (2) methods that allow the farmer to apply lower dosage of herbicides than indicated on the label, e.g. the so-called "Minimum Lethal Herbicide Dose method" (MLHD), and (3) rational weed control on hard surfaces. The main results of these projects are presented. A successful development and implementation of new methods and systems of weed control that use considerably less herbicides, is determined by many factors. The role that these success factors played in the aforementioned projects is shortly discussed.  相似文献   

In-sewer transformation processes affect significantly design and operation of large wastewater treatment plants. Especially for long-term simulations the degradation has to be considered in order to avoid over- and underestimation. In this paper a method is presented to derive the overall degradation from available operation data. The application of the results in a long-term simulation of a WWTP shows the relevance of the degradation for design and operation of an activated sludge plant.  相似文献   

As the decommissioning of dams becomes a common restoration technique, decisions about dam removals must be based on sound predictions of expected outcomes. Results of past and ongoing dam removal monitoring are an important source of information that practitioners may utilize to evolve predictive and decision‐making tools, emphasizing the need for thorough and defensible documentation of dam removal outcomes. However, as dam removals challenge many basic assumptions of conventional experimental designs and data analysis techniques, the quality of information available to aid decision‐making may be questionable or misleading. Nevertheless, some study design principles and analysis procedures may be robust to the challenges presented by dam removal research. To assist managers in undertaking dam removal monitoring, this article discusses the assets and limitations of monitoring and analysis options available for dam removal studies, with emphasis on selecting a rigorous experimental design and determining significance of results. As the chosen monitoring design will influence the appropriateness of applying standard analytical methods, particularly statistical hypothesis testing, researchers should carefully consider constraints inherent to dam removal studies when designing a monitoring plan and assigning significance to observed changes. Ecological significance is often the most justifiable method for framing significance of dam removal outcomes, though it may be complicated by identification of environmentally significant thresholds. Another alternative is evaluation of the practical significance of results, when observed changes exceed measurement error and background variability. Establishing practical significance may be informative when statistical and ecological significance is inappropriate or impossible to determine. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The tracer methods developed to assess exfiltration from sewers in the European project APUSS (assessment of the performance of sewer systems) have a high degree of freedom with regard to the choice of tracer and the dosing strategy. These can lead to very different degrees of uncertainty in the measured exfiltration ratio. In this study, we demonstrate how to select an optimal experimental design using decision analysis, which accounts for this uncertainty and its associated costs. Although the results are site-specific, we can conclude generally that, when NaCl is used as the tracer, the accuracy of the exfiltration estimate is most sensitive to the amount of tracer used and the starting time of the experiment.  相似文献   

西康高速公路秦岭终南山特长隧道消防系统设计总体构思   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
康华刚 《给水排水》2007,33(4):66-71
西康高速公路秦岭终南山特长隧道是我国目前在建最长的双洞公路隧道,单洞长18.02 km.介绍了其消防设计的总体构思,包括防灾救援原则、防灾救援措施、消防系统组合、报警和消防设施、隧道火灾时车流疏散、隧道灭火及救援、隧道消防供水系统、火灾预案等.  相似文献   

At many large wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) the increased hydraulic load, caused by combined sewer systems during storm events, results in primary effluent overflow when the capacity of further treatment is exceeded. Due to stringent effluent standards, regulating the total discharge from the WWTPs, the Rya WWTP in G?teborg and the Sj?lunda WWTP in Malm? will have to reduce the impact of primary effluent overflow. Separate, high rate, precipitation processes operated only during high flow conditions have been investigated in pilot units at the two WWTPs. Precipitation in existing primary settlers operated at a surface loading of 3.75 m/h removed phosphorus to 0.35 mg/l. The Actiflo process was also shown to remove suspended solids and phosphorus well. BOD was reduced by 50-60%. With such processes the overall effluent concentrations from the plants can be reduced significantly. Key upgrading features are small footprints, short start up time and high efficiency.  相似文献   

张孔锋 《给水排水》2006,32(10):111-112
随着我国经济的快速发展以及城市可建设用地的日益减少,沿海地区很多滩涂将被填高为可建设用地。结合沿海滩涂填高区道路市政给水管道与污水管道交叉冲突处理时遇到的问题,谈谈对新版室外给排水设计规范的一点看法。  相似文献   

Two MBR pilot systems were constructed and tested in the Bali Primary WWTP. The pilot study shows that two MBR systems, i.e. the Green-MenBio system (MBR-1) and the Bio-MF system (MBR-2), can both fulfill the requirement of wastewater reclamation standard. The MBR-2 system is more economical compared with MBR-1 system. The cost of US dollars 0.10-0.16/m3 is estimated to reclaim the effluent of primary WWTP in Taiwan. The Bali Primary WWTP has the capacity of 1,320,000 cmd which is the biggest in Taiwan. The domestic wastewater of partial Taipei City and Taipei County are collected and transported to the Bali Primary WWTP. The effluent of the Bali Primary WWTP is then discharged into the ocean through two 3.8 m marine outfalls. The AO processes are installed in both MBR systems. More than 90% of the NH3-N can be removed through the AO and membrane processes. The outflow of the MBR systems (without RO) can reach the quality of COD <30 mg/l, BOD <10 mg/l, SS <5 mg/l, NH3-N <3 mg/L. The outflow of the MBR system is proposed to transport 40 km south to the Taoyuan County where four new industrial parks are to be constructed. Part of the reclaimed water is to be used on irrigation and another portion is to be sent to the industries after RO treatment.  相似文献   

王昱 《给水排水》2008,34(2):102-104
从管道设计、安装角度总结分析了减少供水漏失的措施,主要包括管道安装、管道防腐、减少管道爆裂、克服阀门漏水等四个方面.并提出了解决措施与建议.  相似文献   

以某输回卤管道工程长距离玻璃钢管输送卤水工程为例,介绍了长距离玻璃钢管输送卤水工程设计原则、管材比选、管径及流速的确定、水力计算、钢管的壁厚计算、系统热力计算、结晶析出分析、止推墩的设计、工程特点等,以确保长距离玻璃钢管输送卤水在工程应用中的安全、经济、合理.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a research project, in which a process-dependent real-time control (RTC) strategy for a sequencing batch reactor plant was realised in full-scale. The cycle controller is based on NH4 analysers, NO3 probes, TSS probes and sludge level probes. With this new RTC strategy it was possible to increase the treatment capacity by 50%. By implementation of the new controller the TN, TP and NH4-N treatment efficiency could be improved significantly, too. The treatment efficiency concerning COD is comparable.  相似文献   

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