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Kopplungsstrategien für Anwendungssysteme im Krankenhaus   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The realization of specific coupling strategies and integration techniques is discussed exem-plarily for a university hospital, the Universitätsklinikum Leipzig (UKL) in Germany. The integration of the central patient management system serving the administrative department with the clinical workplace systems serving hospital wards is presented. We analyse the integration with respect to the underlying theoretical conceptions and discuss information management issues for deployment and maintenance of the overall IT infrastructure. This paper presents the pros and cons of synchronous and asynchronous patient data replication, the practical experience with the deployment of a communication server, and the experience with using an RFC interface, a proprietary interface to the enterprise resource planning system SAP R/3. Both, organizational and technical issues are addressed in this context.  相似文献   

Komponentenbasierte Anwendungssysteme haben in der betrieblichen Praxis mittlerweile eine wechselvolle Geschichte durchlaufen: Anfangs als „Best-of-breed” und „Silver Bullet” proklamiert, schl?gt das Pendel in jüngerer Vergangenheit deutlich zu Gunsten gro?integrierter Systeme (meist) eines Anbieters zurück.  相似文献   

As there are a lot of system dependent methods for physical tuning of a database, up to now, systematic procedures to increase the performance of database applications are quite rare. Two different strategies are discussed in this paper to solve this problem. On the one hand a systematic approach for the tuning procedure is described. On the other hand we present a reference process model supporting the forward-oriented software performance engineering approach.  相似文献   

Beziehungsmarketing aus Kundensicht   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Relationship Marketing from a Customer’s Perspective Companies need a wealth of personal data in order to address customers in a targeted manner. Utilizing IT enables them to directly address customers in order to increase sales by improving customer retention. The use of personal data becomes problematic when customers decline the use of their data. If companies ignore their customers’ privacy preferences, their chances of retaining them with targeted offers decline. In this paper, we first identify opportunities and drawbacks of individualization measures from a customer’s perspective based on the findings of a qualitative survey. The results of a quantitative survey illustrate how people’s general attitude toward personal data transmission determines their perception of personalization measures.
Engereicht am 2006-05-12, nach fünf überarbeitungen angenommen am 2006-10-15 durch die Herausgeber des Schwerpunktthemas.  相似文献   

In diesem Beitrag werden Erfahrungen aus der Zertifizierung der neuen und sich erst entwickelnden Technologie qualifizierter Fernsignaturen diskutiert. Als Bestätigungsstelle hat A-SIT diese, wie auch ähnliche Lösungen aus anderen Staaten bescheinigt. Kernaussage des Beitrags ist, dass Fernsignaturen gleiche Sicherheit erreichen können und Chipkarte teils überlegen sind, die Zertifizierung aber auch auf die Spezifika der Technologie eingehen muss. Es wird erläutert, dass die in eIDAS unterschiedlichen Zertifizierungsgrundlagen aus Sicht A-SIT Sinn machen.  相似文献   

Mit dem „Gesetz zur Neuregelung der Telekommunikationsüberwachung und anderer verdeckter Ermittlungsma?nahmen sowie zur Umsetzung der Richtlinie 2006/24/EG“ wurde zum 1.1.2008 die Vorratsdatenspeicherung von Telekommunikationsverbindungsdaten eingeführt. Gegen diese gesetzliche Regelung führt der vorliegende Beitrag nicht nur erhebliche verfassungsrechtliche Bedenken, sondern auch Vorbehalte gegen bestehende Regelungsdefizite ins Feld.  相似文献   

Despite the positive impact of information and communication technology (ICT) on an individual, organizational, and societal level (e.g., increased access to information, as well as enhanced performance and productivity), both scientific research and anecdotal evidence indicate that human-machine interaction, both in a private and organizational context, may lead to notable stress perceptions in users. This type of stress is referred to as technostress. A review of the literature shows that most studies used questionnaires to investigate the nature, antecedents, and consequences of technostress. Despite the value of the vast amount of questionnaire-based technostress research, we draw upon a different conceptual perspective, namely neurobiology. Specifically, we report on a laboratory experiment in which we investigated the effects of system breakdown on changes in users?? levels of cortisol, which is a major stress hormone in humans. The results of our study show that cortisol levels increase significantly as a consequence of system breakdown in a human-computer interaction task. In demonstrating this effect, our study has major implications for ICT research, development, management, and health policy. We confirm the value of a category of research heretofore largely neglected in ICT-related disciplines (particularly in business and information systems engineering, BISE, as well as information systems research, ISR), and argue that future research investigating human-machine interactions should consider the neurobiological perspective as a valuable complement to traditional concepts.  相似文献   

Ubiquitous Computing aus betriebswirtschaftlicher Sicht   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
This paper identifies and analyses potential business benefits of ubiquitous computing (ubicomp). Its aim is to challenge whether the growing visibility of topics such as ubiquitous or pervasive computing, automatic identification (Auto-ID) and radio frequency identification (RFID) can be justified from a business perspective. To do so it analyses the business contribution of existing ubicomp applications, reconstructs their development phases, introduces the business relevant base-functionalities and discusses implications on the design of products, processes and services using ubicomp applications. The creation of an alternative and rather cost efficient machine-machine-relation between already established information systems and the real world things they try to manage has been identified as the main source of business benefit. However, before businesses can systematically leverage all potential benefits, some technical and political questions, such as creating robust solutions and solving privacy issues, have to be answered.  相似文献   

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