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近年来,金属泡沫、石墨泡沫等多孔功能材料因具有低密度、高导热、耐高温和耐腐蚀等特点而被广泛关注和研究。为了简化石墨泡沫内流动阻力的预测计算,根据石墨泡沫材料微孔的空间几何结构,对比颗粒填充床流动模型的Ergun型方程,建立面心立方(Face centered cubic,FCC)泡沫模型,以流速、孔隙率和比表面积分别相等则流动阻力相等为假设,推导了多孔泡沫孔径与颗粒床粒径间的对应关系,提出了适用于多孔泡沫介质内流动阻力预测的扩展Ergun方程。用所得方程进行了验证计算,并与数值模拟结果作了比较分析。 相似文献
设计了基于参数估计法测定多孔介质热湿迁移特性的实验测试装置,在多孔介质局部含湿量和温度的实验测试数据基础上的波动通过参数估计算法得到了砂土的热湿迁移特必数据,此外,还对参数估计算法中的几个问题进行了分析探讨。 相似文献
微通道技术是芯片冷却最具前景的技术之一。本文采用数值模拟的方法对比分析了不同孔隙率(ε=0.2~0.8、ε-rise和ε-drop)多孔鳍歧管微通道流动传热特性。结果表明:多孔鳍可以显著降低歧管微通道流动阻力,最高超过20%。但随着入口速度增加,压降降低效果逐渐减弱。在研究的孔隙率变化范围内,ε=0.4和ε=0.6的多孔鳍歧管微通道综合性能更好。基于芯片最高温度评价,ε-rise案例相比ε=0.4案例热阻更低,压降更高;且随着入口速度增加,热阻优势得到强化,压降劣势逐渐缩小。与ε=0.4案例相比,ε-rise案例在压降仅高1.4%的情况下,热阻降低8%。 相似文献
田一含;崔晨;高诏诏;陈六彪;王俊杰 《低温工程》2024,(2):8-14+77
设计并加工了一种具有流阻小、无运动部件的多孔平衡流量计,在使用初步实验数据验证建立的仿真模型准确性基础上,仿真分析了入口流速、液氢过冷度、内壁面粗糙度、入口气相含率对流出系数、压力损失系数和空化特性的影响。结果表明,在孔板结构和取压方式一定时,雷诺数决定了流体的流态和空化现象,过冷度影响了空化的发生条件,粗糙度影响了流体的摩擦阻力,气相含率影响了流体的密度。 相似文献
实际生产生活中使用到的多孔泡沫材料通常都是非均质的,文章建立了多孔泡沫材料均质与非均质模型,结合场协同理论,从速度与温度梯度矢量的协同关系出发,分析了多孔泡沫材料内部单相流体对流强化换热的物理机制,研究了孔隙率、孔密度以及空气流速对流体顺流方向协同性能的影响。研究表明:场协同原理适用于分析多孔泡沫材料的强化传热机制;多孔泡沫材料孔隙中心与骨架后缘处的协同程度最好,骨架侧缘协同程度最差(协同角接近90°);非均质多孔泡沫材料孔壁附近协同程度较差,相同条件下全场平均场协同角比均质泡沫大;多孔泡沫材料越均匀全场协同情况越好,在相同流速、孔隙率和孔密度下,均质泡沫材料全场平均协同角余弦值可达非均质泡沫的1.2倍。计算结果表明,空气流速为3m/s时,孔隙率为0.8、0.85和0.9的多孔泡沫材料强化传热强度分别是普通平直翅片的3.3倍、1.9倍和1.2倍。该研究对新型散热器设计具有指导意义。 相似文献
用恒热流法测定多孔介质的热质迁移特性参数 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3
设计了一种测定多孔介质热质迁移特性的实验装置。通过测定该装置中多孔介质的局部温含量和温度,结合恒热流下一维半无限大多孔介质热质迁移微分方程的解,得到了石英砂、玻璃珠等多孔介质的质扩散系数、热质扩散系数、名义热扩散系数、名义导热系数等热质迁移特性参数以及这些参数随湿含量、温度的变化。此外,还讨论了加热功率、初始湿含量等因素对测量的影响。 相似文献
多孔介质的动态润湿特性是一个极具价值和挑战的研究命题,其包含表面铺展和内部渗透两方面。为更好地了解多孔介质的动态润湿特性,通过烧结制备了不同比例铝镁混合多孔介质,在此多孔介质上进行了液滴动态润湿可视化实验,并通过量纲分析法研究了表面铺展特征及铺展中直径与时间的关系。结果表明:铝镁多孔介质无论是否经过腐蚀,介质上的液滴铺展直径和时间都遵从幂函数规律,但依据烧结所用铝粉粒径不同和镁粉比例不同,氢氧化钠腐蚀作用对铺展过程产生两种相反影响。同时发现,当We数和Oh数较小时,液滴在铝镁混合多孔介质上存在二次铺展。第一次铺展时间较长,铺展后期存在短时间停滞现象,然后开始第二次铺展。第二次铺展时间较短,铺展速度有所减小。铺展完毕后,液滴开始收缩,直径减小。通过量纲分析发现液滴达到最大无量纲铺展直径的条件是惯性力为零而非毛细力与表面张力平衡,因此由经典的Lucas-Washburn’s方程得到的最大无量纲铺展直径与无量纲时间的关联式与实验结果偏差较大。经分析得到了更为符合实验规律的关联式:D~Kt1/3。 相似文献
Antonio Rodríguez‐Ferran Josep Sarrate Antonio Huerta 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2004,59(4):577-596
Numerical modelling of porous flow in a low‐permeability matrix with high‐permeability inclusions is a challenging task because the large ratio of permeabilities ill‐conditions the finite element system of equations. We propose a coupled model where Darcy flow is used for the porous matrix and potential flow is used for the inclusions. We discuss appropriate interface conditions in detail and show that the head drop in the inclusions can be prescribed in a very simple way. Algorithmic aspects are treated in full detail. Numerical examples show that this coupled approach precludes ill‐conditioning and is more efficient than heterogeneous Darcy flow. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Nicholas Zabaras Deep Samanta 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2004,60(6):1103-1138
A stabilized equal‐order velocity–pressure finite element algorithm is presented for the analysis of flow in porous media and in the solidification of binary alloys. The adopted governing macroscopic conservation equations of momentum, energy and species transport are derived from their microscopic counterparts using the volume‐averaging method. The analysis is performed in a single domain with a fixed numerical grid. The fluid flow scheme developed includes SUPG (streamline‐upwind/Petrov–Galerkin), PSPG (pressure stabilizing/Petrov–Galerkin) and DSPG (Darcy stabilizing/Petrov–Galerkin) stabilization terms in a variable porosity medium. For the energy and species equations a classical SUPG‐based finite element method is employed. The developed algorithms were tested extensively with bilinear elements and were shown to perform stably and with nearly quadratic convergence in high Rayleigh number flows in varying porosity media. Examples are shown in natural and double diffusive convection in porous media and in the directional solidification of a binary‐alloy. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Mohammad Sarraf Joshaghani;Beatrice Riviere; 《International journal for numerical methods in engineering》2024,125(4):e7396
This paper presents a numerical study of immiscible, compressible two-phase flows in porous media, that takes into account heterogeneity, gravity, anisotropy and injection/production wells. We formulate a fully implicit stable discontinuous Galerkin solver for this system that is accurate, that respects maximum principle for the approximation of saturation, and that is locally mass conservative. To completely eliminate the overshoot and undershoot phenomena, we construct a flux limiter that produces bound-preserving elementwise average of the saturation. The addition of a slope limiter allows to recover a pointwise bound-preserving discrete saturation. Numerical results show that both maximum principle and monotonicity of the solution are satisfied. The proposed flux limiter does not impact the local mass error and the number of nonlinear solver iterations. 相似文献
H. Ben Ameur G. Chavent F. Cheikh V. Martin J. E. Roberts 《Inverse Problems in Science & Engineering》2018,26(1):1-32
Faults and geological barriers can drastically affect the flow patterns in porous media. Such fractures can be modelled as interfaces that interact with the surrounding matrix. We propose a new technique for the estimation of the location and hydrogeological properties of a small number of large fractures in a porous medium from given distributed pressure or flow data. At each iteration, the algorithm builds a short list of candidates by comparing fracture indicators. These indicators quantify at the first order the decrease of a data misfit function; they are cheap to compute. Then, the best candidate is picked up by minimization of the objective function for each candidate. Optimally driven by the fit to the data, the approach has the great advantage of not requiring remeshing, nor shape derivation. The stability of the algorithm is shown on a series of numerical examples representative of typical situations. 相似文献
采用数值模拟方法建立计算机CPU翅片散热器相同尺寸的金属泡沫模型,研究了矩形管内插入金属泡沫后的流动和换热性能。研究表明,数值模拟结果与文献实验结果吻合较好;开槽深度对金属泡沫换热性能具有明显影响,在低雷诺数下,努塞尔数随着无因次高度H/D(开槽深度和迎风面水力直径比值)的增加而减小;在高雷诺数下,努塞尔数随着H/D的增加先增大后减小,H/D在0.146~0.438范围内,努塞尔数比不开槽金属泡沫的大。引入基于渗透率的雷诺数整理数据得到了管内填充开槽金属泡沫的强制对流换热准则方程。 相似文献
为解决烧结材料工作过程中形成的动压油膜易渗流进多孔基体进而导致润滑性能变差的问题,采用粉末冶金工艺制备了具有不同孔隙结构的复层烧结材料,以期实现高承载能力与良好润滑性能的统一。首先,基于Darcy定律建立了极坐标下该复层烧结材料的流体润滑模型,利用有限差分法进行数值模拟,考察了不同转速下表面Darcy流动对油膜润滑特性的影响;然后,在油润滑工况下进行端面摩擦试验,以验证模拟结果。结果表明:复层烧结材料的油膜润滑性能明显优于普通单层烧结材料,且在一定孔隙率范围内,随着表层孔隙率降低,复层烧结材料的润滑性能变得更好;计入表面Darcy流动时复层烧结材料的油膜润滑性能相对改善,改善效果随转速增加而渐趋显著;摩擦试验与数值分析所得结论具有较好的一致性。研究工作可为复层烧结材料的摩擦学性能分析与结构设计提供一定的理论基础。 相似文献
Recently, analytical solutions of a nonlinear Fokker–Planck equation describing anomalous diffusion with an external linear force were found using a non extensive thermostatistical Ansatz. We have extended these solutions to the case when an homogeneous absorption process is also present. Some peculiar aspects of the interrelation between the deterministic force, the nonlinear diffusion and the absorption process are discussed. Received: 30 March 2000 相似文献