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Being able to visualize both spatial and nonspatial data is becoming increasingly important to today's Internet users. Spatial data viewers and query tools can aid in visualization, but they should also let users access data instantly and with minimal effort. The authors explore new ways to allow visualization of data stored in a central server database on a simple client. They also consider usage scenarios in which transferring the whole database to the client for processing isn't feasible due to the amount of data on the server, insufficient computing power on the client, and a slow link between the two  相似文献   

提出加权支持度和加权偏爱度用来准确反映用户的访问兴趣.其中,专家给定网页的语言评估被刻画成相应的模糊语言变量,使用模糊模拟的方法把这些模糊语言变量转化成表示网页重要性的权重.为了避免用户重要浏览信息的丢失,建立包含所有用户浏览信息的频繁链表加存权树(FLAAT),并从中挖掘用户偏爱的浏览模式.此外网页上的浏览时间也是反映用户兴趣和偏爱的一个重要因素,它被表示成相应的模糊语言变量,因而所获得的带有模糊浏览时间的用户偏爱浏览路径更能反映用户的兴趣和偏爱.  相似文献   

WWW对大量数据查询的一种实现   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文介绍了WWW数据库访问技术,并对各种技术进行分析和比较,最后针对新华书店发行集团网站设计需求,采用SAP技术实现数据的分布传输。  相似文献   

Web日志挖掘中的数据预处理的研究   总被引:40,自引:1,他引:40  
为了更加合理地组织Web服务器的结构,需要通过Web日志挖掘分析用户的浏览模式,而Web日志挖掘中的数据预处理工作关系到挖掘的质量。文章就此进行了深入的研究,提出一个包括数据净化、用户识别、会话识别和路径补充等过程的数据预处理模型,并通过一个实例具体介绍了各过程的主要任务。  相似文献   

在Web数据挖掘研究领域中,Web日志挖掘是一个极其重要的应用方面,而数据预处理技术在Web日志挖掘中又起到非常重要的作用.介绍Web日志文件的记录格式和Web日志挖掘预处理的一般过程,针对实际应用中遇到的问题提出一种解决方法,最后给出算法代码.  相似文献   

Web使用数据挖掘中数据预处理的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Web使用数据挖掘是为网站经营管理和结构调整提供决策支持的主要手段。其中的数据预处理工作关系到挖掘的质量。文章就此进行了深入的研究,提出了一个预处理工具模型WUMPA。并针对预处理过程中动态页面跟踪、站点结构表示和会话管理等难点问题进行了进一步分析,提出了一个网站结构数据模型SITEDM和一个高效的会话管理算法session_manager。  相似文献   

Web日志挖掘中数据预处理的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
针对框架式页面存在的问题,对数据预处理过程进行了改进,在数据清洗和用户识别部分添加了页面过滤部分,同时对预处理过程中的页面过滤算法和用户识别策略也进行了改进。  相似文献   


The World Wide Web is increasingly being used by libraries as a way to extend traditional services to patrons. The Web can also be used as a tool to facilitate communications between library professionals and to deliver presentations, organize exhibits, and develop demonstration projects. The allocation of personal Web work space on a library server provides librarians with a means to experiment with using the medium and a place to publish information of interest to the library profession. This paper explores the uses of the Web to enhance communications between library professionals and addresses some of the issues associated with such uses.  相似文献   

Web使用挖掘:从Web数据中发现用户使用模式   总被引:15,自引:3,他引:12  
1.引言在Web(因特网)上进行交易具有简易、快速、高效等特点,基于Web的电子商务正以飞快的速度发展着。尤其是面向最终用户的B2C模式的电子商务,正面临着一场革命性的改变。最新的技术已能够追踪用户的浏览行为,这就使得商家有能力为每个用户定制个性化的产品,从而出现大规模定制(mass customiza-tion)的现象。以上所描述的还只是Web使用挖掘  相似文献   

随着网络化时代的到来,人们越来越关注Internet上的各种功能,为此本文对基于Inyternet的WWW网的组织,浏览器,地址编排和工作原理作了简要的概述。  相似文献   


An analysis of Web citations was performed to examine three aspects of scholarly and research communication: use of authoritative information, use of correct citation style, and availability of the cited sources for the purpose of verification. Results of the study indicate that a database or a repository of Web citations needs to be established.  相似文献   

吴瑞 《计算机工程》2006,32(5):43-45
指出了一种加权的Web挖掘技术,从Web日志中发现语义限定的加权序列模式,每个网页由不同的专家给出语义上的需要性评估,这些语义评估再被转化成表示权重的模糊集。最后由用户指定语义上的最小支持度和最小偏爱度进行挖掘,这种语义上的输入和输出更自然,更易被理解。最后通过一个例子描述了所提出的方法。  相似文献   

Progressive Transmission of Vector Map Data over the World Wide Web   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Within distributed computing environments, access to very large geospatial datasets often suffers from slow or unreliable network connections. To allow users to start working with a partially delivered dataset, progressive transmission methods are a viable solution. While incremental and progressive methods have been applied successfully to the transmission of raster images over the World Wide Web, and, in the form of prototypes, of triangular meshes, the transmission of vector map datasets has lacked a similar attention. This paper introduces a solution to the progressive transmission of vector map data that allows users to apply analytical GIS methods to partially transmitted data sets. The architecture follows a client-server model with multiple map representations at the server side, and a thin client that compiles transmitted increments into a topologically consistent format. This paper describes the concepts, develops an architecture, and discusses implementation concerns.  相似文献   

Web日志数据挖掘的数据预处理方法研究   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:17  
主要介绍了Web用户访问日志数据挖掘数据预处理过程,综述了国际上的研究现状。流行的预处理方法。在对用户访问行为的合理假定基础上,最后提出了基于综合最大前向参引模型和时间窗口模型的新方法。  相似文献   

《Computers & Education》2001,36(1):33-40
The World Wide Web has impacted the educational model in a fundamental way and forced educators to think of ways that this technology can be used to improve teaching effectiveness. This paper describes an implementation of the continuous improvement philosophy in a graduate level Operations Analysis class by using the web to obtain immediate and systematic feedback from students on lecture and other course activities. The feedback obtained is analyzed to determine how the delivery and content of the course can be improved. In the short-term the response is to address immediate problems or difficulties encountered by students. In the long-term a fully searchable web site with references to readings, audio/visual modules of class lectures, problem solutions and frequently asked questions (FAQ) materials is to be developed. Technology issues and the lessons learned from the experiment are discussed.  相似文献   

We describe the design and performance of a caching relay for the World Wide Web. We model the distribution of requests for pages from the web and see how this distribution affects the performance of a cache. We use the data gathered from the relay to make some general characterizations about the web.  相似文献   

Alliance is a structured cooperative authoring application that allowspeople spread out across different locations to work together on documentproduction and maintenance. It uses the World Wide Web as an infrastructureto accomplish distributed document management, asynchronous group awareness,and communication and cooperation among distributed authors. A particularfeature of Alliance is that it can handle temporary disconnections from thenetwork without disrupting the cooperative editing. In this article wereport our experience in designing and implementing Alliance, focusing onthe mechanisms that needed to be developed in order to support cooperativeauthoring using the Web.  相似文献   

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