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This study followed 243 younger brothers and younger sisters of parenting teens and nonparenting teens across a 1.5-year period. The average age of siblings was 13.6 years at Time 1 and 15 years at Time 2. Relative to other youths, the sisters of parenting teens exhibited a sharp increase in drug and alcohol use and partying behavior across time and had the highest pregnancy rate at Time 2 (15%). The siblings of parenting teens spent 10 hr a week caring for their sisters' children, and, for girls, many hours of child care was associated with negative outcomes including permissive sexual behavior. Findings suggest that the younger sisters of parenting teens are at very high risk of early pregnancy and that this risk becomes increasingly pronounced across time. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The claim that depressed mothers have distorted, inflated perceptions of their children's problems has been made with increasing frequency in recent years. This review explicates the significance of the depression?→?distortion controversy, introduces a set of standards for evaluating distortion claims, and uses these standards to evaluate the key characteristics of 22 studies that have published data directly relevant to the distortion question. None of the studies that claimed evidence for a depression?→?distortion influence on mothers' ratings of their children met the necessary and sufficient criteria for establishing distortion. This review challenges the empirical foundation for the widely held assumption that depressed mothers have distorted perceptions of their children's problems. Issues that will require reckoning in future efforts to explain the depression?→?distortion question are considered. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Thirty-seven identified abusive mothers were matched on demographic and socioeconomic parameters with a known nonabusive comparison sample in order to examine the role of parenting stress and maternal social support. The mothers were assessed using a personal (demographic) questionnaire, the Parenting Stress Index (PSI), and the Maternal Support Index (MSSI). Demographic data showed that the two groups were comparable on all variables except abusive mothers had significantly more children (p = .01). Abusive mothers showed significantly more stress on total PSI scores (p = .005), as well as in all three of the subjects: Child Domain (p = .007) Parent Domain (p = .02), and Life Stress (p = .016). Abusive mothers scored lower in all seven items on the MSSI. The difference was significant on the MSSI as a whole (p = .007) and on four subsets: number of people to count on in time of need (p = .02), perceived neighborhood support (p = .04), satisfaction with spousal relationship (p = .01), and degree of community involvement (p = .03). The greatest percentage (74.32%) of correct predictions of child abuse was achieved by combining the number of children, the Life Stress Scale and the MSSI. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine if mothers display identifiably different communicative styles in their interaction with their normally developing two- to five-year-old children. In order to investigate this issue an extensive coding system was developed, which assessed the structural organization and the communicative function of the speech of 71 mothers as they interacted with their children. By means of factor analysis three maternal communicative styles were distinguished: non-intervening, explaining and directing. In the non-intervening style there is no direct pressure from the mother on the child to respond verbally. The explaining mother is primarily concerned with providing information to her child in a way that gives the child little opportunity to take the speaking turn. The directing mother is mainly engaged in directing the child's behaviour by means of verbal control. The internal consistency of the three communicative styles appeared to be both satisfactory and related to relevant child and mother features.  相似文献   

The present study assessed interactions between anxious mothers and their children, using observational techniques to elucidate potential mechanisms of anxiety transmission. Results revealed that anxious mothers were less warm and positive in their interactions with their children, less granting of autonomy, and more critical and catastrophizing in comparison with normal control mothers. Maternal anxiety status appeared to be the primary predictor of maternal warmth during interactions. Child anxiety status was most predictive of maternal granting of autonomy behavior. Maternal behaviors exhibited during interactions were the most salient predictors of child anxiety. Interventions focusing on family interactions that take into account the contributions of both members of the dyad may be more effective in curbing transmission than interventions that solely address maternal or child symptomatology. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

There are two types of homologous enzymes catalysing the dismutation of the superoxide radical--Cu-Zn superoxide dismutases, and manganese or iron superoxide dismutases. In the latter two forms there is a high percentage of identity in the primary structures, and the tertiary structures are very similar particularly in the areas of the active site and in the residues responsible for the formation of the dimer. The quaternary structure of the dimer is also highly conserved. However, it has been found that despite this conservation there is strong metal ion specificity and many enzymes in the family will only be active if the correct metal ion is present. The purpose of this study has been to analyse solved X-ray structures for interactions common in both the manganese and iron forms and those that are specific to each, which may indicate reasons for the metal ion specificity. Initial analysis points to the probability that it is a combination of a number of residues, and not necessarily the same ones in every instance, which confer the specificity. In addition we have identified some anomalies in the currently available Fe/MnSOD structures which may require further remodelling and refinement.  相似文献   

In close relationships, the association between negative beliefs about a partner and loving was found to be moderated by how that negative knowledge was organized. In general, evaluatively integrative organization (i.e., categorizing positive and negative beliefs together) was associated with more positive thoughts, feelings, and behaviors toward the partner when the negative content of beliefs was high and relationships were relatively long. Additional evidence suggests that compartmentalization (i.e., organizing positive and negative beliefs in separate categories) may be an effective strategy for handling negative beliefs about a partner in a new relationship. Findings for behavioral closeness raise the possibility that the nature of shared activities, as well as an individual's cognitive processes, may influence how knowledge about a relationship partner is organized. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

This study examined the relationship between mother–grandmother relationship quality and adolescent mothers' parenting behaviors using longitudinal multimethod, multi-informant data. Participants were 181 urban, African American adolescent mothers. Self-report data on mother–grandmother relationship conflict and depressive symptoms were collected after delivery and at 6-, 13-, and 24-month follow-up visits. Videotaped observations were used to measure mother–grandmother relationship quality at baseline. Mother–child interactions were videotaped at 6, 13, and 24 months to operationalize parenting. Mixed-model regression methods were used to investigate the relation between mother–grandmother relationships and mother–child interactions. Mother–grandmother relationship quality predicted both negative control and nurturing parenting. Mothers whose own mothers were more direct (both demanding and clear) and who reported low relationship conflict demonstrated low negative control in their parenting. Mothers who demonstrated high levels of individuation (a balance of autonomy and mutuality) and reported low relationship conflict showed high nurturing parenting. The implications of these findings for adolescent health and emotional development are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Many studies indicate that children in middle-class families have healthier eating habits than children in lower class families. Class differences in food rules, which parents and especially mothers impose on their children, may underlie these social inequalities in food consumption. The present study uses education as a classifying variable and analyses whether mothers with higher education prescribe more "healthy" foodstuffs for their children and whether they restrict more "unhealthy" food items than less educated mothers. Moreover, the study examines whether higher class mothers consider health aspects more often and the preferences of their family members less often in their choice of food, and whether class differences in these considerations explain class differences in food rules. To answer these questions, questionnaires on the food practices of 849 women living in middle-class or lower class districts in Maastricht (the Netherlands), Liège (Belgium) and Aachen (Germany) were collected and analysed. The majority of mothers in each city prescribed primarily foods that were served at dinner like meat and vegetables, and most mothers limited their children's consumption of sweet foods, soft drinks and snacks. Higher class mothers restricted more foods, but prescribed as many food items as their lower class counterparts. Class differences in the number of restricted foods were partly, but not completely, explained by class differences in health and taste considerations. Despite national variations in dietary habits and possibly in the education of children, class differences in food rules and the explanatory power of health and taste considerations were comparable in the three cities.  相似文献   

It has been demonstrated that individuals who have been inequitably treated in 1 relationship will redress that inequity in another relationship with a 2nd partner. The present research, using 72 female college students, investigated whether such effects continue into 3rd-partner relationships and whether knowledge of who will allocate outcomes in the 3rd-partner relationship has an effect on the S's allocation in the 2nd-partner relationship. In addition, a decison-making model for inequitably treated individuals was proposed and tested. Results indicate that inequitably treated individuals redress previous inequities in 3rd-partner relationships but that knowledge of who will allocate outcomes in future relationships has no effect on allocational behavior in present relationships. Evaluation of the decision-making model indicated that anger and the importance an inequitably treated individual attaches to fairness for another person are the operative variables in the decision to transrelationally redress inequity. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

We proposed that expressing gratitude would increase positive perception of a relationship partner, thereby increasing comfort in expressing relationship concerns, which is a form of relationship maintenance. Study 1 (n = 159) showed a relationship between naturally occurring expressions of gratitude and comfort in voicing relationship concerns. Study 2 (n = 178) provided longitudinal evidence for direction of effects because Time 1 gratitude expression predicted Time 2 comfort in voicing relationship concerns, controlling for baseline comfort in voicing relationship concerns. Study 3 (n = 225) showed that expressing gratitude to a friend did increase voicing relationship concerns, compared with positive thought and neutral control conditions. In Study 4 (n = 74), we explored the mechanism through a longitudinal, experimental design and found that participants assigned to express gratitude reported higher comfort voicing concerns and more positive perception of partner than did control participants. Moreover, positive perception of partner mediated the relationship between condition and comfort in voicing relationship concerns. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Physicians are generally aware of the use of bypass pumps during open heart surgery and of the intraaortic balloon pump in treatment of cardiogenic shock. In selected research centers, other advanced methods of cardiopulmonary support are being introduced. Some devices such as the total artificial heart fail clinical trials and disappear from use. Others, like some of the partial artificial hearts, improve outcomes and gain wider clinical use. Some devices temporarily support the circulation in patients recovering from acute circulatory collapse, whereas others provide longer-term circulatory support for patients awaiting transplantation. Permanently implanted devices provide circulatory assistance in cases of chronic, debilitating heart failure. Technology to support lung function in the setting of acute respiratory failure, allowing healing to take place, is also under study. Radiologists should be familiar with the operating principles and radiographic appearances of these emerging techniques to maintain their role as consultants to cardiopulmonary specialists.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Many computer software developers and vendors claim that their systems can directly improve clinical decisions. As for other health care interventions, such claims should be based on careful trials that assess their effects on clinical performance and, preferably, patient outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To systematically review controlled clinical trials assessing the effects of computer-based clinical decision support systems (CDSSs) on physician performance and patient outcomes. DATA SOURCES: We updated earlier reviews covering 1974 to 1992 by searching the MEDLINE, EMBASE, INSPEC, SCISEARCH, and the Cochrane Library bibliographic databases from 1992 to March 1998. Reference lists and conference proceedings were reviewed and evaluators of CDSSs were contacted. STUDY SELECTION: Studies were included if they involved the use of a CDSS in a clinical setting by a health care practitioner and assessed the effects of the system prospectively with a concurrent control. DATA EXTRACTION: The validity of each relevant study (scored from 0-10) was evaluated in duplicate. Data on setting, subjects, computer systems, and outcomes were abstracted and a power analysis was done on studies with negative findings. DATA SYNTHESIS: A total of 68 controlled trials met our criteria, 40 of which were published since 1992. Quality scores ranged from 2 to 10, with more recent trials rating higher (mean, 7.7) than earlier studies (mean, 6.4) (P<.001). Effects on physician performance were assessed in 65 studies and 43 found a benefit (66%). These included 9 of 15 studies on drug dosing systems, 1 of 5 studies on diagnostic aids, 14 of 19 preventive care systems, and 19 of 26 studies evaluating CDSSs for other medical care. Six of 14 studies assessing patient outcomes found a benefit. Of the remaining 8 studies, only 3 had a power of greater than 80% to detect a clinically important effect. CONCLUSIONS: Published studies of CDSSs are increasing rapidly, and their quality is improving. The CDSSs can enhance clinical performance for drug dosing, preventive care, and other aspects of medical care, but not convincingly for diagnosis. The effects of CDSSs on patient outcomes have been insufficiently studied.  相似文献   

Correlated measures of therapist empathy (N. Kagan's, et al, Affective Sensitivity Scale, the Interpersonal Checklist, A. Langield's Role Construct Repertory Test, R. Carkhuff's Empathetic Understanding in Interpersonal Process Scale, and the G. Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory) with each other, with R. Carkhuff and B. Berenson's Self-Exploration in Interpersonal Process Scale, and with the Tennessee Self-Concept Scale and MMPI measures of outcome. With the possible exception of client-perceived and tape-judged empathy, the empathy measures were unrelated to each other, indicating that previous research has been measuring several different variables employing a common label. Only tape-judged empathy was related to depth of self-exploration. Client-perceived empathy was strongly related to therapy outcome, tape-judged empathy less so, and the remaining empathy measures were unrelated to outcome. Implications for research methodology and for therapeutic theory are discussed. (28 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate whether social support from family and friends (family/friend support) attenuated ("buffered") adverse effects of having low spouse support (spousal support) among mothers of children undergoing hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT). Design: One hundred sixty-three married mothers who were their child's primary caregiver during treatment completed assessments during the child's hospitalization for HSCT and 3-, 6-, and 12-months post-HSCT. Measures: Family/friend support and spousal support were assessed during hospitalization. Maternal physical and mental health-related functioning (the main outcome measures) were assessed at all timepoints. Results: Multilevel modeling was used to analyze trajectories of maternal functioning. Findings indicated that mothers with low spousal support and low family/friend support demonstrated the worst functioning across all timepoints. Mothers with low spousal support and high family/friend support demonstrated significantly better functioning, supporting the hypothesized buffering effect. Their functioning compared to the functioning of mothers with high spousal support. Moreover, mothers with high family/friend support demonstrated trajectories of physical health-related functioning that were more stable than the trajectories of mothers with low family/friend support. Conclusion: These findings have clinical implications in addition to advancing knowledge of social support processes among couples coping with the shared stressor of a child's life-threatening illness and treatment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The development of children's verbal communication about feeling states was studied by analyzing naturally occurring conversations at home. The data were recorded during two longitudinal studies. In Study 1, 43 second-born children were observed with mother and older sibling at 18 and 24 months. In Study 2, 16 firstborn children were observed with mother and younger sibling at 25 and 32 months. Both studies showed that by 2 years of age, the majority of children referred to a range of feeling states in self and other, and they discussed the cause of feeling states in a variety of contexts (including pretend games). References to feeling states made by mother and older sibling when the target child was 18 months were positively correlated with the target child's speech about feeling states at 24 months. Both mothers and older siblings mentioned feeling states more frequently to girls than to boys. By 24 months, the girls themselves referred to feeling states significantly more often than boys. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Thirty Chinese mothers of adult children with moderate to severe mental retardation were interviewed to explore the source and nature of their stress and social support. Results revealed child-related and parent-related stress specific to these mothers. The most common stressors were future planning and behavioral problems of the target offspring. Mothers received tangible, emotional, and informational support mainly from family members and training center staff. Some evidence was also found for the optimal-matching model of stress appraisal and social support. Regardless of the duration of stress, all forms of support were perceived as equally useful for uncontrollable stress, whereas tangible support was regarded as more useful than informational support for controllable stress.  相似文献   

This research compared the social and cognitive development of young mothers when they were children with the social and cognitive development of their offspring. Intergenerational development was investigated over a 17-year period for 57 women who had been studied longitudinally from childhood to adulthood and who became young mothers (R. B. Cairns & B. D. Cairns, 1994). The children of these women, in turn, were followed prospectively from 1 to 2 years old through the early school years. The academic competence of mothers when they were children was significantly linked to the academic competence of their children at school age. In contrast, the across-generation correlations between measures of aggressive behavior of the mothers when they were children and measures of aggressive behavior of their children in early school grades were modest and unreliable. Certain within-generation continuities were observed in both cognitive and aggressive development.  相似文献   

Marital separation can be a time of extreme stress and can significantly disrupt support networks and support processes when they are needed most. The purpose of this investigation was to test mechanisms of support erosion in a multimethod study of 138 divorced mothers and their confidants. Previous work was extended by using observational measures of confidant support in a process model including (a) maternal characteristics over time, (b) support person characteristics, and (c) relationship characteristics (intimacy and confidant relationship type). A hypothesized mechanism of erosion was supported in which ongoing maternal distress was positively associated with levels of confidant negativity, which in turn was related to lower levels of observed support. Having a partner was related to more intimacy than was having family and friends. Contrary to expectation, however, having a partner was related to lower levels of support, and intimacy was not related to observed support.  相似文献   

Explored the dynamic aspects of maternal language instruction and first language learning. 10 boys and 10 girls between 1 and 5 yrs of age were observed with their mothers in their middle-class homes. 11 types of motivating techniques and 5 types of instructional activities could be reliably differentiated. The frequencies of motivating techniques remained unchanged with the child's increasing age and language level, whereas the frequencies of the mother's instructional activities declined significantly. Meaningful intercorrelations of the motivating techniques attested to the mutual adaptation of mothers and children. Significant intercorrelations of the types of contents taught suggested maternal teaching styles. Motivating techniques and contents of instructions were only weakly related, indicating that instructional strategies can be combined rather flexibly. (37 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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