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Ni-base superalloy IN 718 was cyclically oxidized in laboratory air at temperatures ranging from 750 to 950 °C for up to 12 cycles (14 h/cycle). The kinetic behaviour as well as the surface morphology, and the oxide phases of the scales were characterized by means of weight gain measurements, cyclic oxidation kinetics, scanning electron microscopy equipped with energy dispersive spectroscopy (SEM-EDS), and X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis techniques. The results showed that as the oxidation temperature increased, the oxidation rate, the external scale thickness, and internal oxidation zone increased. It was suggested that the oxidation rate was controlled by the diffusion of substrate elements in the alloy and the inward diffusion of oxygen through the oxide scale. The oxidation kinetics followed a sub-parabolic rate law and, the activation energy of oxidation was 249 ± 20 kJ mol?1. The scaling process was controlled mainly by the diffusion of chromium, titanium, manganese, and oxygen ions through the chromia scale. IN 718 showed low weight gain and very slow reaction rates of substrate elements at 750 °C. At 850 °C, a continuous and very thin oxide scale was formed. At 950 °C, XRD and EDS-elemental mapping analysis revealed that a complex oxide scale had formed. It consisted of an outermost layer of TiO2?CMnCr2O4 spinels, inner layer of Cr2O3, and the inner most layer composed of Ni3Nb enriched with Nb, Ti and Al oxides underneath the chromia layer. The oxide scale at this temperature seemed to be thicker layer, significant spallation and volatilization had apparently occurred, and greater internal corrosion was identified. The doping effect of titanium was observed, where it was found to be diffused through the chromia scale to form TiO2 at the oxide-gas interface as well as internally and at the oxide alloy interface. The amount of rutile (TiO2) at the oxide surface increased with temperature. In view of Mn contents in the alloy, the manganese?Cchromium spinel oxide was inferred to have played an important role in cyclic oxidation behaviour of IN 718, where the change in oxidation kinetic was noted. The Al contents would cause internal Al-rich oxide formation at grain boundaries.  相似文献   

SPHC钢高温空气氧化动力学的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用热重法研究了SPHC钢在500~1050℃之间的高温空气氧化动力学.通过扫描电镜对氧化层的形貌和厚度进行了观察,利用X射线衍射仪和激光拉曼光谱仪对氧化层进行了相结构分析.结果表明:SPHC的高温空气氧化动力学曲线符合抛物线规律.570℃以下氧化时,氧化层主要由Fe3O4和Fe2O3组成;570~80HD℃之间氧化时,氧化层由极薄的Fe2O3外层,Fe3O4中间层和靠近基体的FeO组成,FeO层厚度占整个氧化层的90%以上;900℃氧化时,FeO层中出现许多颗粒状的Fe3O4小颗粒.  相似文献   

高温合金氧化膜破坏的界面断裂力学分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
雷明凯  徐忠成  杨辅军  高峰 《金属学报》2004,40(10):1104-1108
依据双材料模型分析高温合金氧化膜的应力状态,确定了氧化膜弯曲剥落的最大挠度与氧化膜压应力间关系.利用界面断裂力学理论,建立了高温合金氧化膜剥落的弯曲图.镍基高温合金氧化表面剥落的Al2O3氧化膜,在界面粗糙度参数A为0.3—0.4,临界弯曲指数Пc为1和临界粘附性指数∑e为1.15时,弯曲剥落特性与实验结果相符.高温合金氧化膜的弯曲图合理解释了氧化膜的弯曲剥落过程。  相似文献   

采用无机盐料浆法在涡轮发动机叶片材料表面制备渗Al涂层试样,对其进行1000℃,200h高温氧化性能试验,利用扫描电镜和光镜对氧化后的涂层表面形态进行了观察,并绘制了氧化动力学曲线和拟合氧化动力学方程。结果表明:料浆渗Al涂层形成的氧化膜在一定程度上改善了合金的抗氧化性能,延长了合金的使用寿命。试验过程中,氧化膜出现裂纹甚至产生微观通道而导致防护性能下降,说明氧化膜与基体间的微观结构与涂层的抗氧化性密切相关。  相似文献   

DZ40M钴基合金铝化物涂层的循环氧化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以新型定向凝固钴基高温合金DZ40M为基体,研究其低压化学气相沉积铝化物涂层的循环氧化行为,发现该涂层具有较高的抗循环氧化性能,涂层与基体结合良好。涂层退化主要是由外表面氧化膜的愈合消耗Al源所造成,沉积渗剂中加入Ti可加速涂层的退化。  相似文献   

Oxidation of Metals - Nimonic 75 alloy was coated with two different types of coatings: chromo-aluminized coating and Zr-doped chromo-aluminized coating. Diffusion coating was carried out by pack...  相似文献   

采用热重法并结合SEM、EDAX等分析手段,研究了预氧化温度对GH3128合金抗高温(1100℃)循环氧化性能的影响。结果表明:在适当温度下进行预氧化处理可有效提高合金的抗高温循环氧化性能。GH3128合金经预氧化处理后抗高温循环氧化性能的优劣主要取决于两种因素的综合作用,其一是合金表面元素Cr的选择性氧化,形成致密均匀的保护性预氧化膜,提高合金抗高温循环氧化性能;其二是合金中元素Ti、Cr的晶界偏析加剧,加速晶界氧化并导致显微裂纹等缺陷产生,降低合金的抗高温循环氧化性能。900℃预氧化处理的GH3128合金试样具有最佳的抗高温循环氧化性能,该温度下预氧化膜形成较好且合金元素Ti、Cr的晶界偏析作用相对较弱。  相似文献   

用最小二乘法对渗硅TiAl基合金在900、1000、1100和1200 ℃的循环氧化数据进行了拟合.结果表明:渗硅TiAl基合金900 ℃氧化在所测试的118 h内氧化动力学曲线呈抛物线规律;1000 ℃氧化在0~50 h之间呈抛物线型规律,50~118 h之间呈直线型氧化规律;1100 ℃氧化在0~4 h之间呈抛物线型规律,4~8 h之间呈直线型氧化规律,8~16 h呈二次型加速氧化规律,16 h出现剥落现象;1200 ℃循环氧化在0~4 h呈二次型加速氧化规律,4 h后出现剥落现象.相应的氧化速率常数为:900 ℃时Kp≈4.924×10-5 mg2cm-4h-1,1000 ℃时Kp≈7.778×10-5 mg2cm-4h-1,1100 ℃时Kp≈9.392×10-2 mg2cm-4h-1.并对渗硅层在温度超过1000 ℃后的氧化机制进行了初步探讨.  相似文献   

通过恒温氧化实验研究氢化锆在O2中,450~600℃温度范围内的氧化行为,分析温度和时间对氧化膜生长速度的影响规律。结果表明,氢化锆在O2中450~600℃温度范围内,表面形成氧化膜厚度的平方(D2)与时间(t)的关系曲线呈良好的线性关系,氧化反应动力学符合Wagner理论模型中的抛物线生长规律。氧原子在氧化膜中的扩散过程为氧化反应的控速步骤。扩散系数与温度遵循Arrhenius定律,扩散激活能为18724.5J/mol,据此判断氧原子在氧化膜中的扩散机制以晶界扩散占主导。  相似文献   

Cyclic-oxidation tests were performed on IN-625 in order to evaluate its oxidation resistance. IN-625 showed a strong cyclic-oxidation resistance at 900°C. At 1000°C, there was evaporation of chromium oxide leading to Cr depletion due to a reoxidation effect. Long-term exposure leads to microstructural modification; it seems to be detrimental. The chromia scale losses its protective properties and then IN-625 exhibits lower cyclic-oxidation resistance. The computer simulation by the COSP model, after 1000 cycles, predicts good cyclic -oxidation resistance of IN-625 at 900°C.  相似文献   

CVD aluminide coatings deposited on a Directionally Solidified (DS) substrate were oxidized at 1,100 °C up to 240 h under isothermal and cyclic oxidation conditions to study the growth mechanisms of the oxide scales and the possible degradation of the coatings. The specimens were investigated using light and scanning electron (SEM) microscopy, energy-dispersive spectrometry (EDS) and X-Ray Diffraction (XRD). The results indicate that the coatings provide a much greater beneficial effect under isothermal conditions than upon cycling. The cycled specimens undergo oxide-scale spallation and increased roughening, which can derive from growth and thermal stresses as well as from the NiAl → Ni3Al phase transformation associated with Al depletion. Under isothermal conditions, typical oxide scales formed with the appearance of some rumples. However, the origin of rumpling is uncertain from these experimental results.  相似文献   

Oxidation of Metals - The oxidation behavior of superalloy IN 713 fabricated by metal injection molding (MIM) was investigated and compared with standard cast material plus hot isostatic pressing...  相似文献   

An investigation has been carried out into the effects of steam on the adhesion of oxide scales grown on four different chemical compositions of high speed steels. The oxidation tests were carried out in a thermobalance at 650 °C for up to 14.4 ks. The mass gain of the specimens increased with increasing contents of water vapour, and in no case were parabolic kinetics obeyed. Increasing the alloy chromium content reduced the oxidation rate in dry conditions but increases in the V and W content had no effect. In moist conditions, the alloys containing increased Cr and W had the lowest oxidation rates followed by the alloy with increased V levels, however these effects were small. The ??adhesion?? of the oxide scale was determined using indentation with a Rockwell C diamond and the pull adhesion test to determine the interfacial toughness and the tensile strength of the oxide metal bond, respectively. Generally, the results of the investigation indicated that oxide adhesion was lowest for the specimens exposed to dry conditions, and that with increasing water vapour content, the scale was more adherent. It is noteworthy that whereas the scale formed in dry conditions spalled at the metal oxide interface, that formed in moist gas failed cohesively within the scale, mostly at the Cr spinel/magnetite interface. Examination of the fractured scale after indentation shows that the outer oxide layer became more porous as the water vapour content of the gas increased. Indentation test results showed that an increase in the V concentration was deleterious to oxide adhesion in both the dry and wet environments, whereas an increase in the Cr-content had little effect on adhesion. The results with the pull test were less clear.  相似文献   

Breakaway detection was performed with acoustic emission on Zy-4 sample oxidized at 700 °C under Ar/O2 atmosphere. After breakaway, 42 % of hits had an energy value greater than a transition energy set to 0.3 fJ. These events were associated to the cracking process in the oxide layer. The transition energy was ten times smaller than that obtained in the Ti/TiO2 system. The difference was related to the fissuring mode in the oxide scale: the cracks being located at the metal oxide interface in the case of titanium oxide and in the oxide scale for the Zy-4 case. The Zy-4 oxide scale was stratified with numerous small and wavy lateral fissures, which is contrary to the titanium oxide case where the lateral cracks were periodic, straight and continuous through the oxide layer. Acoustic emission signatures of the small decohesions in the oxide layer of Zy-4 appeared to be less energetic than the interfacial debonding occurring in the Ti/TiO2 system.  相似文献   

喷丸处理Zr-4合金氧化膜组织和氧化动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用高能喷丸技术获得表面处理的Zr-4合金,并对其在673 K,18.3 MPa的高压釜中腐蚀,通过XRD、SEM、AFM分析喷丸处理后Zr-4合金形成的氧化膜与普通Zr-4合金形成的氧化膜的成分、形貌、表面粗糙度、晶粒尺寸大小及应力分布等.发现喷丸处理后的Zr-4合金晶粒尺寸减小,并改善了锆合金的耐腐蚀性能.  相似文献   

对某镍基时效强化高温合金在750-950℃,100 h进行静态恒温氧化研究,结果表明,合金在750-950℃氧化100 h的氧化动力学均近似服从抛物线规律。合金900℃和950℃发生内氧化。合金外氧化膜组成:Cr2O3、NiCr2O4、少量NiO和微量TiO2,内层氧化物为少量的Al2O3和TiO2。  相似文献   

Ni-based superalloys added with comparably higher concentrations of single-doped Hf and co-doped Hf/Y are prepared by vacuum induction melting (VIM). The oxidation properties up to 300 h at 900 °C, 1000 °C, and 1100 °C are investigated. The undoped alloy exhibited a minimum oxidation rate at 900 °C and 1000 °C. The co-doped alloy showed a higher oxidation rate; however, it possesses better scale adhesion, and no spallation occurs. Hf-doped alloy showed a lower oxidation rate and better scale adhesion at 900 °C and 1000 °C, but exhibited a shorter lifetime at 1100 °C. The spallation of the Hf-doped alloy is attributed to the precipitation of the HfO2 in and beneath the oxide scale. The spallation in the undoped alloy is accredited to the thermal expansion mismatch between the growing oxide scale and superalloy substrate. Incorporating two reactive elements (REs) in alloy minimized the precipitation of RE oxide in the oxide scale, diminished internal oxidation in the alloy, and decreased oxide scale spallation.  相似文献   

Li  M. J.  Sun  X. F.  Guan  H. R.  Jiang  X. X.  Hu  Z. Q. 《Oxidation of Metals》2004,61(1-2):91-104
Oxidation of Metals - The isothermal oxidation behavior of a (Ni,Pd)Al coating was investigated in air over the temperature range of 800–1150°C by means of TGA, XRD, SEM/EDS. The...  相似文献   

Angenete  J.  Stiller  K. 《Oxidation of Metals》2003,60(1-2):83-101
The spallation behavior of oxides formed during isothermal oxidation at 1050°C of one simple (PWA73) and three Pt-modified (RT22, SS82A and MDC150L) aluminide diffusion coatings on the same Ni-base, single-crystalline superalloy (CMSX-4) was investigated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission-electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that the main spallation mechanism was the formation of large Kirkendall voids at the oxide–coating interface. It is believed that the void formation was caused by counter-current flow of vacancies to the diffusion of Ni away from the interface as Al is consumed by the oxide. The magnitude of the vacancy current was determined by the oxidation rate. The properties of the void-formation mechanism are discussed in view of previous data on the microstructure of the oxide scales.  相似文献   

高温合金Al-Si涂层抗高温氧化性能的研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
采用热扩散的方法 ,在K4 38高温合金表面制备了Al Si涂层。经 10 0 0℃× 5 0 0h高温氧化性能试验结果表明 ,K4 38镍基高温合金表面的涂层 ,在高温氧化过程中已转变成致密完整的α Al2 O3氧化层和富铝的 β NiAl和富镍的β NiAl化合物层 ,与基体金属的粘附性良好。Al Si涂层中Si元素的扩散和合理分布能有效的抑制β相的生长 ,延长涂层的退化速度 ,使涂层获得更佳的抗高温氧化性  相似文献   

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