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This paper refines and validates the predictions of a simplified analysis method for evaluating the potential of daylighting to save energy use associated with electrical lighting. Specifically, impacts on daylighting performance are investigated for several combinations of building geometry, window size, and glazing type for several US and international locations. The impact of both dimming and stepped daylighting controls and their settings are also investigated. Predictions from the simplified method are validated using measurements obtained from field-testing of a daylighting control system utilized to operate lighting fixture illuminating an office space.  相似文献   

沈涛 《山西建筑》2010,36(12):236-237
针对各环节应该注意的问题进行了阐述,着重对设计环节中照度的选择,光源、灯具的选取,镇流器的选择等问题进行了探讨,以期指导实践从而达到照明的优化节能。  相似文献   

《Building and Environment》2005,40(6):747-754
This paper provides a simplified analysis method to evaluate the potential of daylighting to save energy associated with electric lighting use. Specifically, impacts on daylighting performance are investigated for several combinations of building geometry, window opening size, and glazing type for four geographical locations in the United States. Four building geometries with various window-to-floor areas, along with different glazing types have been analyzed. It was determined that for most commercial buildings with glass transmittance values above 0.5, increasing window area to floor area ratio above 0.5, daylighting does not provide significant additional lighting energy savings. A direct correlation has been established between window transmittance and window area on annual lighting reductions. A model is proposed to estimate lighting energy savings given perimeter area, window area, and window type. Verification and validation of the model's predictions are demonstrated using results from building energy simulation as well as experimental data.  相似文献   

关于建筑电气照明节能的探讨   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
郭帅 《山西建筑》2009,35(3):230-231
通过对建筑电气照明系统节能原则以及节能技术方法的介绍,结合照明行业的现状,分析了照明节能要达到目标,需要从电气照明技术研发、推广和人们节能观念意识改变等方面采取相应的节能措施,以形成节能技术的良性循环。  相似文献   

基于节能视角的生态屋顶形式的应用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
阐述了绿色建筑的含义,探讨了绿色建筑通常体现的几个方面,详细地介绍了生态屋顶的进一步发展,指出生态屋顶为节能减排、改善城市生态环境、创建人与自然的和谐家园开辟了新的途径.  相似文献   

传统的暖通空调领域节能措施着眼于从能源系统、输送系统、空气处理系统、控制系统等方面去提高能源效率,节能效果受到许多因素制约。如果从非能源效率节能思路出发,去提高手术效率、改进手术方式、改变医疗模式、改革医院体系、降低非医疗能耗等,节能途径更多,节能效果更大,可取得多赢的局面。只有从能源效率和非能源效率两方面综合考虑,才能更有效地推动我国医院手术部的节能降耗。  相似文献   

Understanding of how occupants of non-domestic buildings use electric lighting, gained from behavioural studies, indicates that the mere provision of daylighting is unlikely to lead to its useful uptake. It is suggested that the design of appropriate electric lighting control systems, including those requiring occupant action, can be related to occupancy patterns of space use and daylight availability in the space and that provision of such systems should be seen as ‘active daylighting’. It is also suggested that design for ‘active daylighting’ requires more accurate prediction of daylight availability in interiors.  相似文献   

9月8日,金色的秋月。国际水泥论坛在上海国际会议中心隆重召开。来自世界各地的600多位水泥专家聚首上海,共研水泥工业可持续发展大计。  相似文献   

This article presents key energy use figures and explores the energy saving potential for electric lighting in office buildings based on a review of relevant literature, with special emphasis on a North European context. The review reveals that theoretical calculations, measurements in full-scale rooms and simulations with validated lighting programs indicate that an energy intensity of around 10 kWh/m2 yr is a realistic target for office electric lighting in future low energy office buildings. This target would yield a significant reduction in energy intensity of at least 50% compared to the actual average electricity use for lighting (21 kWh/m2 yr in Sweden). Strategies for reducing energy use for electric lighting are presented and discussed, which include: improvements in lamp, ballast and luminaire technology, use of task/ambient lighting, improvement in maintenance and utilization factor, reduction of maintained illuminance levels and total switch-on time, use of manual dimming and switch-off occupancy sensors. Strategies based on daylight harvesting are also presented and the relevant design aspects such as effects of window characteristics, properties of shading devices, reflectance of inner surfaces, ceiling and partition height are discussed.  相似文献   

关于屋面建筑节能设计措施的分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
结合目前我国建筑节能的设计现状,对屋面节能设计措施进行了探讨,并详细介绍了屋面生态节能措施,太阳能屋面以及采暖供热系统的节能措施,为提高屋面的保温隔热性能提供了参考。  相似文献   

刘国臣  姜海 《山西建筑》2013,(3):201-202
针对新加坡政府在建筑屋面节能方面的做法进行了介绍,分别阐述了屋面绿化,屋面双层板隔层,小型浅水池等节能设计的效果及做法,对我国建筑物节约能耗,减少成本具有很好的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

浅析丙烯酸屋面反射节能涂料技术   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
介绍了一种具有保护和节能效果的白色丙烯酸屋面涂料技术。该涂料可对底下的各种耐候性不佳的防水材料进行有效保护,从而延长屋面使用寿命;可有效反射太阳光,降低室内空调能耗;还可降低施工、维护综合成本。  相似文献   

夏季室内环境空调控制下的热工对比试验证明:屋顶绿化可使屋顶内表面平均温度降低3℃、内表面温度波幅降低80%以上、屋顶传入室内的热流量减少70%以上,绿化的附加当量热阻可达1.0 m2.K/W,有效地改善了室内热环境、减少了空调能耗。  相似文献   

将建筑照明系统作为降低建筑能耗的切入点,分析了现有照明系统存在的问题,从利用自然采光、使用高效光源、完善自动控制系统等方面,阐述了建筑照明系统的节能优化措施,从而达到降低能耗的目标。  相似文献   

黄华义  辛崇飞 《门窗》2009,(4):45-47
本文介绍了建筑采光顶在实际使用中因外部积雪引起采光不良与超过设计荷载造成的安全隐患,主要探讨了电加热玻璃在采光顶玻璃中除雪除冰功能的应用优势。  相似文献   

董承秀 《山西建筑》2007,33(18):69-70
以一空腹式张弦梁采光顶工程为背景,通过对普通桁架、普通张弦梁和空腹式张弦梁三种不同类型的采光顶支承结构进行对比分析,得出采用空腹式张弦梁结构不仅能够得到良好的经济效果,而且能使结构设计与建筑功能完美结合。讨论了垂跨比、初始预应力度对空腹式张弦梁结构受力性能的影响。  相似文献   

近年来,一些电力供应充足的冬季采暖地区在电力部门的鼓励支持下,开始尝试较大面积的居住建筑用电采暖。那么,采暖居住建筑用电采暖究竟是否可行?什么条件下可用电采暖?回答这一问题,应从技术性能、安全适用、经济及居住建筑采暖耗热量等多方面综合考虑。当前制约大面积建筑用电采暖的主要环节,也是大家最关心的是其经济性。地处严寒地区的沈阳、抚顺等城市的一些采暖住宅及公用建筑,近几年采用了电采暖方式,本文根据了解到的一些情况试就居住建筑用电采暖提出几点看法。1非节能建筑不宜用电采暖1.1电采暖与传统锅炉采暖两种供…  相似文献   

计量供热对建筑节能的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
结合计量供热的特点,分析了不同外墙保温形式的优缺点,并利用内部结露验算,比较了外墙外保温与内保温的差别,提出了节能建筑内墙保温的必要性。  相似文献   

论述屋面混凝土因温度应力原因的开裂漏水问题,认为防治漏水和节能要结合起来综合考虑,提出对屋顶进行保温隔热是解决屋面漏水的治本措施的观点。分析非采暖地区和采暖地区常见的屋面漏水情况,并提出具体的应对措施。分析常用保温隔热材料存在的问题,探讨屋顶构造发展的方向,重点介绍上海、广东、武汉三地生产的以聚苯乙烯泡沫板作为底板,水泥砂浆等硬质材料作为面板的复合板产品,及其性能特点、防水机理和施工方法。  相似文献   

民用建筑的电气节能设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙东敏 《山西建筑》2008,34(9):257-258
针对建筑节能工程的特点,阐述了建筑电气节能应遵循的原则,从高效节能光源的选用、高效节能照明灯具的选用、节能电器附件的选用等方面介绍了照明节能设计要点,以期做到合理使用能源,提高能源利用效率的目的.  相似文献   

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