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“十一五”期间,农村水电保持良好发展势头,水能资源管理成效显著,水电农村电气化建设任务全面完成,小水电代燃料工程进展顺利,农村水电安全监管得到加强,行业管理水平不断提高,农村水电有力促进了山区经济发展和社会进步,改善了农村生产生活条件,增加了农民收入。“十二五”期间需要继续做好各项工作,推动农村水电事业再上新台阶。  相似文献   

石家庄市国土面积为14077km2,其中平原区面积6754.4km2,山丘区面积7320km2,现有耕地面积891.24万亩,其中有效灌溉面积771.11万亩,旱地面积94.79万亩,占总耕地面积的13.5%.主要分布在京广铁路以西的井陉、鹿泉、行唐、灵寿、平山、元氏、赞皇、矿区8个县市区.  相似文献   

一、在水能资源开发利用管理方面的主要工作 上世纪末以来,由于管理体制不顺,贵州省的水能资源开发利用一度出现了“跑马圈河”、无序开发、破坏资源和生态环境等问题,引起了社会各界的广泛关注。在职能不明确的被动情况下,贵州省积极从立法层面寻求突破加强水能资源管理,有力促进了水能资源的科学有序开发和可持续利用。  相似文献   

李连法 《治淮》2002,(1):47-48
当今世界,以经济和科技为主要标志的综合实力的竞争,实质是人才的竞争。各类人才,特别是高层次人才已日益成为科技进步和经济发展的最重要的活力,并成为国家、地区、乃至企业在竞争中取胜的关键因素。因此,企业的发展必须重视人才、开发人才,建立良好的机制,激励人才发挥作用。  相似文献   

"十一五"期,出台了省政府规章《贵州省水能资源使用权有偿出让办法》(省政府令第100号,简称100号令)和规范性文件《省人民政府关于加  相似文献   

河北省水能资源理论蕴藏量1901.9MW,技术可开发量为1205.98MW,水能资源相对集中在太行山、燕山山麓的50多个山区县中。河北水电的历史可以追溯到建国前的抗日战争时期。在新中国成立60年来的各个历史阶段中,河北水电肩负着不同的历史使命,承载着几代水电建设者的智慧、心血和希望。截至2008年底,全省已建成水电站229处、装机365.458MW,全年发售电总收入1.3亿元,上缴税金850万元,拥有水电固定  相似文献   

本文介绍了重庆市的水能资源开发和管理现状,就如何进一步加强水能资源开发和管理工作提出了建议。  相似文献   

丁金水  马卫东 《治淮》1989,(2):28-30
河南省宝丰县河陈水库,过去乱捕乱炸成风,是全县有名的难管理单位。前年春天,新上任的水库领导人芮玉东有胆有识,果断决策。他上任后注意改善库群关系,以法加强渔政管理,水库面貌很快大变。目前,这座水库碧波荡漾,群鱼游跃。去年三月新投放的7万多尾大规格鱼种,年底捕捞出1.5公斤以上的成鱼15万公斤。这个水库在较短时间內取得新成绩,主要经验是:  相似文献   

张笑虹  王鹏 《小水电》1996,(4):11-13
为了适应改革开放形势及市场经济体制改革的需要,探讨了如何建立河北省新的小水电建设管理体制和政策。特别从改革施工指挥部形式,推行基础上法人责任制,改革监督工程师形式推行工程监督制度以及加强工程招标管理和严格规范招标投标制度诸方面进行了探讨。  相似文献   

地下水是我国特别是北方地区重要的供水水源,是保障水资源供给的重要压舱石和稳定器.20世纪70年代以后,我国地下水用水量快速增加,部分地区地下水不合理开发利用导致了一系列生态环境地质问题,威胁着经济安全、粮食安全和生态安全,影响区域可持续发展.加强地下水管理任重道远.新时期,进入新发展阶段、贯彻新发展理念、构建新发展格局...  相似文献   

一、2006年度贵州省农村水电发展的简要回顾(一)主要业务目标完成情况1.超额完成全省地方电力新增装机年度目标考核任务。2006年全省中小水电新增装机目标考核任务为10万kW,2006年实际完成新增装机18.8万kW,超计划目标任务88%。  相似文献   

As water has become the shortest resources in arid, semi-arid and rapid urbanization areas when the water resources utilization has approached or exceeded its threshold, water resources system slows down the socio-economic growth rate and destroys the projected targets to eradicate poverty and realize sustainable development. We put forward the concept of Water Resources Constraint Force (WRCF) and constructed a conceptual framework on it. Conceptual models on the interactions and feedbacks between water resources and socio-economic systems in water scarce regions or river basins indicate that, if the socio-economic system always aims at sustainable development, WRCF will vary with a normal distribution curve. Rational water resources management plays an important role on this optimistic variation law. Specifically, Water Demand Management (WDM) and Integrated Water Resources Management (IWRM) are considered as an important perspective and approach to alleviate WRCF. A case study in the Hexi Corridor of NW China indicates that, water resources management has great impact on WRCF both in Zhangye and Wuwei Region, and also the river basins where they are located. The drastic transformation of water resources management pattern and the experimental project – Building Water-saving Society in Zhangye Region alleviated the WRCF to some extent. However, from a water resources management view, WRCF in Zhangye Region still belongs to the severe constraint type. It will soon step into the very severe constraint type. In order to shorten the periods from the very severe constraint type finally to the slight constraint type, WDM and IWRM in the Hei River Basin should be improved as soon as possible. However, in the Shiyang River Basin, WRCF belongs to the very severe constraint type at present due to poor water resources management in the past. Though the socio-economic system adapted itself and alleviated the WRCF to some extent, the Shiyang River Basin had to transform the water supply management pattern to WDM, and seek IWRM in recent years. It is concluded that WDM and IWRM is a natural selection to alleviate the WRCF on the socio-economic system and realize sustainable development.  相似文献   

贵州东风发电厂在1999年3月通过国家电力公司安全文明生产达标验收后,又提出用3年时间创国家电力公司一流水力发电厂的奋斗目标.文章阐述了东风发电厂为实现创一流水力发电厂目标在确定发展战略、统一思想、改革机构、建立各项保障体系等方面工作的开展实施情况.  相似文献   

卢传杰 《山西水利》2010,26(5):3-4,11
<正>水是人类赖以生存和发展不可替代的资源,是经济和社会可持续发展的基础。改革开放以来,随着我国人口的增加、工业化进程的加快及经济的发展,水资源短缺问题日益凸现,目前,我国人均水资源占有量仅为世界人均水平的1/4,且分布很不均匀,在一定程度上严重影响到经济社会发展。在这种  相似文献   

A new method of participatory decision support that can be used in transboundary basins is presented. The framework of this method relies first on the creation of a transboundary geographic information system database to store hydrologic data and allow easy access to data from stakeholders. A participatory hydro-political framework is developed to help set up hydrologic models and evaluate joint water management scenarios. Results show that the countries of the Jordan River could benefit from the framework and in the case of southern Lebanon, six climate stations should be replaced or reactivated. Finally, the mechanism of a Lebanese Hydrologic Information System is presented and shows that an observation data model will facilitate science and policy integration.  相似文献   

美国加州水资源开发管理历史与现状的启示   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
从历史和现实的角度综合介绍了美国加利福尼亚洲水资源开发和管理中涉及的一些问题,如:水利工程多样化的产权特征;区域水行政机构在地区水事务中所发挥的重要作用;合理有效的统一调度水利工程;为解决水量问题而进行的地表水地下水的联合调度;强调生态环境保护的绝对优先地位等等,除此以外,还主要介绍了其成熟的水权体系、活跃的水权交换以及不健全的水市场,并对其有创造性的“干旱水银行”加以了着重介绍,最后基于这些问题,提出了几点思考,以期为我国目前的水资源开发管理提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

国际水资源保护和管理的最近动态——水与可持续发展   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
阐述了可持续发展及其要求 ,水在可持续发展中的作用 ,国际关于水资源保护和管理的最近动态。最后提出 ,可持续发展是经济社会以及人口、资源和环境的协调统一 ,应从根本上将“先污染后治理”及“防治污染”改为“避免污染”的战略 ;从传统的整体规划向机能整体性规划发展 ;保护和建立河流系统环境 ;着手研究和解决全球环境问题。  相似文献   

The competing demands placed on groundwater for socio-economic and for ecological benefits, and the resultant tradeoffs, represent a major challenge for the management arena. The governance of groundwater resources and the sustainable management of associated ecosystem services must take into consideration human and biophysical characteristics as intertwined systems. Frameworks and analytical tools are required to help understand complex governance regimes, and the linkages between management and the corresponding effects on ecosystem services. Presented in this paper is a framework for the analysis of groundwater governance based on the adaptive management approach and the ecosystem services concept. Governance can be analyzed on the basis of certain characteristics. One characteristic of a governance regime assumed to be crucial for adaptive and sustainable management is vertical integration, which refers to the connectedness of different administrative levels, including the involvement of non-governmental stakeholders in decision-making and planning processes. The framework was applied in the Upper Guadiana Basin in Spain, where the intensive use of groundwater has led to significant conflicts between farmers, authorities and environmental conservation groups. The analysis showed that conflicts arose from a lack of vertical integration; e.g., one-way communication between official authorities and the exclusion of local stakeholders during planning processes. The framework is deemed to be a strong analytical tool as it provides a basis for organized and context-specific case study assessment and renders complex groundwater management more transparent and comprehensible. The framework will be further applied and enhanced for application in international case studies.  相似文献   

Socioeconomic development often causes environmental and water related problems. Any solution requires knowledge, willingness and sufficient financial and technical means. Such capacity is limited in many developing and threshold countries. To identify opportunities for strengthening capacity in water and environmental management, we analysed University curricula, identified synergies between Universities and practice, explored the potential of vocational training and awareness raising, and developed regional concepts for risk communication. The results present ways how Universities can make capacity development in the water sector in Latin America more efficient. We recommend to modernize curricula, to strengthen vocational training, to intensify public involvement and cooperation with practice, and provide methodological advice for implementation.  相似文献   

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